The weather Cloudy tonight with chance of oc­ casional rain developing. Lows in the 30s. Showers likely Tuesday. ’antte) Becoming warmer with highs in the' 50s. Outlook: chance of rain M7-9946 Wednesday; fair Thursday; chance of Ckwtm delivery .showers Friday. FOURTEEN PAGES ll,CCmN.;*1ION!>AV,^ C «»-V O L XtiVn.No.l« I'RIGE. TWENTY < 3 ^ U.S. Steel agrees M *to cut price hike PITTSBURGH (UPI) - United No. 2 B ethlehem S teel, No. 4 ment, the Council began making States Steel Corp., the nation's Republic Steel, No. 5 Inland Steel and telephone calls to other steel com­ largest steelmaker, today announced No. 7 Jones & Laughlin. panies urging them not to go along it was modifying its recent price in­ Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel, which with the $10.50 figure. crease criticized by the Carter ad­ initially went along with U.S. Steel’s The decision followed a Carter ad­ ministration as inflationary and un­ $10.50 a ton hike, said it was re­ ministration policy of asking for dercut by major competitors. assessing its situation but had no voluntary pricing restraint, rather U.S. Steel said its $10.50-a-ton price further comment. than threatening price controls. hike, or 2.2 percent, “would be The White House Council on Wage A Council representative today modified to be competitive in the and Price Stability first issued an said the agency was “very pleased’’ market on a product-by-product angry response last week when with U.S. Steel’s decision to modify basis.’’ hearing of U.S. Steel’s price hike, the increase. The rollback on steel mill products then began behind-the-scenes The representative said the Coun­ apparently came as a result of White maneuvering to lower the increases. cil had estimated an increased cost :^4 House pressure and competitors’ U.S. Steel was also criticized by of $4-a-ton as a result of the coal smaller price increases. President Carter and Vice President settlement, but “when you consider After U.S. Steel’s announcement Walter Mondale. the extra costs for electricity, it’s last week, No. 3 National Steel Corp. Carter and Mondale publicly (the $5.50 increase) not that un­ said it would raise prices only $5.50 a warned of the inflationary con­ reasonable. ton, or 1.5 percent, to cover the costs sequences of the $10.50-a-ton in­ “We’ll go along with that ($5.50).’’ of the soft coal industry’s recent crease and echoed the Council’s fin­ And he added: “ No more phone settlement with the United Mine ding that the cost of the coal contract calls.’’ Workers. did not justify the larger hike. The steel price increases became National’s move was followed by Following U.S. Steel’s announce­ effective Saturday. Initial costs lower without MDC water 'jr I??!- By GREG PEARSON system to meet stricter federal purchases district water and pays for Herald Reporter regulations for water quality. all connections and improvements, A financial report from the A previous cost comparison sub­ $774; Same as first proposal excep IP Metropolitan District Commission m its last month to the committee district pays improvement costs to shows that the Town of Manchester by the MDC was later revised by the service Glastonbury, $751; District would spend less initially if it main­ district. Vigneau had asked the com­ acquires town system, and town pays ■ ■■ tained its water system instead of mittee to disregard the first report for connections and improvements, becoming part of the MDC. Savings because he felt town cost estimates $824; District acquires town system would be realized, however, by the were unrealistic. and pays for connections and im­ Birthday cake for guard year 2000 if the town did join the dis­ Thus, the committee said that the provements, $679; Town improves its cost comparison report must be sub­ system and has no involvement with Manchester Green School children watch and Lisa Morrow. Some of the boys and girls, trict, the report says. as their crossing guard blows out the candles Frank Jodaitis, Manchester’s mitted by ts meeting Tuesday night. district, $678. assisted by Mrs. Pauline Wilson, room water and sewer administrator, said The meeting is scheduled for 7:30 in The year 2000 figures per million on his birthday cake made in his honor mother anti PTA member, made the cake that he does not feel the savings the Lincoln Center Conference gallons are as follows: Manchester, Friday. Harold Kearns has been guiding that resembles the Green School complete would be enough to warrant the town Room. purchases district water and pays for youngsters at the school crossing for two with its red, white and blue door and “No giving up control of its water system. With the report in hand, the com­ all connections and improvements, years. Watching the event are, from left, mittee will begin the final process of $679; Same as first proposal except Walking” sign on the side lawn. (Herald And, Donald Vigneau, chairman of Matthew Clough, Susan Farr, Sandy Wilson photo by Dunn) the MDC’s Water Bureau, said that selecting whether to join the MDC or district pays $896,000 for im­ he feels the town’s present estimates whether the town should proceed on provements $661; District acquires might escalate as work on a water its own to make the improvements town system and pays for all capital treatment plant begins. necessary to m eet new water stan­ costs, $665; District acquires The cost comparison between the dards. Manchester town system and pays South Windsor and MDC service and the town main­ The report lists five alternatives for connections and improvements taining control of its system has been and shows the cost per million and all capital costs after 1980, $566; sought for several months by the gallons of each approach, both for the Town improves its system and has no our town’s Water Study Committee, years 1980 and 2000. involvement with district, $585. The 1980 cost figures per million to affect sewer which is reviewing ways that Jodaitis said of the report, ”I don’t Manchester can improve its water gallons are as follows: Manchester think the savings I see would be of significant value to abandon control The South Windsor Town Council is and Councilman Robert Sills have op­ around in circles” over the contract. of the water system.” expected to pass an ordinance tonight posed the agreement with Manchester’s alternatives would The Water Study Committee which will give it final approval on Manchester, contending the contract mean that it would have to pump the Carter wows them all decsiions made between local com­ is not in the best interests of South sewage back into Manchester Vo.5 previously rejected the MDC Windsor. proposals and proposed that the town missions and surrounding towns. because the land contour would not The Sewer Commission’s decision build its own plant in the Globe The ordinance is believed to be permit free flow of waste into to again table the contract came lle t as tour nears end Hollow area. The Board of Directors precipitated by the proposed agree­ Manchester’s treatment plants. after a lengthy legal evaluation of the n asked the committee to review the ment which will send up to 278,000 T h e agreement requires proposed agreement by South Wind­ Manchester to pay a user charge < e s . MONROVIA, Liberia (UPI) - “more serious differences between details of the MDC proposals. gallons of sewage a day from President Carter arrived in Liberia us.” Vigneau said that there is not a Manchester’s new industrial park sor Town Attorney Richard Ritten- covering the cost of treatment and today to the most tumultuous He also told reporters that vast difference in cost between the into South Windsor for treatment. band. also a connection fee said to be in the aTshould Mayor Caffyn said Sunday she welcome of his four-nation tour — by Venezuela and Nigeria wanted to proposals of the town and the MDC. The ordinance, which is opposed by area of $140,000. expects Manchester will be go with crowds that went wild with excite­ raise oil prices, that he had found an He added, however, “I think we many commission members, takes The proposed agreement also presented a revised contract which ur l^al ment to pour into the streets an run improvement in human rights in have a much better handle on what th e final approval of such requires Manchester to sewer will reportedly include an expiration alongside his limousine in a chaotic Brazil, and that he and Nigerian our real costs a re.” He said that the agreements away from the local several short sections of South Wind­ jestions date, a termination clause and a finale to the trip. strongman Oiegusun Obasanjo town estimate could escalate if con­ commissions and dumps veto power sor streets in the eastern portions of d. promise by Manchester to accept the shared a concern for the growing role struction is delayed or prolonged. into the lap of councilmen. town and to replace sewer pipes on .South Windsor generated sewage Aboard Air Force One on the flight of Soviet-backed Cubans in Ethiopia. Jodaitis responded that the MDC's Mayor Nancy Caffyn said this Chapel Road. South Windsor Sewer Commission from Lagos, Nigeria, Carter gave a Carter, obviously tired from his price estimates also could increase. weekend that she expects the public which will flow from the proposed members haVe defended the new warning to South Africa that if it journey, tripped to his knees as he Vigneau also said that MDC could hearing scheduled for tonight at 7:45 Buckland Commons development in rejects a “reasonable settlement” reached the second step of the review provide water that m eets new stan­ p.m.
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