Win AwenenOfficial newspaper of the Sault Ste. Marie NisitotungTribe of Chippewa Indians Manidoo Giizis Spirit Moon January 23, 2015, Vol. 36, No. 1 Chief judge appointed to state drug court board BY BRENDA AUSTIN have enough drug courts to reach Court is structured similarly and the criminal justice system for Sault Tribe’s Chief Judge everyone who needs one.” is offered to eligible participants half his life – for the past 16 Jocelyn Fabry and Little Traverse Fabry said there are close to in child welfare proceedings. years. “Since his graduation on Bay Bands of Odawa Indians 100 drug courts throughout the Participants in drug court com- Jan. 8, this is the first time he has Chief Judge, Allie Greenleaf State, including five tribes that plete four phases of different not been on probation, in jail or Maldonado were both recent- have one or more. The Sault Tribe lengths over about a twelve-to- prison since he was 17. He has ly appointed to the Michigan has two drug courts - adult crim- eighteen-month period. Program completely turned his life around. Association of Drug Court inal drug court (Gwaiak Miicon) length is determined by the There are a lot of statistics that Professionals (MADCP) board and family drug court (Family participant’s progress, but is show drug courts work, but it is of directors. The judges are the Preservation Court). According never less than forty-one weeks. more those anecdotes and cases first tribal representatives to be to Judge Fabry, drug courts seek Successful completion and and faces that you can relate appointed to the board while to rehabilitate drug-using offend- graduation result in having their to, that tell you that it works. Judge Fabry also serves as the ers through drug treatment and guilty plea set aside and charges You can’t quantify that or the only representative from the U.P. intense supervision with drug dismissed, unless otherwise spec- ripple effect his success creates – Fabry said she is excited to testing and frequent court appear- ified at the time of their guilty because it also affects his family, serve on the MADCP board, ances. Drug courts offer not only plea or entry into the drug court friends and community,” she said. which provides leadership to drug the incentive to remain out of program. Failure or dismissal Fabry said her first monthly meet- treatment courts in the State of Chief Judge Jocelyn Fabry jail, but the opportunity for the from the program results in the ing as a MADCP board member Michigan, in addition to making to tribal members through trib- participants to change their lives. immediate entry of their alterna- will be Jan. 29 in Lansing. policy recommendations, set- al and state drug courts,” she Drug courts also offer assistance tive sentence. For further information about ting best practice standards and said. “Drug courts are shown to in obtaining housing, education, Fabry said the most recent MADCP, visit their website at: keeping abreast of legislation work for the people who need mental health, family counseling, graduate of drug court is a young http:// http://madcp.dreamhosters. that could impact drug courts. “I them – people who are addicted traditional teachings, and other man who has been involved with com. want to play a role in increasing to drugs or alcohol have a higher services as identified during the the accessibility of drug courts risk of reoffending. We don’t program. The Family Preservation Tribal programs evaluate 2014, plan 2015 BY AARON PAYMENT, to take land in trust in Lansing as tribal chairperson/CEO (2004, TRIBAL CHAIRPERSON and for this property to be “held 2005, 2006 and 2007), my admin- This time of year brings new as Indian lands are held,” we istrative team and I operated promise as we evaluate how we will have the funds to expand balanced budgets. For the last performed last year and what we services including increases in three years, I have served as chair project to do in the coming year. our elders’ dividend and other (2012, 2013 and 2014) I have By the time you read this, the benefits approved pursuant to the also balanced the budget even president will have given the state approved referendum. with the serious challenges of of the union speech to Congress. Today, we are doing more sequestration and the federal gov- What we do not yet know is how with much, much less casino rev- ernment shut down. These type the presidential administration enue. Our non-gaming enterprises of successes don’t just happen. I and Congress will work together have stabilized to bring to the hold monthly financial reviews (or not) to enact budgets that table about $1 million per year. to monitor spending against pro- respect the federal trust respon- We have had a drastic change in jected budgets. This did not occur sibility to uphold our “pre-paid our casino revenues over the last prior to me being chair in 2004 treaty rights.” 10 years, with a drop in tribal (except when I served as deputy We do not have a federal lob- support funds from gaming, from executive director) and ceased to byist, so it is up to us to make $34 million in 2004 to $17 mil- occur when I left office in 2008 clear to Congress our needs as a lion today; so, about half of what through the time when I returned tribe. Part of this includes work- it once was. to office in July 2012. ing to gain approval for our gam- It is important to keep in mind Two other drivers govern- ing expansion projects. Recall that three precepts govern how ing how we operate and spend that you, the voters, had the my administration operates. include resolutions introduced by opportunity to, and in the spring First is my conservative fiscal Director Dennis McKelvie during of 2012, approved the Lansing approach to management and my last term to require a balanced casino project via tribal referen- administrative oversight. I am budget and to earmark 100 per- dum. Once the Department of the proud to report that for all four cent of our net revenues (in this Interior recognizes our legal right years I presided over operations case about $18 million; $17 mil- lion from gaming and $1 million from non-gaming enterprises) for www.saulttribe.com Photo Courtesy ACFS programs and services. Above are just a few of the beautiful mittens donated to Anishinaabek In the meantime, we will con- Community and Family Services (ACFS) by Bonnie Miller and her moth- tinue to set our goals high for ser- er, Pauline Kraxner. Miller made all of the mittens and Kraxner sewed vices delivery and operations. For them together for her. Their generous donation will help keep the hands the next three years, we simply PAID 49735 of many children warm for this winter. ACFS is very grateful for the Gaylord, MI need to do more with less. I PRSRT STD PRSRT U.S. Postage Permit No. 30 generous donation! See more on page 11. See “Accomplishments,” pg 23 U.P. electricity charges won’t be so shocking According to the governor’s The governor’s office release U.P. families from unreasonable office, a series of agreements that said proposed solutions meet two rate increases to the greatest lay the groundwork for elimina- key goals for policymakers: 1) extent possible,” Schuette said in tion of a costly utility rate pay- protecting U.P. ratepayers from a release. “We remain committed ment for Upper Peninsula fami- years of costly System Support to vigorously opposing any short- lies and job providers, while pro- Resource (SSR) payments for term rate increases due to the viding the region with long-term, the Presque Isle Power Plant in costs of maintaining the Presque cost-effective energy reliability Marquette, Mich., and 2) provid- Isle Power Plant, but this agree- and ensuring the U.P.’s energy ing replacement electric genera- ment will help avoid long-term independence were announced tion in the U.P. to avoid a likely burdens on U.P. ratepayers while Jan. 13 by Governor Rick Snyder, federal mandate to pay half a increasing energy reliability and Attorney General Bill Schuette, billion dollars or more to remain the opportunity for future eco- Wisconsin Energy Corp., Upper dependent on out-of-state coal nomic growth.” Peninsula Power Co., Invenergy plants. According to a Jan. 13 Win Awenen Nisitotung 531 Ashmun St. MI 49783 Marie, Sault Ste. and Cliffs Natural Resources Inc. “Our primary goal is to protect See “UP Energy Crisis,” pg. 19 Christmas Cheer Brought to Tribal Children Ace Signs Allyn and Nadine Garavaglia Anderson Tackman Anonymous Anonymous Anthony Otis, Otis Elevator Autore Oil Blue Diamond Window Cleaning Campbell-Ramirez Company Chippewa Valley Bank Courtney Kachur Data Financial Delta Disposal Dennis McKevlie DJ Hoffman Econolodge of Manistique Interstate Maintenance Inc. James Halvorsen John V. Potero Enterprises Inc. John Wernet Joseph Hance Kandler, Reed, Khoury, Muchmore Kim Gravelle M & C Water Mackinac Environmental Technology Mackinac Straits Health System Mark’s Tire Miigwech Martin Waymire Medical Laboratories of Marquette Michigan Consultants Moore Trosper Construction Newberry Motors Oscar Larson Path’s Meats Inc. Pingatore Cleaners Plunkett Cooney PNC Bank Riverside Auto Sales We Thank our Roy Electric Sault Co-op Credit Union Friends & Family Shute Oil Company for collectively Stevenson Kepplemen Associates The TH Hackney Co contributing Travois Inc. UP Engineers $10,950 for our Upper Peninusla Concrete Pipe Company Upper Peninusla Health Plan 2014 Children’s War Memorial Hospital Waynes Electrical Services Christmas Parties. Wheeler Manufactring Co Miigwech. William and Monica Marsh January 23, 2015 • Win Awenen Nisitotung Notes and Notices Page 3 Sault Tribe Tax Office notice to members who registered in 2014 Please note the following The 4013 tax credit is based agreement area throughout 2014.
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