Sunday, march 21st - The Fifth Sunday of Lent MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Anticipated 4 p.m. (organ & cantor) Sunday—9:00 a.m. (organ, cantor & choir); 11:00 a.m. (organ & cantor); 5:00 p.m. (organ & cantor) Monday - 6:15 a.m.; Tuesday through Friday - 5:30 p.m. with confession starting at 4:30 p.m. Saturday - 8:00 a.m. First Saturday: 8:00 a.m. followed by recitation of the Rosary Fatima Votive Mass: 13th of the Month, May - October at 5:30 p.m. Monthly Peace Mass: First Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. This Mass heeds Our Lady’s call to pray for world peace and conversion of hearts. CONTACT US 2319 Johnston St., Lafayette, LA 70503 Pastor: .................................................................. Rev. Msgr. Jefferson DeBlanc Parochial Vicar: .......................................................... Rev. Korey R. LaVergne Deacon ....................................................... Timothy Maragos & Randy Hyde Administrator: ........................................................................... Stephanie Supple Parish Secretary: ............................................................................ Mona Bouillion Receptionist: ...................................................................................... D D McElligott Bookkeeper: .................................................................................. Annie Governale Director of Music, Organist, Choir Master ...................... Keith D’Anna Bulletin Editor ................................................................................. Keith D’Anna Church Office: .................................................................................... (337) 232-8945 Church Fax: .......................................................................................... (337) 232-0323 School Office:...................................................................................... (337) 235-2464 Church Website: .....................................................www.fatimalafayette.org Office Hours ....................................... Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Sacrament of Penance on the third Sunday of each with the Church office, if at all month, following the 11:00 possible, at least ONE YEAR in Saturday a.m. Mass. Please contact the advance. To avoid schedule 1 hour prior to the Vigil Mass; parish office before the baby conflicts, all wedding dates Sunday is born for required classes. held at Our Lady of Fatima 30 minutes prior to Mass; Sponsors are to be confirmed must be confirmed with the and practicing Catholics who Parish Administrator, who Monday, Wednesday, Friday attend Sunday Mass. should be the first contact of & First Saturday 30 minutes prior to Mass; the couple. Please visit our Tuesday & Thursday The Sacrament of Matrimony Parish Website to review 1 hour prior to Mass Due to a new “couple wedding and music mentoring” marriage guidelines, and details of The Sacrament of Baptism preparation program, paperwork and preparation The Sacrament is celebrated arrangements are to be made requirements. l I f e I n f a t I m a The Marto and Santos families lived in the village of Aljustrel, not far from the town and parish of Fatima. Aljustrel was home to approximately thirty-five families at the time of the apparitions. Like the other families in the community, these two families were poor and hardworking. Their homes had been blessed by the Sacrament of Matrimony; and their conjugal fidelity was absolute. They welcomes all the children that God chose to send them, not as a burden but as another gift with which God was enriching their homes, another life to prolong their own into the future, another flower to bloom in their garden, filling it with the perfume and joy of the many scents and shades of fresh smiling youth, another soul entrusted by God to their care so that, by guiding it in the ways of Heaven, it could become yet another member of the Mystical Body of Christ, yet another hymn of paise to eternal glory.* Lúcia wrote the above quote, which seems to me to be a wonderful and profound expression of the Lord’s in- tent when He created and redeemed the human race. God made us for Him and for one another. Truly, the light of faith “illuminated their whole lives.” Parents taught their children about the Lord and about the Virgin Mary “because she is their Mother also, though much more powerful, holy and beautiful than the earthly mother who rocked their cradle.” Parents sent their children to catechism classes in the parish Church and saw to it that they received the Sacraments. During the afternoon siesta at home and after the evening meal, the father of the family continued teaching the children while the mother tidied up the kitchen and house. “Chestnuts and sweet acorns from the holm oaks burst open among the embers where they had been placed by an older brother or sister in order to make things even jollier.” The day of First Holy Communion “was one of solemn and intimate rejoicing for all the family, for on that day God was once again visiting their home and uniting Himself with one of its members.” The family sang a sim- ple song of thanksgiving. O Angels sing with me O Angels praise without end! To give thanks I am not able, O Angels, give thanks for me! The families did not have many earthly goods, yet they managed to provide for themselves. There was “peace and unity, joy and love, the fruit of mutual understanding, mutual asking and granting of forgiveness for the inevitable shortcomings of human frailty.” Lúcia writes that Love is the secret of happiness on earth and in heaven. With the love of God in their hearts, parents “took the greatest care in safeguarding the innocence of their children lest anything should soil the whiteness of their infant souls.” On Sundays and Holydays of Obligation, people went to Holy Mass in the morning. Sunday afternoons were for recreation and visiting. The Angelus was recited while the Church bells rang, “the men taking off their charac- teristic cap and holding it in their hands while the Angelus was said.” In the evening, families had supper in their homes, followed by prayer intentions spoken by the father and the Rosary led by the mother. Having kept God’s law of rest and having restored one’s physical strength, people were ready for bed and at dawn on the following day, each one could again take up their daily tasks with renewed vigor.” Next Week: Life in Fatima (Concluded) * Unless otherwise indicated, quotes are those of Sister Lúcia in her book Calls from the Message of Fatima (Fatima, Portugal: Secretariado dos Pastorinhos, 2000), pp. 39-51. 02 22 Mon. 6:15 a.m.: Eva Fontenot 23 Tue. 5:30 p.m.: Living: Charles Mouille 24 Wed. 5:30 p.m.: Living: Sue Rodriguez 25 Thu. 5:30 p.m.: Living & Deceased Members of the Ison & Eva Fontenot Families 26 Fri. 5:30 p.m.: Way of the Cross, 20 Sat. 4:00 p.m. Anticipated: Elden Butcher, The Nu- followed by Mass: gier Family, Edwina Smith Hernandez, Gerald & Alberta Living: Sue Rodriguez Gossen, Amanda Claire Judice, Lynn Kallam Ditch, James Judice, Dallas Fleming, Elroy Perrien, Rosamaria 27 Sat. 8:00 a.m.: Gerald “Jerry” Cormier Reyes-Silva, Charles Blanchard, Peter Tu Pham; Living & Deceased Members of: Michael & Fred Landry & 4:00 p.m. Anticipated: Elden Butcher, The Nugier Family, The Bouvier & Boudreaux Families, The Ison & Family, Edwina Smith Hernandez, Eva Fontenot, Doug- Eva Fontenot Families, The Quebedeau Family, The las Mistich, Mr. & Mrs. James E. Tabor, Gerald & Alberta Hebert Family, The Lebodier Lavergne Family, The Ju- Gossen, Amanda Claire Judice, Lynn Kallam Ditch, dice, Kallam, Langlinais, & Hamilton Families, The Cath- James Judice, Faye Marie Gesser, Dallas Fleming, olic Daughters of America; Living: Kobi Becker, Sue Rosamaria Reyes-Silva, Charles Blanchard, Anna Maria; Rodriguez, Elizabeth Pham Living & Deceased Members of: Michael & Fred Landry & Family, The Ison & Eva Fontenot Families, The Rader 21 Sun. 9:00 a.m.: Living & Deceased Members of the Family, The Caillouet, Henry, Randazzo, Costanza, & Caillouet, Henry, Randazzo, Campos Families, The Judice, Kallam, Langlinais, & Costanza, & Campos Families Hamilton Families; Living: Sue Rodriguez, Emily Dinh, 11:00 a.m.: Eva Fontenot, Faye Marie Gesser, Elijah Dinh, Noah Dinh Rachel Stevens, Willanna Curley James, Donald Breaux, Robert Daigle, Elroy Perrien; Living & De- 28 Sun. 9:00 a.m.: Fatima Parishioners / Pro-Populo ceased Members of: The Ison & Eva Fontenot Families, 11:00 a.m.: Connor Noah Foreman The Butcher & Smith Families; Living: The John Ngu- 5:00 p.m.: Mr. Frem Boustany, Sr., Eva Fon- yen Family, Maria Rieu Tran, Joshua Dinh, Cathy Tra tenot, Anna Maria, Elroy Perrien; Living & Deceased Members of: The Ison & Eva Fontenot Families; Living: 5:00 p.m.: Fatima Parishioners / Pro-Populo Edward & Angela Schoeffler, Julie Nguyen, Rosie Dinh, Sarah Dinh Proclaimed this weekend is the Gospel a stewardship prayer for march story of Jesus inviting his disciples into a great Lord Jesus, we journey with you this Lenten season, in a mystery with curious time of stress and uncertainty, ever closer to Jerusalem, pronouncements: Those ever closer to your death on the cross. who love their lives just as they are will lose them. If a grain of wheat dies, it will We hear your Gospel mandate: “Deny yourself, take up bear much fruit… What does Jesus mean? The climactic your cross and follow me,” but we are unsure of their event of Jesus’ passion and death is drawing closer; a meaning, or anxious about their true intent. time when the great confrontation between Jesus and the powers of darkness take place. When Jesus is lifted Through the power of the Holy Spirit, give us the strength up, he will draw all to himself. The Christian steward to deny the “self” that keeps us knows life can’t be lived in complacency. We are called to from being good stewards of your teachings, die to self, bear more fruit, be raised up with Jesus. Jesus and of those who need our love and compassion. brings discomfort to those who are comfortable. Jesus urges us to give witness in his name. How will we Give us a deeper awareness of the cross in our own lives respond? so that we may embrace it and join our sufferings with yours in a world in need of your redemption.
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