S5802 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 31, 2012 HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY honors the life, legacy, and exemplary ment in Cuba, which led to his imprisonment OF OSWALDO PAYA SARDINAS leadership of Oswaldo Paya. This reso- at a work camp on Cuba’s Isle of Youth in lution also calls on the Cuban Govern- 1969; Mr. LIEBERMAN. Mr. President, I Whereas, in 1988, Oswaldo Paya´ Sardin˜ as ask unanimous consent that the Com- ment to allow an impartial third-party founded the Christian Liberation Movement mittee on Foreign Relations be dis- investigation into the accident. I urge as a nondenominational political organiza- charged from further consideration of the Senate to unanimously pass this tion to further civil and human rights in S. Res. 525 and that the Senate proceed resolution. Cuba; to its immediate consideration. This request comes on the heels of Whereas, in 1992, Oswaldo Paya´ Sardin˜ as other disturbing news out of Cuba. We announced his intention to run as a can- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without didate to be a representative on the National objection, it is so ordered. have learned that more than 40 pro- democracy activists were detained Assembly of Popular Power of Cuba and, 2 The clerk will report the resolution days before the election, was detained by po- by title. after Paya’s funeral last Tuesday. The lice at his home and determined by Com- The assistant legislative clerk read reason? They dared to shout ‘‘libertad’’ munist Party officials to be ineligible to run as follows: at that time—‘‘freedom’’—during the for office because he was not a member of A resolution (S. Res. 525) honoring the life ceremony. Reports also indicate that the Communist Party; ´ ˜ and legacy of Oswaldo Paya Sardinas. several of the dissidents were severely Whereas, in 1997, Oswaldo Paya Sardinas collected hundreds of signatures to support There being no objection, the Senate beaten. These peaceful activists were only his candidacy to the National Assembly of proceeded to consider the resolution. Popular Power, which was rejected by the Mr. NELSON of Florida. Mr. Presi- honoring one of their own and they electoral commission of Cuba; dent, I wish to speak about Oswaldo ended up as victims of an authoritarian Whereas the Constitution of Cuba sup- Paya, a Cuban dissident, and his un- regime. Now more than ever before the posedly guarantees the right to a national timely death in Cuba in a supposed United States must continue policies referendum on any proposal that achieves 10,000 or more signatures from citizens of automobile accident. The Cuban peo- that promote the fundamental prin- ciples of political freedom, democracy, Cuba who are eligible to vote; ple, indeed all freedom-loving people of ´ and human rights, to all of which Whereas, in 1998, Oswaldo Paya Sardin˜ as the world, have recently lost a great and other leaders of the Christian Liberation advocate for freedom. He was someone Oswaldo Paya devoted his life. Movement created the Varela Project, a sig- who was in peaceful opposition to the Senator DURBIN, we are quite con- nature drive to secure a national referendum tyranny that is on the island of Cuba. cerned the Castro regime continues to on ‘‘convert[ing] into law, the right of free- Oswaldo Paya died in a car crash on hold an American hostage, Alan Gross. dom of speech, the freedom of press and free- Sunday, July 22. He was just 60 years Once again, another Senator rises to dom of enterprise’’; Whereas, in May 2002, the Varela Project old. Another Cuban dissident, Harold urge the Cuban regime in the strongest possible terms to immediately and un- delivered 11,020 signatures from eligible citi- Cepero, was also killed in the accident, zens of Cuba to the National Assembly of and two European politicians, one from conditionally release him. Popular Power, calling for an end to 4 dec- Spain and one from Sweden, were in- We will never forget Paya’s passion ades of one-party rule, to which the Govern- jured. Paya was one of Cuba’s best and dedication to freedom and faith. ment of Cuba responded by beginning its own known dissidents. He pushed for civil The least the regime can do is to re- referendum that made Cuba’s socialist sys- and human rights. He pushed for an end lease Alan Gross. tem ‘‘irrevocable’’, even after an additional 14,000 signatures were added to the Varela to one-party rule. He pushed for free- Mr. LIEBERMAN. Mr. President, I further ask that the amendment of- Project petition; dom for political prisoners. And he Whereas the Varela Project is the largest pushed for support for private busi- fered by the Senator from Florida, Mr. civil society-led petition in the history of nesses. In 2002, his Varela Project de- NELSON, which is at the desk, be agreed Cuba; livered more than 24,000 verifiable sig- to; the resolution, as amended, be Whereas Oswaldo Paya´ Sardin˜ as bravely natures in support of these ideals to agreed to; the preamble be agreed to; led the Varela Project at great risk to him- the Cuban Government. It was the the motions to reconsider be made and self, his loved ones, and his associates; laid upon the table, with no inter- Whereas, in March 2003, the Government of largest petition drive in Cuban history. Cuba arrested 75 human rights activists, in- Paya bravely led this initiative at viewing action or debate, and that any statements relating to the measure be cluding 25 members of the Varela Project, in great risk to himself, to his loved ones, the crackdown known as Cuba’s ‘‘Black and to his colleagues. For his work, he printed in the RECORD at the appro- Spring’’; received the European Parliaments’ priate place as if read. Whereas Oswaldo Paya´ Sardin˜ as’s dedica- Sakarov Prize for Freedom of Thought The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tion to freedom and faith earned him the in 2002, and he was nominated for the objection, it is so ordered. Sakarov Prize for Freedom of Thought from Nobel Peace Prize. The amendment (No. 2740) was agreed the European Parliament in 2002; to, as follows: Whereas Oswaldo Paya´ Sardin˜ as received The reason I am bringing this up, the W. Averell Harriman Democracy Award (Purpose: To condemn the Government of other than pointing out that planet from the United States National Democratic Cuba for the detention of nearly 50 pro-de- Earth has lost a friend for freedom, is Institute for International Affairs in 2003; mocracy activists following the memorial to note that the circumstances of the Whereas Oswaldo Paya´ Sardin˜ as was nomi- service for Oswaldo Paya´ Sardin˜ as) car accident are the topic of some de- nated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Va´ clav bate. Cuban officials insist the driver On page 4, line 13, strike ‘‘; and’’ and insert Havel, the former president of the Czech Re- a semicolon. public, in 2005; and was speeding and that he lost control On page 4, line 17, strike the period and in- and he hit a tree. But others are saying Whereas President Barack Obama stated, sert ‘‘; and’’. ‘‘We continue to be inspired by Paya´ ’s vision that witnesses saw another vehicle hit On page 4, after line 17, insert the fol- and dedication to a better future for Cuba, Mr. Paya’s vehicle and drive it off the lowing: and believe that his example and moral lead- road. Paya’s daughter Rosa Maria says (7) condemns the Government of Cuba for ership will endure.’’: Now, therefore, be it she holds the Cuban Government re- the detention of nearly 50 pro-democracy ac- Resolved, That the Senate— sponsible. She has told CNN en Espanol tivists following the memorial service for (1) recognizes and honors the life and ex- that ‘‘we think it’s not an accident. Oswaldo Paya´ Sardin˜ as. emplary leadership of Oswaldo Paya´ They wanted to do harm and then The resolution (S. Res. 525), as Sardin˜ as; amended, was agreed to. (2) offers heartfelt condolences to the fam- ended up killing my father.’’ That is a ily, friends, and loved ones of Oswaldo Paya´ direct quote. The preamble was agreed to. The resolution, as amended, with its Sardin˜ as; Paya’s loved ones and the Cuban peo- ´ preamble, reads as follows: (3) praises the bravery of Oswaldo Paya ple and the international community Sardin˜ as and his colleagues for collecting deserve to have all the facts sur- S. RES. 525 more than 11,000 verified signatures in sup- rounding this tragic event examined Whereas, on Sunday, July 22, 2012, 60-year- port of the Varela Project; and put out in the public. That is why old Cuban dissident and activist Oswaldo (4) in memory of Oswaldo Paya´ Sardin˜ as, I have submitted, along with a number Paya´ Sardin˜ as died in a car crash in calls on the United States to continue poli- of our colleagues, S. Res. 525, which Bayamo, Cuba; cies that promote respect for the funda- Whereas at a young age, Oswaldo Paya´ mental principles of religious freedom, de- Sardin˜ as criticized the communist govern- mocracy, and human rights in Cuba, in a VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:55 Aug 01, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00112 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31JY6.062 S31JYPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 31, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5803 manner consistent with the aspirations of deemed expired, and the time for the ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 9:30 A.M. the people of Cuba; two leaders be reserved for their use TOMORROW (5) in memory of Oswaldo Paya´ Sardin˜ as, later in the day; that the majority calls on the Government of Cuba to provide leader be recognized, and the first hour Mr.
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