THEi^jl|| TRINITY COLLEGE'HARTFORD'CONNECTICUT AipflA |P"S»JP®M| Vol. LXXXVI • Issued'October 11, 1988 1ITCTIMTTYB1 JL\JUL \ JL JL JL laHmI 1IRTPO I\il x^y JLD/ ——JL . w"Bga"flj JL — Fire Breaks Out in DKE Fraternity House Fire fighters received the call at 2:48 p.m. and Chappell said, "they Special News Rcptnt were at the scene within five min- utes," A fire erupted at the Delta Kappa "The firemen took five to ten Epsilon (DKE) fraternity yesterday minutes to get the fire under control," completely destroying one bedroom according to Deputy Fire Chief Nel- and causing smoke, water and struc- son K. Carter, Sr. tural damage to the front addition of "Two firemen were hurt fight- the house. The rest of the house was ing the blaze." said Carter. "One was left undamaged and no residents were singed on the ear and the other cut his hurt. finger." Two fraternity members, Chris Carter advises people not to try Chappell '89 and Chris Johnson "89, to extinguish fires, but to leave imme- were in the house when Chappell diately. "[The students] shouldn't noticed that smoke was coming from have tried to fight a fire of that mag- underneath the door of the bedroom nitude." in the southeast corner of the top Carter said that the fire, con- floor. He yelled, "fire," and Johnson tained in the top bedroom belonging pulled the fire alarm before grabbing to Chris Peters '90, was "totalled. a fire extinguisher. Smoke and water damage was sus- Johnson felt the door with his tained throughout the front of the hand, and deciding it "was not scald- house." ing hot," the two kicked the door in. Peters estimates he lost about Seeing the seriousness of the fire, $3,000 dollars worth of camera, ste- Johnson realized, "it was way out of reo, and ski equipment. our league." Assistant Dean of Students Kirk Chappell then knocked on all Peters had just made one of two an- the doors. After finding no one was nual checks on the upkeep of the there, he shut the doors and ran out of house last week. City fire inspectors the building. Meanwhile, Johnson certified the house to be safe in their called the Fire Department from his inspection on September 22. Smoke billow's out a room on the second floor of the DKE fraternity house. Photo by Mark Bridges room in the back of the building. Dean Peters said, "students may require emergency housing... the Director of Residential Services will be accommodating them, if neces- Student Organizations' Operating Budgets Cut sary." All seven residents of the DKE house have been displaced. However, according to Maria Phelan this year. direction of the Student Government Dean Peters said, "the college -By Arundathi K. Duieep & Johnson of the Business Office, the "The dubs who had their budg- Association. The SGA set the Activi- Toh Tsun Lim - new operating budget did not deduct does not own the house. Ourconcern ets approved are now on hold until we ties Fee at $ 160 per student for the is just the safety of the students." The News Writers funding for the upkeep of Austin Arts find out how much money we can 1988-89 school year. Center, Ferris Athletic Center, the house is owned by the local chapter actually release to them," said Josh There are four clubs that are alumni association of DKE. Some confusion over the allot- Medical Office, and Mather Campus Maswoswe, Acting Chairman of the considered "institutions" at the col- Center. As a result, the Student lege and receive top priority with DKE President Tyler Thors '89 ment of operating budgets from the Budget Committee. said, "I was just happy that the fire Student Government Association's Government Association was noti- Fifteen other budgets are still their budgets. These are the Trinity fied in mid-Septemberthattotal funds Tripod, the Trinity College Activi- was restricted to the front." Budget Committee has held up the under review while another fifteen The house is estimated to be distribution of funds forstudentclubs. had been re-evaluated at $ 180,000. clubs have not turned in any budget ties Committee (TCAC), the Ivy and Working with the assumption WRTC. These clubs have the largest worth at least $175,000 by Vice Presi- Temporarily, the Budget Committee proposal. These clubs will not be dent Chuck Cordova '89. Insurance has created an emergency fund of of a higher figure, the Budget Com- affected by the change in budget, as budgets and will probably not be af- mittee approved 40 out of the 70 club fected by the cut. has been paid up for structural dam- $500 per club to pay for any current no funds have been allotted to them age by the AlphaChi chapter of DKE. activities of the clubs. budget proposals from last spring. yet. Because of past over-budgeting The recent announcement has forced Personal items are not guaranteed The total operating budget this "Right now no one is sure how the Committee is trying to tighten up under the policy. the review of all club's budgets for budget allotments for this year. "What year was originally set at $245,000. much money we have to allot. Even Blair Miller '90, house manager with the cut, only five to seven clubs we are going to do is compare everyone's budgets this year to last for DKE, said yesterday, "(he entire will be affected by it," said Mas- house is closed down until repairs can woswe. He will be meeting with year. We will see where they spent Trinity Tuition Fees their money, " explained SGA presi- be made." TheDepartmentof Build- Johnson this week to try to establish a ings and Grounds boarded up the definite budget. dent Matt Maginniss. "If there is abig difference in the budgets, then we building last night after residents had Reach Record High The operating budget comes the opportunity to remove tlieir be- from the Student Activities Fee, which will ask the clubs to explain why they corporate work). is collected by the the College at the need more money." - By David Gerber - In order to make Trinity more Continued on Page 7 News Writer attractive, "We must offer salaries and benefits that will at least compare with those of the big corporations," Dukakis Visits Hartford Area As the 1988-89 school year Sauer said. 28, the Democratic Headquarters in mailed another thousand postcards commenced, tuition, without room To illustrate the importance of - By Caroline Leopold - Hartford received a call saying that and board, reached its pinnacle at and made over 10,000 phone calls to quality instructors, Sauer used the Special to the Tripod Governor Dukakis was coming on publicize the event. Apparently, the $12,380. an increase of $1085 from following example: If the most pro- Monday, October 3. Although no 1987-88. and $2025 from 1986-87. effort paid off when over 8,000 people ficient scientists in the field of Bio- Governor Michael Dukakis, details were given at the time, the appeared to hear Dukakis speak at the Business Manager and Budget technology choose to work for corpo- Democratic candidate for President, office rushed to inform Hartford and Old Statehotise in Hartford at noon. Director Alan Saner speculates that rations rather than teach in schools, made a surprise visit to Hartford last the surrounding areas about his arri- "without a previously undiscovered On Monday morning the students studying Bio-technology Monday following his opponent val. around 10:30, Dukakis arrived at funding source, we may see a similar will not receive the best education George Bush's visit the week before. For four days, office volunteers increase again next year." Bradley airport and was escorted to Continued on Page 7 On Wednesday, September handed out thousands of leaflets, the Burr elementary school to speak Although the increases are to a class of fourth and sixth graders. imminent. Saner believes they are not Among other things he warned them without justification nor an example about the dangers of drugs. One press of wanton spending. Tuition fees agent related that when one child was amount to 55'Jf of the almost 40 mil- asked to name a dangerous drug he lion dollar operating cost of Trinity replied, "George Bush." College. The remaining 45% con- sists mainly of endowment income, Hours before Dukakis ar- gifts, and both state and federal fund- rived at the Old Statehouse, crowds ing. began to form around the Old State- house lawn. Because tuition is the majority Many junior high and high of Trinity's income and the only in- school students came to watch the come source that is adjustable, when rally although some of the younger revenue is required, tuition becomes children did not know who Dukakis the variable to be augmented. was. On Main Street loudspeakers This year's budget consists of were put on American cars that asked three majorcomponents: 50-55% goes people to come to a "grand old politi- towards salaries and benefits. I3.59r c cal rally." is allotted for financial aid, and \Q /c The crowd was diverse, goes to utilities such as fuel, electric- representing many groups, including ity, water, and sewage. Republicans holding Bush signs and Saner explained that there ex- anti-abortion groups handing out ists a very competitive market for the leaflets. However, the majority of acquisition and retention of top qual- people were Dukakis supporters hold- ity faculty members. Not only is ing signs which read "Catholics for there competition in the traditional Dukakis" or "Where was George?" sense where schools compete against One man, dressed as Uncle Sam, each other, but now there is addi- tional competition created by the Firemen ventilate the second floor of the DKE fraternity house yesterday.
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