SKIN OF COLOR IN COLLABORATION WITH THE SKIN OF COLOR SOCIETY Dermoscopic Patterns of Acral Melanocytic Lesions in Skin of Color Andrea Tan, BS; Jennifer A. Stein, MD, PhD Population Trends in Skin of Color PRACTICE POINTS Much of the literature on malignant melanoma his- • Dermatologists should be familiar with common torically has involved non-Hispanic white patients, but dermoscopic patterns seen at acral sites in patients the incidence in lighter-skinned populations has been with skin of color as well as the most up-to-date increasing steadily over the last few decades.1 Although diagnostic algorithms. ALM can occur in any race, it disproportionately affects • Acral lentiginous melanoma should be strongly sus- skin of color populations;copy ALM accounts for only 0.8% to pected if dermoscopy reveals a parallel ridge pattern 1% of all melanomas in white populations, but it consti- or if dermoscopy of volar skin reveals a lack of typi- tutes 4% to 58% of melanomas in ethnic populations and cal dermoscopic patterns in lesions with a diameter is the most common melanoma subtype among black greater than 7 mm. Americans.2-5 Acral lentiginous melanoma also is associ- atednot with a worse prognosis compared to other subtypes, which may indicate a more aggressive biological nature6 but also may point toward socioeconomic and cultural Acral lentiginous melanoma (ALM) is a rare but aggressive subtype barriers (eg, low income or education levels, lack of insur- of melanoma often associated with poor prognosis. Although overallDo incidence is rare, ALM accounts for a larger proportion of mela- ance, lower health literacy), leading to disparities in access 5 nomas among black, Asian, and Hispanic individuals than among to care and diagnosis at advanced stages. white individuals. Similarly, the proportion of acral melanocytic nevi Similarly, the distribution of acral melanocytic nevi tends to be greater in ethnic skin despite a lower overall nevi count. appears to demonstrate an association with ethnicity and Dermoscopy can help differentiate between benign and malignant skin pigmentation. Although skin of color patients have acral melanocytic lesions. Herein, we discuss the population trends fewer nevi than non-Hispanic whites, the proportion of of acral melanocytic lesions in patients with skin of color. We also acral melanocytic nevi tends to be greater.6,7 Given its examine the diagnostic challenges of acral lesions and review the dermoscopic patterns unique to acralCUTIS volar skin. grim prognosis, accurately differentiating ALM from acral Cutis. 2019;103:274-276. nevi is of utmost importance. Diagnostic Challenges of Acral Lesions Due to the unique nature of the surfaces of acral sites, mela- cral lentiginous melanoma (ALM) is a rare sub- nocytic lesions on the palms, soles, and nail apparatus present type of melanoma that occurs on the palms, soles, many diagnostic challenges. It can be difficult to distinguish A and nail apparatus. Unlike more common types acral melanoma from benign lesions using the naked eye of melanoma, ALM occurs on sun-protected areas of the alone. Volar surfaces are characterized by the presence of skin and has distinct clinical, histologic, and genetic fea- dermatoglyphics, and pigment deposition along ridges and tures. Acral lentiginous melanoma accounts for a larger furrows create particular dermoscopic patterns exclusive to proportion of melanomas in individuals with skin of color these sites.8 Thus, dermoscopy can be useful on acral surfaces, and has a worse prognosis and recurrence rate than other but the dermoscopic features are different from those on the forms of melanoma. rest of the body and must be learned separately. From The Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology, New York University School of Medicine, New York. The authors report no conflict of interest. Correspondence: Jennifer A. Stein, MD, PhD, The Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology, New York University School of Medicine, 240 E 38th St, New York, NY 10016 ([email protected]). 274 I CUTIS® WWW.MDEDGE.COM/DERMATOLOGY Copyright Cutis 2019. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted without the prior written permission of the Publisher. SKIN OF COLOR In addition, nearly half of patients are unaware of lesion’s diameter is greater than 7 mm in diameter, it their acral lesions.6 Acral surfaces may not always be should be biopsied; if the diameter is less than 7 mm, it examined by clinicians during total-body skin exami- should have regular clinical and dermoscopic follow-up.18 nations, leading to further possibility of overlooking In 2015, Lallas et al20 developed the BRAAFF checklist, a lesion. Obtaining biopsies on glabrous skin or nails a scoring system of 6 variables: blotches, ridge pattern, also is challenging because they can be more painful asymmetry of structures, asymmetry of colors, parallel and hemostasis can be more difficult, especially in the furrow pattern, and fibrillar pattern. The checklist also nail. Acral melanomas also may be amelanotic, includ- was shown to substantially improve diagnostic accuracy ing those at subungual sites. Although the overall inci- of dermoscopy for ALM, with sensitivity and specificity dence of amelanotic ALM is low, approximately 20% to at 93.1% and 86.7%, respectively.20 28% of amelanotic melanomas in Asian patients are Acquired Acral Nevi—Three classic dermoscopic pat- located on acral sites.9 Due to these challenges, acral terns are associated with acquired acral nevi: parallel lesions may be overlooked or misdiagnosed as warts,10 furrow pattern, latticelike pattern, and fibrillar pattern.15,21 tinea pedis,11 or traumatic ulcers.12 Approximately three-quarters of all acquired acral nevi exhibit one of these patterns, roughly half exhibiting par- Dermoscopic Patterns of Acral Volar Skin allel furrow with tan-brown bandlike pigmentation along Dermoscopy is a useful noninvasive tool for distinguish- dermatoglyphic grooves.16,17 ing between benign and malignant acral melanocytic Latticelike patterns also are characterized by brown lesions, and its efficacy in improving diagnostic accuracy parallel lines along the sulci of dermatoglyphics but and decreasing unnecessary biopsies is well-established additionally have multiple intersecting lines. Thus, this in the literature.13,14 Acral dermoscopy allows for visual- pattern can be considered a variant of the parallel furrow ization of pigment along the dermatoglyphics that con- pattern.15 The crisscross markings can be predominantly stitute the characteristic dermoscopic patterns. found in the plantarcopy arch.22 This dermoscopic pattern Acral Lentiginous Melanoma—The hallmark dermo- comprises 15% to 25% of all acral nevi.21 scopic pattern and most important finding of ALM is Fibrillar pattern accounts for 10% to 20% of all acral the parallel ridge pattern, characterized by parallel linear melanocytic nevi.21 Dermoscopically, these lesions dem- pigmentation along the ridges of dermatoglyphics. In onstrate parallel filamentous streaks that cross dermato- the early phases of malignancy, the pattern appears light glyphicsnot obliquely. The fibrillar pattern is predominantly brown and involves most of the lesion; as the tumor found on weight-bearing areas of the sole,22 which likely develops, increasing melanin production results in focal is explained by pressure causing slanting of melanin col- areas of the parallel ridge pattern with darker bands.Do15,16 umns in the horny layer.23 The fibrillar pattern has been The sensitivity and specificity of a parallel ridge pattern shown to be the benign acral dermoscopic pattern that for diagnosing early ALM has been shown to be 86% and is most commonly misdiagnosed, with higher reported 99%, respectively.15,16 rates of biopsy.24 A pattern of irregular diffuse pigmentation also can Acral Congenital Melanocytic Nevi—Congenital mela- be observed in more advanced ALM. Dermoscopy may nocytic nevi (CMN) present at birth or appear during the reveal a structureless pattern (ie, lack of identifiable struc- first few weeks of life. Congenital melanocytic nevi can tures or patterns) in a background of tan-black coloration vary widely in size, shape, and color, and they are occa- due to more exuberant melanocyte proliferation along sionally biopsied in cases of larger diameter or dermo- the epidermis.15 Sensitivity CUTISand specificity of this der- scopic atypia to differentiate from melanoma.25 Congenital moscopic finding for invasive lesions is high at 94% and melanocytic nevi also can occur on acral volar surfaces. 97%, respectively.16,17 Interestingly, once ALM lesions Possible dermoscopic patterns include parallel furrow or have advanced even further, conventional melanoma- fibrillar patterns as well as a crista dotted pattern, defined associated structures (ie, blue-white veil, polymorphous as evenly spaced dots/globules on the ridges near the blood vessels, ulceration, irregular dots/globules or openings of eccrine ducts.26 A more commonly observed streaks) or atypical forms of typically benign acral der- dermoscopic pattern in acral CMN is a combination of the moscopic patterns may be observed.15 crista dotted and parallel furrow patterns, known as the Per a 3-step diagnostic algorithm created by Koga peas-in-a-pod pattern. Changes in the clinical appearance and Saida,18 a suspected acral lesion should first be and dermoscopic features of an acral CMN are possible evaluated for a parallel ridge pattern to determine the over time; some lesions also may fade with age.26 need for biopsy, as it is seen in approximately two-thirds of ALMs.19 If no parallel ridge pattern is observed, the Final Thoughts lesion should then be checked for any of the typical der- Acral lentiginous melanoma is a rare but potentially moscopic patterns seen in benign acral nevi (eg, parallel aggressive melanoma subtype that accounts for a larger furrow, latticelike, or fibrillar patterns).18 The maximum proportion of melanomas in patients with skin of color diameter should be measured only if the lesion does not than in white patients. Dermoscopy of acral volar skin exhibit any of the typical dermoscopic patterns.
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