'-Based Approuclt Food fnr Sufery Managemenr Proceeding ofInrernationu1 Seminar Current Issues and Challen~t*~in Fucru' Sujew LUSION FORMALIN CONTAMINATION IN CHILDREN'S ierofood ACS with its I-FRESH culture will strive to give the STREET FOODS AT SCHOOLS IN SURAKARTA, ners Integrity, Fast, Reliable, Effective And Efficient, Service CENTRAL JAVA, INDONESIA ent and Hygiene services. By implementing food safety !ement system and HACCP, the food from Aerofood ACS is safe Indrias Tri Punvanti, Y. Wuri Wulandari, Kapti Rahayu The certifications we get ensure that ail food is safe and tasty. ~odACS, one team one spirit one goal! Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Slamet Riyadi University, Surakarta Indonesia ABSTRACT Formalin is one of the chemical agents that is sometimes abused as food preservative. Formalin has negative effect to human health, especially to children. This present study investigated the contamination of several children's street foods at schools with this substance. This study was held in 12 schools in Surakarta, Central Java Indonesia. The schools chosen included 4 elementary schools, 4 high schools, 3 senior high scl~ooland a vocational school. The children's street school food samples were fried foods, pasta, dim sum, chip, cake, and drinks. Food samples were collected and their formalin content was analysed using a formal-semi quantitative test (AHMT]. OF the 57 children's meal tested, 28 (49Yo) of them were positively cotltaminated with formalin. These results are very important for food safety programs especially children street foods. Accordingly, the organizational structures are required to minimize the risk of food contamination using a Total Quality Managenletlt (TQM] approach. Key word :formalin, street food INTRODUCTlON Formaldehyde is a nearly colorless gas with a pungent, irritating odor even at very low concentrations [below 1 ppm) [http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov) Formaldehyde can be used for many purposes and is popular chemical because of its low cost. Formaldehyde is found in cigarette smoke and also can be formed in the environment during the burning of fuels or household waste :nary presentation technical presentation 1273 Science-Bu~edApproarh#br Food Safe9 Monagemenr Pru~-e-t~lingof infcmuiiona/ Scminar Clrrenl fssucls and Chdllengr.~rr~ Fo (http://www.idph.state.il.us/envhealth/facsheets/formaldehyde.h t RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ml. The selected 57 samples of children street foods were ol Formalin is not a food preservative, therefore, it is not allowed from 12 different Schools in Surakarta. Data on fc to be used in food products. The effects of formalin at low levels on contan~inationin the street foods is shown in Table 1. Fc health causes burning and watering eyes. As formaldehyde level concentration of the contaminated foods is presented in T. increases, it can cause the nose and throat burning, coughing, and Foods not contaminated with formalin were found in 2 schools difficulty in breathing. Some people may be more sensitive to formaldehyde and are affected by low level of formaldehyde. Strong 3). mixtures of formaldehyde gas and liquid can cause irritation or rash if it contact to the skin. When it is swallowed, formaldehyde can cause Tdbel 1. Formalin Contamination in Street Food obtained fr severe pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. Animal studies have shown that schools in Surakarta it increased nasal cancers in rats and mice inhhaling high levels of formaldehyde for a long time (http://www.idph.state.il.us lenvhealth No Location Sample Formalin contaminatio - lfactsheetsl forrnaldehyde.htm). .t 1 SD Banyuanyar I Fried meatball ,Fried meatball Fried-tofu- Formalin is an antimicrobial chemical that is used either to kill Surakarta Noodle-meatball Noodle-meatball meatbalI/B undesirable microorganisms or prevent or retard their growth. (http: (elementary soup soup //www.sciencedirect.com) It is widely used in disinfectants school) Cassava balI/cimol Cassava production and preservatives in mortuaries and medical laboratories Fried-tofu- ball/cimol (http://www.assenng.org). This compound is not in GRAS-listed and meatball/Batagor 2 SMPNegeri17 Cassavachip Cassava chip Doughnut not approved to be food preservative. However, some small food Surakarta (junior Doughnut Fried-tofu- Macaroni industries such as noodle, tofultahu, dim sum and others are still high school) Fried-tofu- meatball/Batago using formalin to preserve their products. meatball/Batagor r Macaroni Formalin may caus by long-term effects on human hcalthand its 3 SMP Fried noodle Fried nondl use through different foods consumption, has been questioned Muhammadiyah Mango Cocktail Mango Cocl (http://www.osha.gov). Eventhough formalin is economical and 7 Surakarta Yellow Chip Yellow Chir readily available, this compound is very harmful to human. (senior high Ordinary Chip Ordinary Ct school) Macaroni Macaroni to of The aim of this preliminary study is detect the possibility 4 SD Sawahan II Tofu meatball Tofu meatball jlting noodl formalin contamination in the street foods especially those sold to Sangkrah Jit~ngnoodle Macaroni chiIdren at schools. Surakarta Macaroni Hat Chip {elementary Hot Chip school] MATERIALS AND METHOD 5 SMA Negeri 6 Sausage meatball soup Sausage Su raka rta Nugget Nugget [senior high meatball soup Tofu The materials were variaus kinds of street foods obtained from school) Tofu Tempura 12 schools in Surakarta, 4 elementary schools, 4 junior high schools, 3 Tempura senior high schools, and 1 vocational school. The food samples were L collected and were analyzed by Semi Quantitative Test with AHMT (4-amino-5-hydrazyno-1,2,4-triazole-3-thio)activator. - - -- 274Itechnical presentation technical presentation ce-Bared ApproachJor Food Sufep Manugemeplt Proceeding of lnr ernor ionol Sem mar C'urrent Issues and Challenges in Fuod SaJhfy ~://~,idph.state,iI.us/envhealth/factsheets/formaldehyde.ht RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Formalin is not a food preservative, therefore, it is not allowed The selected 57 samples of children street foods were obtained : used in food products. The effects of formalin at low levels on from 12 different Schools in Surakarta. Data on formalin h causes burning and watering eyes. As formaldehyde level contarr~inationin the street foods is shown in Table 1. Formalin ases, it can cause the nose and throat burning, coughing, and concentration of the contaminated foods is presented in Table 2. ulty in breathing. Some people may be more sensitive to Foods not contaminated with formalin were found in 2 schools (table aldehyde and are affected by low level of formaldehyde. Strong 3). Ires of formaldehyde gas and liquid can cause irritation or rash if tact to the skin. When it is swallowed, formaldehyde can cause Formalin Contamination in Street Food obtained from I2 e pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. Animal studies have shown that Tabel 1. reased nasal cancers in rats and mice inhhaling high levels of schools in Surakarta tldehyde for a long time (htrp://www.idph.state.iI.us /envhealth No Location Sample Formalin contamination heets/ formaldehyde.htm). + Formalin is an antimicrobial chemical that is used either to kill 1 SD Banyuanyar I Fried meatball Fried meatball Fried-tofu- irable microorganisms or prevent or retard their growth. (http: Surakarta Noodle-meatball Noodle-meatball meatball/Batagor w.sciencedirect.com) It is widely used in disinfectants (elementary soup soup school) Cassava ball/cimol Cassava ction and preservatives in mortuaries and medical laboratories Fried-tofu- ball/cimol //www.assenng.org). This compound is not in GUS-listed and meatball/Batagor ,proved to be food preservative. However, some small food 2 SMP Negeri 17 Cassava chip Cassava chip Doughnut ries such as noodle, tofu/tahu, dim sum and others are still Surakarta (junior Doughnut Fried-tofu- Macaroni ormalin to preserve their products. high school) Fried-tofu- rneatball/Batago meatball/Batagor r 'ormalin may caus by long-term effects on human healthand its Macaroni rough different foods consumption, has been questioned 3 SMP Fried noodle Fried noodle /www.os ha.gov). Even though formali n is economical and Muhammadiyah Mango Cocktail Mango Cocktail 7 Surakarta Yellow Chip Yellow Chip r available, this compound is very harmful to human. [senior high Ordinary Chip Ordinary Chip he aim of this preliminary study is to defect the possibility of school) Macaroni Macaroni in contamination in the street foods especially those sold to 4 SD Sawahan I1 Tofu meatball Tofu meatball Jiting noodle n at schools. Sangkrah Jiting noodle Macaroni Surakarta Macaroni Hot Chip (elementary Hot Chip school) LIALS AND METHOD 5 SMA Negeri 6 Sausage meatball soup Sausage Surakarta Nugget Nugget le materials were various kinds of street foods obtained from (senior high meatball soup Tofu 01s in Surakarta, 4 elementary schools, 4 junior high schools, 3 school) Tofu Te111pu1-a iigh schools, and 1 vocational school. The food samples were Tempura d and were analyzed by Semi Quantitative Test with AHMT 0-5-hydrazyno-lr2,4.triazole-3-thio) activator. -- hnical presentation - I technical presentation 1275 SCIence - Based Appruuchfi)r Food .fi~fe~hfanagemenr /'ra~.~,~ding.of'lnrern~rionul Seminar Uurr2nr lssues und Chul1twgi.s in Fooc 6. SMP Negeri 26 Fried noodle Fried noodle Colored ice Tabel 2. Formalin concentration in children's Street Food Surakarta Colored ice Macaroni Cake (junior high Macaroni Cassava chips lnstant Fried school] Cassava chips noodle Cake lnstant Fried noodle 7 SMP Kristen 4 Candy Candy Toast/roti bakar (junior high Toast Cakue/fried
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