)■ \ tliUiE TWKNTr-FOUB THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1,1M 4 R un iKanrl^^at^r lEitJfnitts ll^ralh A irm itt n IT The Weather Vor Ute Week I Forecatet at V.'B, WaatMta !Mia Oeefly ttiglaad, , a stu­ a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. he pleaded not guiltT and Rockville. He 1» represented by Ctetaker 81, 1N4 About Town dent at Bllmira College, New Philip Savva, Norwich. 12th Circuit walvad examination to *bounts Hamilton Files the law firm of Butler, Volpe, School Census York, daughter of Mr. and BIRTHS TODAY: A son to of breaking and entering with Garrity and Sacco. Clear, eeUer toalght, Mr. and Mrs. Kermeth Cooper, 14,101 Vf'W Post membera and Mrs. Cecil W. England, 364 criminal Intent. lahapt waa be­ For Bankruptcy Comes tcrEnd 85; mostly Mniagr, thou 151 Chestnut St. ■uaata who plan to attend the Main St, is attendlag Drew &>urt Cases ing held by police In lieu of a p tlw Audit cloudy tomorrow, high DISCHARGED ’FESTER- Vataran’a Day Dinner »pon* Vnivemity for a semester of 8600 blndover bond ordered by Town Notified •f Oreolutlou DAY: Mrs. Solange P. Apple- Hugh ft. Hamilton of 848 Ver­ Hie Mancheeter School At­ Mmchetter— A City o f Villdgo Chmrm aoivd by the Ladles Auxiliary special study on the United Na­ Judge Stanley Yesuklewicz. tions. In addition to classroom ton, East Hartford; Oeoffney J. MANOnESTER SESSION non St. today filed a voluntary tendance Department thia mor­ •ra requested to»caIl their re- Isham’s charges stem from Of Injury Oaim Mrvatlons In by Friday to MrA study, she will have the oppor­ lAdue,' East Hartford; Deborah Ralph hreneman, 32, of South petition for bankruptcy In Hart­ ning aeked all local parcnte ef an Aug. 28 break Into the ((^Matfled AdvertMug on Page 18) Kary May Rowe. 248 Wood- tunity to sit in on working Tiztani, Stafford Springs; Sher­ Coventry, waa sentenced to four children, from infapta' throiBih VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 82 (TWENTY PAGES? MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER «, 1964 PRICE SEVEN CENTS parts of the UN and to speak ry Bousquet, East Hartford: VFW Home on E - Middle ford’s U.8. District Court and Mra. Lydia B. Lcmd of 86 bildga S t, chairman, or to the months In the State Jail at 7'pke. and another into the tne case has been referred to age 17, edio have not been con­ post home. with visiting diplomats. James Lyman, Wapplng; Quen4 Hartford Rd. has served notice tin Hagedom, 110 Qlenwood Hartford after pleading guilty Sears A Roebuck store at the Referee 'In Bankruptcy Saul upon the town of alleged Injur­ tacted by echool censua anumer- Seidman. Chapman Court . Order of St.; Mrs. Lulu Dennis, 47 Au­ to a charge of embezzlement by Parkade In which money, ies received on Oct. 27, result­ stora to call the achool depart­ Wtondship Lod(e oC Masons liquor (VFW break) and a 22 Hamilton lists liabilities at ing from a fall at Cedar and ment before Nov. 16. Steelworkers Split Revealed will sponsor “ Ladies Night’ Amaranth, will meet tomorrow tumn St.; Frederick C. Rose, agent. Events at 7:45 p.m. at Masonic Tem­ Coventry. caliber revolver (Sears) was 85,869.50 and assets at 875. Pleasimt Sts. The annual achooL anumera- tonight at 7:30 at the Masonic 'The case disposition stemmed reported taken. Two others are Among his secured creditors Mrs. Land, in a letter filed in tion, aa required by Connecticut Temple. The purpose is to pro­ ple. There will be initiation of DISCHARGED TODAY; Mrs. candidates. Refreshments will Theodora E. Holcomb. 74 Sll- from a charge Involving money awEdting court action on the are the U.S. Government and the general manager’s office, State Law, began on Oct. 1, with Nixon, vide the ladies and other guests Sears break. the State of Connecticut for names Atty. Vincent L Diana with a better understanding of be served. verwood Rd., Vernon; Mrs. 'shortage at a Broad St. firm six authoiiaed enumerators In State Doris I. McKee, 38 Elsie Dr.; In two court trials, Fred­ taxes of 8794.56; also, taxes to u her counsel, and claims that making house-t<vhouae calla. Ancient Free Masonry. The here and a previous three- the Toym of Manchester for meeting is <^>en to members, VFW Auxiliary will meet to­ Mrs. Virginia Cooper, Coven­ erick Brandt, 52, of 68 Spruce her fall was caused by a long- The six, CEurying Idaiitiflcation months suspended sentence in 8722jq. There are many small, existing defective sidewalk and cards signed by Supt. of Schools Key Ford Plants St., w u found g;uilty of failure their ladys and friends. Tick­ morrow at 7 p.m. at John F. try: Elliott L. Randall. 152 this court for fraud charges to drive in a proper Isme and unsecured creditors in Manches­ curb. William H. C u i^ , are Mrs. Na­ Yale Discovers ets are not required, Tierney Funeral Home, 219 W. Loomis St.; Mrs. Irene A. Ben­ against the Stale Welfare De­ Center St., to pay respects to nett, 243 Center St.; Ralph M. w u ' fined $24; while Alvin A. ter. She listed her injuries as a dis­ talie McIntosh, Mrs. Florence partment, It WM reported. Skoog, 20, Andover, was found Hamilton, who formerly op­ located left shoulder, * contu­ Baldt, Mrs. Gertrude Farrell, Stolen Items WorM Obmmunlty Day will William Smith, whose mother Cooke, 40 Hartland Rd.; Elaine GOP Control Fight Is a member of the auxiliary. Royal Isham Jr., 21, of 136 not ^ I t y to charges of hunt­ erated Spruce St. Market, has sions, abrasionb, and a deep- Mrs. Marie Szetela, Mra. Helen be held tomorrow at 10 Am. at R. Simao, Wapplng: Mrs. Ora M. Bickford, Columbia; Mrp. Bissell St., was bound over to ing on Sunday and hunting listed his occupation u machin­ seated nervous and systemic McCarthy and Mra. P r ills Community Baptist Oiurch. Hartford Superior Court after without a license. ist at Controlmatics Corp. of shock. Heritage. Idled by New Strike NEW HAVEN (AP)— Ihe service is open to all wom­ VFW Auxiliary will sponsor Sadie E. Wild. South Wlnd.sor; a card party tomorrow ‘at 8 Mrs. Grace Clough, Tolland; Yale University says it has NEW YORK (AP)—The^ The people cannot accept»>where he is vacationing, Rocke-^ Nixon’s statement was shar^ en. There will be a coffee hour him as leader,” Nixon said, feller said Nixon was being ly at odds with statements at­ p.m. at the post home. Mrs. Maria Gallagher and discovered eight rare a at 9:15 Am. There wdll be nur­ battle for control of a dis­ "after refusing to go to bat in ■-‘neither factual nor construc­ tributed to him in the current sery facilities.. daughter, Wapping; Mrs. DETROIT (AP) — Thet“ Uln« days’ supplyily of cars and.and^Chicago Heights, Hi., and Buf­ Greek manuscripts stolen rupted Republican party a tough year." He added that if tive. is.sue of Newsweek magazine, Helen M. Joslln and daughter, falo, N.Y. A u to W orker. 2 from the library of Santa has broken into the open, Rockefeller should lend his sup­ "This is a time for construc­ remarks which he denies mak­ Royal Black Preceptory will Tolland; Mrs. Brenda M. Hoo­ At the St. Louis assembly Hospital Notes Union ftruck nine key Ford Iglesua Mayor del Pilar at with a bitter exchange be­ port to anyone against GOP na­ tive rebuilding of the Republican ing. mast tomorrow at 8 p.ni, at ver and daughter, 91 Wetherell Denise, Ford vice president and plant, a strike deadline ot 11 tional chairman Dean Burch, St.; Mrs. Suzanne L. Terry and Co. 'plants today over un­ chief negotiator, said: “ The a.m. Monday was set. A Ford' Sargossa, Spain, in a Yale tween former Vice Presi­ party as a vital force Iq. the The magazine quoted him as Orange Hall. "it would be the kiss of death.” mainstream of American politi­ .saying; "This is what’s going to VMUng hours are 2 to 8 p.m. son. East Hartford. Pinehurst Anniversary settled local agreements. strikes called this morning spokesman said, "They appar­ library. dent Richard M. Nixon and Nixon’s remarks apparently cal life,” 'Rockefeller .said. happen. It will take a couple ot Reservations are still open for in all areas excepting matern­ The UAW shut down four against Ford Motor C3o. are ently were so close to agree­ The librarian, Herman E. New York Gov. Nelson A. were in answer to a statement "The nomination of the Gold- months for the dust to settle. the Manchester Italian Amer­ ity where they are 2 to 4 p.m. PLEASE JOIN US IN THIS 2 WEEKS OF assembly plants, two stamping completely unnecessary . ment they decided to put off Liebert, said "the manuscripts and 6:30 to 8 p.m, and private "In most of these local nego­ using their strike authoriza­ were acquired in 1957 in good Rockefeller. by Rockefeller earlier calling water-Mlller ticket divided the Then Barry will be dropped like ican Club setback tournament CELEBRATION DAYS plants and three parts manufac­ Nixon, who campaigned wide­ for Goldwater to step down im­ Republican party sf» severely a hot potato. rooms where they are 10 Am. Bids Re jected turing. plants aa some 2,000 tiations which have failed to tion.” The UAW said It had faith from a highly respected which begins tonight at 8 at ly for Barry Goldwater, the un- mediately as head of the Repub­ that, despite the efforts of Re­ "Rockefeller, Lodge and Cliff the club.
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