T h e Courier-Gazette. V olume 47. ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1892 N umber 24. 13,000 people, the home of many con­ OUTLOOK ATRIP INTO THE FAR WEST. STRAY DEER. VINALHAVEN’S TEACHERS teen terms at teaching, three ol them at sumptives and others having various CURRENT NEWS FROM ROCKPORT Mr. Blaine resigned in a fit of indig­ Vinalbaven. Fifty-One Hundred Miles In Twelve Days throat and lung troubles. The streets Several deer have been reaming about Brief Biographies of An Efficient Corps Susie C. K-lley was born nt Orono, Seasonable Happenings Served Up in Read­ and Nigtits. aro all 100 feet wide, and the avenues nation because the President interfered tile Headof-the-Bay the past week of Instructors. and graduated from Orono High School, able Form for Home Use. 140 feet wide, the houses of brick and in the Canadian Conference, say the They were seen near Burnham Sleeper nnd hnd special studies at Orono Col­ The Start—White Mountains and Their stone, very neat and tasty, tho hotels papers. Tuesday. ViNALnAVEx, .June 19, l.“92. lege. Sbo has taught in the State Re Industrial News That Shows Business Grandeur—Toronto and Its Attractive large and homelike, and the scenery MORE SALMON. We give below a short sketch of Activity — Local Notes Regarding Features—Doing Chicago—One of the A merchant vessel of 4500 ton hns just form school, and 25 terms in the public magnificent. Vinalhaven’s sohool teachers. They aro Things of Interest —The Week’s Giants of the West. been launched at Newport News. She J. M. Blaekington and John B schools. She has also been private At Manitou wo drank from each of nn excellent corps, and we warrant will Record of Personals. will carry freight between New York Howard caught two four pound salmon tutor to ex-Govcrnor Perham’s son. Mis9 the famous soda, sulphur and iron compare favorably with those of any Following is an abstract of the recent and New Orleans. in Alford’s Lake, Inst week. Other parties Kelley has charge of the school in Dis springs. We visited the Grand Caverns town, of our dimensions in the state. There was a baptism at the Baptist “talk” given by llev. C. S. Cummings were there and lost several fish by faulty trict No. 8, and lias taught three terms located in tho Pass above Rainbow Falls Much of the credit for such selections church last week. to the Epworth League, regarding his The English have given us a pointer tackle. in V inalbaven. at an elevation of more than 8000 feet; belong of course to our S. S. Committee, Veazie’s Band gave nn out of door recent western trip. It will be romem- on one long word—oleomnrgerine. ----------*♦.------- — Rose M. Stanley was born in Phillips, wo drove through the Garden of the AT Thomaston. who are practical men, deeply interested concert last Tuosday evening. bered that Rev, I. II, W. Wharff accom­ They have dropped the first two sylla­ was educated in the town schools of Gods; went to Cheyenne Canon; we in the schools, nnd engage the best panied him : bles, and it is now simply “margerine.” In the Supreme Judicial Court at A1 Phillips and Farmington Normal School. The Masonic Hall in the new block is walked along the foot of the cogwheel teachers that can be found for tho money In this brief time only a mere outline fred, Tuesday afternoon, Benjamin C She tenches in District No. 9. Has to be dedicated Thursday. 23d. railroad that ascends Pikes Peak, 14,147 nt their disposal. , of our trip West can bo given. We left President Harrison and Candidate for Godfrey of Limington was sentenced to taught 19 terms, two of them in Vinal­ Lumber is being hauled for Benj. feet high. Miss Josie Perkins, who taught last Rockland on the 4:50 a, m. train, Mon­ Vice President Reid are both graduates ten years in tho state prison for assnult hnven. Wooster’s new house 011 High street. Sunday we attended the Methodist term in District No. 1 was born in Cas­ day, May 9, and made close connection of Miami University, Oxford, O. Mi­ ing and robbing Town Treasurer Strout Hattie R. Carnes is n native of Vinal­ A slight shower Tuesday evening re­ Episcopal Church in the forenoon and tine. She attended the public schools in Portland with the train lor Montreal. ami ’Varsity is new probably holding hnven, was educated in the town joiced the hearts of our local gardeners. had the privilege of addressing a young SEVERE HAIL STORM. nnd the Eastern State Normal School. It was a perfect day and the ride through its head pretty high. schools and several terms at Eastern people’s m eeting in the sam e church in She lias taught, in all, four terms, one J. B Stratton is in charge of the pro­ the White Mountains was charming. Tuesday afternoon St. George was vis State Normal School. She has taught the evening. While in this city we nt Vinalhnven. perty at the Carleton House while it is The railroad crosses the path of the cole President Palacio of Venezuela is re­ ited by a violent bail storm. The stones in all six terms, four of them in Vinal- began to feel the exhaustion that some Agnes C.Hanley wns horn in Thomas­ closed. brated Willey slide, running along the ported to he a fugitive and that tlie Rev­ were the size of acorns some even liaven. Miss Carnes taught last term experience in this high attitude. Nose ton, and is a graduate from tho High A handsome granite wall has been bank of the Saco River to its head waters, olution will end with Crespo victor. It larger. The squall lasted about ten in D istrict No. 11. bleed and languor were the symptoms School of that town. She is employed built at tho western street corner of the passing through scenery that is equalled requires time and patience to keep trnck m inutes. M. Alice Robbins, assistant High on my part. in District No. 2, has taught six terms, Opera House. in no other place east of tho Mississippi. with South American Republic move­ School teacher, was horn at W .burn, Near midnight we started for Salida CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR. one of them being in Vinalhnven. The rails for the electric road nre That evening wo arrived in Montreal m ents. Mass., was graduated from Woburn arriving at 3 o’clock Monday morning. Grace Darling Noyes is a native of nearly all laid, only n small gap remain­ and in a few moments were quartered High School and attended Boston School At 3:80 wo took a train hack through A Belfast young man is charged with A meeting of the Christian Endeavor Castine. She graduated in 1889 with ing to be filled. in a gorgeous palace sleeping car be of Languages about two years. She tho Arkansas Canon, through the Roya obtaining a wife under false pre­ Societies of Knox, Lincoln and Sngada- highest honors from the Eastern State longing to tho Canadian Pacific Rail­ has taught fifteen terms in all, nine of A party of twelve went from here to Gorge, over tho Hanging Bridge, past tences. Tho girl was under ago and it hock will be held in this city July 1 to Normal School. The term just closed road, and on our way west. This great them at Vinalbaven. Senrsmont Sunday of last week and took snow white Cotopaxi, to Pueblo where is claimed he forged the lady’s father’s perfect a District Union. There are some in Sub-primary District No. 3, is tho rnilroad, more than 5000 miles in extent, Charles E. Perkins, principal of Vinal­ dinner at the hotel. we stopped over a train and got bronk- name to a written consent. The young fifteen societies in the three counties. sixth she has tnught, nnd third one at is one of the best in America The profits hnven High School, wns born in Ells­ The Rockport Railroad Co. received fast man is now in jail. Rev. A. F. Donnells of Bath is Presi­ Vinalhnven last year were more than $11,000,000. worth in 1852. When he was ten, his a cargo of soft wood last week by Sch. After looking over this citv of 40,000 dent and tho Presidents of the various Fannie W, Tapley, who teaches the parents moved to Lamoine, where he East Wind for their engines. people with its vast smelting works we Tuesday’s heat was something terrific societies are the Vice Presidents of the Primary School in District No. 3, was CITY OF TORONTO. was educated in tho town and High returned te Denver and Monday night all over the country, and many deaths District Union. born nt West Brooksville, and The ladies of the Fred A. Norwood Tho next morning wo were in Toronto, School. Ho also studied Latin with a went to Longmont to visit the Rov. F. from sunstroko are reported in the larger graduate of the Eastern State Normal Relief Corps held an ice cream sociable a city of 190,000 people, soon to be the FAREWELL ALLIGATORS. private instructor. He lias taught in II. Osgood of Maine and the next morn­ cities. This will turn the attention of School. She is a very successful teacher, at their hall last Tuesday evening. chief city of British America. The entiro every grade from Primary to High ing were in Denver again where at 9 city people toward the cool sea coast of Several weeks ago two alligators ar­ nnd ten of the fourteen terms she has Benehamp Circle, C.
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