w ” 1 I r l WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1967 PAGE THIRTY^IX 'E M I M M R a ^onrh^Bter lEttrnfns ^i^raUi M M irn iM le Weather j Z. very ooM ton||)it LoW ^ ' ' Or. Richard A. Underwood of The Mountain Laurel Chapter' as, 1887 ^teethe. Friday oonslder- A lS o u t T o Wd the Hartford Theological Semin­ of Sweet Adelines will Host at a Trith modaratlaw ary win speak on "Phnopophy,. buffet supper tomorrow at 7:80 1 5 ,5 4 4 emperaturea. HlRh 88 to 40. Religion and the PsyenedeUc I ■t Robot l4MinM ot the Ken- p.m. at the Russian-American Manchettor ' A Ciiy of VUiage Charm ehaoter PoUoe Deputment will Experience” at a Manchester . National Center, 211 Wethers­ fb V s Week at House and Hale Is Community Oonege convocation field Ave., Hartford. Guests of ^Mok OB "OoBerml Police Work (CilaesWMdZlAdvertteing on Page PRICE SEVEN CBNIB aad Safety;' at a meeting of tomorrow at 8 p.m. in BaUey honor wiil be the Chamsonettes /VOL. LXXXvn, NO. 40 . (Tj¥ENTY-FOUR PAORS—TWO SBCHONS) MANOHESTER, OONN:^THURiroAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1967 the Waaktecton School PTA next Auditorium, Manchester |Iigh jquartet of which Mrs. Da'vld TnoBlay at 8 p.m. *n the cafe­ School. There , la no charge for Gunas of Manchester is a mem­ HOUl ' teria. Refteabmenta will be the lecture, to which the pubUc ber. Members are reminded to ~ >1 aeiYcd. is invited. call Mrs. Frank Hynes, 280 Main Steak Bargain St., for reservations. A square dance wlU be held 'BESTFORM ' Kennedy Qualms over LBJ WASHING’rON (AP)—The Oab Scoot Pack <8 of Lincoln at Coming HaU, 1180 Main St., Interior Deportment said to­ School wia qxHwor a Penny Orford Parish Chapter, DAR, day It has a bargain for Saigon Halts Execution East Hartford, Friday from ,7 Fair tonight at 7 a t the'achod will have a food sale at Mott’s budget-conscloua housewives audUctluni. The erent will In­ to 10 p.m. It is sponsored by Super Market, 587 E. Middle Girl Scout Troop 2 of Manches­ looking for meat bargains— clude gamea, food and a wlah- Tpke., on Friday from 8 a.m. HALE Boost Chances for McCarthy steaks for 40 cents a pound. Ug; wen. The fair la open to ter,^ Girl Scout Troop 780 of Bast to noon. Chairman is Mrs. John Hartford and the Young Peo­ WEEK For that price families Cuba, their famiUea and frienda. C. Rleg. She is assisted by Mrs. tine* WASHINGTON (AP)— Kennedy also said If he were era a chance to exert the kind of ple’s Fellowship of St. John’s could feast on elk filets or C. Hoyt StUson, Mrs. Basil T. More nnd mor. woman nro choo.ino "BESTFORM" girdle, and bro.. ^ Sen. Robert P. Kennedy’s Johnson he’d consider Mo- pressure he thinks might cause buffalo prime ribs. Church in .East Hartford. Tic­ t « S J Johnson to change his course in Of V iet Cong T errorists The Dlaabled American-Vet- Nodden and Mrs. Harold L. a'ro most offoctlva In figure eonfrol, with a garment for ovCry noad, and whom can you boat bint that he might alter The department ssdd any­ kets are avaUable from mem­ Preston. Vietnam. eiana Auxiliary will meet to- bers of the above organisations' those low prices considering the quality. hft announced support of think he’ll (McCarthy) receive one interested can order a idght at 7:80 at the VFW Home. “Vietnam Is an important Is­ whole buffido caresuss, un­ or may be purchased at the President Johnson to 1968 .^pp^rt amund the coun- sue and it can’t be pushed try. I think from the people I’ve frozen, for $180 or an elk door. Miss Patricia Graves, police­ adds now drama to the po- Eislde,” he said. “It la the kind cEUxmsa for $80. Freezing The Board of Directors of the woman with the Manchester tential opposition' candi- talked to, in CaUfomla, New ot Usuc thEd should be present­ SAIGON (AP) — Premier adds $20 to the cost. No cuts Nguyen Van Loc today re­ Manchester Scholarship Foun­ The "New Prophets”, a group Police Department, will be GIRDLES and BRAS TO SUPPORT and FLATTER ANY TYPE OF FIGURE dacy of .'Minneeota Demo- England, the Midwest, he’ll ed squarely to the people under smaller than a half carcass dation win meet tomorrow at of folk singers, entertained the guest speaker for the Girls cratic Sen. Eugene J. Me- have some siq>port.” the established procedures of prieved three convlctod Viet ■ will be sold. ^Oong te rro ri^ who were szdied- 8;S0'p.m. at the Chamber of Manchester WA’TES last night Friendly Sponsors on Friday at O arthy. Kennedy was Interviewed on American politics. Orders should be directed Commerce. at the Italian American Club. 7:80 p.m. at St. Mary’s Epis­ the CB8 BSvenlng News. 'uled to dleTlofero a firing squad >' Kennedy said Wednesday that ”It has got to be presented to the manager of the hT- in a Saigon pmbn at dawn 9fl- The boys, all of Manchester, copal Church in Neill Hall. Hos­ MCOartliy la likely to generate McCarthy has said he 'was- with personal identification. It chita Mountains WUdllfe are Tom Nixon, Gary Jodotn, tesses are Mrs. Maurice Lam­ day. Cub Scout Pack 47 of South color coordinated by Bestforyn- some Important backing if he considering getting In to the urn’t be dealt with as eoi ab- Refuge In Cimhe, Oklk,, The Viet Cong’s riandesfine Methodist Church will meet Fri­ Gary Touell, Mark Jeske and bert, Miss Edna Kennedy and enters presidential primaries as race Ibr the Democratic noml- street Issue. If It Is Identified which is cutting down ite Dick Podohiy. Mrs. Jesse Bettinger. radio bad threatened reprisal, day at 7 p.m. in Cooper Hall. an outqxtken opixment to John­ natton because he felt Kenne­ with 8 personality In the pri­ herds ot elk and buffalo. The qayliqc: ’"The U.S. aggressors . e "Show-Off” Long-Leg Girdle son’s Vietnam war perries. dy’s EuuHMinced intention of siq;>- maries the people can make purchaser pays the ship­ and the Thieu-Ky (government) 1 Asked how a McCarthy candi­ porting Johnson left a 'vacuum their judgment.” ping cost cUque must account for the dacy would affect hla previously In which voters had no direct McCarthy said personal politi­ Uves of the three South Viet­ m "Side-Lile^^ Fibe'rfill Bra announced decision to support way of expreaslng their oppoal- cal ambitions don’t enter Into namese patriots they have de­ e Prestdant Johnson’s expected Uon to Vietnam poUclciu die matter. Some Democratic cided to execute tomonow.” < bid for re-election despite his McCarthy wasn’t Immediately coUeaguee suspeot he Is count­ State News ^American offlciala were dis­ Let’s Talk TURKEY... .Both of Nylon and Lycra Spandex criticism of some of the Presi­ a'vailaUc for comment on Ken­ ing on antiwar sentiment to pro­ turbed when they learned todsty .\V dent’s metnam pq|icies, thS nedy’s statements. But in an duce a respectable showing jor of the planned executkxzs' rot ' New Yoric senedor said: earlier interview Wednesday the him iwMch—Unked ‘with, neddDn- THiree Cities for 5:80 a.m. Friday cd file CM NOW AS ALWAYS . USE ”I perhaps will have some­ Minnesotan said any bid he al publicity—would make him a Hoa prison—since twice In the thing to pqy further if Sen. Mc­ makes fbr the Democratic nomi­ factor in the fight for the 1872 past American prisoners of war 6 Grants 5 \\ Carthy announces.” nation 'would aim at gl'ving 'vot- Democratic preeldentiEd nomi­ have been kUled in reprisal for FAMOUS FOR GONNEOTICUT FRESH TURKEYS YOUR . plu s nation. the execution of Ifiet Cong ter- McCardiy said be hasn’t even As Models rorlsbs by the South Vietnamese tbottghlt about iS872. government. Pinehurat frozen food cases in the check out aisle are filled with new 1967 fall Matching NEW HAVEN (AP) — NdW E.S .A . ' The Minneeota senator dis­ The officials also felt the deci­ crop of Oven Ready SWIFT PREMIUM BUTTERBALL TURKEYS in mosT missed as furthMt from hla Haven, Hartford, and BriOge- port In Connecticut were arooog sion was poorly timed In view of i^ tip o verty^ mind reports that he hopes by the recent release of three U.S. sizes; also Land O’ Lakes oven ready turkeys, Cacklebird capons and roasters. CREDIT P e tti-S lip his venture to offer a future peur- the Ust of citlee dlsoloeed today to share In the new model oltiM Army rorgeants by the Viet We are taking orders for extra large Butterball and Land O’ Lakes ’Turkeys, ty lea^rUilp challenge to Ken^ Cong. ■ S . nedy. ■ program for Improving bhghted Ducks and Geese. CARD neighbortioodB. They took up the matter with Sails Past House But he does not deny the ob­ They are among about 70 South Vietnamese officials. / vious—that Kennedy’s reals- ^ Asked later If the Ifietnameoe ___________________________________: _________________ _____________________ WASHINOTON (AP) — An publicans scored on their final choeen cities In the country to All purchoMi In i n tance to being shoved into op­ had been asked to caB off the antipoverty bill cut by $460 mil- thrust Just before passage. share In the $812 mUUon ap­ executions In the interest of November on E.S.A. Uqn haa cleared the House and ’Their motion to cut bMk to posing Johnson next year con­ proved by Congreae for Initial New Crop Golden Harvesf i r ; tributed to his own nearing deci­ American prisoners of the Ifiet ore payable next both the budget-cutters and ad­ $1.6 billion was approved 221 to planting oorts.
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