IPTV Headend Equipment Multicast streamers for IP broadband networks. For ‘connected’ television sets. Modular construction to suit AV inputs, terrestrial DVB-T inputs, satellite DVB-S inputs, as well as the distribution of satellite radio programs. Designed and manufactured by Messrs Ikusi of Spain. Sold and supported by Teletechnique of Beechmont in Queensland. BNS-200 RNS-101 SNS-100/101/102 TNS-100/101 CFP-702 2xAV to IP Sat Radio to IP DVB-S/S2 to IP DVB-T to IP Power Supply COF-700 BAS-700 SMR-601 PMR-601 OMR-601 BUS-013 AFR-150 14 Jacaranda Court, BEECHMONT QLD 4211, Australia Phone: +61-(0)7-3103-0750 - Fax: +61-(0)7-5604-1402 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.teletechnique.com - ABN 34 383 278 861 V/A to IP Streaming Equipment BNS200 Sheet Data REF. 5105 JJ DoubleJV/AJtoJIPJStramer. JJ Output:J1JorJ2JIP-encapsulatedJTVJbroadcastsJwithJindividualJ multicastJaddresses. JJ FilteringJofJinformationJcontainedJinJtheJMPEG-2Jtables. JJ UDPJandJRTPJtransmissionJprotocols. JJ WebJinterfaceJforJmoduleJconfiguration. JJ AlarmJinformationJSNMPJagent. JJ SAPJandJSDPJprotocolsJtoJfacilitateJautomaticJprogrammeJselectionJinJtheJ set-topJboxJandJtoJprovideJprogrammeJinformationJtoJexternalJservers. BNS-200 (2x)JVideoJ (CVBSJ-JPAL,JSECAM,JNTSC), Inputs (2x)JAudioJ A/V inputs (ANALOGUEJ-JMono,JST/Dual) 1 2 3 4 SNMPJsupportJ-Jtraps Yes V/A 1 V/A 2 V/A 1 V/A 2 QPSK IN QPSK IN QPSK IN QPSK IN QPSK IN QPSK IN VIDEO VIDEO VIDEOVIDEO M M M M O O O O N N N N O O O O AUDIO L AUDIO L AUDIO L AUDIO L +VLNB +VLNB +VLNB +VLNB +VLNB +VLNB CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM Input Section (V/A) AUDIO R AUDIO R AUDIO R AUDIO R VideoJinputJlevel Vpp (2x)J0.7J–J1.4 CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CFP-700 SYNCSTATUS SYNCSTATUS SYNCSTATUS SYNCSTATUS SYNCSTATUS SYNCSTATUS SYNCSTATUS SYNCSTATUS POWER VideoJinputJimpedance Ω (2x)J75 +12V +12V +12V +12V +12V +12V +12V +12V +24V +18V SNS-101 SNS-101 SNS-101 SNS-101 SNS-101 SNS-101 BNS-200 BNS-200 300 mA Ref. 5101 Ref. 5101 Ref. 5101 Ref. 5101 Ref. 5101 Ref. 5101 Ref. 5105 Ref. 5105 (22 KHz) DVB-S Þ IPTV DVB-S Þ IPTV DVB-S Þ IPTV DVB-S Þ IPTV DVB-S Þ IPTV DVB-S Þ IPTV DOUBLE DOUBLE STREAMER STREAMER STREAMER STREAMER STREAMER STREAMER V/A Þ IPTV STREAMER V/A Þ IPTV STREAMER +13V MaxJvideoJresolution PAL:J720JxJ576,JNTSC:J720JxJ480 300 mA (22 KHz) +18V 300 mA LAN LAN LAN LAN LAN LAN LAN LAN Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link +13V 300 mA Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act LAN LAN LAN LAN LAN LAN LAN LAN AudioJinputJlevel Vpp (2x)J0.5J–J4.0 ITOT (MAX) :700 mA AudioJinputJimpedance Ω (2x)J>J600 Codificación MPEG Power VideoJcoding MPEG-2JMP&ML,JMPEG-4JASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 AudioJcoding MPEG-1JLayerJII Ethernet switch Output Section (IP) IP NET Standard IEEEJ802.3J10/100JBaseJT BitJrate Mbps upJtoJ100 — Ejemplo de cabecera mixta BNS/SNS para cua- TransmissionJprotocols UDP/RTP tro fuentes locales audio/vídeo y seis transpon- No.JofJsimultaneousJstreams 2 dedores TV satélite digital. Contiene 2 BNS-200, Multicast Yes 6 SNS-102 y 1 alimentador CFP-500, instalados todos ellos en 1 base-soporte BAS-900. Esta J estación puede suministrar a la red IP hasta 48 Connectors cadenas TV (8 cadenas por streamer SNS) más VideoJconnection (2x)JfemaleJRCA 4 emisiones locales TV (2 de sonido mono y 2 AudioJconnection (4x)JfemaleJRCA sonido estéreo). DCJconnection bananaJsocket Configuration RSJ232/DB-9 EthernetJoutput RJ-45 J General SupplyJvoltage Vdc +12 Consumption mA 640 IndicatorJLEDs ONJ-JSTATUSJ-JLINKJ-JACT OperatingJtemperature °C 0J–J+45 Dimensions mm 230JxJ195JxJ32 TheJmoduleJisJpackedJwith: J -J1JDCJplugJbridge,J53JmmJlength,JforJconnectionJofJ+12JVdcJvoltage. ÁngelJIglesias,JS.A. FaxJ+34J943J44J88J20 PaseoJMiramón,J170 [email protected] 20009JSanJSebastián,JSpain www.ikusi.com Tel.J+34J943J44J88J00 DVB-S to IP Streaming Equipment RNS101 Data Sheet REF. 5112 JJ Free-to-airJorJMultiCryptJDVB-SJreception. JJ CommonJInterface. JJ UpJtoJ8JsimultaneousJIPJorJ28Jonly-RadioJprogrammes,J withJindividualJmulticastJaddresses. JJ FilteringJofJinformationJcontainedJinJtheJMPEG-2Jtables. JJ UDPJandJRTPJtransmissionJprotocols. JJ WebJinterfaceJforJmoduleJconfiguration. JJ AlarmJinformationJSNMPJagent. JJ SAPJandJSDPJprotocolsJtoJfacilitateJautomaticJprogrammeJselectionJinJtheJ set-topJboxJandJtoJprovideJprogrammeJinformationJtoJexternalJservers. RNS-101 FTAJorJMultiCryptJ DVB-SJ Reception (CommonJInterface,J EN5022) NumberJofJsimultaneousJ“RadioJ upJtoJ28 Programme”JstreamsJdelivered QPSK MaxJnumberJofJde-encryptedJ VariableJ RadioJProgrammes (CAMJdepending) SNMPJSupportJ-Jtraps Yes QPSK IN QPSK IN QPSK IN QPSK IN QPSK IN QPSK IN QPSK IN QPSK IN +VLNB +VLNB +VLNB +VLNB +VLNB +VLNB +VLNB +VLNB CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM DiSEqCJequippedJ(vers.J1.08) Yes CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CFP-500 Ref. 4429 POWER SUPPLY POWER SYNC STATUS SYNC STATUS SYNC STATUS SYNC STATUS SYNC STATUS SYNC STATUS SYNC STATUS SYNC STATUS +12V 5A +12V +12V +12V +12V +12V +12V +12V +12V +24V Input Section (QPSK/8PSK) 60mA RNS-101 RNS-101 SNS-101 SNS-101 SNS-101 SNS-101 SNS-101 SNS-101 Ref. 5112 Ref. 5112 Ref. 5101 Ref. 5101 Ref. 5101 Ref. 5101 Ref. 5101 Ref. 5101 DVB-S RADIO Þ IPTV DVB-S RADIO Þ IPTV DVB-S Þ IPTV DVB-S Þ IPTV DVB-S Þ IPTV DVB-S Þ IPTV DVB-S Þ IPTV DVB-S Þ IPTV STREAMER STREAMER STREAMER STREAMER STREAMER STREAMER STREAMER STREAMER LAN LAN LAN LAN LAN LAN LAN LAN FrequencyJrange MHz 950J–J2150 Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act LAN LAN LAN LAN LAN LAN LAN LAN InputJlevel dBm -65J–J-25 InputJloop-throughJgain dB 0J(±1) InputJsymbolJrate MS/s 2J–J45 Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Output Section (IP) switch Ethernet IEEEJ802.3J10/100J Standard BaseT RED IP BitJrate Mbps upJtoJ100 TransmissionJprotocols UDP/RTP — Example of a mixed SNS/RNS headend Multicast Yes for eight digital satellite TV transponders. J Contains 6 SNS-101 streamers, 2 RNS-101 Conectors and 1 CFP-500 power supply, all fixed on 1 RFJinputJ(loop-through) (2x)JfemaleJF BAS-900 baseplate. The headend can feed the IP network with 48 TV programmes (8 DCJconnection bananaJsocket programmes per SNS streamer) plus 56 Ra- CAMJentrance J–J dio programmes (28 programmes per RNS Configuration RS-232/DB-9 streamer). EthernetJoutput RJ-45 J General SupplyJvoltage Vdc +12 310J(withoutJCAM), Consumption mA 480J(withJCAM) MaxJDiSEqCJcurrent mA 300 ONJ-JSTATUSJ IndicatorJleds -JLINKJ-JACT OperatingJtemperature °C 0J–J+45 Dimensions mm 230JxJ195JxJ32 EachJmoduleJisJpackedJwith: -J1JFJplugJbridge,J64JmmJlength,JforJinputJtapJline. ÁngelJIglesias,JS.A. FaxJ+34J943J44J88J20 -J1JDCJplugJbridge,J53JmmJlength,JforJconnectionJofJ+12Jvoltage. PaseoJMiramón,J170 [email protected] 20009JSanJSebastián,JSpain www.ikusi.com Tel.J+34J943J44J88J00 (Television on IP Networks) «SNS» — DVB-S/S2 to IP Streaming Equipment CE DVB-S/S2 ➞ IP Streamers Model SNS-100 SNS-101 SNS-102 Reference 5100 5101 5113 DVB-S DVB-S/S2 Reception DVB-S FTA FTA or MultiCrypt (Common Interface - EN 50221) Maximum number of de-encrypted services Variable — (CAM depending) SNMP Support — traps No Yes DiSEqC equipped (vers. 1.08) No Yes Frequency range MHz 950 - 2150 SNS-100 Input Section Input level dBm -65 ... -25 (QPSK/8PSK)) Input loop-through gain dB 0 (±1) Input symbol rate MS/s 2 ... 45 Standard IEEE 802.3 10/100 BaseT Bit rate Mbps up to 100 Output Section Transmission protocols UDP / RTP (IP) No. of simultaneous streams up to 8 Multicast Yes RF input (loop-through) (2x) female F DC connection "banana" socket Connectors CAM entrance — slot Configuration RS 232 / DB-9 Ethernet output RJ-45 Supply voltage VDC +12 SNS-102 Consumption mA 260 CAM included: 480 (DVB-S) ,, 790 (DVB-S2) Max DiSEqC current mA — 300 General Indicator leds ON - STATUS - LINK - ACT Operating temperature °C 0 ... +45 Dimensions mm 230 x 195 x 32 Q CAM slot PSK IN +V LNB CAM ● Each module is packed with: CONTROL QPSK QPSK S - 1 F plug bridge, 64 mm length, for input tap line. YNC STATUS +12V - 1 DC plug bridge, 53 mm length, for connection of +12 VDC voltage. SNS-101 R ef. 5101 DVB-S Þ IPTV STR CAM EAMER LAN Link Act SNS-101/02 Operator's Smart Card Conax, Cryptoworks, Irdeto MS-0908 KeyFly, Mediaguard, Nagravision Viaccess, etc. SNS Headends QPSK IN QPSK IN QPSK IN QPSK IN QPSK IN QPSK IN QPSK IN QPSK IN +VLNB +VLNB +VLNB +VLNB +VLNB +VLNB +VLNB +VLNB An SNS headend for DVB-S/S2 to IP streaming includes: CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL CFP-500 - As many SNS streamers as there are DVB-S/S2 transponders whose Ref. 4429 POWER SYNC STATUS SYNC STATUS SYNC STATUS SYNC STATUS SYNC STATUS SYNC STATUS SYNC STATUS SYNC STATUS +12V 5A +12V +12V +12V +12V +12V +12V +12V +12V programmes one want to broadcast on the IP network. The SNS-101 or +24V 60mA SNS-101 SNS-101 SNS-101 SNS-101 SNS-101 SNS-101 SNS-101 SNS-101 Ref. 5101 Ref. 5101 Ref. 5101 Ref. 5101 Ref. 5101 Ref. 5101 Ref. 5101 Ref. 5101 DVB-S Þ IPTV DVB-S Þ IPTV DVB-S Þ IPTV DVB-S Þ IPTV DVB-S Þ IPTV DVB-S Þ IPTV DVB-S Þ IPTV DVB-S Þ IPTV SNS-102 must be utilized when the transponder transmits one or more STREAMER STREAMER STREAMER STREAMER STREAMER STREAMER STREAMER STREAMER LAN LAN LAN LAN LAN LAN LAN LAN Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act encrypted programmes that one want to de-encrypt; a CAM (Conditional LAN LAN LAN LAN LAN LAN LAN LAN Acces Module) containing an Operator's Smart Card must fit the front panel slot. CAM modules are not supplied by IKUSI. - One or more CFP Power Supplies. Power - One or more Rack-frames or Baseplates.
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