92316 lim1-14 int NB.pdf page 1 de 14, Mars 6, 2013 17:07:17 Preface | i Robert Grosseteste and His Intellectual Milieu Robert Grosseteste (ca ÞÞìÿ–Þ2Îñ) has many claims on our attention. As a theolo- gian, philosopher, scientist, translator, educator, pastor, and bishop he left an endur- ing mark on the scholarly, ecclesiastical, and political life of England. This volume focuses on his place in the intellectual life of his time and on his written legacy. It includes scholarly editions and English versions of Grosseteste’s On Light, his Latin translation of John of Damascus’s Dialogue of the Christian and the Saracen, and his Sermon Ìï on the Ten Commandments – three texts which demonstrate the range of their author’s thought and make important contributions to their respective fields. Introductions to Grosseteste’s sermons to the Friars Minor and to his exten- sive collection of dicta survey what is known about these texts and what may be deduced about the circumstances of their production. Essays on Grosseteste’s work as a theologian and philosopher address his ideas on free will, human dignity, and spirituality. His intellectual milieu is explored in a section on medieval science and natural philosophy in chapters that discuss Grosseteste’s relationship to the work of Ptolemy, Richard Fishacre, Richard Rufus, Robert Kilwardby, and Adam of Exeter. The volume ends with an account of Grosseteste’s early modern reputa- tion and the role it played in religious disputes centuries after his death. 92316 lim1-14 int NB.pdf page 2 de 14, Mars 6, 2013 17:07:17 ii | Trial, Condemnation, and Censorship 92316 lim1-14 int NB.pdf page 3 de 14, Mars 6, 2013 17:07:17 Trial, Condemnation, and Censorship | iii PAPERS IN MEDIEVAL STUDIES 2Ï Robert Grosseteste and His Intellectual Milieu New Editions and Studies Edited by JOHN FLOOD, JAMES R. GINTHER, and JOSEPH W. GOERING PONTIFICAL INSTITUTE OF MEDIAEVAL STUDIES 92316 lim1-14 int NB.pdf page 4 de 14, Mars 6, 2013 17:07:17 iv | Trial, Condemnation, and Censorship Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication International Robert Grosseteste Society. Conference (2ÿÿñ : Lincoln, England) Robert Grosseteste and his intellectual milieu : new editions and studies / edited by John Flood, James R. Ginther, and Joseph W. Goering. (Papers in mediaeval studies ; 2Ï) Papers previously presented at the 2ÿÿñ conference of the International Robert Grosseteste Society, held at Bishop Grosseteste University College, Lincoln, England. Includes bibliographical references and index. Includes texts in Latin and Greek, with English translation. ISBN ÜìÌ-ÿ-ÌÌÌÏÏ-Ì2Ï-Ì Þ. Grosseteste, Robert, ÞÞìÎ?–Þ2Îñ – Criticism and interpretation – Congresses. 2. Philosophy, Medieval – Congresses. ñ. Theology – England – History – Middle Ages, ïÿÿ–ÞÎÿÿ – Congresses. Ï. England – Intellectual life – Þÿïï–ÞÏÌÎ – Congresses. I. Grosseteste, Robert, ÞÞìÎ?–Þ2Îñ II. Flood, John, ÞÜìñ– III. Ginther, James R. IV. Goering, Joseph, ÞÜÏì– V. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies VI. Title. VII. Series: Papers in mediaeval studies ; 2Ï BìïÎ.GìÏIÎÌ 2ÿÿñ ÞÌÜ’.Ï C2ÿÞñ-ÜÿÞÞñÌ-2 © 2ÿÞñ Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies ÎÜ Queen’s Park Crescent East Toronto, Ontario, Canada MÎS 2CÏ www.pims.ca MANUFACTURED IN CANADA 92316 lim1-14 int NB.pdf page 5 de 14, Mars 6, 2013 17:07:17 Trial, Condemnation, and Censorship | v Contents Abbreviations vii Acknowledgments x Contributors xi JAMES R. GINTHER Introduction Þ Part One Grosseteste as Theologian and Philosopher NEIL LEWIS Libertas arbitrii in Robert Grosseteste’s De libero arbitrio ÞÞ METTE LEBECH AND JAMES McEVOY† Robert Grosseteste’s Understanding of Human Dignity ñÏ JOSEPH W. GOERING Robert Grosseteste’s Dicta The State of the Question ïÏ JAMES McEVOY† Robert Grosseteste as Spiritual Guide Ìì MICHAEL ROBSON, OFM CONV. Robert Grosseteste’s Two Sermons to the Friars Minor in Commendation of Evangelical Poverty Þÿ2 Part Two Grosseteste’s Intellectual Context EDGAR LAIRD Robert Grosseteste, Ptolemy, and Christian Knowledge ÞñÞ 92316 lim1-14 int NB.pdf page 6 de 14, Mars 6, 2013 17:07:17 vi | Contents R. JAMES LONG Adam’s Rib A Test Case for Natural Philosophy in Grosseteste, Fishacre, Rufus, and Kilwardby ÞÎñ CECILIA PANTI Robert Grosseteste and Adam of Exeter’s Physics of Light Remarks on the Transmission, Authenticity, and Chronology of Grosseteste’s Scientific Opuscula ÞïÎ Part Three Texts and Translations CECILIA PANTI Robert Grosseteste’s De luce A Critical Edition ÞÜñ NEIL LEWIS Robert Grosseteste’s On Light An English Translation 2ñÜ MERIDEL HOLLAND Robert Grosseteste’s Translation of John of Damascus’s The Dialogue of the Christian and the Saracen An Edition and English Translation 2ÏÌ MICHAEL W. DUNNE “The Ten Commandments of the Lord” An Edition and English Translation of Robert Grosseteste’s Sermon Ìï 2ÜÏ Part Four Grosseteste’s Afterlives JOHN FLOOD AND JAMES McEVOY† Romanorum malleus et contemptor Confessional Identity and the Early Modern Reputation of Robert Grosseteste ñÞÜ Bibliography ñÜÞ Index Ï2Ï 92316 lim1-14 int NB.pdf page 7 de 14, Mars 6, 2013 17:07:17 Trial, Condemnation, and Censorship | vii Abbreviations ABMA Auctores britannici medii aevi (Oxford: Oxford University Press, ÞÜïÜ– ) BL British Library BPM Bulletin de philosophie médiévale BSGR Bibliotheca scriptorum graecorum et romanorum teubneriana CCCM Corpus Christianorum: Continuatio medievalis (Turnhout: Brepols, ÞÜïï– ) CCSL Corpus Christianorum: Series latina (Turnhout: Brepols, ÞÜÎñ– ) CSEL Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latinorum (Vienna: Hölder – Pich- ler – Tempsky – Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, ÞÌïï–) Loeb Loeb Classical Library (London and Cambridge, MA: Heinemann and Harvard University Press, ÞÜÞÞ– ) ODNB Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Online (Oxford: Oxford Univer- sity Press, 2ÿÿÏ– ) PL Patrologiae cursus completus: Series latina (Paris: Migne and Garnier, ÞÌÏÏ–Üÿ) RTAM Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale (Louvain: Abbaye du Mont César, ÞÜ2Ü–Üï) RTPM Recherches de théologie et philosophie médiévales (Leuven: Peeters, ÞÜÜì– ) 92316 lim1-14 int NB.pdf page 8 de 14, Mars 6, 2013 17:07:17 viii | Contents 92316 lim1-14 int NB.pdf page 9 de 14, Mars 6, 2013 17:07:17 Trial, Condemnation, and Censorship | ix To ÍãÄÛØ Ä.È. ÚÄÛðËÙÙÝ Scholar, Teacher, Friend 92316 lim1-14 int NB.pdf page 10 de 14, Mars 6, 2013 17:07:17 x|Trial, Condemnation, and Censorship Acknowledgments Much of this volume originated in “Robert Grosseteste and His Intellectual Milieu,” a conference held in Bishop Grosseteste College, Lincoln, in 2ÿÿñ to mark the ìÎÿth anniversary of Grosseteste’s death. The idea that a conference in Lincoln was an appropriate way to mark the occasion came from the then principal of Bishop Gros- seteste College, Eileen Baker, who arranged the necessary practical and financial support. In addition to those who are acknowledged by individual contributors, the editors would also like to thank Blake Hartung for assistance in preparing the text for publication, and Declan Lawell and Alasdair MacDonald for help with translation. We are grateful to the anonymous readers at PIMS for their detailed and helpful observations as well as to Meridel Holland and Frank Mantello for read- ing some of the chapters. It has been a pleasure to work with Fred Unwalla, the Edi- tor in Chief at PIMS, whose good humour and professionalism shepherded us through the publication process. Dr Tina Marshall, our copy editor, has greatly con- tributed to the accuracy of the final text. Needless to say, any errors that remain are the responsibility of the authors and editors of the volume. 92316 lim1-14 int NB.pdf page 11 de 14, Mars 6, 2013 17:07:17 Trial, Condemnation, and Censorship | xi Contributors MICHAEL W. DUNNE is the head of the Department of Philosophy at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth. He has published extensively in the area of medieval philosophy. Most recently he has edited Boncompagno of Signa, Amicitia and De malo senectutis et senii (2ÿÞ2) and John Blund, Treatise on the Soul (2ÿÞ2, with R.W. Hunt). With Simon Nolan he has edited Richard FitzRalph: His Life, Times and Thought (2ÿÞñ). JOHN FLOOD is a Senior Lecturer in English at the University of Groningen. He writes on medieval and early modern literature. Recent publications include Rep- resentations of Eve in Antiquity and the English Middle Ages (2ÿÞÿ) and Heresy and Orthodoxy in Early English Literature, 1ý50–1úì0 (2ÿÞÿ), an essay collection edited with Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin. JAMES R. GINTHER is Professor of Medieval Theology at St Louis University. In addi- tion to his Master of the Sacred Page: A Study of the Theology of Robert Grosseteste (2ÿÿÏ), and his other publications on Grosseteste, he is the editor of The Westmin- ster Handbook to Medieval Theology (2ÿÿÜ) and, with T. O’Sullivan, The Electronic Nor- man Anonymous (2ÿÞÿ). He is currently preparing an edition of Grosseteste’s Super Psalterium with the technology developed with his digital humanities project, T- PEN: Transcription for Paleographical and Editorial Notation. JOSEPH W. GOERING is Professor of History at the University of Toronto. He is the coeditor, with F.A.C. Mantello, of The Letters of Robert Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln (2ÿÞÿ), and Grosseteste’s Templum Dei (ÞÜÌÏ). With Evelyn A. Mackie he published an essay collection, Editing Robert Grosseteste (2ÿÿñ). In addition to his other publi- cations on Grosseteste he is particularly interested in studying and editing unpub- lished manuscript sources of medieval theology and canon law. MERIDEL HOLLAND is an independent scholar working in London. She has done some preliminary work on Robert Grosseteste’s Latin translations of the works of St John of Damascus, and has published articles on her findings. She continues 92316 lim1-14 int NB.pdf page 12 de 14, Mars 6, 2013 17:07:17 xii | Contributors with the work of editing the texts. She has also published articles on Emily Brontë, Robert Curzon, and John Ruskin. EDGAR LAIRD is Professor Emeritus of English at Texas State University.
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