SAN1BEL — CAPTIVA Serving the Islands since 1961 .''» Vol. 16, No. 23 Tuesday, June 15, 1976 1 section — 10 cents rain and "NO"ES Last week began the long-awaited final During much of the early part of last re. iev. process preparatory to the scheduled week, the planning commission found June 29th adoption of the city's proposed themselves considering the input of citizen comprehensive land use plan (CLUP). Act I and councilman Vernon MacKenzle. The of the drama, last week's six long days main thrust of MacKenzie's input was a ten- innumerable hours) of discussions and page list of additions, changes, and deletions public hearings, featured the city's seven- to the verhage of the plan, intended to lend man planning commission. The decisive clarity and consistency to the plan's many second act. which got underway yesterday rough spots. The commission moved to at Casa Ybel resort on Casa Ybel Road, falls accept some of MacKenzie's suggestions, to the city council. while referring others to the city attorneys or to the city council for action. Last week's activities opened with what may have been the last two respite cases to Most of the remainder of the week was be heard by a Sanibel planning commission spent in considering the many problem and climaxed with the arrival of consulting items contained in the city's black book. planner Bill Roberts, of Wallace, Roberts, (contd. on page 24) Bill Roberts of WMRT hie last week McHarg. andTodd (WMRT), last Thursday. mark final school day .Friday was the last day of school for receive the award nest year, if he has children ail over Lee County, but at the anything to do with it. Sanibel Elementary School on Sanibel- The Reverend Bruce Milligan then Captiva Road it was the day of the second presented the library awards to students annual awards ceremony to boot. A small Eric Wightman and Greg Hermes. group of Island dignitaries was on hand to He was followed by Islander Brian Keefe, present the awards to deserving students. who presented the Kiwanis Club awards for The ceremonies opened with the singing of the outstanding boy and girl in the fifth "America the Beautiful" and the Pledge of grade to Eric Gavin and Chris Cowan. Allegiance, after which Father Gerard The next speaker was Sanibel Police Chief Beauregard of St. Isabel's Catholic Church John Butler. The Chief presented safety presented perfect attendance awards to patrol awards to 30 Island students, who, Timi Voignier, Paige Seyffer, Eric Gavin, here again, will remain nameless by virtue Blanche Bertolami, Beth Holland and Becky of their great numbers. McClintick. The last set of awards were presented by Next, Carroll Cave of the Lee County Sanibel teacher Meri Rhodes for excellence School Board handed out 34 awards for in the kindergarten class at the school. scholarship to Sanibel students too Renea Estep and Myton Ireland were chosen numerous to name, and gave scholastic as the most improved students in the kin- achievement awards to Lynn Cowan, Kelly dergarten class. Duncan, Melinda Rauschenberger, Bryan Kindergarten helper awards went to Weiker, Julia Ann Herman, Jack Laster, Krista Hatcher, Dean Kastran, Jenni Cameron Anholt, Trudy Goff, Lewis Muench, Tara Phillips and Nicole Weinberg. MacDonald and Cheri Atkins. Michelle Bashaw, David Muench and Ava Following Carroll Cave came Sanibel Purely were given awards for their par- Mayor Porter Goss, who presented ticipation in musical activities. citizenship awards to Timi Voignier, Eric Artistic creativity awards went to Robin Gavin, Daniel Burns, David Krepin, Kessler, Thomas Kendrick, John M. Lacy, . Margret Juhle, Susan Fischer, Susan Amber Noon, Banks Prevatt and Julie Herman and Shane Cowper. Santamaria and woodworking creativity ' Dick Muench was next at the podium, awards to Charlie Campbell, Brandon Hale, presenting President's Physical Fitness David Joyce and Robert Montgomery. Awards to Scott DeCamp and Bryan Weiker. To all Island students a big well done, and Dick vowed that many more students would moreover, to all a happy vacation! Come up 'n see us I SPD Chief John Butler gives out safety awards The good news is that we've MOVED! (And anyone who has visited us in our former office may or may not be amazed to learn that it took four truck loads and three station wagon loads to move everything!!) Anyhow, instead of being at 2398 Palm Ridge Road in the Print Shop, we The ISLANDER sincerely hopes you keep are now situated at 915 Rabbit Road, one house from the corner of Sanibel- the hurricane tracking map out of last Captiva Road, and directly next door to Surf Realy. week's hurricane insert, but hasten to add Outside of having lots more room, we're also closer to upper Sanibel and that as soon as the Islands have appointed Captiva, although farther away from central Sanibel, but a newspaper team captains, and made sure of primary doesn't get that much "walk-in" business anyway (and if you do, you'll and secondary evacuation routes, we will have to take your shoes off — the carpet's the most beautiful orange you have a special page or so on specific directions, hints, ideas, suggestions and ever saw.) We don't know as yet whether the move is just for now,' or per- basic orders from the civil defense—'scuse manent — but to be sure, we'll keep you posted. (The phone is the same — us, the committee on Disaster Prepared- 472-1881). ness—on what to do and when to do it—plus a We invite you to drop by to see our new ever expanding offices. (Maybe few suggestions from the old-timers. we can even talk the boss into having another parry—hopefully without blowing out all the electricity on Sanibel this time!) Tuesday, June 15, 1976 The ISLANDER political and governmental SANiBEL-CAPTIVA ISLANDER Activities SANIBEL CiTY COUNCIL meets the 1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesdays Established 1961 of every month at 9 a.m. at City Hali, unless special meetings are called. The public is invited. Virginia N. Brown SANfBEL PLANNING COMMISSION meets every Monday Calendar at 9:3© a.m. at Sanibel City Hal!, unless special meetings are called. Thepublic is invited. FIRE DEPARTMENT meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday at Classified Rates: Sl.GO minimum for 10 words or^ess; These iisTings are presented as a pubiic service for visitor 7:30, Palm Ridge Road Firehouse. five cents per word thereafter. and motei owners (who may get tired of reciting long lists for' their guests) by the Sanibel Captiva ISLANDER. If you have SANSBEL-CAPTiVA CONSERVATION FOUNDATION Board of a service, either paid for or free, which you think should be Directors meets the second Tuesday of each month at 3:30 included, please cait the ISLANDER off.ce at472-1831. Thank p.m. you. Deadlines: Advertising - Wednesday 5 p.m. RRE CONTROL DfSTRfCT CO«MSSSIONrRS~ hold their Classifieds-may be phoned in (472-1881) up to Thurs. noon. regular meetings on the second Tuesday of the month at Please call classifieds and subscriptions to 463-4421 if you 1:00 p.m. at the new firehouse, on Palm Ridge Road. The can't reach 472-1881. things to do public is invited to attend. BINGO MUREX - American Legion Home, Wednesdays 3 p.m. -no minors. 915 Rabbit Road (just off corner of Sanibel-Captiva Road) libraries SanftieLFL. 33957. Off fee phone- 472-1881. BIRD TOURS • Griffin Bancroft, 472-1447, George Weymoufh,r CAPTSYA LIBRARY: Hours, Tuesday & Saturday,.9:30 a.m. - 472-1516. 12 Noon. FISHING GUIDES FOR CHARTER: Capt. Ted Cole, 472-2723; SANiBEL UBRARY: Hours, Man., Wed. & Fri., 2 - 4 p.m.; ISLANDER Mailing address: P.O. Box 3, Sanibel, FL 33957. Capt. Doug Fischer, 472-1551; Capt. Baughn Hailoway, 472-. Tues.. Tftur. & Sat., 10 a.m. -12 Noon. 2802; Capt. Belton Johnson, 472-1122; Capt. Joftn Johnson Published every Tuesday. Second dass postage paid at Fort 472-1020; Capt. Bob Sabatino, 472-17S4; Capf. Duke Seifs, Myers Beach, Florida, 33931. 472-1784; Esperanza Woodring, 472-112; Capt. Chic Kennedy, how to get there 472-4087,'Capt. Herb Purdy, 472-1&49, (also offers sightseeing trips). BOATS (HSHING) TO RENT - Blind Pass Marina, 472-1020,' CRAFT SUPPLIES^ HAND CRAFTED GIFTS MUSEUM - the Odyssey Museum of Miniature Americana Island Boat Rental, 472-2223, 'Tween Waters Marina, 472- 1554 PeriwinkleWav. 472-1786. 1784, Tarpon Bay (canoes), 472-1323. NATURAL HISTORY FIELD TRIPS to Sanibel's wildlife habi BOATS (SAIL) TO RENT -?The Colony «472-1424. • tats by Richard Beebe and George Campbell. Tuesdays and ' ^nirfhwind, inc. 472-2531." Thursdays by appointment. For reservations call 472-2180. MusORCYCLE RENTALS - Sanibel Motorcycle Rentals Wednesday's Open Trip: meet at Sanibel Elementary Schoo 1203 Periwinkle- 472-2001. parking lot, Sanibel-Captiva road at 9:00 am. Wednesday BICYCLES FOR RENT: Nines Rental 472-2374 oFcheck the fee: $4 per person. motel you are staying in. HOWS: 10 TO 5 CLOSED SUNDAY NOAH'S ARK • Thrift shop open Tuesday through Friday i 2365 PERIWINKLE WAY, SANIBEL ISLAND 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Located in back of St. Michael's and A!! Angei's Episcopal Church. SAILING (lessons and-or charter): Southwind, 472-2531; FABRiCS NOTIONS YARN Paul Taylor, 472-1551 SEWING MACHINE RENTALS SHELLING TOURS - Beach Bay Bayou, 472-1315; Baughn Hailoway, 472-2802; Duke Sells, 472-1784; Tarpon Say Marina 472-1323. SIGHTSEEING TOURS - Herb Purdy, 472-1333 or 472-1S49; Tarpon Bay Marina (canoes), 472-1323; Capt. Chic Kennedy, ^Nimble 472-4087, Sanibel Marina. Church Calendar SIGHTSEEING INFORMATION - U.S. Fish S, Wildlife Service, 472-1100.
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