www.ukrweekly.com РІК LXVt 4. 60 IN TWO SECTIONS SVOBODA, UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1059 IN TWO SECTIONS No. 60 VOL. LXVT. *?*•* UKRAINIANS IN CANADIAN LIFE ^Representative Bentley Introduces By JEANNINE LOCKE UKRAINIANS DEFY COMMUNISTS WITH Joinf Resolution for Erection of (Courtesy, Toronto Daily Star, Saturday, March 21, 195») Shevchenko Statue in Washington The- community life of To-, EXPLOSIVES AND POSTERS ronto'a «0,000 Ukrainians is Following the action of Sen­ be held during 1961 in honor as richly varied as the patterns Revolt Reported in Carpatho-Ukraine on the Eve of the 20th ator Jacob K. Javits of New of this immortal champion of they paint on Easter eggs. York, who on February lfi, liberty; and With 42 political, religious, Anniversary of the Proclamation of Independence * І959, Introduced in the Sen­ Whereas in our moral capa­ welfare, athletic, cultural ate of the United States a city as free men in an inde­ youth, professional and busi­ joint resolution authorizing pendent Nation it behooves us ness associations listed in the A UPI dispatch from Vien­ the erection of a statue of to symbolize tangibly the. in­ 78-page directory published by na, dated March 20th last, re­ Taras Shevchenko on public separable spiritual ties bound .the Ukrainian Businessmen ports the following: ШШ Cos Aa Щтея grounds in the District of Col­ in the writings of Shevchenko and Professionals in Toronto, Ukrainian partisans blew up umbia, that is Washington, between our country and the local Ukrainians'can claim to explosives in the streets of иммю *** JU~ jAjUjOAT UCtHHQ. МАКИ il, IW» Congressman Alvin M. Bentley forty million Ukrainian nation: be the most efficiently organiz­ three major cities in South­ of Michigan. Introduced a sim­ Now, therefore, be it ed of all ethnic groups. western Ukraine last week in a ilar joint resolution in the Resolved by the Senate and Paradoxically, ' Ukrainians, defiant demonstration of the Houfce of Representatives on House of Representatives of more than other groups, are struggle for an independent March 17, 1959. the United States of America plagued by political and religi­ Ukrainian state, Western in­ The Cultural Committee of In Congress assembled, That ous differences.'Yet these dif­ telligence sources said today. the Ukrainian National Asso­ (a) any association or com­ STRIFE IN RUSSIA/ ciation has been from the mittee organized for such pur­ ferences, which they brought The reports said, that sever­ very outset spearheading the pose within two years from with them from Ukraine, al persons were injured in the have not retarded their inte­ endeavor to have the statue of the date of the enactment of 1 explosions which touched off Shevchenko, the greatest this joint resolution is hereby gration into the ' Canadian a "general turmoil" and Revolt Reported in Three Ukrainian Cities community. Proud of their Mlchael Starr, Minister of Ukrainian poet, patriot and authorized to place on the pub­ brought unusually strict action martyr, set up In Washington. lic grounds of the District of old culture and still concerned Labor of Canada by Soviet security police. with their homeland's troubles, Resolutions calling for full Columbia a statue of the the Ukrainians are, neverthe­ The explosives were tossed Khrushchev Ousts Top Planner in Kremlin support of the project were Ukrainian poet and national into streets of Mukachevo, unanimously approved at the leader, Taras Shevchenko.. less, among ' the keenest to ploys poles, Germans, Italians, Bombs Exploded in take on the full responsibilities Latvians, Finns, Lithuanians, Khust, and Uzhorod before Mrs. Duncan last 24th Convention of the (b) The authority granted of Canadian citizenship. Yugoslavs, as well as "all midnight March 14, eve of the Streets as Premier Ukrainian National Asso­ by subsection (a) of this sec­ 20th anniversary of the pro­ Case Put in Joseph Boyko" is typical of kinds of Canadians," in his Makes Major Shifts ciation, and at the last, 7th, tion shall cease to exist, unless clamation of a free Carpatho- Congress of. Americans of within five years after the date newcomers from Ukraine. A real estate business. Jury's Hands Kaomr, tfan* jn i* vrocu. м • r«k Ukrainian state, according to ;<т r >mmk Чт-ЛГЧ - ІЛгЛ Ukrainian Descent, held under refugee from communism, he of enactment of this joint re­ Like Boyko, Eugene Borys, the reports. The cities lie In the auspices of the Ukrainian solution (1) the erection of arrived, via Austria, 10 years another post-war immigrant, the Trans-Carpathian oblasl Congress Committee of Amer­ ago, with his 'wife and small the statue is begun, and (2) employs many Canadians. Only (province) of Ukraine, which LOS ANGELES TIMES HEADLINE REPORTING ON REVOLT IN UKRAINE ica. the association or committee daughter. They chose Canada six years ago, Borys and 14 borders on Czechoslovakia and because of its youth and the The joint resolution intro­ certifies to the Secretary of fellow Ukrainian immigrants Hungary. the Interior the amount of large immigrant element of its took over a small bakery busi­ 9 pa MU wn duced by Congressman Bentley Police reinforcements were reads as follows:— , , ; funds available for the purpose population. • о ness and introduced a variety mlIeVar ^ ^ ^ tB|shop Sheen Says U.S. Should Act called in from nearby towns of Text of. the completion of the statue Likef most- post-war immi­ of European breads. From 50 Stryi and Stanislaviv and an jrhe posters, which had ьіаск f0 Liberate Reds' Enslaved Nations and the Secretary determines grants .Boyko was well edu­ employees, their staff, has Whereas, throughout Eastern extensive search was made for borders,, were signed with the Europe, In і the last century that such funds are adequate і cated -(the law) was his pro­ grown to 200. Next fall, the, the perpetrators and for anti- initials UPA, which stands for such purpose. fession'at. borne)-but unfam­ In a recent newspaper col­ Ukraine, Rumania, Hungary, and this, the name and works company will move into a new Soviet posters'and leaflets 'dis­ for the L'krainska Povstapcha umn, the nationally known East Germany,' Estonia, Lat­ iliar with English. He could of Taras Shevchenko brilliant­ Sec. 2. Secretary of the In­ plant, to allow for expansion tributed by the partisans. Armiya (Ukrainian Insurgent Roman Catholic Bishop Fulton via, the Karelian 'Isthmus" of ly reflected the aspirations of not afford the .training neces­ of a business, that already terior is authorized and direct­ Severn.^ persona,, were . ar­ Army)..' | .,, ,. „Л, J. Sheen, eloquently called for Finland, Poland. Lithuania, man for personal liberty and ed to select an appropriate site, sary to. qualify him foe admis­ earns $2,500,000 annually. The clandestine leaflets .ret American action designed to Bulgaria, Armenia. Albania, sion to .the Ontario > baa Both rested and interrogated by So­ national, independence; and upon which to erect the statue ' Success stories, such as viet police- agents man at- minded the readers that An Outer Mongolia, Azerbaijan, Whereas Shevchenko, th« authorised in the urst section. he and nhfe , wife ч went to Boyko's and Borys' are , not -pfi& enslaved by Soviet Russia, Kfrghisistan', Uzbekistan, Chf-fpoet laureate o| Ukraine, was work-far-factories, ч otjntrrn 'tempt' to'track' down; .tfce un­ of the short-lived free Car The choice of the site and the exceptional in today's. Ukrain- derground leaders. However, and he listed Ukraine as the na and others? openly inspired by our great,design and plans for such fan community. About 500 patho-Ukrainian state, had first oh his list in this regard. '''^pWyeltfwty, according to the reports, the been ''murdered, with other American tradition to fight]statue shall be subject to the businesses, ranging from small against the imperialist and col- approval of the Commission ' Aftej а, ^еах/Воуко was .suf­ organizers escaped to the hide­ Ukrainian patriots by the So­ . Text of Bishop Sheen's Why do we. not bring up be­ corner groceries to large ho­ outs In the mountains and for­ onial occupation of his native on Fine Arts and the National ficiently, experienced with, Eng­ tels, are operated by Ukrain­ viet murderers." Column fore the United Nations, -day lish to $$., emplpy ment as a ests. They called on supporters to . after day, the problem of the land; and Capital Planning Commission. ians in Toronto. In the pro­ If a neighbor across the salesnuui., Now,, ,he owns his The reports said Communist observe the Independence, an­ liberation of each of these Whereas in many parts of Such statue shall be erected ; fessions, they're represented by street from where you live had the free world observances of I without expense to the United own business, with 40 employ­ 25 doctors, 29 dentists. 30 police searched homes and niversary by staying home/last countries? When they were ees in two offices. business establishments in the Sunday. kfldwingly and certainly rob- L^ over Mol ^ „^ the Shevchenko centennial will I States. lawyers and 60 engineers. With bed every other house op your ^ • , ' A pas); president of the about 250 Ukrainian students side of the streetjpn your present%act mU8t ш no ^ Ukrainian Businessmen and enrolled at the University of own; If he had murdered some '- . J; 0™„„„itrT, ^„u*0 Л Professionals in Toronto, an Toronto, there's no likelihood 20th Anniversary of Carpatho- affect the sovereign rights of Jersey City Community Observes executive member of the Can­ of the home owners or else the contracting parties." With­ of a future shortage of pro­ Ukraine's Independence sent a few of them into exile; Taras Shevchenko Anniversary adian Ukrainian Committee, as fessionally trained Ukrainian- in a short time, the contracting well as of Ukrainian Catholic if he had etrlpped many rooms parties were deprived' of all Canadians.
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