2010 Annual Report HOPE HOPE Project ENDURES International Headquarters Washington, D.C. Office | Project HOPE 7500 Old Georgetown Road 255 Carter Hall Lane Suite 600 ENDURES HOPE Millwood, Virginia 22646 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 800 544-HOPE (4673) 301 656-7401 540 837-1813 (fax) 301 654-0629 (fax) www.projecthope.org | Project HOPE United Kingdom Project HOPE e.V. Report Annual 2010 B10 1-3 Ironbridge Road Hummerichs Bitze 13 Stockley Park West 53229 Bonn Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1BT Germany United Kingdom www.projecthope.org HOPEHOPEHOPEHOPEHOPE ENDURESENDURESENDURESENDURESENDURES WhereverWhereverWherever Whereverthe the the need the needneed needisthe isgreatest,is needgreatest, is greatest, is you greatest, youyou will willyou willfind you find willfind willHOPE. find HOPE.findHOPE. OurHOPE. HOPE. Our missionOur mission OurOurmission at missionProjectatmission Projectat atProject HOPE atProject HOPEProject isHOPE to HOPEis toHOPE is is to to is to provideprovideprovide lasting lasting providelasting lasting solutions solutions solutionslasting solutions tosolutions totheto the theworld’sto world’s totheworld’s the mostworld’s world’smost mostcritical critical mostmost critical health criticalhealthcritical problems.health healthproblems. health problems. problems.Our problems. Our work workOur Ourtakes takesOurwork us to uswork takes takes to us takesus to us somesome three threesome dozen dozen three countries countries dozen oncountries onfive five continents, on continents, five continents, to todeliver deliver tohealth deliverhealth care, care,health health healthcare, education healtheducation educationand and and to someto some three three dozen dozen countries countries on fiveon five continents, continents, to deliver to deliver health health care, care,health health education education humanitarianhumanitarianhumanitarian assistance assistance assistanceto tothose those whoto who those need need whoit most.it need most. But it But most.what what Buttruly trulywhat distinguishes distinguishestruly distinguishes Project Project Project andand humanitarian humanitarian assistance assistance to thoseto those who who need need it most. it most. But Butwhat what truly truly distinguishes distinguishes HOPEHOPE is notisHOPE not just just iswhere not where just we we go,where go, but butwe our go,our enduring but enduring our impactenduring impact on impactonthe thepeople onpeople the we peopleserve.we serve. Inwe places Inserve. places In places devastatedProjectdevastatedProject HOPEdevastated by HOPE by war, war,is naturalnot isbynatural not justwar, disasters just wherenaturaldisasters where andwe disasters and go,wepoverty, poverty,butgo, and but ourwe poverty, wemakeenduringour make enduring awe long-term a make impactlong-term impacta long-termcommitment on commitment the on people thecommitment topeople suswe to- serve.sus we -to serve. susIn - In tainableplacestainableplaces devastated care. tainabledevastatedcare. We We traincare.by train war,by healthWe war,health natural train professionalsnatural professionalshealth disasters disasters professionals and and and educateandpoverty, educate poverty,and communities weeducate communities make we makecommunities a long-termto afightto long-term fight intractable to commitment intractablefight commitment intractable to to diseases.sustainablediseases.sustainable Wediseases. We care.provide provide care. WeWe lifesaving Wetrain providelifesaving train health medicallifesaving health medical professionals care professionalsmedical care and and immunizations care andimmunizations and andeducate immunizations educate to communities the to communities themost mostto vulnerable. the tovulnerable. most fight to vulnerable. Wefight intractable We intractable We equipdiseases.equipdiseases. medical medical Weequip We providefacilities medicalfacilities provide lifesavingand facilities and lifesavingimprove improve andmedical health improvemedical health caresystems systemshealth careand to andimmunizations systems serveto serveimmunizations for to foryears serve years to forto come. to yearsthe come.to most Wherever theto come.Wherever most vulnerable. Whereverwe vulnerable. we We we We work,equipwork,equip wemedical we establish work,medical establish facilitieswe a establishfacilitieslegacy a legacy and of a effectiveof andimprovelegacy effective improve of and effectivehealth and compassionate health compassionate systems and systems compassionate to care serve careto for serve forforthe care yearsthe future.for for future. years to the That come. future.toThat way, come. Whereverway, Thatour Whereverour way, weour we workwork,workwork, endures--and we endures--and workweestablish establish endures--and HOPE a HOPElegacy a legacyendures. HOPEendures.of effective of effectiveendures. and andcompassionate compassionate care carefor the for future. the future. That That way, ourway, our workwork endures endures — and— and HOPE HOPE endures. endures. 4.4. 4. 5. 5. 5. ~Message from the President and CEO ~ ~Letter from the Acting Chairman ~ As I’m sure you would agree, 2010 was another challenging year. Despite glimmers of Project HOPE has a rich history of leaders whose vision and dedication to the organization has improvement, the global economy continued to experience adversity. Then, of course, there enabled it to endure and flourish for more than a half century to address the health care needs was the horrific earthquake in Haiti, followed by a deadly outbreak of cholera just months later. of those in need around the world. And throughout the world, the number of people suffering from diabetes and other chronic I am honored and humbled to join the leadership of Project HOPE. As I begin my illnesses continued to increase. service as Acting Chairman of the Project HOPE Board of Directors, I want to acknowledge In the face of these seemingly insurmountable challenges, HOPE endures. Not only and express my gratitude, on behalf of the entire HOPE family, to the current Board is Project HOPE needed today more than ever, but hope shines eternal in the faces of literally Chairman, Charles A. Sanders, M.D. For 20 years, the last 18 as Chairman of the Board, Dr. thousands of those with whom I met throughout the year. Sanders’ steadfast service has been a reflection of his enduring commitment to this wonderful In 2010, I visited our people and programs in Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua and organization. China. I had the privilege of meeting, in person, those that are benefitting from HOPE’s A testimony to Dr. Sanders’ dedication to HOPE was the recent ground-breaking of health education and humanitarian aid efforts. I met local health care workers that now have a new oncology tower at the Shanghai Children’s Medical Center. Dr. Sanders’ leadership was the knowledge to provide better care for women and children in their communities. I was instrumental in the development of the Medical Center, which opened its doors just 12 years privileged to meet women that are raising healthier families because of our community-based ago and today is the world’s leading hospital for pediatric cardiac surgery. Another tribute to health education programs. And I spoke with doctors and nurses who trained at state-of-the-art his continuing legacy was the opening of the Basrah Children’s Hospital in Iraq in October. facilities supported by Project HOPE and who are now sharing their expert knowledge with With his support, Project HOPE is giving children in developing countries around the world their peers in rural settings. opportunities for better health. HOPE could not endure and achieve its success in improving the health of people Project HOPE’s work continues to be in great demand overseas and in our own around the world without the dedication and loyal support of its donors. country. Health Opportunities for People Everywhere remains at the core of our mission. I In addition to meeting the inspiring beneficiaries of our programs, I had the honor of look forward to joining Dr. Sanders in working with the HOPE Board of Directors and staff greeting and thanking several of these donors. I met a young boy from Boston who collected to fulfill this mission. money in a cigar box to send to children less fortunate in Haiti. I sat across the table from CEOs Also, I am grateful for your support which allows HOPE to provide access to medicine whose companies generously made multi-million dollar commitments to support HOPE’s and care for children, women and families. On behalf of those we serve, thank you for your lifesaving programs. Whether it is the humble offering of a child or the great commitment of a enduring support. major corporation, both kinds of gifts allow HOPE to endure. On behalf of the entire Project HOPE family, thank you for the trust and the support that allow us to provide enduring solutions to the world’s most critical health needs. Richard T. Clark Chairman, Merck & Co., Inc. Acting Chairman, Project HOPE John P. Howe, III, M.D. President and CEO COMBATING DISEASE In the fight against the diseases that plague much of the developing world, education and early detection mean the difference between life and death. That’s why Project HOPE remains committed to educating people on virtually every continent about the need to prevent, recognize and seek timely treatment for the world’s deadliest diseases. Diabetes is an emerging global epidemic, affecting some 285 million people. In developing countries, fewer than half of all people with diabetes are diagnosed. Many avoid diabetes screening,
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