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Mr /X d'-' :% /*» *aŒ Serving th e Canadian physics com m u nity since 1945 / Au service Wom en in Physics de la communauté canadienne de physique G e n d e r a n d D i v e r s i t y a t W o r k depuis 1945 Les f e m m e s e n p h y s iq u e w) Canadian Association of G e n r e e t d i v e r s i t é a u t r a v a il Physicists / Association canadienne des physiciens et physiciennes www.cap.ca Join the Fun Joignez l’amusement Art of Physics Concours l’Art Competition de la physique You are invited to enter the competition (open Vous êtes invités (es) à participer (aux catégories ouverte or high school categories) by capturing in a ou école secondaire) en photographiant un phénomène photograph a beautiful or unusual physics physique magnifique, ou particulier, et en rédigeant un phenomenon and explaining it in less than court texte explicatif de moins de 200 mots, en termes 200 words in terms that everyone can understand. simples et à la portée de tous. The emphasis of this contest L’accent de ce concours est de is not so much on having a pouvoir expliquer le principe high level of physics général de la photo soumise comprehension as it is on plutôt que de démontrer un being able to explain the niveau élevé de compréhension general principle behind the de la physique. L’échéance pour photograph submitted. les inscriptions individuelles Individual (open and high ouvert et école secondaire) school) and high school class et scolaires (voir formulaire entries are invited up until d’inscription/règlements à April 15 each year (see http://www.cap.ca/fr/activites/ http://www.cap.ca/ lart-de-physique) est fixée au en/activities/art-physics 15 avril chaque année. for entry form and rules). Notez bien que toutes les Please note that all entries inscriptions doivent être des must be original artwork oeuvres originales du produced by the participant. participant ou de la participante. Winning entries will form part of Reflection in Glass Les soumissions gagnantes feront our Art of Physics exhibition which partie de notre exposition L’Art de may be on display at the Canada 2nd Place (IYL2015 Category) la physique au Musée des sciences Science and Technology Museum, - 2015 competition et de la technologie du Canada et and may appear as a cover on our auront une chance de paraître sur la publication, Physics in Canada. by Jonathan Lew, couverture d’un numéro de La Physique They will also be posted on our Burnaby, British Columbia au Canada. Elles seront également Art of Physics website at (see http://www.cap.ca/aop/aop/Reflection2015.html) affichées sous la rubrique L’Art de la http://www.cap.ca. physique du site web de l’ACP à l’adresse suivante: http://www.cap.ca. We hope you will take advantage of Nous espérons que vous profiterez de this opportunity to explore the art cette occasion d’explorer l’art de la of physics by submitting entries for physique en soumettant une oeuvre the next competition. pour la prochaine compétition. Physics in Canada Canadian Association of Physicists La Physique au Canada Association canadienne des physiciens et physiciennes Volume 71 No. 2 (2015) www.cap.ca 63 Foreword - Women in Physics: Gender and Diversity at Work, by Adriana Predoi-Cross, Gillian Butcher, and Shohini Ghose, Guest Editors 64 Preface - Les femmes en physique : genre et diversite au travail, par Adriana Predoi-Cross, Gillian Butcher, et Shohini Ghose, Redactrices honoraires 66 International Conferences on Women in Physics (ICWIP), by Gillian Butcher, Adriana Predoi-Cross, and Shohini Ghose 69 Is There a Land of Equality for Physicists? Results from the Global Survey of Physicists, by Rachel Ivie and Susan White 74 Against the Stereotype Threat, by Arundhati Dasgupta and Veronique Pierron-Bohnes 77 Will Mentoring Bridge the Gender Gap in Indian Science?, by Anitha Kurup 81 Towards Gender Equity in Physics: Gendered and Gender-neutral Interventions, by I 2 Prajval Shastri < Q An Eclectic Historical Perspective on Advancing Women in Physics, by I ! I ^ 85 a . a Beverly Karplus Hartline, Mildred S. Dresselhaus, and Judy Franz E y 90 Girls and Physics: Four Contrasting National Situations, by Ann Marks, Cathy Foley, Adriana Predoi-Cross, and Nora Berrah 94 Increasing Girls’ Participation in Physics: Education Research Implications for Practice, by Marina Milner-Bolotin 98 Education in Brazil, by Marcia C. Barbosa Cover / Couverture : Group photograph 101 Imaginative Methods in Science Education, by Physics In Canada La Physique au Canada at the 5th IUPAP Dina Izadi, Nona Izadipanah, Masoud Torabi Azad, and International Con­ ference on Women Cesar Eduardo Mora Ley in Physics held in Waterloo in August 2014. TheConfer- ence was attended by 215 scientists from 52 countries. (See article by U S FEMMES EN PHYSIQUE G. Butcher et al. in this issue - pg. 66). Photographie de groupe prise en août Advertising rates and specifications (effective January 2015) as well as subscription and single issue 2014 a Waterloo durant la 5 eme Con­ order forms can be found on the CAP website (www.cap.ca -> Publications - > Physics in Canada). férence internationale des femmes en physique. 215 scientifiques venant de Les tarifs et dimensions des publicities (en vigueur depuis janvier 2015) ainsi que les formulaires 52 pays ont assisté à la conférence. d ’abonnement et de commande de numéros individuels se trouvent sur le site internet de l’ACP (Voir l’article par G. Butcher et al. dans (www.cap.ca -> Publications -> La Physique au Canada). ce numero -p . 66). La Physique au Canada / Vol. 71, No. 2 (2015 ) · i In Memoriam: Peter Egelstaff (1925-2015), 105 PHYSICS IN CANADA by Chris Gray LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA 109 Departmental, Sustaining, Corporate and Institutional Members / Membres départemen­ The Journal of the Canadian Association of Physicists taux, de soutien, corporatifs et institutionnels La revue de l'Association canadienne des physiciens et physiciennes 110 Interview with Mario Pinto, NSERC ISSN 0031-9147 President, on February 19, 2015 by Barbara EDITORIAL BOARD / COMITÉ DE RÉDACTION Editor / Rédacteur en chef Frisken, CAP Director of Academic Affairs / Bêla Joos, PPhys Physics Department / Département de physique, Univ. of / d'Ottawa Entrevue accordée par Mario Pinto, 15Ö Louis Pasteur Avenue Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5 (613) 562-5800 x6755; Fax: (613) 562-5190 president du CRSNG, le 19 fevrier 2015, Email: [email protected] a Barbara Frisken, directrice - Affaires Associate Editor / Rédactrice associée Managing / Administration academiques de l ’ACP Francine M. Ford c/o CAP/ACP; E-mail: [email protected] Opinion - Open letter to Mario Pinto, Book Review Editor / Rédacteur a la critique de livres 116 Richard Marchand c/o CAP / ACP by Richard MacKenzie Suite.Bur. 112, Imm. McDonald Bldg., Univ. of / d'O ttaw a, 150 Louis Pasteur, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5 Email: [email protected] 117 Congratulations / Felicitations Advertising Manager / Directeur de la publicité Michael Steinitz, PPhys Department of Physics 2015 Art of Physics Competition / Concours St. Francis Xavier University, P.O. Box 5000 118 Antigonish, Nova Scotia B2G 2W5 (902) 867-3909; Fax: (902) 867-2414 l ’Art de la Physique 2015 Email: [email protected] Board Members / Membres du comite : Rene; Roy, phys 122 Books Received / Livres recus Departement de physique, de genie physique et d'optique Universite Laval Cite Universitaire, Quebec G1K 7P4 (418) 656-2655; Fax: (418) 656-2040 124 Book Review / Critique de livre Email: [email protected] David J. Lockwood, PPhys Institute for Microstructural Sciences National Research Council (M-36) Montreal Rd., Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6 (613) 993-9614; Fax: (613) 993-6486 Email: [email protected] Robert Thompson, PPhys Dept. of Physics and Astronomy University of Calgary, 2500 University Dr. NW Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4 (403) 220-5407; Fax: (403) 289-3331 Email: [email protected] Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) Adriana Predoi-Cross Association canadienne des physiciens et physiciennes (ACP) Dept. of Physics and Astronomy University of Lethbridge Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 3M4 The Canadian Association of Physicists was founded in 1945 as a non-profit association (403) 329-2697; Fax: (403) 329-2057 representing the interests of Canadian physicists. The CAP is a broadly-based national network Email: [email protected] of physicists in working in Canadian educational, industrial, and research settings. We are a Richard MacKenzie Departement de physique strong and effective advocacy group for support of, and excellence in, physics research and Universite de Montreal, C.P 6128, Succ. centre-ville Montreal, Quebec H3C 3J7 education. We represent the voice of Canadian physicists to government, granting agencies, (514) 343-5860; Fax: (514) 343-7357 and many international scientific societies. We are an enthusiastic sponsor of events and Email: [email protected] activities promoting Canadian physics and physicists, including the CAP's annual congress and Daria Ahrensmeier national physics journal. We are proud to offer and continually enhance our web site as a key Simon Fraser University Teaching and Learning Centre, 8888 University Drive resource for individuals pursuing careers in physics and physics education. Details of the many Burnaby BC V5A 1S6 (778) 782-9544 activities of the Association can be found at http://www.cap.ca. Membership application forms Email: [email protected] are also available in the membership section of that website. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION / ABONNEMENT ANNUEL : $45.00 Cdn + GST or HST (Cdn addresses), L'Association canadienne des physiciens et physiciennes a ete fondée en 1946 comme une $45.00 US (US addresses); $50.00 US (other/foreign addresses) association a but non-lucratif représentant les interets des physicien(ne)s canadien(ne)s.
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