“'j, rci. ' T l 7'^ ^ a ■r- ,- r i-.r-'.:/(r ■ i - , ■ ■ f. •i-' J WEDNESDAY* JANUARY »l! t1 ^' V. ,'. ATti^MIr ^ Prom Hm iRanrl|pBt^r 1 iUMshiiinal^ggg ......... - I • .i*--'. .. • a m ' u MBUete ef^ the^ Hartford Cbuaty ■4" flu baa iaf nnwd to nouiea bgr Piddle iirtgcikak pla; •1 ■ tAW tiaaAtta>< wMtmiM tha 1 in Yearly , ipd lteoiagh ti^ cmuity " 1 1 , 1 1 7 ■KsnnvyerwtiEW imrw S crit snniwb ort yiHBaKg « r -^SSSSSr * • '' JB— n .lA rafn a OeWbaw^^Ma fentenally-trained perenanil -r* Audit the aoa of Mra Walter Timralaa ' nF'unJs. D ^e 35S«i.*“iJaK!“k3U at areaiatteas Jr., laT'Ooqpir Hill flU aho Ja aa* TBe funds raised ere used to help •tk^ lag aad medera daaetagT t ^ barli other aoa, flgt. D i^ i melnteln the couhty etnee and to ilndtaK home aooa.ftom Korte. Broad Progi^m Ckrried carry on the pr^fram here la Man* UNAM, aaelste With the T-Tsan cheater. g^pe. aad haa epeoaored auck VOL. LXXIII, NO. 94 P rt'A la n H. BrmUajr, IM Porter On by liocfl] G roup to Not many people am acquainted J«liii plays as "Rumplsstlltskln’* sad a t, aoa of U r .a t n i Mra H artirt J. Eduestion, Recreatioii With the broad scope a t the "Y“ " ^ p ia g Bsauty” for the chlldrea wbowiU and whu it offers la the way of of Msachaater. th* ( im Bradla)r» has coaiidaiad tha Field WLreman course run by the 60th coaumiatty aervicee. There are Mrs. A. P. Wylto, 696 North __ to a larga Field Artillery Battalion of tha The Manchester tWCA. which Adueatienal, reereatlonal. cultural naiwabara» . apoaeors an intetestlng and varied Main St., is i^ rm a a 'o C uis cokmty Wool Stoles M Infantry nvWoa Artillary at and social contact^ such aa are fund drive as_ wen_________ as for______ the Man*_ Fort X>ia, N ^J. P r la r Ut aaterina program locally/ia now conducting offered by ao otaer'orgaaisatioaa iF- In all white or plaida. 'HfWHtlm, aoa at Mr. and its aiuiual drive fa r fuada ^ cheater unit and any ^trib u tim A Kartn, a t Hart* the service. Pvt Bradley atitended la town. may be nudled to her. U tters are Manchester High School and Thia is a coi^trywide protect These are provided through the tMta rtactod to Um now In the mail asking ladivldusls > 1 “ a n d M WtUMon Acad* HiUyer OoUaga. aa the Maacheeter YWCA la aa Homemaker's Holiday Prop^km, far Ansncisl aid. r- . " -T .(ton, MaM., aa a - at tha Junior clan, U m CoaiaopoUtan Club will ---------, ama of tte first ysar htve a daasert*maeUns Fridior, ‘ 3 **® each AM* listed on tlis asc- Jan. S3, at 1- p. «., in Ca n t e r jBiliriaU for tha tarm andint Church Houaei- after which they ■ tiPleii.'ilT- tmA ia activa la the will work on dreasiaca for tha Me* SMALL SQUARE. ■■Vidhiiliilll.tiiatiii duhs. morial Hospital under the dirac* The Extraordinary/ KENDALL Dish 'Towel tion of M ra David M. CaldwcU. m - : 6 5 . 5 B i l l i b n Min Mauraaa Traaen Bhaa, Silk Scarb dau(htar of Judge and Mra Wil* JDmonstration In Our Linen Depaitrn^r - 4 Bam-iJr 8haa Boiddar Rd;. of the frn h in aa c la n at Marsrmciunt Collate, Tarrytown, H. T.. ia a HMUibar of . the. Social SaiyicaO ub A, A. lUMoett; prominent-Halt* which encouratn student partici* fkwd athwoey,. win be the guaat FUR or ANGORA patioa in aocial and chaHtaUe Ike Warns ^ . • - . V-+; 1 q>eaker.Mr __a i__ m_______ Junior______ C ham__ bn__ of activitlea Min Shea was gradu* Oommem dbuwr meeting at the eted from Maachnter BOgh Saool, Mehcheeter COontty Club oa Jen. Collars Cleat of 165S. ’ 36. at 6:M p.m. School Costs Cut F urther lUMcoff aerved aa Ooagrenm an rf- from the 8th Coogreaeionai District » | 69 And. »|:9» tnuinr me"nK ina-ggM 'Cbiii^^ -wSy" C 6 m f C t i 6 n l and ia a prominent leader in Demo­ pinions submitted by Town I ®®uid bs “iiot la excess"7rfS4eb,ooo!'’ Tax Slashes cratic poUtica la Coonbctksut aa Counsel Charles N. CrockeU^ » LaawnyU far‘ CSMUMra The Item Knit sreU u In the eastern sU tea FUR POM POMS ..d _W.n.„ .C ri,,. W Bowers said that in a Washington, Jan. 21 (/P)—. suppers* fat He vfill apeak to tha Junior aheoM have i Chamber members on “How to Un­ President Eisenhower laid a $ 1 S6Vb*hilUon-doliar budget be­ "CMMmi'fl KMT SLKEP- derstand Foreign PoUcy." - <type school. Mayor Sherwood Crockett and Carlty, the Borton RAHiic i FULl OIL t». Bowers today said he 8ond eouneel aaid aema thinga fore Congress today. He said EKS“ « » $ 1 .1 f . would press for a less expen* i r * * * * * - “®* •“ Chrleye writ* a “new concept" of reliancer aive \Keeney Street Schro I tan opinion. upon air power and new • • "substsintially in accordance Ha -aaM toe opinions gave lee­ weapons justifies a 6 l*4*bil- down __ ... way for changaa. lion-dollar spending slash, River at 10; _____ buLANB OIL CO, FLASH BULBS. CASES. With preliminary plans" when Bowers aald that in tha confer* A crowd of about 13,000 Arsons , MOVl;^.PABT8 '•"* "®ard of Directors meets anca Carley said the only motion mostly from nationij security including a number of notablea KMTTIMI mils to discuss the matter Tues­ made, at a moating last Wednoa- outlays. cheered aa the Nautilus entered o ro c c a n m . MHeM 34320 Ne>^ Styles day. day whan tha Board voted the Despite tha T'/4 |rar cant apSad* tlie water under a bright sunlit Stem \ MW atert was-the bacond one. ing cut under astimated outlays for sky. t«lt K la poaaibla That ia tha motion which declarad this year—also lowarsd—the chief Speakers hailed the nuclear-/ e rro rism to bkiild a coneiderably leap ezpea* Hte PfOtoct “under p rasan t. pro­ •*•****•''• told CPngrasa toe gov- driven, veasel aa.mot only a power/ — ' J" ■ aive echool which wouM~etiH be posed plana and epeciacatloas” ammant would wind up the next ful new sea Weapon but as a bar «|i.' Mbatentlally in eoeordence -with be “abandoned anaroly............... fiscal year nearly three billion dol* binger of peaceful uae of atmme toe plane drawn by ArohltMt lars in the red. enginee. Arnold Lawrence pnd apadBad bv Bowera said to# Board could Pack up your slaaping troubhsi SIGNS FAilLE toe call for tha public hearing and not uae tha word "abandoned” in Frnpoeee Bread Ohaksgee As Mrs. EUsenhower moved for- n* — DISH toe referendum on the 1480,000 me motion. It waa cboaao. Bow* aueenhower cautioned against ward on the gaily decototed 1 ...Tangier International Zolie. y nd laiur for the echpoL era said, to correspond with the further general tax cute, although launching platform, to chrisCeh the i M orocco, J a n 21 //m n - ' HKS S M N COa 7x "blua^book’f which proponante- of ha proposed-a-broad program"of * toe^dauUnM to eay, at tola tima. a insscullJ.. v o ic .'^ : liable infomiattoir Im amus PUROFfED*! M | l e M 3 4 2 M HANDBAGS toe new start have caUad too tax law changes. Whether, hie plana included dia* arebiteeta MMa. It concerns tha The budget for fiscal IBSS, be­ "Hit it hard." here today discounted French Snail to lAeafiBn «Uaalng Lawranca.aa architact or athiOs of iha architaete' profaa* ginning-naat-Jkily 1 , was toe am Teok PritetlM fe«ia 'that a gothi^rinf- of hiring Walter CMkbtraa, Jr., of Sion. Ha Said a new wonttng prepared by a Rapublloaa Admlni^ l 4 ni iBtnitl* of Miirfoif...^: '‘ West Hartford to complete the civU iisS HANUBA^ in might have to -|ia used. tration in 31 yaai^. and then hit the hull sharply. The cniefi Ih hearhy Spanish f?' plane. Bovrers said hk was opposed to ITirokighout tof maaaiva docu­ botUe crashed and /itompagne Morocco threatens terrorism Pirach .or'box styles. Both legal opiniona said tha eo- accepting tha lS-\changas pro*, ment, nsenhower, v/ho haa spent /VMred and Com Dot _ timated coet of tha project could posed to raduoa tha Coat to within moat of his life iii toe Army, whistles blew. / in neighboring French Moroc­ Colon: Navy, Black. not be revised downward aithar the $480,000 appropriated bacauaa emphasiaed that hia administration The naUon's FlrsV Lady stood co. CERAMICS Brown. ^ toe Board or by tha alactorata. haa mads air power its chosen In­ watching sllenUy and bit her lower ^■pio leaders gather^ today in but Bowera said today he aaw no (CanUnnad an Fags Ftow) strument of free world defense, ll^p as the Nautiliis sUd to the ^capital at the STARTINO CLASSKS with other aarvicea playing leaser iivf r. ^tk m the divided North African roleai AEG Chairmen ^ w i s L. Straikss protwtorata., Information reach­ f m U M M y 1 (nos twice as many dishe Blaenhower said hU tax pro- 0 R M PYNAMICS said during the4aunching cere- ing here sold tliey were expected »2 5 « gram would reault in about 600 merely to confirm their loyalty to CvMs moniM the craft symbolised both Each mUUon dollars tax rallaf each for the" "atomic* ■ thuijnderbolts" ■ of dt- the Osliph—Spanish Moroccan o r 1e$ them twice as fas Canada May Reject im ^ d u a ls and for bualnaaaea, in fense and of a peaceful boon of Kpresentativa of tha Sultan of Plus Tan addition to tha.
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