'f ., ... Jumh. 107. 2705 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. IJnb!isg.ell b}l · :lutg-.orit,i. WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1919. La,,n,J witlulrawn /rum Bfate.jurest RMert,ation I ment. As the same is delineated on the plan marked L. and S. 52038, deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands [L.s.] LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. and Survey, at Wellington, and thereon edged red. A PROCLAMA'l'ION. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Ri~ht Honourable Arthur William de Brito Savile, W HEREAS by a Proclamation dated the twenty-fourth Earl of Liverpool, ~ember of His. Majesty's day of February, one thousand oight hundred and Most Honourable Pnvy Council, Knight Grand eighty-six, and published in Gazette of the fourth day of Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Maroh, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six, certain Michael and Saint George, Knight Grand Cross lands in Jacob's River Hundred, Southland Land Dist,rict, of the Most Excellent Order of the British were, inter alia, aet apart as and for State forests in terms Empire, Member of the Royal Victorian Order, of the New Zealand State Forests Act, l 88o : Kmght of Grace of the Order of Saint John of And whereas the buah upon the land described in the Jerusalem, Governor-General and Commander­ Schedule hereto (being part of the lands so set apart) has in-Chief in and over His Majesty's Dominion been cut, and it is expedient that the said Proclamation of New Zealand and its Dependencies ; and should be rescinded in so far as it relates to the land described issued under the Seal of the said Dominion, in the said Schedule : at the Government House at Wellington, this N01', therefore, His Excellency the Govemor-Geneml of twenty-sixth day of August, in the year of our the Dominfon of New Zealand, in pursuance o.nd exercise Lord one thousand nine hundred and nineteen. of the powers and authorities conferred upon him by section F. H. D. BELL, twenty-eight of tho State "Forests Act, 1908, and of all other Commissioner of State Foresta powers and authorities enabling him in this behalf, and · Approved in Council. acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby rescind t-he F. D. THOMSON. Proelaination dated the twenty-fourth day of February, Acting Cferk of the Executive Council. one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six, horeinbefore Gon SA VE THE KING ! referred to, in so far as it relates to the lands described in the Schedule hereto. Or/non Land •et apart for Disposal by way of Sale er SCHEDULE. Lease to Discharged Soldiers, under Sp,,cial Tenures, in SOUTHLAND LAND DISTRWT. the A -u,cl:7.and Land District. Deacri.ptio-n of Land proposed to. be , witlufrri•un from Stote Fure.Ht. · . ft.s.] LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. ALT, that area .in the Southland Land. District, containing A PROCLAMATION. 190 aeres, more or less, beiug part of Block X, Otera' N pursuance of the power and authority conferred upon mika Hundred, and bounded commencing at the north+ I me by section four of the Discharged Soldiers Settle­ east comer of Sawmill- Area 233B, Block X, Oteramika ment Act, 1915, I, Arthur William de Brito Sa.vile, Earl of Hundred; thence on the north by the county road, 935 links Liverpool, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Rcaled ; thence on the north-east by the county road afore­ Zea.J,md, do hereby proclaim and declare that the area of said, 6600 links scaled ; thence on the south-east by road, Crown land described in the Schedule hereto shall be and 20fl0 links scaled ; thence on the south by Sawmill Area the same is hereby set apart and declared open for disposal No. 234c, 380a links ; thence on t.he west by Sawmill Area by way of sale or lease to discharged soldiers, under special No. 233B afor,,aaid, 5411·4 links, to the point. of commence• tennres, in the manner provided in the said· Act. A THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. (No. 107 SCHEDULE. Council, being the local authority in whose district the said AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT.-CROWN LAND. lands 11,re situated, proclaim as a road the lands described in the said Schedule. SECTION 2, Block XVI, Waiawa Survey Distric·t: Area, 1,814 acres. SCHEDULE. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Riiht APPBOXIM4~B areas of the pieces i:>f land proclaimed as a Honourable Arthur' William de Brito s.,vile, road:- Earl of Liverpool, Member of His Majesty's .t.. L•• P~ot Most Honoutable Privy Council, Knight Grand O O 14 Speclalsite,WaihiOoJ111141ny; coloured neutral. Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint l 8 8 Section 86 ; oolou.ri:d re4. Michael and Saint George, Knight Grand Crosa of the Most Excellent Order of the British 20 0 87lll} Section 84 ; ooloQfell pnrple. EmJ>ire, Member of the Royal Victorian Order, 0 0 9 . Knight of Grace of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Governor-General and Commander­ g g:g} Quarry reserve; ooli:>urfld yellow. in-Chief in and over His Majesty's _Dominion Situated in Blook II, Aroha Survey District. of New Zealand and its Dependencies ; and ~; -'1ie A.aokland I,and District ; as the same are more issued under the Seal of the said Dominion; par4iou1r,rly deJin•'8d on 1he pla'q mars!!() i,. and S. 16/678, at the Government House at. Wellington, this aepoai'811 in * H.. Qj!ioe, ·D11par,.rnent of i.&nde and twenty-first day of August, in the year of .oliJ' Survey, at Wellington, and th!lrec>n ooloureq as above Lord one thousand nine hundred and nineteen. mentioned. D. H. GUTHRIE, Given under the bud of !Iii Excellency the Riiht Mi.mat.er of Lands, Honourable Arthur Willu de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, Member of. His Majesty's Gon SAVE THIii K1NG ! Moat Honourable Pri"l Council, Knight Grand Cross of the Moat Diatinguiahed Order of Saint 8etUement Land ael apart for 1Npoaal by way of Bale ·or Michael and Saint George, Knight Grand CroSB Leaae to Diachargell, SoUwa, under Special 'l'emwea, in the of the Most Excellent Order of the British Otago Land DiBtrict. EmJ>ire, Member of the :Royal Victorian Order, Knight of Grace of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Governor-General and Commander­ [L.s.] LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. in-Chief in_ and over His M..jesty's Dominion A PROCLAMATION. of New Zealaad and its Depende:iicies; and N pursuance of the power and a.utho_ rity conferred upon iuue'd' under- die Seal of the said Dominion, I me by section four of the Discha.rged Soldiel'II Settle­ at the Government ilouae at Wellington, thi• ment Act, 1915, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of twenty-fifth day of August, in the year of our Liverpool, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Lord one thousand nine hundred and nineteen. Zea.land, do hereby procla.im and declare that the a.reas of D. H. GUTHRIE, settlement la.nd described in the Schedule hereto shall be and Minister of Lands. the sa.me are hereby set a.pa.rt and declared open for dispose.I Gon BA va ;as KING ! by wa.y of sale or lease to discha.rged aoldiers, under special tenures, in the manner provided in the said Act. Proclaiming NalitJe Land to be Crown Land under S,etion 14 of the Nali'IJe Land Amendmem Ad, 1914. SCHEDULE. OTA.GO LAND DlsTBICT;-811r1•TLEIIBNT LAND. [r..11.J LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. Melvil/,e Park SeUlement.-Borougk of Mosgiel.-Eaat Taieri A PROCLAMATION. Suruey DiBtrict. A. B. P. HEREAS by section fourteen of the Nativ~ Land S;moTION ls Area, 36 l 28 W Amendment Act, 1914, it is provided, i'llkr alia, 2s ,, 20 0 0 that on being satisfied that the purchase of any Native land 3s 19 0 32 has bcPn duly completed by or on· behalf of the Crown under 4s 7 2 ·o the authority of the Native Lan<i Act, 1909, the Governor­ 5s 7 2 0 General may iBsue a Proclamation that suoh land has become 6s 7 2 0 Crown land: 7s 7 2 0 And whereas the purchase of the Native land set out in the Schedule hereto has been duly·oompleted by or on behalf Given under the hand of His Excellency the Ri~ht of the Crown under the authority of tho Native Land Aot, Honourable Arthur William de Brito Savile, 1909: Earl of Liverpool, Member of His· Majest.y's Now, therefore, in pursuance and exeroise of the power Most Honourable Privy Council, Knight Grand 11,nd authority so conferred upon me by section fourteen of Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint the Native Land Amendmen~ Act, 1914, I, Arthur William Michael and Snint George, Knight Grand Crosa de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor-General of of the Most Excellent Order of the British the Dominion of New Zealand, do he~by proclaim the land Em_Pire, Member of the Royal Victorian Order, set out in the Schedule hereto to- be Crown land. Knight of Grace of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Governor-General and Commander­ in-Chief in and over His Majesty's Dominion SCHEDULE. of New Zealand and its Dependencies ; and. TAUMATAMAROE 2n 2u laA No. l Block: Approximate area, issued under the Sen! of the said Dominion, 242 acres 3 roods 8 perches ; Kiri and Omara Survey Dis­ at the Government House at Wellington, this tricts.
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