Tweet Archive on #sharp13 From 6/26/2013 - 7/29/2013 amndw2: Anyone have an up-to-date email address for UPenn's Rare Book & Manuscript Library? Just tried sending them an email & it bounced. #SHARP13 6/26/2013 8:14:50 PM iangadd: #sharp13 #guerrillaplenary #mbhsharp #itscoming #19daystogo 7/2/2013 4:58:37 PM SHARPorg: RT @iangadd: #sharp13 #guerrillaplenary #mbhsharp #itscoming #19daystogo 7/2/2013 5:00:12 PM lesliehowsam: RT @iangadd: #sharp13 #guerrillaplenary #mbhsharp #itscoming #19daystogo 7/2/2013 8:47:44 PM SHARPorg: SHARP 2013 is now just two weeks away! Preliminary programme here: http://t.co/tI1AJrXJRx Hashtag for the conference is #sharp13 7/3/2013 9:48:20 AM monicalmercado: @SHARPorg Wish I were able to attend #sharp13 in one of my favorite cities...but will be following along! 7/3/2013 7:50:37 PM SHARPorg: RT @monicalmercado: @SHARPorg Wish I were able to attend #sharp13 in one of my favorite cities...but will be following along! 7/3/2013 7:51:08 PM CorinnaNoRue: RT @iangadd: #sharp13 #guerrillaplenary #mbhsharp #itscoming #19daystogo 7/5/2013 6:10:55 AM CorinnaNoRue: SHARP Philadelphia is coming up fast! I'm testing all sorts of twitter fun for #sharp13 this morning #mbhsharp 7/5/2013 6:16:53 AM lesliehowsam: RT @CorinnaNoRue: SHARP Philadelphia is coming up fast! I'm testing all sorts of twitter fun for #sharp13 this morning #mbhsharp 7/5/2013 12:05:53 PM iangadd: #sharp13 #guerrillaplenary #mbhsharp #itscoming #16daystogo 7/5/2013 6:55:31 PM SHARPorg: RT @iangadd: #sharp13 #guerrillaplenary #mbhsharp #itscoming #16daystogo 7/5/2013 7:58:54 PM lesliehowsam: RT @iangadd: #sharp13 #guerrillaplenary #mbhsharp #itscoming #16daystogo 7/5/2013 11:37:52 PM CaseyBrienza: Only a couple of weeks till #SHARP13. I can hardly believe it! 7/6/2013 9:15:11 AM SHARPorg: RT @CaseyBrienza: Only a couple of weeks till #SHARP13. I can hardly believe it! 7/6/2013 9:20:09 AM lesliehowsam: @dolechner @mattrubery Sunny here and will be at #sharp13 I hope, but wish I could have been at you conference. 7/6/2013 1:36:12 PM dolechner: @lesliehowsam Have fun at #sharp13, will follow tweets! Thought of you yesterday viewing this at @NPGLondon. http://t.co/iJXmVgxcYU 7/6/2013 3:58:33 PM TheSpecialest: Looking forward to #SHARP13 more than any conference I've gone to in a while. I want to attend everything: https://t.co/cN5y4kBGVh 7/8/2013 11:09:04 PM CorinnaNoRue: The final program for #sharp13 is online: http://t.co/EIoEQLJKSe See you there! 7/10/2013 5:14:13 AM lesliehowsam: RT @CorinnaNoRue: The final program for #sharp13 is online: http://t.co/EIoEQLJKSe See you there! 7/10/2013 11:59:11 AM MichaelHancher: RT @CorinnaNoRue: The final program for #sharp13 is online: http://t.co/EIoEQLJKSe See you there! 7/10/2013 12:16:05 PM nickmimic: Final program for #SHARP13 now up. http://t.co/UDwBgGBK6s 7/10/2013 5:14:04 PM lesliehowsam: Program! #sharp13 http://t.co/ePvHkfhvVX 7/10/2013 5:16:03 PM Nicosia_Marissa: excited for the #sharp13 final program! http://t.co/CUvPOk1e3x come for @roaringgirle 's ¶, my manicules, and @whitneytrettien 's remix. 7/10/2013 5:19:21 PM whitneytrettien: RT @Nicosia_Marissa: excited for the #sharp13 final program! http://t.co/CUvPOk1e3x come for @roaringgirle 's ¶, my manicules, and @whit… 7/10/2013 5:20:06 PM MichaelHancher: RT @lesliehowsam: Program! #sharp13 http://t.co/ePvHkfhvVX 7/10/2013 5:21:07 PM monicalmercado: Still bummed to miss #sharp13 (& the lovely @praymurray!) but my archives are calling... MT ➡@lesliehowsam:Program! http://t.co/2snluUzSV9 7/10/2013 6:18:22 PM colonialip: “@lesliehowsam: Program! #sharp13 http://t.co/rPK9bl8WzV” LOL. I have established a new University! #sharp13 lists me as @ #UWindsor UK! 7/10/2013 6:58:42 PM CorinnaNoRue: @iangadd At least one of those 12 on Tues is looking forward to being marshalled! :-) I get to skip my last week of classes for #sharp13! 7/11/2013 3:57:10 PM CorinnaNoRue: We're looking forward to our panel e-1 #SHARP13 and to meeting you, @B00KE! @ILoveCopyright 7/12/2013 4:19:41 PM LboroPublishing: RT @CorinnaNoRue: We're looking forward to our panel e-1 #SHARP13 and to meeting you, @B00KE! @ILoveCopyright 7/12/2013 4:20:02 PM Anne_withanE: Getting excited about the upcoming SHARP Conference. Final program for #sharp13 http://t.co/Na3pVE5BO8 7/13/2013 1:25:51 PM SHARPorg: #sharp13 swag, via @sim1303 http://t.co/rYuiiCByKb 7/13/2013 11:20:01 PM iangadd: RT @CorinnaNoRue: We're looking forward to our panel e-1 #SHARP13 and to meeting you, @B00KE! @ILoveCopyright 7/13/2013 11:20:14 PM iangadd: RT @colonialip: “@lesliehowsam: Program! #sharp13 http://t.co/rPK9bl8WzV” LOL. I have established a new University! #sharp13 lists me as @ … 7/13/2013 11:20:25 PM iangadd: RT @Nicosia_Marissa: excited for the #sharp13 final program! http://t.co/CUvPOk1e3x come for @roaringgirle 's ¶, my manicules, and @whit… 7/13/2013 11:20:30 PM iangadd: RT @Anne_withanE: Getting excited about the upcoming SHARP Conference. Final program for #sharp13 http://t.co/Na3pVE5BO8 7/13/2013 11:20:38 PM SHARPorg: And there’s more… http://t.co/3dutaeNE94 #sharp13 7/14/2013 12:49:52 AM mjpaulusjr: Just downloaded the conference app & created my agenda for #sharp13. Weather comparison with Seattle noted!: http://t.co/WHv3eOWxWZ 7/14/2013 1:27:30 AM colonialip: “@SHARPorg: And there’s more… http://t.co/CjLSCd7GWF #sharp13” counting the days to #sharp13! 7/14/2013 2:48:43 AM CorinnaNoRue: Leaving on a jet plane for #sharp13! Advance kudos to Philly committee for the perfect prep as evidenced by various emails this weekend. 7/14/2013 6:15:46 AM JanHillgaertner: @CorinnaNoRue Lucky you! #sharp13 7/14/2013 9:02:28 AM lesliehowsam: RT @SHARPorg: #sharp13 swag, via @sim1303 http://t.co/rYuiiCByKb 7/14/2013 12:38:50 PM lesliehowsam: RT @CorinnaNoRue: We're looking forward to our panel e-1 #SHARP13 and to meeting you, @B00KE! @ILoveCopyright 7/14/2013 12:39:19 PM lesliehowsam: The all-important conference BAG! @SHARPorg: And there’s more… http://t.co/1XpcvU4DHW #sharp13” 7/14/2013 12:42:19 PM lesliehowsam: RT @CorinnaNoRue: Leaving on a jet plane for #sharp13! Advance kudos to Philly committee for the perfect prep as evidenced by various email… 7/14/2013 12:48:25 PM iangadd: #sharp13 #guerillaplenary #mbhsharp #oneweektogo 7/14/2013 7:28:36 PM SHARPorg: RT @iangadd: #sharp13 #guerillaplenary #mbhsharp #oneweektogo 7/14/2013 7:28:44 PM SHARPorg: #sharp13 archive is available here: http://t.co/JVkWRWjOZ1 7/14/2013 7:29:11 PM iangadd: RT @SHARPorg: #sharp13 archive is available here: http://t.co/JVkWRWjOZ1 7/14/2013 7:29:20 PM lesliehowsam: RT @SHARPorg: #sharp13 archive is available here: http://t.co/JVkWRWjOZ1 7/14/2013 7:44:12 PM wynkenhimself: Aside from the interesting content, the design of the @SHARPorg program is lovely! http://t.co/C5O4liw2Fr #SHARP13 7/14/2013 10:34:23 PM SHARPorg: RT @wynkenhimself: Aside from the interesting content, the design of the @SHARPorg program is lovely! http://t.co/C5O4liw2Fr #SHARP13 7/14/2013 11:42:33 PM lesliehowsam: RT @wynkenhimself: Aside from the interesting content, the design of the @SHARPorg program is lovely! http://t.co/C5O4liw2Fr #SHARP13 7/15/2013 12:14:04 AM EMDigAgendas: hey #SHARP13, #emda13 sounds like they're getting excited about our meetup mashup! 7/15/2013 5:00:41 PM wynkenhimself: @whitneytrettien Ooh, let’s talk fragments when we see each other at #sharp13! 7/15/2013 6:27:28 PM adamghooks: @wynkenhimself @whitneytrettien Ooh, I just picked that up from the library! Also, I’ll be hanging around #sharp13 so see you there. 7/15/2013 6:28:47 PM praymurray: @wynkenhimself @whitneytrettien Will be good to finally meet you two in person! #sharp13 7/15/2013 6:30:47 PM heatherfro: @profwernimont @wynkenhimself @adamghooks @whitneytrettien come hang out in Philly on Saturday! #emda13 #sharp13 7/15/2013 6:31:21 PM amndw2: Getting ready for #sharp13. Psyched to see so many of you tweeting about it already! 7/15/2013 6:36:37 PM iangadd: RT @EMDigAgendas: hey #SHARP13, #emda13 sounds like they're getting excited about our meetup mashup! 7/15/2013 8:33:15 PM CorinnaNoRue: Today's pre-#sharp13 book history highlight: "Little Golden Books" @amhistorymuseum. Check out the online exhibit! http://t.co/PDG27PhNoi 7/15/2013 9:42:20 PM dorothyk98: RT @wynkenhimself: Aside from the interesting content, the design of the @SHARPorg program is lovely! http://t.co/C5O4liw2Fr #SHARP13 7/15/2013 11:24:46 PM SHARPorg: RT @CorinnaNoRue: Today's pre-#sharp13 book history highlight: "Little Golden Books" @amhistorymuseum. Check out the online exhibit! http:/… 7/16/2013 1:22:39 AM nickmimic: DEATH CAB soundtrack to my #SHARP13 type and transatlanticism presentation did not make final cut. Probably for best, but a little bummed. 7/16/2013 2:19:14 AM offog: Getting ready for SHARP Futures meeting at the Library of Congress, to be followed by conference in Philly #SHARP13 7/16/2013 10:58:29 AM lesliehowsam: RT @nickmimic: DEATH CAB soundtrack to my #SHARP13 type and transatlanticism presentation did not make final cut. Probably for best, but a … 7/16/2013 11:26:58 AM SHARPorg: RT @nickmimic: DEATH CAB soundtrack to my #SHARP13 type and transatlanticism presentation did not make final cut. Probably for best, but a … 7/16/2013 11:31:44 AM SHARPorg: .
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