No. 75 2251 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON: THURSDAY, 13 NOVEMBER 1969 CoRRIGENDUM Land Taken for Road and for the Use; Convenience, or Enjoyment ofa Road in Block V, Wharepapa Survey District, IN Vhe Declaration dated the lO!tth day of September 1969, Otorohanga Counrty published in Gazette, 9 October 1969, Nb. 61, p. 1964, declar­ inf;l land taken for road in Block X, Christchurch Survey ARTHUR PORRITI, Governor-General District, Paparua County, for ;tJhe plan number "23535," which A PROCLAMATION appears in the Schedule thereto, read "M.0.W. 23533," which la~t-men'tioned number appears in the Declaration signed by PURSUANT to the Pulblic Works 'A.at 'l928i, I[, Sir Arthur &pie the Minister of Works. Porritt, BaI1onet, lthe Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that 11he land described in the First (P.W. 72/1/14/0; D.O. 72/1/14/4/6)1 Schedule hereto is hereby taken for road; and also hereby proclaim and declare that lthe land described in the Second Sclhedule hereto is hereby taken for the use, convenience, or CoRRIGENDUM enjoyment" of a road: and I also declare that this Proclamation IN the notice dalted the 16ith day of September 1969 and shall take effect on and after the 17th day of November 1969. published in Gazette, 25 September 1969, No. 59, p. 1844, headed "The Traffic (Waitemata County) Notice No, 6, 1969" FIRST SCHEDULE for the words "22 chains" in the Second Schedule read the Soum AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT words "2 chains", which laisit-mentioned words appear in the ALL those pieces of land situated in Block V, Wlharepapa notice signed by the Minister of Transport. Survey District, described as follows: A. R. P. Being Land Taken for a Recreation Ground in Block XII, Waiwera 0 0 33.ll Parts Section 24, Block V, Wharepapa Survey Survey District, W aitemata County 0 3 21.4 District; coloured yellow on plan. 0 0 1.6 Parts Section 17, Block V, Wharepapa Survey ARIBUR PORRITT, Governor-General 0 0 31.9 District; coloured blue on plan. A PROCLAMATION 0 1 15.3 Pa.tit Section 16, Blbck V, Wharepapa Survey District; coloured blue on plan. PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Sir Arthur Espie 0 0 21.4 Part Section 35, Block V, Wharepapa Survey PorriU, Bavonet, !the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby District; coloured sepia on plan. proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule 0 0 9 hereto is hereby :taken for a recreation ground and shall vest 0 0 8.6 Parts Section 15, Block V, Wharepapa Survey in the Chairman, Councillors,, and Inhabitants of the County 0 0 1.7 District; coloured blue on plan. of WaitemaJta as from the date hereinafter mentioned, and I 0 0 8.6 also declare that this Proclamatvon shall take effect on and 0 0 15.3 after the 17th day of November 1969. 0 0 3.1 0 0 24.5 SCHEDULE 0 0 12.6 Parts Section 14, Block V, Wharepapa Survey NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT 0 0 11.6 District; coloured yellow on plan. ALL those pieces of land situated in Block XII, Waiwera Survey District, North Auckland R.D., described a·s follows: g 1 1f 18.sJ24 A. R. P. Being 0 3 17,3, 0 0 27.7 Part Lot 62, D.P. 20804; coloured yellow on plan. 0 0 6.8 Part Lot 3, D.P. 37228; coloured b}ue on plan. 0 0 5.3 Pant Lot 61, D.P. 20804; coloured yellow· on plan. 0 2 24 Part Lolt 1, D.P. S. 4856; coloured sepia on plan. As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked M.O.W. 23185 (S.O. 45426) deposited in the office of marked M.O.W. 20853 (S.O. 42965) dep!Osited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured as as above-mentioned. above-mentioned. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this SECOND SCHEDULE 10th day of November 1969. Sourn AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT [Ls.] PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. ALL that piece of land containing 7.9 perches situated in Block Goo SAVE nm QUEEN! V, Wlharepapa Survey District, being pad Sedtion 16, Block (P.W. 34/4034; D.O. 15/15/0/45426) V, Wharepapa Survey Di!strict; as the same is more particularly 2252 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 75 delineated on the plan marked M.O.W. 20853 (S.0. 42965) A. R. P, Being deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wt;llington, 1 1' 8 Part Lot 1, D.P. 9131, part Kaokao11oa Block; and thereon coloured blue, edged blue. · · coloured orange on plan M.O.W. 23635 (S.0. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Govemor­ 5972). General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 1 1 8 Part Lot 10, D.P. 4564, part Kaokaoroa Block; 29th day ·of October 1969. coloured sepia on plan M.O.W. 23635 (S.O. [L.S.] PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. 5972). Goo SAVB THE QUEEN! As the same are more particularly delineated on the plans marked and colbured as above·menltioned, and deposited in ,the (P.W. 34/2677; D.0. 17 /7 /25) office of the Minister of Works aJt Wellington. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ Land Taken for Road in Block XI, Alexandra Survey District, General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this Raglan County 29th day of October 1969. {L.s.] PERCY B. ALLEN, MiniS1ter of Works. ARTHUR PORRITI, Governor-General Goo SAVE 1HB QUEEN! A PROCLAMATION (P.W. %/231000/0; D.O. 69/231000/0) PURSUANT to <the Puiblic IW\orks !A!ct IJ.9281 I, Sir Arthur Eispie Porritt, Baronet, the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby procllaim and declare thalt the land described in the Schedule Easement of Right of Way over Land Taken for Sewage hereto is !J.ereby taken for road; and I also declare that this Treatment Works in Block VIII, Waipara Survey District, Proclamalhon ishall take effect on and after the 17th day of Waipara County November 1%9. ARTHUR PORRIIT, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION SCHEDULE PURSUANT to 11he Pl]bli!c IW\Oll'ks Act 1192&, I, Sir Arthur Bspie Saum AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT Porritt, Baronet, !the Governor-General of New Zeala:nd, hereby proclaim and declare that an easement of right of way in gro&s ALL those pieces of land situated in Block XI, Alexandra is hereby taken for sewage treatment works over the land Survey District, described as follows :1 described in the Schedule hereto and shall vest in the A. R, P. Being Chairman, Oouncillors, and Inhabitants of the County of 2 0 34.4 Patt Allotment 267, Pirongia Parish; coloured Waipara (hereinafter referred to as "the Council") the full yelfow on plan.... free right, liberlty, licence, and authority in perpetuity to 1 ,l 13,.2 Patt Allotment 231, Pirongia Pari&h; coloured blue construct and use a riglht of way, with the right of the Council's onplan. ..... servants, agents, workmen, licensees, and invitees, from time 1 2 7.3 Part Allortment 221, Pirongia Parish; coloured sepi.a to time and at al,l times hereafter, Ito go, pass, and repass, with on plan. or without horses or other animals or vehicles, over the said 0 2 10.1 Part Allotment 310, Pirongia Parish; coloured blue land, and to maintain, repair, and keep open the said right of 10n plan. way . for the purpose of providing access 'to the Council's adjoining sewage treatment works; and I also declare that this As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan Proclamaltion shall take effect on and after the 17th day of marked M.0.W. 23640 (S.O. 44508) deposited in the office of November 1969. ithe Minister of Works at Wellington,· and thereon coloured as above-ment~oned. SCHEDULE Given under ,the hand of His Excellency the Govemor­ CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this ALL tlhat piece of land containing 5.3 perches situated in Block 22'nd day of October 1%9. VIII, Wiupara Survey District, Waipara County, Canterbury [L.S.] PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. R.D., being part Rural Section 7540; subjedt to the easement Goo SAVE 1HB QUEEN! of right of way created by conveyance No. 40747 (670/672), Canterbury Registry; as the same is more particularly delineated (P.W. 34/4477; D.O. 18/7 /72) .on the plan marked M.O.W. 23653 depoisited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon co~oured yelLow. Land Taken for Soil Conservation and River Control Purposes Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ in Block Vil, Te Mata Survey District General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 29th day 10.fOctober 1969. ARTHUR PORRIIT, Governor-General [L.s.] PERCY B. A'ULEN, Minislter oil' Works. A PROCLAMATION Goo SAVE THE QUEEN! PtlRSUANT to the Public Works· Act 1928, I, Sir Arthur Espie (P.W. 53/159/1; D.O. 35/37) Porn'itt, Baronet, !the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare thaJt the mnd described in the Schedul~ herelto is herebv taken f?r isoil conservation and river' ,coritr~l Declaring Land Acquired for a Local Work to be Crown Land purposes and sh.all vest m the Hawke's Bay Catchment Boarll as from the date hereinafter mentioned; and I also, · declare ARTHUR PORRITT, Governor-General that this Proclamation shalt !take effect on and after the A PROCLAMATION 17th day of November 1969.
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