SPECIAL ABC ISSUE: Dagmar's Love Story NEW! Victor Lindlahr's 7 -Day Miracle Diet Contest: Win A Hollywood Screen Test! J citing Pictures - Mary Marlin Against The Storm When A Girl Marries Count on Camay to take your skin o a®a,® Shadows» and into the light of New Loveliness ! This beautiful bride, Mrs. William D. Harden, declares: "After I changed to regular care and Camay, my skin became clearer so quickly I was astonished!" Like this Camay bride, you'll discover that your First Cake of Camay helps to clear and brighten your skin! Y GIRL who has romance and you finish your first cake of Camay. wedded bliss as her goal won't let For complexion or bath, there's no dullness dim the natural beauty of her finer beauty soap. Camay is so mild! complexion and come her between And what a rich, creamy lather Camay and her heart's desire! gives you. See your skin come "out of Don't let shadows veil your natural the shadows" and into the light of new beauty! Take your skin "our of the loveliness with Camay, The Soap of shadows" and into the light of roman- Beautiful Women. tic new loveliness with Camay, The Wake your sleeping beauty -head to toes! Soap of Beautiful Women. The daily Camay Beauty Bath brings A lovelier complexion will soon greet all your skin head to toes that "beau- your eye -if you'll change to regular tifully cared -for" look. It touches you with Camay's flattering fragrance. Use care -use Camay alone. Your skin will the big Beauty-Bath Size Camay for Camay be clearer, softer, really lovelier, before more lather, luxury and economy! the soap of beaudifwl women V Why tUeS first party was so wonderful THt K OF IT Dancing every dance at the school party ... twice with the nicest boy there. Meanwhile a schoolmate, far prettier and more expensively dressed, sat neglected most of the evening. How come? It was as simple as this: Betty Lou was extra -careful of her charm. The other girl wasn't. Betty Lou took no chances with halitosis (unpleasant breath). The other girl did. Betty Lou used Listerine Antiseptic before leaving home. The other girl didn't. That little extra -careful precaution spelled the difference in their popularity. How Is Your Breath Today? To he Extra -Attractive be Extra-Careful Never take it for granted. Never risk offending. Yes, actual clinical tests showed: that in î out of 10 cases. Remember, halitosis (unpleasant breath) can affect breath remained sweet for more than four hours after the Listerine Antiseptic rinse. you any time, without your realizing when. While sometimes systemic, most cases of halitosis, say So, always, before any date where you want to be some authorities, are due to bacterial fermentation of tiny food particles in the mouth. Listerine Antiseptic halts such at your best, rinse the mouth with Listerine Anti- fermentation and overcomes the odor it causes. septic, the extra- careful precaution against bad breath. LAMBERT PHARMACAL COMPANY, St. Louis, Missouri Instantly your breath becomes sweeter, less likely LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC ... to offend . stays that way not for seconds or minutes ... hut for hours. gaee iteeaXiszt Qewaa, See and hear The SAMMY KAYE SHOW "So you want to lead a Band" CBS TELEVISION NETWORK 0y/ COLLATE FEBRUARY, 1952 RADIO -TV MIRROR VOL. 37, NO. 3 DENTAL CR EAM Contents Keystone Edition HAS PROVED SO COMPLETELY IT Ann Daggett, Editor Jack Zasorin, Art Director Marie Haller, Assistant Editor Frances Maly, Assistant Art Director Frances Kish, Television Assistant Joan Clarke, Art Assistant STOPS BAD Dolly Brand, Editorial Assistant Hymie Fink, Staff Photographer Helen Bolstad, Chicago Editor Betty Jo Rice, Ass't Photographer Lyle Rooks, Hollywood Editor Frances Morrin, Hollywood Ass't Editor BREATH'! Fred R. Sammis, Editor -in -Chief *SCIENTIFIC TESTS PROVE THAT IN 7 OUT OF 10 CASES, COLGATE'S INSTANTLY STOPS people on the air BAD BREATH THAT ORIGINATES IN THE MOUTH! Who's Who in Radio-TV... 4 The Case of the Cop Killers 8 Right to Happiness Contest Winners 23 John Daly 25 Colgate's Has the Proof! This Wonderful World by Ted Mack 27 IT CLEANS YOUR BREATH I'm A Cinderella Girl. by Deanne Frappollo 28 Two Happy People by Frances Langford and Don Ameche 30 WHILE IT A Wedding Ring For Mary by Margaret Sangster 32 CLEANS YOUR TEETH! if You Want To Be Loved 34 Against The Storm... 36 Luck's Been A Lady To Me by Don McNeill 42 I'm Glad I Married Johnny by Mrs. John Reed King 44 Walter Winchell Predicts 46 For "all day" protection, brush your teeth right Which Love Should I Choose? 48 after eating with Colgate Dental Bringing Up Our Parents 50 Cream. Some toothpastes and powders by David and Ricky Nelson claim to sweeten breath. But only Colgate's Mary Marlin 52 The 7 -Day has such complete proof it stops bad breath.* Miracle Diet by Victor Lindlahr 54 Dagmar and Her Danny 56 Betty Ann Grove by Bert Parks 58 Paul Whiteman's TV Teen Club by Junie Keegan 59 Mr. D. A. 60 Colgate's Has the Proof! Diamond Dick 60 COLGATE'S IS BEST Victor Borge 61 Hoosier Humorist 61 FOR FLAVOR! Teri Keane 62 Celanese Theatre by Gilda Oakleaf 63 Hollywood Screen Test Talent Search! 64 Autumn Romance by Edward Arnold 66 Hollywood Screen Test Questionnaire 78 Colgate's wonderful wake -up flavor is the The Men in Judy's Life 80 favorite of men, women and children from Walter Kiernan coast to coast. Nationwide 87 tests of leading My Perfect Husband 90 toothpastes prove that Colgate's is preferred for flavor over all other brands tested! for better living Pint -size Valentine by Harriet Segman 6 Patterns Colgate's Has the Proof! RTVM's For You 12 Poetry 24 THE COLGATE WAY local STOPS TOOTH DECAY BEST! your station WFIL: Keeping Up With Mrs. Jones 10 WLAW: Music Master 16 WJZ: Sleepy -Time Guy 19 WMAL: The Modern Woman. .... 22 Yes, science has proved that brushing teeth right after eating with Colgate Dental and TV Cream stops tooth decay best! The Colgate inside radio way is the most thoroughly proved and Information Booth 14 accepted home method of oral hygiene Inside Radio known today! 73 TV Program Highlights 75 Daytime Diary. 93 PUBLISHED MONTHLY Dé Macfadden Publications, Inc., New MANUSCRIPTS, DHAWINGS AND PHOTOGRAPHS should De York, N. Y., average net paid circulation 470,024 for 8 addressed months ending June 30. 1950. will be carefully Vebut aPpublisher cannot re- EXECUTIVE, ADVERTISING AND EDITORIAL OFFICES at sponsible for loss or injury. be 205 East 42nd Street, New York N. Y. Editorial Branch FOREIGN editions handled through Macfadden Publications Offices 321 South Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif., and International Corp , 205 East 42nd Street. New York 17, No 221 North LaSalle Street. Chicago, Ill. Harold A. Wise. Presi- Y. Irving S. Manheimer,anheimer, President: Douglas Lockhart. Other Toothpaste or Powder dent, James L. Mitchell and Fred R. Sammie, Vice Presl. Vice President. dents; Meyer Dworkin, Secretary and Treasurer. Advertising Re-entered Second Clase Matter Oct. 5, 1951 at the OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER Offices also m Boston, Chicago. San Francisco and Los Post Office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of Marcb 3, R Angel 1879 Authorized as Second Class all. P 0 Dept. Ottawa, Offers Such Conclusive Proof! SUBSCRIPTIONCaldTCanadRATES: one year, Ont., Canada. CopYrigbt 1952 by Macfadden Publications, Inc. M $.0Ó typer y ear ralll other countries. All rights reserved under International Copyright Convention. CHANGE OF ADDRESS. 8 weeks' notice essential. When pos- All rights reserved under Pan -American Copyright Conven- sible. please furnish stencil impression address from a re. tion. Todos derechos reservados La Convencfon Pan- cent issue. Address changes can be made only if you send us Americana ysegun Title trademark your new address. N. Radio-TV in U. S. Patent t061es. Printed in U. A. by 205 East 42nd Sttrree Neer Y. Get PURE,WHITE,SAFE COLGATE'S Today! Member of The TRUE STORYrWomnen s Group Z ra//[Gr7,nòékIwja/( Newest Playtex IA/HJIVEIÌ Girdle See how Playtex White Magic caresses you to true slenderness, gives you a newly fluid line from waist to thighs. See how it encourages such grace of movement, allows you such freedom to sit, to stand, to step, to twirl! 'White llagic is fabulous! /a-tray/0 As a designer I love the slim, free lines this newest Playtex Girdle gives!" "For slimness, freedom. beauty- there's no girdle like it!" says top designer PLAYTEX ... known everywhere a the Rosenstein. "It flatters your "A girdle should do more than slim you, "Thisgirdle smooths away girdle in the SUM tube. At better stores figure in every way under it should be comfortable. That's why the inches, without a seam, everywhere. $3.95 to $6.95. Choose the newest fashions." PLAYTEX Fab -Lined Girdles-with fabric stitch or bone -invisible from PLAYTEX I'hite Magic, Fab - R next to the skin -are so very perfect!" under all clothes." Lined, Pink -Ice, and Living Girdles. M a1051 International Latex Carp'n. PLAYTEX PARK Dover Del. Playtex Ltd. Montreal, Canada ... ... 3 who's who Lee Bowman Lou Prentis For a time, it looked as if Lee Bowman, television's Calling all wolves! Beware of blonde, blue -eyed Lou Ellery Queen, would give over to family tradition and Prentis. The upcoming emcee on Foodini The Great can become a lawyer. Both his parents were descended from wing a coyote, prairie -dog or jack rabbit -and undoubt- a long line of lawyers, judges and ministers.
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