'I' hnician North Carolina State University’s Student Newspaper Since 1920 Volume LVl, Number 10 Wedneway, September 17, 1975 LDC meets to hear case, change terms byJimPomeranz The meetingwill be held 7:30 p.m. in the the same time decided not to retain the AssociateEditor Green Room of the University Student services of Raleigh attorney John C. Center and is open to all members of the Brooks. State's Legal Defense Corporation corporation. Duringdiscussion concerningcontinuing (LDC) will meet tonight to discuss restruc- MEMBERSHIPINTIIELDCconsistsof the LDC the Board members present turing the make-up ofthe Board of Direct- any student currently enrolled at State generally felt that the make-up of the ors. to elect officers for the current year. paying full academic and non-academic Directors from year to year prevented it and to consider possible guidelines for fees for the current semester and any from being able to carry over important cases being brought before the Corpora- group. organization. club or recognized thoughts and matterseach year. Presently tion. body associated with State. campus-based the members of the board serve for one Also. Herbert Edwin Littrell has re- whose majority is duly constituted of full year. or until theirterm in respectiveoffice quested 8400 to aid in a possible court case fees paying students both academic and expires. against a State Security Officer. Littrell non-academic. The membership in the Board of Direct- was arrested for using profane language At its initial meeting of the year, the ors is made up of: the Student Body and inciting to riot. LDC voted tocontinue its existence. but at President. Student Senate President, Stu- dent Body Treasurer. Student Center President. Editor ofthe Technician. Inter- Fraternity Council President. Inter- Residence Council President. Student Faculty hears details Body Attorney General. and a student appointed by the Student Senate. LI'I'I'RELL. IN A SYNOPSIS of the actions leading up to his arrest. stated: on Buckley “On September 3. at approximately amendmen ‘three o'clock. I requested Officer Price to ‘ by Howard Barnett allow me to enter North Campus. by way Harrelson Hall-sits quietly at night with lights glowing all around. As State's only circular building, Harrelson is as ofYarborough Road entrance. in order for unique as havmg no students wandering Assistant Editor me to pick up some computer programs. on the Brickyard. The Faculty Senate discussed the He told me to go on and that he would let implications of the Buckley Amendment at me in. I sat at the barrier for about five State. and what measures were being minutes before I realized that he was not taken to comply With the law. at its going to raise it for me. Tuesday meeting. I returned to the traffic booth and asked The statute. passed last year by whyhehad not raised the barrier. He said, Congress and officially entitled the Family rather heatedly. that he had seen the GSA Education and Privacy Act of 1974. expired parking decals on my car. and the guaranteed students the right to access to bookson the back seat. and that he wanted their academic records. some identification. I was already late to a Student fees give money to graduate projects Vice-provost Murray Downs and As- meeting, and it was rather hot that day. sistant Dean of Student Affairs Don and I was already rather exhausted from Solomon addressed the Senate on the marching band. and so I. also rather by GingerAndrews audited. but after the ruling. the audits people who type thesis papers. their name subject. Downs and Solomon have been heatedly. told’ him to forget it. and that I AssistantNewsEditor were dropped. and fees and a graduate student book that studying the law and helping to coordinate would do it later. A SIMILAR CASE involving teachers similar to a book one would receive at the necessary changes in university “At this. I started to leave campus and. Graduate students faced with problems assistants has come up this year. freshman orientation. It contains informa- policy. try to get to my meeting. Officer Price such as taxes on an assistantship. lack of “If the TA loses then we will discuss tion on banking. the campus. housing. and “There is quite a lot left to be done.” raced after me. grabbed my steering travel funds. landlords. and higher tuition whether to fund the case or not." said other things that help in fitting into the said Downs. “We have done our best. to wheel. almost killed both of us by turning have an organization whose main purpose Grube. university and Raleigh community. put ourselves in a position of compliance the car into the path of an oncoming is to help. A lawyer has been hired to look into the Politically. the GSA is involved in the with the law. Part of this problem is that befrore January 1. 1975. when the law vehicle. and shouted something that The Graduate Student Association campus policy concerning the tax exemp- makings of policies concerning graduate the records are all over the place. not just took effect.” Solomon explained. learned later was an order to stop. I finally (GSA) started receiving funds from stud- tion status of teachers' assistants. It is students on campus. They encourage stud- Mr. (University Registrar James) “One thing that needs to be pointed did. whereupon he jerked open the door. ent fees lastyear and is now expanding and reported that graduate students pay a- ents into committee seats and make state- Bundy's office." out." said Solomon. “is that the statute tried to jerk me out of the car. which trying to get more information to the round 3150.000 in taxes on research and ments concerning'campus issues such as Although the law reads that the parents applies only to currently enrolled stu- obviously did not work. and finally told me graduatestudent about the assistancethey teaching assistantships. the ABC/NC grading system. of students were to be given free access dents. and not to students who have that. -~~.I was under arrest." can afford to offer. As tax problems and the economy aren’t “Graduate students have a lot of gripes." to academic records. actually a “compli- graduated." Last year the GSA started a “travel cated system" determined whether the Solomon added that special files might OFFICER W. G. PRICE could not be enough. the General Assembly has voted said President Bill Huff. "They should just parents of a student could be given be started in the case of students who had reached for comment. fund" for grads who were presenting for an outaf—state tuition increase of 8150 let the organization know in any way. We access to the records without the stu- graduated from a school. and who had Littrell‘s reasons forLDC support are as papers at professional meetings outside peryear. In the past. grad students coming are' here to help graduate students and dent's consent. applied for admission into graduate school follows: the state. from outside ofNorth Carolina were given that's all." ‘ “Where it in the same institution. “First. I feel that students should have “WE FEEL IT IS a'good program." said special talent certification which gave says ‘the parent of the the right to help select Security officers Lawrence Ives. vice-president. “However. them a remission of the out-of-state tui- student‘ applies in kindergarten through Included in the statute was a provision we don't seem to be getting much high school.“ said Solomon. "but after eliminating the public posting of grades by who will be charged with our safety. I feel tion. Russell to speak that. in order for the parent to get the name. social security number. or any that they should be selected. not only on a response. It is the students' money and we ' This policy has been changed to a records without the student’s consent. the other personal identifier. without express basis of professional competence. but also feel it is our duty to spend it for them." "reduction ofout-of-statetuition." In order parents must prove that they have written consent from the students. on abasisofcompatibility (psychological as Grad students can receive up to 8250 to avoid the extra expense. GSA officers Bill Russell. coach and general provided over one half of the student's Said Solomon. “Under our interpreta- well as philosophical) with the student towards travel expenses by petitioning the suggested that grads apply for residence manager of the Seattle SuperSonics income." tion of the Buckley Amendment. we think body. This is all too often not the case. committee set up for this purpose. status. Professional Basketball team will In addition. Solomon said that govern- that the individual professors can obtain “Second. can or should students indeed Another important function that the To do this. one must petition admissions speak at Stewart Theatre tonight at ? ment agencies. such as the Raleigh Police. permission from the students for the expect violent retaliation from Security GSA performed last year involved the and prove that you are seriously establish. 8 pm. the FBI. and the CIA. could not see the entire semester. rather than havin to do officers in cases clearly not warrantin funding for a legal case against the IRS. ing your residency. records without the consent of the it for every test for which the gra as will such actions? If.students can expect ‘suc “Rion Causey filed income taxes claim- AN APPLICATION can be obtained Russell once a player himself for students. be posted." over-reaction. does this implicitly give ing 100 percent exemption from taxation from the admissions office in Peale Hall.
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