(21) -21一 Growth of Sony and Structural Evolution of Organizational System M励丘μηεH48EG4閲 I lntroduction od of this explanation is important. Because a an As fbr a worldwide excellent company, nobody entrepreneur is certainly formed the top man- will at least find the name of Sony at the present agement in the organizational hierarchy and the period. In Sony, the town-street factory in Japan serious responsibility is assumed, the business established needless to say by Masaru Ibuka organization is a cooperative system and bring and Akio Morita is a company that expanded not any domination of innovation of activity if even to Sony in the world only at less than half it is not an energies of teamwork with fluctua- acentury. For instance, a gross proceeds in fis- tion of the cooperative system and the evolution cal year 1997 reach fbr about 5.6 trillion yen, and of timely structure. When the semiautonomy the world largest manufacturer in the electron- (fluctuation)at all levels of multilayer system of iCS SeCtiOn 1). hierarchy is secured in principle and maintained Then, what is the mainspring of the growth of through the structural evolution by the action Sony?Surely, it is thought that one powerful ex- of a synergetic selfcatalysis, the cooperative sys- planation is in the innovation activity as the ex- tem with energies truly achieved. This is, that is, pression of entrepreneurspirit(unternehmerisch an explanation based on the dynamics of selfor・ Spiritualitat)that the leader of an Australian ganization through the activity with fluctuation sect and Shumpeter mean. The entrepreneur’s and the action of selfcatalysis. success is assumed to obtain it by the domina- First of al1, the research of this paper clarifies tion of the innovation activity according to him. the dynamics of process as the activity with fluc- The activity of innovation is a e血sion of the en- tuation from the viewpoint of the organizational trepreneurspirit, that is, it hapPens through the system in grow廿10f Sony, the more inportance is development of a new product, the invention of perfbrm in the verification of dynamics of selfbr- anew production method, the development of a ganization by the selfcatalysis and the synergetic new market, the development of a new resource, selfcatalysis, that is, the structural evolution. and the creation of a new organization with a individual entrepreneur subject 2). These imova- 五 Fluctuation of Organizational System tors cause a new production of activity, will in- and Dynamics of Process duce the market of competition before long, and The dynamics of selfbrganization through the bring a big profit consequentially by irmovator’s fluctuation, the selfcatalysis and the synergetic domination. The consideration of the organiza- selfcatalysis relates to the dynamics of process tion of the enterprise is lacked though the meth一 and the structural dynamics of the organizai一 1)Center of Sony’s Pubhcity, A〃オoδ‘ρg吻吻〔ゾSoηy, Wc Pubhshing Dep.2㎜, p.1. 2)SchumpeterJ.T, Theo夕ie d〃泌夕tsc加;fllichen Entwicklung, Dunker und Humbolt,1935,4aufL, S.74~75. 22- (22) 一 東亜経済研究 第68巻 第1号 tional system, here are clarified empirically the in the personal opinion. Moreover, it hangs out growth of process of Sony from the viewpoint of “ The constructs of the ideal factory that keeps process dynamics of the organizational system. the free trait and funny because of exercise the highest degree the skill of the engineer who 1 Feature of fluctUation and Dynamics of Process seriously becomes it”in the beginning of the Whether Masaru Ibuka had a clear recogni- purpose of company establishment, record“abol- tion about the organization system, it is not cer- ish the unjustified gain, put the important point tain. However, it is certain that he had constant afull of content and the substantial activity sense of values about the cooperative system. insisitently, pursue not mischief the expansion That is, this is, clear from the establishment of scale”,‘‘try the selection of product to the prospectus on a corporation of the Tokyo Cor- utmost, welcome rather the difficult of technol- respondence Industry (antecedent of Sony 3)and ogy, strain a somewhat quantity, become the abbreviate Tokyo Correspondence Industry) object to the high highclass of technical product by Ibuka’s own handwriting. First of all, he was in the highest use of society”, and‘‘select care- described the background to the establishment fully for employee, compose with the few people, of the Tokyo Correspondence of Industry at the avoid the formal rank of job, put the standard beginning of the establishment prospectus as of ability and personalism all order, exercise the follows, A people who gatherrd was conscious skill of individual a ultimate limit”in company’s the social mission and demonstrated a surpris- basic principles5). It is a Sony’s spirit to have ing zeal and the ability for a technical subject paraphrased the spirit of this establishment in though they were a badness conditions during the present age style. And Ibuka says that this the war. If it is on condition that man are con- Sony’s Spirit scious the social mission, combine truly charac- In S㎝y, the pioneer, the window are always opened toward the unknown world and the breath is filled teristic, are exercisable to one’s heart’s content Sony resolutely works on the work that avoids by and passes by the person because the person is dif・ the ability of technology with the spirit of a hard ficult, and it is made corporating. cooperation, it thought how the administration Here, a creative activity is demanded, expected, and has been promised over all of the development and happy, become a very big thing as for the result, 廿he prOduction and sales of a new product. for example when the number of few are, the There is no pleasure with the working person ln Sony except this. facilities scarce. When I drew the plan that can Each questions closely in the very limit of own achieve such an ideal, it became a determination power, trains own, and advance own. lt is suitable more well than better and finished aknitting at the where it rather achieves the dream, because the sametime. Apioneer’s Sony is making the best use of the per- war end4). Exactly, it is this. The starting point son unlimitedly, reliable in the person, developing the of Ibuka’s cooperative system is here. Moreover, ability always, and advancing, this is only the life of Sony. it is a starting Point of fluctuation and catalysis 3)Sony became today’s Sony from Tokyou Correspondence Industry Co.(1946)by the company name chang in 1958. 4)Masaru Ibuka,τ夕ip to Creation, The Kousei Press,1985, p 171. 5)Masaru Ibuka, The、4 bove一ル吻’鋤ed B∞k, p.171. Takao Kanaoka, H励2α〃ル鋤agement〔of So〃夕, CBS.Sony Press,1982, pp.26~27. Growth of Sony and Structural Evolution of Organizational System (23) -23一 Sony’s spirit will have been succeeded even to of the activity greatly for this activity. As for today’s Sony6). Then, what feature are you in this respect, Sony is special again. the Sony spirit?Next, I will clarify this respect. ③Generosity to Failure and Relation of Sup- ①Person’s lmportance and Team Work port The publications that describe the success It is orientative to the success and should be story of company exist up a large number to generous to the failure to ensure the freedom of now, and only the thing(for instance, Matsu- the activity that overflows positively in original- shita Electric Industy, Hitachi, Toyota, IBM, ity. The generosity to the failure is a feature(fbr Boeing,Hewlett-Packard, and Eastman Kodak,7) instance, Toray, Canon,3M, Johnson&Johnson, etc.)to emphasize the person’s importance even and Emerson Electric, etc.)to a succeeding busi- if the either is seen. This is very important in ness of organization that stands out especially. the case with Sony especially. That is, Masaru Apositive, innovative activity doesn’t arise natu- Ibuka says. The employee has the brain and the rally. The backup at all business organizational technology compared with the big business or- level, in a word, the supporting relation is indis- ganization even if there are neither money nor pensable. Only a business organization with sup- amachine plant. What you can do anything if is porting relation is a business organization that used8). Can USe a lnnOVatlve aCtlVlty tO ltS maxlmUm. ②Positive Activity and Freedom of Activity First of all, Ibuka was generous to the failure. The stiff business of organization, in a word, ④Fast Decision Making and Ability Stan- in formalization that compels a severe division of dard Activity duty, can hardly be expected a positive activity. The big freedom is secured for the ability. It is seen by a fleXible, dynamic business of orga- Even if a positive activity is seen by people, nization. That is, a positive activity is an activity but it is attacked by a powerless feeling for the to be captured not the duty of division, to make slowness of the feedback of the decision making good use of own technology and creative knowl- when they come to require the decision making edge, and to always face a new challenge, and it long time, and people lose the motivation. How- exists in the activity of motto“Make others or ever, even this respect was peculiar to Sony.“lt the thing that not is”that Masaru Ibuka says.9) is Sony that the freedom is valued by there is no However, it is necessary to secure the freedom tradition above the tradition and the tradition.” 6)Takao Kanaoka, The、4 bove-Me〃tio〃ed Book, p.27. 7)Kounosuke Matsushita,物〃agement沈Use of Pe rso〃, PHPInstitute,1989.
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