Results 比賽賽果 HONG KONG AMATEUR SWIMMING ASSOCIATION LTD (MEMBER OF THE FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DE NATATION) (AFFILIATED TO THE SPORTS FEDERATION AND OLYMPIC COMMITTEE OF HONG KONG, CHINA) Div.I Age Group Long Course Swimming Competition Part1 2008-2009 第一組組組長組長長長池池池池分齡游泳分齡游泳比比比賽比賽賽賽 (第第第一第一一一部部部部) 2008-2009 25 May 2008 (Sun) 二二二○○二○○八八八年八年年年五五五五月月月月廿五廿五日日日(日(((星期星期日日日)日))) Ma On Shan Swimming Pool 馬鞍山游泳池 Subvented by: LCSD 2008-09 AGE GROUP DIVISION I LONG COURSE AND SHORT COURSE SWIMMING COMPETITIONS Rules & Regulations Date/Venue Please see attached event lists. Entry All competitors must be 2008/09 registered age group Conditions swimmers of HKASA and register to HKASA at least 21 days prior to the closing date of entries. Swimmers should reach Div I qualifying standard. Swimmers having best time met Div.1 qualifying standard cannot swim at lower division(s) or Age Group Suspension Rule shall apply. Entries Incomplete/incorrect entry information will be rejected and fees paid will not be refunded. Late entries will not be accepted. Individual Events Each swimmer is limited to no more than 4 individual events. *HK$15.00 per individual event Relay Events Relays will be run on a club basis. Each club may enter one team in each relay event. *HK$15.00 per team per relay event *Paid by cash or cheque. Crossed cheque made payable to ‘HKASA Ltd.’. Closing Date 21 days prior to the date of competition (subject to the for Entries announcement of the HKASA). Closing Date 21 days prior to the closing date of entries (subject to the for Registration announcement of the HKASA) Event list Please see attached event list. Events will be run as timed finals. Qualifying Please see attached qualifying times list. (A fine of HK$50 Standards will be charged of each “not qualified”.) Age Group Age is calculated as at the day of the competition. Individual Events 10 & under, 11 & 12, 13 & 14, 15 - 17, 18 & over. Scratches Scratches must be submitted 30 minutes before the scheduled start time of each session. A fine of $30 will be charged for each “no show”. Awards Medals will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. No medals will be awarded to swimmers who fail to meet the qualifying time Rules FINA rules & HKASA swimming rules will apply. Swimmers who apply for split time record should submit application form with application fee HK$200 to the Referee 30 minutes before the start of each session. Fee paid will not be refunded in any case. Names of swimmers together with registration number actually swimming on a relay must be submitted 30 minutes before the start of each session. Protest Any protest shall be made in writing to the referee within 30 minutes following the result announcement of the respective event with protest fee of HK$200. Protest will be forward to the Appeal Board of such competition for decision. If the protest is rejected, the fee paid will be forfeited to the HKASA. 二○○八至○九年第一組長、短池分齡游泳比賽 比賽規程 日期/場地: 請參閱項目表。 報名條件: 所有參賽者必須為游泳總會正式註冊的 2008-2009 度分齡組泳員,並於比賽截止報名前廿 一日註冊。 泳員須達到第一組標準時間方可參加比賽。 已達到第一組標準時間之泳員不可參加較低組別 的比賽,否則將會受到分齡賽停賽規例制裁。 報名: 未填妥及不正確的報名資料,將不獲受理,報名 費概不發還。 截止後的報名將不獲受理。 個人項目 每名泳員最多可參加四個個人項目。 *每項名費為港幣$15 元正。 接力項目 接力採取會際形式。 每個泳會只可派一隊參加每項接力。 *每項報名費為港幣$15 元正。 *支票請劃線,抬頭寫 HKASA Ltd.。 截止報名: 報名須於比賽二十一日前辦妥。(以泳總公佈為準) 截止註冊: 註冊須於比賽截止報名二十一日前辦妥。(以泳總公 佈為準) 項目: 請參閱項目表。所有項目不設初賽,名次以比賽成績 計算。 參賽標準: 請參閱第一組達標時間表。(不達標項目每項罰款港 幣 50 元正) 年齡組: 年齡以比賽日計算。 個人項目 10 歲或以下、11 及 12 歲、13 及 14 歲、15 至 17 歲、18 歲或以上。 棄權: 棄權須於每節開賽三十分鐘前遞交。 “缺席”的罰款為 每項港幣$30 元正。 獎項: 每個個人項目及接力項目的首三名將獲頒發獎牌。 未達參賽標準時間的泳員將不獲發獎牌。 規則: 比賽採用國際泳聯規則及泳總游泳競賽規程。 泳員申請分段時間紀錄須於每節開賽前 30 分鐘 遞交申請表,連同港幣$200 元正予總裁判。任何 情況下,所繳費用概不發還。 接力名單連註冊編號須於每節比賽開始前 30 鐘 提出。 上訴: 任何上訴須以書面提出,並須在該成績公佈後三 十分鐘內,連同上訴費港幣$200 元遞交予總裁判。 上訴交由該比賽之上訴委員會作決定。 若上訴被駁回,已繳費用概不發還。 2008 - 2009 AGE GROUP LONG COURSE SWIMMING COMPETITION - DIVISION I (PART I) 2008-2009 第一組長池分齡游泳比賽第一節 Date : 25 May 2008 (Sunday) Venue : Ma On Shan Sw Pool 馬鞍山游泳池 Morning Warm Up : 0800-0845 Hrs Morning First Event : 0900 Hrs Afternoon Warm Up : 1300-1345 Hrs Afternoon First Event : 1400 Hrs GIRLS女 BOYS男 1 10 YRS & UNDER 100M BUTTERFLY 蝶泳 2 3 11 & 12 YRS 200M BUTTERFLY 蝶泳 4 5 13 & 14 YRS 200M BUTTERFLY 蝶泳 6 7 15 - 17 YRS 200M BUTTERFLY 蝶泳 8 9 18 & OVER 200M BUTTERFLY 蝶泳 10 11 10 YRS & UNDER 50M FREESTYLE 自由泳 12 13 11 & 12 YRS 50M FREESTYLE 自由泳 14 15 13 & 14 YRS 50M FREESTYLE 自由泳 16 17 15 - 17 YRS 50M FREESTYLE 自由泳 18 19 18 & OVER 50M FREESTYLE 自由泳 20 21 13 & 14 YRS 400M IND. MEDLEY 個人四式 22 23 15 - 17 YRS 400M IND. MEDLEY 個人四式 24 25 18 & OVER 400M IND. MEDLEY 個人四式 26 LUNCH BREAK 午膳時間 27 4 X 200M FREE RELAY 自由接力 28 29 10 YRS & UNDER 100M BREASTSTROKE 蛙泳 30 31 11 & 12 YRS 200M BREASTSTROKE 蛙泳 32 33 13 & 14 YRS 200M BREASTSTROKE 蛙泳 34 35 15 - 17 YRS 200M BREASTSTROKE 蛙泳 36 37 18 & OVER 200M BREASTSTROKE 蛙泳 38 39 13 & 14 YRS 800M FREESTYLE 自由泳 ~ 41 15 – 17 YRS 800M FREESTYLE 自由泳 ~ 43 18 & OVER 800M FREESTYLE 自由泳 ~ ~ 13 & 14 YRS 1500M FREESTYLE 自由泳 40 ~ 15 – 17 YRS 1500M FREESTYLE 自由泳 42 ~ 18 & OVER 1500M FREESTYLE 自由泳 44 截止報名日期 CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES: 2 May 2008 (1700 hrs) 截止註冊日期CLOSING DATE FOR REGISTRATION: 18 April 2008 (1700hrs) 2008 – 2009 Div.I Age Group Long Course & Short Course Swimming Competitions Qualifying Times (32th Place) 2008 - 2009 第一組分齡長池及短池游泳比賽達標時間 (Confirmed: 7 April 2008) 10 & Under 十歲或以下 11 & 12 十一歲及十二歲 13 & 14 十三及十四歲 15 & Over 十五歲或以上 Girls 女 Boys 男 Girls 女 Boys 男 Girls 女 Boys 男 Girls 女 Boys 男 50M 米 Freestyle 捷泳 35.87 34.92 31.59 30.45 30.77 27.81 30.62 27.05 100M 米 Freestyle 捷泳 1.19.45 1.16.96 1.08.69 1.07.81 1.08.13 1.02.86 1.08.20 1.00.81 200M 米 Freestyle 捷泳 2.51.54 2.48.93 2:31.80 2.30.05 2.27.34 2.17.87 2.27.34 2.11.15 400M 米 Freestyle 捷泳 ~ ~ 5.33.38 5.18.21 5.16.11 5.04.62 5.11.19 5.00.17 800M 米 Freestyle 捷泳 ~~~~10.25.92 10.00.18 10.20.38 9.44.28 1500M 米 Freestyle 捷泳 ~~~~20.09.73 19:10.36 19.45.57 19:10.12 50M 米 Backstroke 背泳 43.15 42.86 38.18 37.94 36.80 34.35 36.79 34.26 100M 米 Backstroke 背泳 1.32.90 1.31.00 1.21.43 1.20.25 1.20.88 1.17.22 1.20.42 1.15.51 200M 米 Backstroke 背泳 ~ ~ 2:57.91 2.56.59 2.56.59 2.49.80 2.51.67 2.40.67 50M 米 Breaststroke 蛙泳 47.31 46.02 42.64 41.55 41.86 36.15 41.28 36.12 100M 米 Breaststroke 蛙泳 1.46.06 1.39.55 1.32.62 1.29.83 1.30.66 1:20.15 1.29.70 1.19.56 200M 米 Breaststroke 蛙泳 ~ ~ 3.14.51 3.08.56 3.12.30 2:58.68 3.10.57 2:56.28 50M 米 Butterfly 蝶泳 42.35 42.02 36.69 35.24 35.17 32.17 35.17 30.37 100M 米 Butterfly 蝶泳 1.44.52 1:35.37 1.23.89 1.19.91 1.20.04 1.12.30 1.18.00 1.10.75 200M 米 Butterfly 蝶泳 ~ ~ 3.06.20 3.06.20 2.56.44 2.47.13 2.43.38 2.35.01 Ind. Medley 1:29.02 1:28.52 1:19.40 1:17.72 1:16.68 1:11.04 1:16.46 1.07.96 100M 米 個人四式 Ind. Medley 3.20.22 3.15.91 2.53.21 2.51.11 2.50.75 2.37.61 2.46.93 2.32.12 200M 米 個人四式 Ind. Medley ~~~~6.13.92 5.50.96 6.02.68 5.42.74 400M 米 個人四式 Girls 女 Boys 男 Freestyle Relay 9:53.39 9:33.33 4×200M 自由接力 Medley Relay 4:57.17 4:37.20 4×100M 四式接力 Freestyle Relay 4:33.07 4:18.40 4×100M 自由接力 HONG KONG RECORDS (PROVISIONAL) Listed Date: Apr 23, 2008 HONG KONG LONG COURSE RECORDS (OPEN) MEN’S EVENTS 50 Free 23.40 Michael WRIGHT, MAC Asian Games – Hiroshima, Oct.07,94 100 Free 51.84 Arthur LI, HJC Olympic Games – Atlanta, Jul.22,96 200 Free 1:52.48 Mark KWOK Kin-ming, HTA 6th Asian Swimming Champ. – Pusan, Mar.30,00 26.63 55.22 1:23.48 400 Free 3:58.94 Mark KWOK Kin-ming, HTA Olympic Games – Sydney, Sept.16,00 800 Free 8:25.02 Mark KWOK Kin-ming, HTA Pan Pacific Championships – Atlanta, Aug.10,95 1500 Free 16:02.83 CHUNG Kwok-leung, HTA Pan Pac Swim Champ. – Yokohama, Aug.27,02 50 Back 27.27 CHEAH Geoffrey, LRC 3rd HK Open Swim Champ 07, Sep, 07 100 Back 58.76 CHEAH Geoffrey, LRC ASA Youth & National Champ, Aug 1, 06 200 Back 2:05.47 Alex FONG Lik-sun, SCA Olympic Games – Sydney, Sept.20,00 50 Breast 29.62 Andrew RUTHERFURD, LRC Olympic Games – Barcelona, Jul.26,92 100 Breast 1:04.23 Andrew RUTHERFURD, LRC Olympic Games – Barcelona, Jul.26,92 29.62 200 Breast 2:18.26 Tam Chi-kin, SLA Hong Kong Swimming Champ., Sept.3-5,04 50 Fly 25.29 Mark KWOK Kin-ming, HTA Hong Kong Swimming Champ, Sep.7-9,01 100 Fly 55.78 Arthur LI, HJC Hong Kong National Championships, Aug.22,93 200 Fly 2:01.99 Mark KWOK Kin-ming, HTA Olympic Games – Sydney, Sept.18,00 200 IM 2:07.10 HANNA Colin Daymond, HIS LI FOS-Olympic Time Trial II, Apr 20, 08 400 IM 4:29.02 Alex FONG Lik-sun, SCA Olympic Games – Sydney, Sept.17,00 4x100 MR 3:51.07 Hong Kong Team Asian Games – Busan, Oct.04,02 Alex FONG Lik -sun, TAM Chi -kin, Mark KWOK Kin -ming, FU Wing 4x100 FR 3:30.29 Hong Kong Team Asian Games- Busan, Oct.04,02 DOO Kin Lun, KWOK Kin -Min g, SZETO Shui Ki , FU Wing 4x200 FR 7:38.91 Hong Kong Team Asian Games – Bangkok, Dec.08,98 Mark KWOK Kin -ming, Zachary MOFFATT, Alex FONG Lik -sun, Arthur LI Kai -yien 54.93 1:53.04 2:48.95 3:48.15 4:43.55 5:42.46 6:35.27 7:38.91 HKRLC20080423 ver.1 Page 1 of 9 HONG KONG RECORDS (PROVISIONAL) Listed Date: Apr 23, 2008 HONG KONG LONG COURSE RECORDS (OPEN) WOMEN’S EVENTS 50 Free 26.14 Hannah WILSON, LRC 7th Asian Swimming Champ , Mar.
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