111TH CONGRESS " ! HASC NO. 2d Session HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 5 IKE SKELTON NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011 COMMITTEE PRINT OF THE COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES LEGISLATIVE TEXT AND JOINT EXPLANATORY STATEMENT TO ACCOMPANY H.R. 6523 PUBLIC LAW 111–383 DECEMBER 2010 VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:47 Feb 01, 2011 Jkt 063160 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 6012 Sfmt 6012 E:\HR\OC\A160.XXX A160 pwalker on DSKD5P82C1PROD with HEARING congress.#13 IKE SKELTON NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011 VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:47 Feb 01, 2011 Jkt 063160 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 6019 Sfmt 6019 E:\HR\OC\A160.XXX A160 pwalker on DSKD5P82C1PROD with HEARING with DSKD5P82C1PROD on pwalker 1 111TH CONGRESS " ! HASC NO. 2d Session HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 5 IKE SKELTON NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011 COMMITTEE PRINT OF THE COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES LEGISLATIVE TEXT AND JOINT EXPLANATORY STATEMENT TO ACCOMPANY H.R. 6523 PUBLIC LAW 111–383 DECEMBER 2010 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 63–160 WASHINGTON : 2011 VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:47 Feb 01, 2011 Jkt 063160 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4012 Sfmt 4012 E:\HR\OC\A160.XXX A160 pwalker on DSKD5P82C1PROD with HEARING congress.#13 HOUSE COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES ONE HUNDRED ELEVENTH CONGRESS IKE SKELTON, Missouri, Chairman JOHN SPRATT, South Carolina HOWARD P. ‘‘BUCK’’ McKEON, California SOLOMON P. ORTIZ, Texas ROSCOE G. BARTLETT, Maryland GENE TAYLOR, Mississippi MAC THORNBERRY, Texas SILVESTRE REYES, Texas WALTER B. JONES, North Carolina VIC SNYDER, Arkansas W. TODD AKIN, Missouri ADAM SMITH, Washington J. RANDY FORBES, Virginia LORETTA SANCHEZ, California JEFF MILLER, Florida MIKE McINTYRE, North Carolina JOE WILSON, South Carolina ROBERT A. BRADY, Pennsylvania FRANK A. LOBIONDO, New Jersey ROBERT ANDREWS, New Jersey ROB BISHOP, Utah SUSAN A. DAVIS, California MICHAEL TURNER, Ohio JAMES R. LANGEVIN, Rhode Island JOHN KLINE, Minnesota RICK LARSEN, Washington MIKE ROGERS, Alabama JIM COOPER, Tennessee TRENT FRANKS, Arizona JIM MARSHALL, Georgia CATHY MCMORRIS RODGERS, Washington MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO, Guam K. MICHAEL CONAWAY, Texas BRAD ELLSWORTH, Indiana DOUG LAMBORN, Colorado CAROL SHEA-PORTER, New Hampshire ROB WITTMAN, Virginia JOE COURTNEY, Connecticut MARY FALLIN, Oklahoma DAVID LOEBSACK, Iowa DUNCAN HUNTER, California JOE SESTAK, Pennsylvania JOHN C. FLEMING, Louisiana GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, Arizona MIKE COFFMAN, Colorado NIKI TSONGAS, Massachusetts THOMAS J. ROONEY, Florida GLENN NYE, Virginia TODD RUSSELL PLATTS, Pennsylvania CHELLIE PINGREE, Maine CHARLES K. DJOU, Hawaii LARRY KISSELL, North Carolina MARTIN HEINRICH, New Mexico FRANK M. KRATOVIL, JR., Maryland BOBBY BRIGHT, Alabama SCOTT MURPHY, New York WILLIAM L. OWENS, New York JOHN GARAMENDI, California MARK S. CRITZ, Pennsylvania LEONARD L. BOSWELL, Iowa DAN BOREN, Oklahoma HANK JOHNSON, Georgia PAUL ARCANGELI, Staff Director ZACH STEACY, Director of Legislative Operations (II) VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:47 Feb 01, 2011 Jkt 063160 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 5904 Sfmt 5904 E:\HR\OC\A160.XXX A160 pwalker on DSKD5P82C1PROD with HEARING NOTE FROM THE DIRECTOR OF LEGISLATIVE OPERATIONS This committee print consists of the enrolled text and explana- tory material for the Ike Skelton National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 (H.R. 6523; Public Law 111–383). This Act and the material found in this committee print are the product of an agreement between the Chairman of the House Com- mittee on Armed Services and the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Armed Services on the reconciliation of H.R. 5136, as passed by the House of Representatives on May 28, 2010, and S. 3454, as reported out of committee on June 4, 2010. The Ranking Minority Member of the House Committee on Armed Services did not fully participate in the agreement. The ne- gotiated agreement was introduced as an original bill by Chairman Ike Skelton on December 15, 2010, and was considered and passed, as amended, under suspension of the Rules of the House of Rep- resentatives on December 17, 2010, by a vote of 341–48. The Sen- ate passed the bill with an amendment offered by Chairman Carl Levin and Ranking Member John McCain by unanimous consent on December 22, 2010. The House concurred in the Senate amend- ment and passed H.R. 6523 the same day, December 22, 2010. The President signed the legislation on January 7, 2011, and it became Public Law 111–383. Because the text of H.R. 6523 was negotiated prior to introduc- tion and the agreed-upon language was introduced as an original bill, there is no conference report and no formal ‘‘joint explanatory statement of the managers’’ for H.R. 6523. Instead, the following committee print is intended to show congressional intent and main- tain legislative history. In this committee print, the provisions of H.R. 5136, the House- passed version of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011, are generally referred to as ‘‘the House bill.’’ The provi- sions of S. 3454, the Senate Committee on Armed Services com- mittee-reported version of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011, are generally referred to as ‘‘the Senate com- mittee-reported bill.’’ The final form of the agreements reached dur- ing negotiations between the House and the Senate are referred to as ‘‘the agreement.’’ Unless required as a part of the agreement reached during negotiations between the House and the Senate, this committee print does not include explanatory sections for pro- visions in H.R. 5136 or S. 3454 that were not adopted as the final agreement. The following pages are organized in the manner of a traditional conference report. (III) VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:47 Feb 01, 2011 Jkt 063160 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 7633 Sfmt 7633 E:\HR\OC\A160.XXX A160 pwalker on DSKD5P82C1PROD with HEARING VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:47 Feb 01, 2011 Jkt 063160 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 7633 Sfmt 7633 E:\HR\OC\A160.XXX A160 pwalker on DSKD5P82C1PROD with HEARING C O N T E N T S Page JOINT EXPLANATORY STATEMENT TO ACCOMPANY H.R. 6523 ............... 389 Explanation of funding summary .................................................................... 389 DIVISION A—DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE AUTHORIZATIONS ................. 395 TITLE I—PROCUREMENT ................................................................................... 395 Subtitle A—Authorization of Appropriations ................................................. 395 Authorization of appropriations (secs. 101–104) ..................................... 395 Subtitle B—Navy Programs ............................................................................ 395 Multiyear funding for detail design and construction of LHA Replace- ment ship designated LHA–7 (sec. 111) .............................................. 395 Requirement to maintain Navy airborne signals intelligence, surveil- lance, and reconnaissance capabilities (sec. 112) ................................ 395 Report on naval force structure and missile defense (sec. 113) ............. 396 Reports on service-life extension of F/A–18 aircraft by the Depart- ment of the Navy (sec. 114) .................................................................. 396 Subtitle C—Joint and Multiservice Matters .................................................. 396 Limitations on biometric systems funds (sec. 121) ................................. 396 System management plan and matrix for the F–35 Joint Strike Fighter aircraft program (sec. 122) ...................................................... 396 Quarterly reports on use of Combat Mission Requirements funds (sec. 123) ................................................................................................. 397 Counter-improvised explosive device initiatives database (sec. 124) .... 397 Study on lightweight body armor solutions (sec. 125) ........................... 397 Integration of solid state laser systems into certain aircraft (sec. 126) ......................................................................................................... 398 Contracts for commercial imaging satellite capacities (sec. 127) .......... 398 Legislative Provisions Not Adopted ................................................................ 398 Report on Army battlefield network plans and programs ..................... 398 Limitation on the use of funds for line-haul tractors ............................. 399 TITLE II—RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, TEST, AND EVALUATION .......... 400 Subtitle A—Authorization of Appropriations ................................................. 400 Authorization of appropriations (sec. 201) .............................................. 400 Subtitle B—Program Requirements, Restrictions, and Limitations ............ 400 Enhancement of Department of Defense support of science, mathe- matics, and engineering education (sec. 211) ...................................... 400 Limitation on use of funds by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency for operation of National Cyber Range (sec. 212) .................. 400 Separate program elements required for research and development of Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (sec. 213) ............................................. 400 Program for research, development, and deployment of advanced ground vehicles, ground vehicle systems, and components (sec. 214) ......................................................................................................... 400 Demonstration and pilot projects on cybersecurity (sec. 215) ..............
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