Flags in Madawaska: by David B. Martucci tion, many English speaking Loyal- among them was John Baker, a bi- Madawaska is a country largely ists from Massachusetts, New Jer- lingual hot-tempered nationalist. He settled by French-speaking people sey and New York settled in the arrived with a group of Kennebec that lies at the very northern tip of Fredericton area and they agitated Lumbermen, who had been granted Maine and extends somewhat into for the removal of the French. They lands by New Brunswick for logging Canada, being parts of eastern organized the Province of New Brun- and settling. In 1825, John Baker Québec and western New Brunswick. swick in 1784. Most of the Acadians petitioned the new Maine Legisla- At the present time, there is a Town at St. Anne’s Point moved to the ture for letters patent granting him of Madawaska in Aroostook County, territory above Grand Falls, his land, already granted by New Maine and a County of Madawaska Madawaska, in 1785-87. Brunswick, along the Merumticook, with its capital at Edmundston in The Treaty of Versailles in 1783 now known as Baker Brook and lo- New Brunswick. between Britain and the United cated in what is today Canada. Historically, Madawaska is the States defined the boundary in this John Baker and his wife, Sophie name originally given to the St. John area as being “… along the highest Rice, the widow of John’s brother River and is derived from the points which parts the basins of the Nathan, who had been the original Algonquin name “Madoueskak” rivers which flow into the St. leader of the settlers in 1817, be- which means “Land of the Porcu- Lawrence, from the ones of the rivers came the leaders of the Americans in pine.” Today, one of the tributaries of which flow into the Atlantic Ocean, this area. On July 4, 1827, a group of the St. John bears that name and it …” To the minds of the Americans, Americans gathered at his home to flows from Lac Temiscouata north of this included the territory known as celebrate Independence Day. The Edmundston south to the confluence Madawaska. At the same time, New American flag was raised during the with the St. John at that town. Right Brunswick and Québec were feud- patriotic celebration. According to across the river, and the interna- ing over this territory. New Brun- Aroostook: Our Last Frontier, he tional boundary is the Maine town of swick had claimed this region since “hoisted the Stars and Stripes to a the same name, Madawaska. its founding; Québec had sponsored home-hewn mast. The crowd cheered, The Fief of Madawaska was its settlers. In 1787, the surveyors of merriment was plentiful, patriotism granted by the French Crown in 1683 Canada (Québec) and New Brun- at a high pitch and a date properly set to Sieur Charles-Aubert de la swick met to agree on the boundary for proclamation of a constitution for Chenaye. Joseph Blondeau, Pierre lines between the two provinces. They American Aroostook.” Claverie and Sieur de Danseville were were unable to agree on a single foot On August 10, 1827, the date successive owners until July 1763, of boundary line. The settlers of the duly set for the proclamation of the when the Sieur de Danseville sold it region in 1790 petitioned the Gover- new Republic, Magistrate George to General James Murray, the Gov- nor of Québec for inclusion within Morehouse arrived and asked Baker ernor of Québec. In this transfer, the that jurisdiction and he granted the the meaning of the flag. Baker re- fief was described as “containing three Seigniory of Madawaska later that plied, “C’est le drapeau Américain, leagues in front, on each side of the year. est-ce-que vous ne l’avez jamais vu? river of the same name, by two leagues During the War of 1812, ten- en ce cas vous pouvez l’examiner tout in depth, together with adjacent Lake sions were high along the border; in á votre aise …” (“This is the American Temiscouata.” It was owned by 1814, the British reinforced their flag, have you never seen it? in that Alexander Fraser from 1802 to 1835, garrisons along the Great Lakes with case you can take your time and then sold to Cummings and Smith of troops marched in February up the examine it …”) The flag was hauled Portland, Maine. frozen St. John and then up the down by the Magistrate and taken to Madawaska was largely unsettled Madawaska and across Lake Fredericton; Mrs. Baker went twenty prior to the mid-1700s. In 1755, the Temiscouata and overland to Québec miles to St. Baisle, and bought cloth British deported the Acadians from and then by transport down the river and made up another flag which was what is now Atlantic Canada. How- to the Lakes. This surprised the hoisted in place of the first. ever, some of the Acadians removed Americans who thought the only way John Baker and his followers themselves prior to the official action to move troops in would be in spring- were accused of revolt against Brit- and settled near Fredericton at a time by boat. Many of the French ish laws; a sheriff and 14 men ar- place called St. Anne’s Point. In 1758, settler of Madawaska became dis- rested him on September 25 and due to British threats to have them gusted with their status during this started down river to Fredericton. removed, the French settlers of St. period; some settlers dreamed of the The party was not out of sight when Anne’s Point moved again to Québec. day when they would proclaim the Mrs. Baker raised her new American Many of these people returned to St. contested region an independent flag, saying “Le drapeau etoilé flottera Anne’s Point in 1763, after the Treaty country. encore à la brise de Meruimticook!” of Paris was signed. In 1817, the first American set- (“The star-spangled banner will float Following the American Revolu- tlers arrived in the region. Chief again on the breeze of the Then and Now Merumticook!”) John Baker was gation upon the State thus dismem- 50 citizens present. Captain Peter brought to trial on the charge of bered, unless the State adopt and Lizotte was chosen by 21 to 16 votes conspiracy and sedition, May 8, sanction the decision.” over John Baker as Madawaska’s 1828, when he was sentenced to pay On March 10, 1831, the Legisla- Representative to the Legislature. 25 louis and to serve three months in ture passed another Resolve that His Excellency Sir Archibald the provincial jail. apportioned Madawaska (among the Campbell, Major General and lieu- Baker was known locally as the other towns) one representative to tenant Governor of the Province of fierce American, “le Washington de that body. On March 15, an Act to New Brunswick, accompanied by two la republique americaine du Incorporate “the territory called and militia officers, the Attorney General Madawaska;” his wife, Sophie Rice known by the name of Madawaska of the province, and the sheriff of Baker, as “la vice-présidente de la Settlement” into the town of York County (N.B.) arrived in republique,” “l’heroine de Madawaska. (See map on page 5.) Madawaska September 25 and is- Meruimticook,” “la Lucrèce du This incorporation included a huge sued warrants against all who had Madawaska,” and years later as “la piece of territory, some 4,272 square voted at the two meetings. Barnabas Barbara Fritchie de l’Aroostook.” miles or more than three times the Hunnewell (moderator), Jesse The State of Maine protested vig- size of Rhode Island, and directed Wheelock (town clerk), Daniel Sav- orously to Washington. Henry Clay, the local inhabitants to organize their age (selectman) and Daniel Bean were Secretary of State, replied to Gover- town’s government. On March 25, arrested; the French-speaking vot- nor Lincoln, “The United States Gov- the President of the United States, ers were excused. The first three ernment, convinced of the justice of Martin Van Buren, communicated named were fined 50 pounds each her claims on Maine, will espouse the to the State of Maine that he was in and imprisoned at Fredericton for cause of John Baker and his compan- receipt of the findings of the King of three months. ions, if New Brunswick refuses to set the Netherlands and expressed his When the Legislature reconvened them free.” The Maine Governor de- desire through the Secretary of State, in 1832, Lizotte wrote to Governor manded immediate release of “Ameri- “that while this matter is under delib- Samuel Smith that he had protested cans captured upon American soil,” eration, no steps may be taken by the at the time of his election that he had promising that if this were not imme- State of Maine, with regard to the no intention of taking the oath of diately done, “American troops would disputed territory, which may be cal- allegiance to the United States, that march upon the capital of New Brun- culated to interrupt or embarrass the he was a British subject and in- swick.” action of the Executive branch of the tended to die so. (He died a citizen of Meanwhile, U.S. regulars were Government of the United States upon the United States.) The new Gover- dispatched to the settlement of this subject …” On April 1, the Legis- nor backed off on the stand his pre- Houlton, the southernmost outpost lature passed another Resolve add- decessor had taken and the matter of early Aroostook, and they began ing “three hundred polls and the sum of the Town of Madawaska was al- the opening of a military road in the of $5,714 to the polls and taxable lowed to rest for the time being.
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