• *;;;;***11~1~~; ***!!**:~-DIGIT 02906 R. I . JUilSH HIS ORICAL ASSOCIATIDN .,_3c SESSIONS ST . PROV I DENCE , RI 025'06 Rhode Island Jew1sn Around Town HERALD page& The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts VOLUME LXXVIII, NUMBER 20 1 NISAN 6, 5752 /THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1992 35¢ PER COPY New Bill Vs. Jews March For Choice Hate Crimes by David Friedman A total of 1,8 22 incidents of WASHINGTON ()TA) - In anti-gay violence, ranging from \1 )1 1/ , an effort to stem the alarming harassment to homicide, were increase in hate crimes, a bill documented last year in five has been introduced in Con­ major metropolitan areas, said gress to allow federal judges to Kevin Berrill of the National increase the penalties for those Gay and Lesbian Task Force found guilty of this type of Policy Institute. crime. Increased attacks against Known as the Hate Crime Asian-Americans, largely a Sentencing Enhancement Act result of "Japan bashing," of 1992, the bill was intro­ were reported by Sonya duced in the House by Rep. Chung of the Japanese Ameri­ Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and can Citizens League and in the Senate by Sen. Paul Daphne Kwok of the Organiza­ Simon (D-111.). tion of Chinese Americans. A hate crime is defined as Simon and Schumer were one "' in which the defendant's also co-sponsors of the 1990 conduct was motivated by Hate Crimes Statistic Act, hatred, bias or prejudice based which requires the justice on the actual or perceived race, Department to keep records of color, religion, national origin, the number of hate crimes. ethnicity, gender, or sexual ori­ There is now a need to go a entation of another individual step further than just keeping or group of individuals." track of satistics, Simon said. At a news conference re­ Schumer said a message must cently led by Simon and Schu­ be sent that "if you commit a mer, and attended by members bias crime, you're going to pay of police organizations, mem­ for it and pay for it hard on the bers of various groups reported federal level." The B'nai B'rith Youth Organization demonstrated for Choice. Members from New Jersey and on the sharp increase in hate The AOL's Hordes said that Connecticut B'nai Brith Girls and A2A arrived in Washington by bus. crimes. 46 states and the District of Jess Hordes, director of the Columbia have laws dealing Washington office of the Anti­ with hate violence, including by Mark Binder Hebrew Congregations, and there is no choice." Defamation League, said that two dozen penalty-enhance­ the Women's League for Con­ O'Hara and Costanzo were the AOL's annual report for ment provisions. They wore white because the servative Judaism. just two of the many young 1991 listed more than 1,600 "We believe increasing pen­ suffragettes wore white. On The march was designed to people who rode on busses or­ anti-Semitic incidents, the alties for federal crimes moti­ Sunday, April 5, 500,000 men, send a strong message to Presi­ ganized by colleges, universi­ highest number since the vated by prejudice will have a · women, and children picked up dent Bush, who spent the day ties, and B'nai B'rith Youth Or­ organization began keeping deterrent impact, and send the banners, homemade placards, at Camp David, and the ganizations (BBYO). In the statistics. message to both perpetrators posters, and wore buttons as Supreme Court, which is ex­ crowd, banners and tee shirts There was a striking increase and victims that society will they walked down Pennsylva­ pected to rule in the near future were seen from as far away as in anti-Semitic incidents on col­ not tolerate these odious nia Avenue from the White on the abortion issue. Montana and Alaska. lege campuses, he added. crimes," Hordes said. House to the Capitol to express All along the parade route, "If you can't trust me with their support for the right of spectators cheered from the choice," said one sign, "how women to have an abortion. sidelines, but there were pock­ can you trust me with a child?" Chabad Celebrates And mixed in with the end­ ets of pro-life/anti-abortion Asked why she was protest­ less throngs, were thousands of protesters, who stood silently ing, one University of Rhode Is­ Jewish men and women march­ bearing signs testifying to their land student said, "I don't have Rabbi Schneerson' s B'Day ing as individuals, or together own beliefs. One particularly any new answers. Because I in groups. graphic display, was "'Ceme­ want to be able to have my by Kathy Cohen "I am here because women's tery of the Innocents," a grave­ choice, and to have the right to Herald Associate Editor lives are at risk more than ever yard of crosses symbolizing the make a choice. I don't know On Sunday, April 5, in the before,"' said Joan Kort, Presi­ terminated lives of aborted fe­ what choice I would make, but Marriott's Grand Ballroom, dent of B'nai B'rith Women tuses erected in the shadow of I want to have the right to make over 50 guests joined to cele­ (BBW). " Eleven years ago, the the Washington Monument. it. And if I make a choice which brate an evening of "Jewish rights of privacy [and] freedom These counter-protestors is against the law, then I don't Thought and Melody" spon­ of reproductive choice were es­ gave the marchers pause. Some want to have to risk my life for sored by the Chabad Lubavitch tablished, and these rights are stopped to argm·· the chant of it." of Rhode Island in honor of at risk today. B'nai B"rith "Choice! Now!" was louder in Mark Binder supports legisla­ Rabbi Menachem Mendel Women, and 1 personally, front of the Treasury Building, tion for womens' rights to choice. refuse to go back to a time Schneerson's 90th birthday, where pro-choice marchers See page 11 for more photos of when women's lives were not and to wish him a speedy re­ passed pro-life/anti-abortion the Pro-Choice March. covery, as he recently took ill fully secured." protesters. while visiting his father's The march, which was orga­ But all together, the March gravesite. nized by the National Organi­ for Women's Lives was peace­ The evening began with a zation of Women, was co-spon­ ful. Don't miss brief introduction by Rabbi sored by BBW, as well as the "B'nai B'rith Girls took a Nosson Blumes, program direc­ American Jewish Committee, stand for pro-choice," said 16- our Passover tor of Chabad Lubavitch of American Jewish Congress, year-old Shana O'Hara, "and Savings Rhode Island, followed by a Hadassah, the Jewish Labor we're here." Rabbi Y. Laufer warm welcome from the Mas­ Committee, Na'amat, the Na­ "The government is getting section in ter of Ceremonies and close Guest artist Ca ntor Avraham tional Council of Jewish really scary," said Kim friend to the Rhode Island Albrecht, originally of Israel Women, Women's American Costanzo, 18, "and I don't this issue! Lubavitchers, Mr. Robert Starr. (continued on page 3) ORT, the Union of American want to live in a country where • 2 - THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1992 FOCUS Preparing The Home For Pesach ally sells the chametz back to entered, so will it leave ("kebol'o the boiling process described by Rabbi Chaim Marder Self-cleaning oven: You its original owner. kach po/to "). Of what value is above. Supervising Rabbi for the must run it through a self­ The Providence Hebrew Day this purging process if the The best idea is to have sep­ Va'ad Hakashruth clean cycle. It might be neces­ School sent out a handy check­ chametz which it spits out arate glassware for Pesach. of Rhode Island sary to hand-clean the door. list for your search-for­ comes right back into the pot Broiler, Baking, Roasting, Stove Top: After cleaning, Removing Chametz chametz. Give them a call if again? To this question, there Frying pans: Anything which the burners of the stove should you did not receive one. Don't are 2 answers. Firstly, if the was used in a nonliquid cook­ be turned on high for about 15 Compliance with the prohibi­ forget to clean your car and water content of the pot is 60x ing process (i.e. baking, roast­ minutes so that the grates will tion of eating/ owning/ using your office! that of the chametz, the ing, broiling, perhaps even reach their maximum tempera­ chametz takes on three forms. Please remember that chametz will be halachically frying) can only be kashered ture. If you have a gas stove, The first is the actual removal vacuum cleaner bags must be diluted and nullified ("bi tu besh­ through libun or firing . These you should shift the grates so of chametz from our homes, emptied, as well as garbage ishim"). Secondly, when a pot items require "libun chazak" that all parts will be exposed to either through consuming it pails. You can arrange for a remains unused for 24 hours, (strong libun) which would the intensity of the heat at (by 10:30 a.m. on April 17, special Friday morning pick up the fla vors it absorbed turn burn up the chametz in the some point. The grates do not Erev Pesach), or disposing of of your garbage by phoning "sour" (or "lifgarri "), and are no walls.
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