PROCEEDING SOCIETYE TH F SO , JUN , 1872E10 . VI. NOTICES OF MAJOR-GENERAL WILLIAM HOY, FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS OF CARLUKE AND OTHER SOURCES. BY D. R. KANKEN, ESQ., CARLTJKE. Every earnest student must have experience desire dth knoo et w more personae oth f l histor labourd yan Generaf so l bioe Royth - f 1o tha y nan graphica "le supplynotice Liveth m Eminenf n hi I o sf s.o t Scotsmen," published in 1835, a short notice of him will be found in an appendix— a notice which does not even fix the place of his nativity. In the accoune paristh f Carlukef o ho Eeve t th .y Db , r James Scott, written i nr Joh 1792Si r n fo Sinclair', s "Statistical Account, s statei t i " d that Eeve e nativparisha th th s . f Generad Stepheo ewa an ; y Eo ln Belf o l Eyemouth, who 1839n i , , wrot e articlth e e "Carluke e " Neth r wfo " Statistical Account of Scotland," mentions the place and date of birth. registee Th baptismf ro Carlukef o s , under the.yea rfollowe 1726th s -ha , ing entry: " WinJoho t . S n. Baptized 4 Eoy borns y wa , Ma , , M.ay 12. Capt. Walter Lockhart, and Gavin Muir, witnesses." General Eoy was therefore a Lanarkshire man. His father lived at Milton-head, in Car- luke parish, and was gardener as well as land-steward or factor in the servic e Hamiltonth f eo f Hallcraigo s ; and s sucha , s namhi , e occurs fre- quentl e sederunth n yi f heritorso t r Willia s actinSi a , r fo gm Gordon, r CharleM n so s s Hamiltohi d an n Gordo f Hallcraino Miltond an g , from 1739 appointeonwardss wa e H severan o d. l occasion transaco t s t busi- heritorse th r examplenesr Fo fo s chose.s 1742n i wa , e nh , sel"e o t th l kirk cloc d case; kan s appointe n 1746i "wa e h , d "to receive estimates for repairin bridge gth e neae Manse;th r requeste s n 1747i "wa e h , o dt " sel mans la y trees growing roun minister'e th d s yard wouls "a d make up a certain sum, &c., &c. He was ordained an elder of the kirk 3d July 1737 d die an ,df 1748 o towardd , en age e . sth Johd51 n Eoye th , General's grandfather, hel a similad r position unde e Hamiltonth r f o s Hallcraig; and his uncle, James- Eoy, acted in somewhat the same 1 See Notices of General Roy and his family, by D. E. Ranldn, Esq., Carluke, in Proceedingse th f volo . i . 145p , . NOTICE MAJOR-GENERAF SO L WILLIA3 56 M ROY. capacity under the Loekharts of Lee. The rh'st time the name of the parochiae eldeth f ro Joh occury y l an nregisterPoll-tae Ro n th si n i s xsi lisr 1695 yearfo o t tw , s befor e General'e birtth eth f ho s father, namely, 15th April 1697. The entry in the Poll-tax, list is as follows :—" Jo. roy servite Lory M do t rhallcraig—00.19.04. " William (General Eoy) and his "brother James were educated at the schoo theif o l r native parish unde r JohM r n Russell formee ,th r partlt ya grammae th r schoo s uncertaii f Lanark t o li d e nan ,th whethed ha e h r highebenefiy an f ro t scholastic trainingwels i t i l t knowbu ; n that James, his younger brother, hel bursare grammade th th n yi r schoo collegd an l e of Glasgow, founde e Countes n 173th i d y b 7 f Eorfaro s , from 1738 till 1751, and, after finishing hia studies, he held in 1756 an appointment at Shettleston Chapel of Ease; acted as assistant to the ministers of St Cuthbert's, Edinburgh r severafo , l years d ultimatelan ; s presenteywa d to the parish of Prestonpans in 1765, where he lived scarcely two years, his death occurring on the 3d of September 1767, at the age of 37. Durin e militargth y operation f 1745-o s suppreso t 6 e rebellionth s , headed by Prince Charles Stuart, from experience gained in conducting forcess hi forces face th wa ,t d upon the Duk f Cumberlaneo e d th tha y b t opening up of the country by good roads, and by a proper knowledge of its topographical features, military operations could be made more effective certaind an . Soon afte e Prince'th r s rou t Cullodena t survea , f Scotyo - lans accordingldwa y resolve s earlwa dy y uponengageRo . n thai d t important wora subordinat n ki e position s namhi r efo ,doe t occuno s r Arme th n yi Lismanr fo t y years after that time n 174I actey . 7Eo n d i the capacity of Deputy Quarter-Master in the survey corps—a post which havy ma e hele h d durin greatee gth r par f eigho t t years befor survee eth y was interrupted by the urgent need of forces for the protection of the patri- monial possessions of his Majesty in Germany, in which service he was called to take an active part, a movement ultimately involving Britain in war with France, which extended to North America and to India. plact fi recoro a et e e militarb Thidth y sma y progres e futurth f o es General firse Th t tim. e tha e namth t f Williao e appeary e mth Ro n i s Army List is in March 1757; and the following statement, compiled from successive army lists, comprehends almos l thaal t knows e i t th n no subject:— 4 56 PROCEEDING SOCIETYE TH F SO , JUNE 10., 1872. 1757. March.—Practitione r day)Engineerf o rpe . 3s t s(a 175714—Practitioney Ma . Engineersf o r s Ensig a ,e corps th f no , wit harme ranth Lieutenan s ya n ki t fromh 4t . January 1756. 1759. March. 17.—Sub-Engineer—Lieutenan Engineersf o t . 1759. September 10.—Engineer in Ordinary—Captain of Engineers. 1762. July 23.—Enginee Ordinary—Lieut.-Coln i r Armye th n i .. 1763. January—Deputy Quarter-Master in Germany. 1764-6.—Lieut.-Col Army—Captaie th n i . Engineersf no . 1767-90.—Deputy Quarter-Master General. 1777. August 29.—Colone Army—Captaie th n i l Engineersf no . 177830.—Commissary-Generay Ma . f Storeso l , provisio d foragan n e to all the forces at home and abroad. 1781. October 19.—Major-Genera Army—Capte th n i l Engineersf o . 1783. January 1.—Lieut.-Col. of Engineers—Major-Gen, in the Army. 1785. September 19.—Col Engineers—Major-Genf o . Armye th n i ,. 1786. November 15.—Colone f 30to l h Eoot—(name removed from Engineer's lists). 1790.—I Arme nth y Lis f thio t s year, General Eoy's name appears for the last time 17th on the list of Major- Generals. obituare th n I y notice "e timee Gentleman'th th n f ,i so s Magazined "an in the "Scots Magazine," he is represented as holding the position-of Colone Artillerf o l n chargyi e surve th f ef o Scotlany o n 1746i d , when only" twenty year f age d helo se Arm o placan ,th dn n yi e List n tilte l years later erron a , r carried forwar Watt'y b d s " Bibliotheca,- "e An "th nual Register," the " Lives of Eminent Scotsmen," &c., to the " Scottish Nation" of yesterday. During the survey it is well known that he acted under Lieut.-Colonel David Watson in quite a subordinate position. Of the services of General Eoy in the field, in that momentous period comprehendin latee gth rreig e year th f earlGeorgd o f n o an sy . pareII t reigofthe Georg nof e III., nothin knowgis n beyon resuldthe frequentof t engagement Germann i s combination yi n wit Prussiae th h n t armyBu . his scientific career can be more fully traced. With the peace of 1763, the Government had under consideration the scheme of a general survey of NOTICES OF MAJOR-GENERAL WILLIAM ROY. 565 the British. Islands, to be under the direction of General (then Colonel) Roy t nothinbu , s don gwa n twelv ei e year Americae f peaceth o s d an , n war put an end for the time to the project. The General was in Scotland n 176i 4 taking plan f Romao s n works d collectinan , g materias bi r fo l " Military Antiquities of the Bomans in Britain"—a "work of great merit, published three years after his death by the Antiquarian Society of London, of which he was a member. The survey of Scotland on which Roy had been long engaged with a corps of Engineers resulted in a work known Duke ath s f Cumberland'eo s map, execute scala n edo which afforded scop minutr fo e e details. This n mapmanuscripti , s preservei , e th n i d Ordnance Office, and although admitted to be imperfect in some respects, t certainli matchlesa s ywa s productio times it 1774n I r .n fo , undee th r title " Mappa Britannia?," produce &c.y Ro ,reduce a n do p thid sscalema , on a single sheet 18 by 23-| inches, a map which again appeared in the valuable posthumous work above referred to.1 General Roy was elected a member of the Royal Society 26th March, and admitte Aprih d 9t r thi lFo s1767 Societ.
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