USA Weightlifting University and 25 Under Championship

USA Weightlifting University and 25 Under Championship

USA Weightlifting University and 25 Under Championship 2016 Start List at September 12, 2016 (Entries Close) Alario Center, New Orleans, LA - September 22 - 25, 2016 Total moved down to best on Record Change ) Year 1st Wgt Best Best Ses Uni/U25 LastName FirstName of Best Total Entry Nat USAW # Event Coach Coach 1 Coach 2 University Club Code Flag Cat Sn C+J No Birth Mt 1 A Uni Seegert Megan 1998 48 73 88 160 160 183543 Ben Hwa Jenny Lam N/A San Francisco State University HASSLE FREE BBC SAFSU CA 2 A Uni Tanacredi Brooke 1991 48 67 80 148 148 188350 Danny Camargo Danny Camargo N/A Palm Beach State College Team O.C. PBSTC FL 3 A Uni/U25 McNames Shannon 1997 48 66 86 149 147 217761 Ryan Marciniszyn N/A N/A West Chester University of Pennsylvania EAST COAST GOLD W/L TEAM WCUPA DE 4 A Uni Keegan Kerri 1994 48 68 83 151 147 X 209663 Josh Brown N/A N/A State University of New York Unattached (New York) SUNYC NY 5 A Uni/U25 Montague Kaitlin 1992 48 67 82 149 147 217552 Rob Esposito N/A N/A Rutgers University Absolute Strength Gym RUTUN NJ 6 A Uni Sanchez Suzanna 1990 48 70 85 149 141 154480 Nick Musielak Nick Musielak Kyle Pierce Louisiana State University at Shreveport Beastmode Barbell LSUSW TX 7 A Uni/U25 Gonzalez Silvana 1991 48 58 73 131 131 196372 Chris Lofland Chris Lofland N/A University of Texas at Austin BlueWave Weightlifting UTAUS TX 8 A Uni Bennett Kelsey 1994 48 62 73 135 130 X 209996 Christopher Gartrell N/A N/A University of Arizona SAS Weightlifting Club UNOAZ MA 9 A Uni Morales Alexandra 1994 48 56 69 125 125 1008768 Seth Walker Seth Walker Thacher Riddle University of Texas at Tyler Atheo Barbell Club UVTXT TX 10 A Uni Young Destiny 1997 48 54 69 123 122 181505 Vance Newgard JAMES IRWIN N/A Northern Michigan university Unattached (Minnesota) NMIUN MN 11 B Uni/U25 Jennings Jenny 1997 48 51 65 116 116 X 207152 Dean Limb Dean Limb N/A U25 Klamath Barbell Club KLMBC OR 12 B Uni Schwarts Rachel 1996 48 51 64 114 114 220339 Ma Jianping Ma Jianping Matthew Barker Lindenwood University Lindenwood Lions LINDE MO 13 B Uni Garcia Rayanne 1998 48 47 65 112 112 X 201323 David Bray N/A N/A Texas State University 1409 STRENGTH AND PERFORMANCE TXSTU TX 14 B Uni/U25 Roller Rachel 1994 48 53 68 121 112 X 214970 Jake Sterny Jake Sterny N/A University of Colorado at Boulder Unattached (Colorado) UCOLB CO 15 B U25 Molina Katherine 1995 48 51 61 112 112 X 169089 Tyrone Harvey Tyrone Harvey N/A U25 Team Florida Orlando TMFLO FL 16 B Uni Granger Jessica 1990 48 53 58 111 111 X 1004763 Dan Brown Paul Castaneda N/A University of Indianapolis Lift Lab UNVIN IN 17 B Uni McArthy Nicole 1993 48 46 64 110 110 220333 Ma Jianping Matthew Barker Ma Jianping Lindenwood University Lindenwood Lions LINDE MO 18 B Uni Anzalone Jacqueline 1988 48 53 66 117 109 X 194549 Lesha Meyer N/A N/A Ohio University NOVEM BARBELL CLUB OHOUN OH 19 B Uni/U25 Nguyen Lucy 1992 48 44 64 108 108 X 1002011 Cara Heads Slaughter Cara Heads Slaughter N/A George Washington University CHFP Weightlifting Club GRGWU VA 20 B Uni/U25 Galang Camille 1992 48 50 58 108 108 X 204287 Matthew York N/A N/A American Military University 646 Weightlifting AMILI AZ 21 B U25 Garcia Desiree 1992 48 49 61 107 107 1002827 Jodi Vaughn Oziel Garcia N/A U25 Unattached (Texas) UNNTX TX 1 A U25 Batchelor Cortney 1991 53 88 107 193 187 156058 Max Aita Colin Burns Zygmunt Smalcerz U25 Gayle Hatch WLT HATCH CA 2 A Uni Delacruz Jourdan 1998 53 78 94 171 170 197712 Spencer Arnold Chris Coker Zygmunt Smalcerz Collin College Power and Grace Performance COLLI TX 3 A Uni/U25 Bramwell Kaija 1997 53 77 105 182 162 150551 Joe Micela ERIC BRAMWELL N/A BYU Performance One Weightlifting BYUNI AZ 4 A Uni/U25 Cribari Andi 1993 53 71 90 160 158 215134 Reggie Hodges Reggie Hodge N/A Cleveland State University PSP Weightlifting CLEST OH 5 A Uni/U25 Grantom Megan 1995 53 71 83 154 154 202112 Justin Thacker N/A N/A St. Louis Community College TEAM L.A.B. STLCC MO 6 A U25 Rottkamp Brittany 1991 53 65 81 146 145 X 220935 Sebastian Medina N/A N/A U25 Unattached (New York) UNNNY NY 7 A Uni/U25 Mai Tori 1996 53 65 75 140 140 X 1005205 Bradford Kim Bradford Kim N/A U25 Kim Barbell KIMBB TX 8 A Uni Sutter Malorie 1989 53 65 75 140 140 X 1003811 Jeffrey Pillars ROBIN GOAD DEAN GOAD SR University of Detroit Mercy Lily Weightlifting UNODM MI 9 A Uni/U25 Denum Susan 1991 53 65 83 146 140 X 1004625 Bradford Kim N/A N/A Houston Community College Kim Barbell HOUCC TX 10 A Uni/U25 McAmis Shannon 1995 53 61 81 142 138 X 170645 Michael DeGennaro N/A N/A University of South Florida Fortitude BBC UOSFL FL 11 A Uni Banik Mary 1994 53 64 76 140 137 200354 John Coffee N/A N/A Kennesaw State University Coffe's Gym KESTU GA 12 A Uni McIntosh Michaela 1998 53 58 78 136 135 179544 Jim Irwin Jim Irwin N/A Northern Michigan University Armstrong Falcons NMUWL MN 13 A Uni Witt Brittany 1992 53 64 81 145 135 X 219936 Chris Jeansonne Chris Jeansonne N/A Brazosport College Grind House Barbell BRAZO TX 14 A U25 McCuaig Katherine 1996 53 59 73 133 133 X 1002284 Alex Tellechea Alex Tellechea N/A U25 DOA Barbell DOABB FL 15 A Uni Amatulli Cayla 1994 53 59 74 133 133 168490 Ma Jianping Carl Penney N/A Lindenwood University Lindenwood Lions LINDE MO 16 A U25 Gochoco Jaclyn 1992 53 58 73 131 131 X 1007015 Robert Earwicker N/A N/A U25 LIFT 6 FOR 6 BARBELL CLUB LIFT6 CA 17 A Uni Yoshimura Sayuri 1991 53 55 75 130 130 X 1005915 Nghiep Dinh Nghiep Dinh N/A El Camino College Sense Gym ECAMC CA 18 A Uni Snyder Maria 1995 53 58 71 129 129 X 213992 Mychael Swenning Mychael Swenning N/A University of Colorado Colorado Springs Elite Function Fitness Barbell Club UCOCS CO 19 A Uni Tran Tram 1993 53 58 70 128 128 X 204308 Thomas Showers Thomas Showers Dennis Kline University of Wisconsin at La Crosse UW Lacrosse WLC UWLAX WI 20 A U25 Espinoza Stephanie 1992 53 60 75 135 125 X 211638 Jeremy Galo August Schmidt N/A Arizona State University Iron Athlete Weightlifting AZSTU AZ 21 A Uni Tran Sharon 1991 53 57 68 125 125 X 1002752 Christopher Francisco Christopher Francisco N/A Lake Erie College of Medicine, Bradenton Long Beach Weightlifting LECMB CA 22 A U25 Bristow Catherine 1991 53 53 71 124 124 X 1007518 Benjamin Bristow N/A N/A U25 Unattached (Idaho) UNNID ID 23 A Uni Dandurant Brianna 1990 53 56 72 127 124 X 211280 Ellyn Robinson Ellyn Robinson Lorie Blair Berkshire Community College Robinson Weightlifting BERKS MA 24 A Uni/U25 McBride Heather 1995 53 52 71 123 123 X 1010177 Bradford Kim N/A N/A University of Houston Kim Barbell UNOHU TX 25 A Uni Lippold Kumiko 1993 53 54 69 123 123 X 218514 Jake Rowell Jake Rowell Brandon Leary Virginia Commonwealth University RVA Weightlifting VACMU VA 26 A Uni DuMity Alexa 1992 53 56 67 123 123 X 1007610 Joe Micela Joe Micela N/A Arizona State University Performance One Weightlifting AZSTU AZ 27 A U25 Liu Rebecca 1991 53 64 82 146 140 211015 Frank Nguyen Frank Nguyen Ivan Berkowitz U25 Derive Barbell Club DRVBC TX 28 A U25 Valle Noelia 1994 53 58 65 123 123 X 1006192 Luke Siefert Luke Siefert N/A U25 Apesquad Weightlifting APESQ FL 1 A Uni Weichers Jordan 1993 58 81 112 192 192 200742 Jason Starks David Spitz Jason Starks University of Northern Iowa California Strength UONIA IA 2 A Uni Lemmen Stephanie 1988 58 88 100 185 185 151752 Joaquin Chavez Bob Morris Joaquin Chavez Centeral New Mexico Community College High Desert Athletics CNMCC GA 3 A Uni Roberts Danielle 1992 58 80 98 176 172 200224 Jeremy Shepard N/A N/A University of North Georgia EAST ALABAMA WEIGHTLIFTING UNNGA AL 4 A Uni/U25 White Leanna 1992 58 78 97 175 170 186551 Larry Hutchinson Edward Baker N/A University of North Georgia Coffee's Gym UNGEO GA 5 A U25 Chestnut Brittany 1991 58 81 96 177 168 218746 Bradford Kim Bradford Kim N/A U25 Kim Barbell KIMBB TX 6 A U25 Whitson Meagan 1991 58 72 94 166 166 191423 Melissa Knourek Bobby Sirkis N/A U25 Spoon Barbell Club SPNBC TX 7 A Uni Stockel Natalie 1995 58 77 94 168 166 137910 Vance Newgard CJ Stockel Meleisia Stockel Northern Michigan University Team Georgia NMUWL GA 8 A Uni Mina Alexa 1993 58 74 91 165 165 210359 Steve Titus Steve Titus N/A St. John Fisher College Team Western New York STJNF NY 9 A Uni Goad Sydney 1997 58 71 92 163 163 142870 John Coffee ROBIN GOAD DEAN GOAD SR University of West Georgia Coffee's Gym UNWGA GA 10 A U25 Hudson Heather 1991 58 68 90 158 158 X 215605 Sam Ernst N/A N/A U25 Unattached (Virginia) UNAVA VA 11 A Uni Pettey Suzie 1993 58 68 90 158 158 209721 N/A N/A N/A Middle Tennessee State University Unattached (Tennessee) MTNSU TN 12 A Uni Turner Taylor 1997 58 75 91 163 155 213218 Vance Newgard Joey Lippo Vance Newgard Northern Michigan University Vero Beach Weightlifting NMUWL MI 13 A Uni Matsushima Angelique 1996 58 69 83 151 151 186129 Ma Jianping Ma Jianping N/A Lindenwood University Lindenwood Lions LINDE MO 14 A Uni Marino Danielle 1992 58 64 87 151 151 214624 Michael Tromello Butch Pierson N/A Los Angeles Valley College Precision Barbell LAVCO CA 15 A Uni/U25 Hamilton Catherine 1992 58 69 82 150 150 X 208628 Juan Martinez Sean Waxman N/A Drexel University Waxman's Gym Weightlifting Club STMCC CA 16 A Uni/U25 McBride Megan 1991 58 69 81 150 150 X 155551 Rich Lansky Rich Lansky N/A University of South Florida Team Florida Gulfcoast USFLO FL 17 A Uni Ferster Kate 1996 58 70 90 160 150 203749 Regis Becker N/A N/A Pennsylvania State University Pittsburgh BBC PENNST PA 18 B Uni Oster Amanda 1995 58 70 83 150 145 X 1000664 Reggie Hodges Reggie Hodges N/A Baldwin Wallace University PSP Weightlifting BWALL OH 19 B Uni Goebel Hannah 1996 58 62 82 144 144 X 220308 Melissa Jutrus Melissa Jutrus

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