PACIFIC CITIZEN Publication of the National Japanese American Citizens League No. 2,008-Vol. 87 Friday, September 1, 1978 20c Postpaid U.S 15 Cents CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENT BILL A FOLTA FIRST-(From left) : Les Hamasaki. Ruth Watanabe. Toyo Miyatake ard Marjorie Shinno. Senate votes unanimously to pass WASHINGTON - By a the overwhelming support Senator Sasser CD-Tenn..) Sen. Daniel Inouye said. Friends of Uttle Tokyo Arts unanimous voice vote, the given this measure by both who chaired the subcommit­ "Many of these former in­ Senate Aug. 18 approved HR the House of Representa­ tee. ternees most affected are honor photographer Miyatake 9471, sponsored by Rep. tives and the Senate. This The bill was amended now among the eldest mem­ Norman Y. Mineta CD-Calif.) legislation will provide some slightly, to make its effec­ bers of their communities, granting civil service retire­ redress to those Americans and I am sure that this ac­ Acknowledging the com­ tive date Oct. I, 1978. The LOS ANGELES-Friends of ment credit to Japanese of Japanese ancestry who House is expected to agree tion will be much appreciat­ Little Tokyo Arts last week mendations from state and American civil servants for wer unjustifiably denied to this Senate change, send­ ed by them," he said. (Aug. 24) conferred its first local officials for his father the time they spent in the in­ their constitutional and ing it to President Carter for The bill expands legisla­ cultural achievement award was Atsufumi "Archie" Mi­ ternment camps during human rights," Mineta stat­ his approval. tion enacted in 1952 which to Toyo Miyatake, 83, es­ yatake. Marjorie Shinno was World War II. ed. "I asked the Senate Gov­ granted Civil Service credit teemed as the artist-poet dinner chairperson. "I am deeply gratified by Retirement credit for Ja­ ernmental Mfairs Commit­ to persons who were already with his camera, before a panes Americans covered tee for favorable considera­ in the Civil Service system happy crowd of 650 at the by Social Security was tion during its hearing in at the time of internment. Biltmore Hotel. passed into law in 1972. May, and I am very glad that This gives retirement credit This legislation now goes they chose to respond to this to those who joined the Civil The dinner, emceed by back to the House for con­ ned for correcting this Service after their intern­ Bruce Kaji who grew up currence on Senate amend­ grievous past injustice," ment. - with the Miyatake children ments. in prewar Boyle Heights, Mineta expressed his cer­ premiered a slide presenta­ tainty that the legislation tion o"f Little Tokyo history would be on the President's Sansei seek seats and some of Miyatake's his- r desk prior to the adjourn­ I toric pictures of wartime ment of the 95th Congress. Manzanar. Char les Kamaya­ The legislation grants in Washington state tsu, Bob Okazaki and George credit under the civirServ­ OLYMPIA, Wash.-Christine E. Yorozu, 28, and Paul Shin<r Takei took turns in the nar­ ice Retirement System to in­ da, Jr., 40, are Republican candidates in the forthcoming rations. ternees, 18 years of age and Washington state legislative elections. older, who were forced into Unmarried, Yorozu is the first Japanese American woman . , FOLTA, founded to estalr the internment camps and , lish works of art in Little T<r later entered the federal seeking the nootination for No. 2 seat in the 31st District. kyo, is headed by Ruth Wa­ service. Employees of the Two others are competing for the same spot. A Univ. of tanabe. Proceeds of the din­ I (t!- federal government are not Washington graduate in political science, she has served as I ner will be used to transfer eligible for Social Security legislative assistant in the House. The 31st District covers .. J enlarged photographs of benefits. the south Seattle area. Six Democrats-aU men-are vying early local Japanese scenes Mineta expressed his for their party's nod. to ceramic tile for placement thanks to Senators Inouye Shinoda, incumbent, is unopposed in the party primaries and Matsunaga (both D-Ha­ in public areas of the new de­ PICTURE THIS- Toyo Miyatake, this year's Nisei Week Parade in the Position No.2 of the 39th District, which covers most waii) for sponsoring the leg­ veloping Little Tokyo, Mrs. grand marshal, snapped in front of his photography studio in Little of Snohomish oounty north of Seattle. A wholesale flower Watanabe explained. Tokyo. islation in the Senate and to grower, he was the first Japanese Am ' ~rican elected to the state legislature two years ago. He previously served in the HAWAII PRIMARY ELECTION-OCT. 7 Snohomish city council. He is a graduate of Torrance (Calif.) High School, the son of Alice and Paul Shinoda, now of Santa Barbara. The Asian American vote may be a factor in the 31st dis­ Close to 100 Nikkei names appear trict of Seattle but only 12 Japanese Americans .eside in the 39th District. Shinoda said he was confident of re-election. HONOLULU-With filing terms, while incum bent Party. The Libertarian Party STATE SENATE (25) "It's pretty hard to unseat an incumbent up here. An office for the Hawaii Primary Elec­ Richard Ando is a state sen­ also fielded a slate of candi­ lst/Hawaii County (3}-Oem: Stan­ holder has to screw-up to lose," Shinoda explained. # ley I Hara' I John T Ushijima' . tion on Oct. 7 now closed, ate candidate. dates for major offices. 2ndIMaw County (2}-Oem: Henry Gov. George Ariyoshi (D) New political parties which The list of Nikkei-named Takitani', Mamon! Yamasaki'. 3rdIWindward Oahu (3}-Rep: faces three challengers with­ sprouted in the 1974 and 1976 candidates are as follows: RaJ h Ajifu. in his own party, the leading races are back again. Inde­ (Incumbents are asterisked. Fig­ 4~eward Oahu (4}-Dem: Joe contender being Honolulu ures in parenthesis ajlereac hheading Kuroda', Norman Mizuguchi, Patsy endents for Godly Govern­ indicate the numberoJseats available Kikue Young'. Mayor Frank F. Fasi in a re­ ment (IGG) changed its in the 1978 election. Unopposed candi­ Sth/Nuuanu-Aiea (4}-Dem: Rich­ peat campaign of 1974. The name to Aloha Democratic dates \IIithin any party are capital­ ard I Fujimoto, Duke Kawasaki', ized.) George K Ikeda. other two are relatively un­ 6th/Manoa-Waikiki (4}-Dem: known. Richard Ando, Kathy Hoshijo; Rep: Ann H Kobayashi. Lt. Gov. Nelson Doi (D) 7thlKaimuki-Hawaii Kai (4}-Dem: chose not to seek re-election, State funding of private Donald S. Nishimura'; Rep: Patricia Saiki". thus attracting nine Demo- 8th!Kauai County (I)-Oem: ... crats to seek the nomination. George H Toyofuku'. Four Nikkei surnames aIr vocational schools hit pear: Jean Sadako King, STATE HOUSE (51) SACRAMENfO, Calif. - An programs, has "opened the lst!Ka'u-Puna, S. Hilo (l}-Oem: Wayne K. Nishiki and Mil­ Jack KSuwa'. dred Wilson Shimabuku and investigation requested by door to windfall profits for 2nd/South Hilo (2}-Oem: Herbert Assemblyman S. floyd Mori local school districts and A. Segawa' KatsuyaYamada'. t;# William Masao Toyama. 3rdlN. iiilo-Hamakua-N. Kohala(l) ,.. There are no Nikkei names (D-Pleasanton) revealed created a bonanza for pri­ -Oem: YOSHITO TAKAMlNE'. appearing on the list for the abuses in the administration vate schools. " 4thS. Kohala-S. Kooa(l}-Dem: Mi­ Toyo Myalake Studio noru Inaba'. PORTABLE X-RA Y-Proceeds from a recent Montebello Japa­ two U.S. House seats. Sen. of California vocational edu­ One finding outlined that SthlE. Maui (2}-Dem: Gerald Ma­ Daniel Inouye's term ends in cation spending. public schools receive $24 chida'. Christine Kong Teruya. nese Woman's Cub Monte Carlo Fun Night went toward purchase A report released by State million annually for voca­ 6th/W. Maui-Molckai-Lanai (2}­ of a portable X-ray machine. Club donated $3,991 .11 to City VieW 1980 and Sen. Spark Matsu­ Oem: Herbert Honda, Anthony Taka­ naga's in 1982. Auditor General John Wil­ tional contracts, pay $6.2 tani. Hospital for the equipment being admired by (left) Haru Yoshi­ liams indicated that public million of that to private 7thJAina-Haina-Hawaii Kai (2}­ take, Fun Night chairman; Ethel Kohashi. club president; and Ed­ Filing for seats in the state Rep: Donna R Ikeda'. legislature are 17 with Nik­ schools are realizing mil­ schools for actual training 8thJDiamond Head-Aina Haina (2) win Hiroto. hospital administrator. kei names in the Senate and lions of dollars in profits costs, and keep the remain­ - Oem: Craig G Nakamura. Rep: Bar­ through contracts with priv­ ing $17.2 million with no bara Marwnoto. 43 in the House. The race for 9thJSt. Louis-Maunalani Hts. (2}­ ceDe seeking regional director nine seats on the state board ate schools for vocational strings attached. Mori blast­ Oem: Ted Morioka'. George Miyuki programs paid by state and ed the practice, calling it "an WaiaJeaJe. of education is crowded with 10th1Kapahula-Kaimuki (2}-Oem: FRESNO, Calif. - Central tor. 30 candidates-5even with local funds. incentive to market at the Ken Kiyab!!'I.Bert Kobayashi. California JACL District Applications should be Mori charged that the Pri­ expense of taxpayers as 12th/MC\..uuy-wllIIer Makiki (2)­ Council is stepping up its r& made by Sept. 30 with Judge Nikkei names. Incumbents Oem: Dave Hagino, Gifford Tatsuo Noboru Yonamine and vate Vocational Education well as students who are fun­ Uwaine·. gionaJ office operation to fun M. Uchiyama, 313 E. Merced George Adachi of Oahu will Act of 1973, which author­ nelling into the mo~ profit- 13th1Manoa-Makiki (3}-Dem: time and announced a job St., Fowler, Ca. 93625.
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