
.L PRODUCTION SCHEDULES IN INDUSTRIAL PLANTS HERE, C. OF C. TOLD PATRONIZE THE NE '~~dlK POST EWAR I ~ I ER II NT ---- -r FIR T ------<!> BSCRIPTION DRIVE GOES DIVERSION FOUNDING Larger Local ayr lIs oFIN AL WEEK MONDAY IRAPPED BY IOF GRANGE 0>----- "GAS" HEAD lIS MARI(ED Subscription Campaign En trants Increase Retail Sales Unwise Policy Anniversary Miss Maybell Aiken, Newark ....................... 1,318,600 Mrs. Geraldine B. Barnes, Newark ............... 1,315,800 Claimed; Lhnits Marked Monday Gov. McMullen Accepts Invitation Mr .. H. M. Irwin, Newark ......... ... ...... ........... 1,312,000 Upkeep, Charge At Harmony DANITA TO Vel'l1on D. Lovett, Newark ............................ .. 466,000 Miss Lydia M. Meal'l1s, Newark .... .. ............. 1,105,600 Improper or unwise financing. di- By Mrs. Sara. P . Evan s INCREASE Miss Susie Pruitt, Newark ... .. ........................ 691,900 version of motor tax r evenues. or Mcrmaid. Oct. 18- H a l' m 0 n y Mrs. William Wideman, Newark .................. .. 700,500 any legislative e fT ort which will un- Granfc No. 12. celebrated its sixty- fairlY limit the expenditures neces- fift h ,anniversary Mo~day evening OUTPUT BY Mrs. E li zabeth W. Zebley, Newark .............. .. 1,314,000 sary to ma1l1ta 1l1 Delaware hlgh- with more than 125 111 attendance. ways adequately is a direct threat A covered di sh supper served at With a little over a w eek to go. the big SU bscription drive against 44 .1 per cent of all Dela- 6:30 o'clock preceded the social pro- of Th Ncwark P DSt is now on the home stretch. We find that I EXPANSION after a little lull. which a lways CDmes in the second period of I ~~~~: t a~·~~~~s~i~::~~ d Hp e ~~ l~:i f~~ gram Tribute P aid these campaigns. the excitement and interest is again cDming to dustries. declared yesterday. The members and visitors were Hosiery Concern the fore liS the workers realize that the closing day, the day "Delaware is in a most unusual welcomed by Worthy Master L eD n when the prizes w ill be awarded. is almost here. Friends of the IpDsition in regnrd to transportation C. GilmDre w ho paid tribute to Behilui In Orflers; workers, friends of the paper. and the workers themselves are facilities." MI'. Daniel said. "This the early grange pioneers. Mrs. starting to give some r eally serious thought to the possible win­ state has 265 communities and 117 Harry Brackin was acting lecturer. National Paper ;;iod~ f The Newark ning f that grand first prize, a prize that represents well over ' Df them depcnd solely on motor Harmony has had 29 m asters of dl' ivc came to a $700. n prize that is certainly \\'ol'th SDme rea l h ard work. time. , transport and a SDu nd.ly financed w hich sixteen are living. Those Operates At Peak night. The cam­ and thought. and properly maintained highway present at the celebration were: ill thc third and last . system . To these 117 thriving com- Hervey Walker. the oldest living l n addi tion to sustained activity we realize it, the Miss Maybell Aiken takes a slight lead this week according munitics. highways are all-import- one, William Moore, Harvey Ball. in 01e building t.rades. Newark is here. The opportun­ to the credits published. From the standing Be shown ab'Ove, it a nt and the only available trans- W. P . Naudain. L .H. Pennington. E . in the midst of its grea test pcriDd to the workers in this is still anybody's race and it appears that the final week may portation link w ith other cDmmuni- H. Woodward. H arry Brackin. I. G. of industrial prDduction. accD rding somc big money, is be the deciding factor. ties. They must depend on these Klair. P a ul Mitchell. J . W. P enning- t'O opinions expressed at thc October often given by any highways to bring in the multitude ton, W. Steele Atwell. W. H . Nau- meeting 'O f the Chamber of Com- HELP YOUR FAVORITE NOW IF YOU WANT HER TO of items wh ich they consume and dain, and R alph I. Klair. merce last Thlll'sday night at the WIN. IN A FEW DAYS IT WlLL BE TOO LATE. u ~ e. A telegram of congratul ations Deer Park H otel. frDm Worthy Slate Master Clarence Prominent leaders of the com - --- ----------- --------0 Use Same Highways E. J ester of Milford, was r ead by Gov. Richard C. McMu Ll en. left. shakes hands Wllh Wllllam 0. 'l'rui·U. munity attended the session. whkh who have shown "They must also use the same lw . H. Naudain. Bridgevillc. chairman of the Delaware Commission fDr Feeblemind d. fD llowed an infDrmal dinner. Presi- grit. and CDnfidence in FOOD TAXES ICHRISTMAS highways to. ship out their farm I The presentation D~. a large birt~- as he accepts an invitation to attend "Big Day." or the a utumn opcn d e~t George M. Haney officiated . to go a[ter that products. their ":,anufactured goods. I day cake to the gJ ~nge by MIS. house at Delaware Colony, the Sta te Tra111111g School. Stockley, Satur- 'I he N.atIDnal Vulcanized Fibre new 1940 ChevrDlet 1 -, I and raw materIals. Merchants 111 Walter Marshall. chairman of the . Company s paper mill here JS oper- _r&."~ •• ol a ARE $40 404 SEAL ~HOWN these 117 communities are keenly hospitality committee was a feat- day and the monthly meet111 g of the commiSSion at eleven oclock that at111g on a full seh d I! th fi. rcpresenting a , ~ 'alert as to their. dependence . on l ure. WOI·thy M as t e~' Gilmore ac- d a~. L Do kin ~ on . is Mrs. ~tephen P. Toad v ~ n e. MiliDrd, commission .mem- time since 1929. e~c~~t ~~ r : t~ ~~ $1,200, everyone of I motor transpor t With ItS r elIabilIty. cepted It. bel and ~e ci et:ll y. Aitel l uncheo~, . and ,111 1I1spectlOn . of the gl ounds \~ eeks 111 1937. J ohn K. J ohnston, a will bc well p aid --- speed. and safe ty. They r ealize that Greet111gs from thIS celebratIon and bUl ld1l1 gs. the Govcl'I1or Will l0111 the commlSSIDn 111 attendlllg the director of the chamber and vice- during the seven Total Hi{lden. 1]1 Sale In State any breakdown of highway facilities I :verc . extended to Mrs .. Ann.ie J . operetta. "Old lrDnsides." to be prcsented by the ~ hildr en of the school president o~ the conce.l'I1: r eported . campaign. The least Wi ll partially Isolate. them, cu'. Iu enmson. chaplam, w~o '~ confined at two-thirty. The colony Wi ll be open to the public from one O'clDCk. Dalllt", In ExpanSIOn will be 20 % of Local Sales Of Sch eduled For them ofl' fl'Om deliveries•. a nd gen- to her room With a hl~ ailment. With the Contine ~t a1 - D ia m o nd collected by that " " erally cause heavy fin anCial losses. Ch oir Enterta mcd Fibre CDmpany operat1l1g its plant . $518000 NCTC ThanksgIVI]10' tn say noth ing of the hardships that The Ch~ll ' of the Red Clay Creek "RAID" IS CLUB IN here on a full sc hedule. local pay- Well Done " I 0 wIll be assumed by all cItizens 111 Presbyterian Church entertam ed at rolls aI e at a level never before at- pleased so far with --- --- these cDm munilies. la surprise variety shower 1 a~ t Fl'l- tumed, It was leported obtamed by the work- F amilies 111 ~ewark pay an esti- Here IS the first pre-view of the "Business, 1I1dustrlal and agJ'lcul- lday evenmg In honor of thClr t wo PLANNED SESSION George C. J ackson, head of the .,th the COD peratIon given m ated $40.404 111 hidden taxes a n- thirty-third annual .Chrlstmas Seal. tural 1I1terests in these centers are Im embel's, MISS Annabelle Pierson retail hardware concern which bears residents of Newark and nually through their purchases ot which Will be used 111 the cam.palg n l!ravely concerned over the high- I and MISS AlIce E Springer. both hiS name, told the chamber that This campaign IS just one food •.a NatIOnal Consumers Ta.x CHRISTMAS o.f the Delaware An- way Situation 111 Delaware and united pI:ospeclive brides. MISS Pierson --- ___ sales 111 h iS store have 1l1creased by the publisher h as 111 Commission survey showed thIS SEAL lI~Tuberculosl s So- It1 a belIef that certain legislatIon Will marry Mr Earl Lynch on Oct National Guard Faculty Me]nher s $1.000 111 the last three weeks over Th N rk Post a week. S C I e t y, beg1l1nmg relaling to highway finances passed 26 and MISS Spr1l1ger. Mr. Walter the same period In 1938. IO~ n::: and ad - "Nearly eight per cent of the 0 Thanksglvl~g , Week r.t the last session of the legislature M Cl ossland, the latter part of To "Defend" Town Ar e Guests At Albert Deck, an Dfflcial ot the ti W e - total food blll represents shlfted De l a wa [ e s con- rlust be r eVised, r eadjusted. or r e- Novembcl Dalllta H OS iery MIlls, Inc . repvrted sec on. an; ~~f':" e taxes buried in the price of "every ~ slgnment of .se a l s pealed if their sole transportation Those pre~ent were the Misses From Air Attack I Century Meetina that the company's orders are far ow o"Jectl~ _. purchl'fe ." the report s .1" " Th ".
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