Seybold Reports.com | IP Vol 3 Index file:///C:/a%20instabook/Corporation/Prensa/seybold%20reports/Seybo... Search Our Site: Go Home The following is an index of The Seybold Report on Internet Publishing Sitemap / Search Volume 3; all of the content is available online. To get the story you want try Subscribe Now! the following: Publications The Seybold Report Browse the more human-readable back issue list for this volume. The Bulletin Use our search engine with options that let you sort by relevance and E-Book Zone publication date. ARCHIVE: Publishing Systems Look over the main Internet Publishing page to find out what IP is all Internet Publishing about and what in the current issue. Other Services Consulting Note: Some articles on our site require some type of subscription access. Special Reports However, we do offer low-cost options such as a Monthly Pass. Vendor Directory Calendar of Events Reprints Seybold Report on Internet Publishing Association Partners Index to Volume 3 Customer Support Account Status September 1998 - August 1999 Missing Issue Renew / Cancel Notes About This Index Password Help This is a complete index of Volume 3 of The Seybold Report Our Guarantee on Internet Publishing, including all 12 issues of the journal. FAQ The index is alphabetized letter by letter and includes About Us proper names as well as subjects or topics. Numbers are Company History alphabetized as if they were spelled out, except in the Press Info case of vendors that have a whole series of numbered products, Meet the Editors where the numbers are sorted numerically. The company Contact Us affiliations of individuals and products follow their names. Feedback Entry citations include issue and page number(s). (The volume number is 3 throughout and is therefore not Seybold Seminars cited.) Multiple citations within the same issue are San Fran 2001 separated by commas; similar references occurring in Transcripts different issues are separated by semicolons. Boston 2001 Transcripts Example: QuickTime Video ePublishing Clearing Service (Xerox), 4:21; 8:11, 13 Other Transcripts The citations refer to page 21 in issue number 4 and pages 11 and 13 in issue number 8. Abbreviations: Illustrations are indicated by "(ill.)" Seybold San Francisco '99 is abbreviated as SSF '99. Seybold Seminars '00 is abbreviated as SS '00. A ABC-CLIO, partnership with netLibrary, 8:34 accessibility guidelines. See World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Accrue Insight, for Web tracking, hosting service offered, 9:2 Insight 3.0 selecting demographics, 9:26 (ill.) tamper-resistant log files, 9:26 Acrobat 4. See Adobe Systems ActiveShare (Adobe Systems), 11:23-24 (ill.) AdGate (Infosis), 11:25 (ill.) Adhesive Software company background, 6:17 Motorola, first corporate client, 6:19 NewsFlash, for news publishing on Web framework, templates, performance, 6:18 sold by Quark as WebOS, 6:17-19 (ill.) Adobe Systems acquires GoLive 1 of 23 2/25/2006 1:57 AM Seybold Reports.com | IP Vol 3 Index file:///C:/a%20instabook/Corporation/Prensa/seybold%20reports/Seybo... CyberStudio, Windows version coming, 6:16; 7:22 integration of Web Publishing System, 6:16 Acrobat 4, 7:3-11 (article) "capture Web" facility, 7:9-10 creating a form, 7:5, 7 (ill.) digital signatures add authenticity, 7:7-8 Distiller: improvements in making PDF, 7:10-11 for e-commerce, corporate setting, 7:3, 11 expanded annotations, markup, 7:8-9 (ill.) Hot Pick at Seybold Seminars, 7:24 link improvements, 7:4 (ill.) models and pricing, 7:10 (box) a second take, from Conrad Taylor, 8:2 ActiveShare, photo albums over the Web, 11:23-24 (ill.) addresses, 7:11 Adobe GoLive 4, for commercial Web developers "Adobification" release, 10:20 ahead of Quark, 8:12 Mac and Windows, new features, 10:20 consumer presence expanded, 11:23-24 CyberStudio renamed Adobe GoLive, 7:22. See also above version 4.0, supports PDF, XML, ASP, 7:22 Illustrator 8 actions, links, navigator palettes, 1:14-15 disappointments for Web designers, 1:15 "gradient mesh" feature, 1:14 (ill.) vs. Macromedia FreeHand, 1:15 ImageStyler, Web graphics tool for business professional, 2:21 (ill.) the competition, 2:23 innovations, 2:22 missing elements, 2:23 InDesign (formerly K2), page layout demo at SS '99, 8:4 DTI NewsSpeed built around, 11:11-12 extensible modules, 7:6 hot features for print, 7:6 Hot Pick at Seybold Seminars, 7:24 PDF output, 7:6-7 supported by HexMac, 8:13 Web output, 7:6 where it fits, 7:7 K2, vs. Quark XPress, 2:30. See also InDesign above PDF key changes in PDF 1.3, 7:5 (sidebar) at SS '99, 8:14-16 PDF spider, for conversion, 3:20 (ill.) PGML viewer, Internet Explorer plug-in, 3:20-21 (ill.) Photoshop 5.5 enhancements, 11:23 ImageReady 2.0 bundled with, 11:23 Professional Publishing Solutions group formed, 6:16 Quark's failed bid for, 2:32, 30-31 showdown with Quark, at SS '99, 8:3-7 heavy support from developers, 8:6 WebReady printing, in NEC SuperScript 4400 Series, 1:16 ADSL Dell, Compaq PCs with ADSL modems, 5:28 G.Lite standard endorsed for, 5:28 Advanced Information Systems. See AIS Software Advanced Publishing Technology (APT) addresses, 11:14 offers ACT Editorial system, 11:14-15 advertising, online and marketing, 10:6-8 revenue from GCN InfoTaxi, 8:30 revenues from MedGenMed, 10:29 Aeneid, Aggregation Platform, licensed to Information Access, 3:26 AIS Software bought by Inso, 6:20 SGML/XML data-conversion tools, 6:20 Akamai Technologies 2 of 23 2/25/2006 1:57 AM Seybold Reports.com | IP Vol 3 Index file:///C:/a%20instabook/Corporation/Prensa/seybold%20reports/Seybo... addresses, 12:11 company background, 12:9 customers, 12:10-11 deal with Apple, 12:10 FreeFlow network, intelligent routing algorithms, 12:9-10 vs. Sandpiper, 12:11 Allaire, Spectra, e-commerce features, 12:21-22 AltaVista bought by CMGI, 11:26 completes acquisition of Zip2, 9:25 Homebase, for leverage in portal market, 11:26 Amazon.com acquires Junglee, 1:22-23 using XML for buyer's guides, 1:22 "virtual database" tools, 1:22-23 acquires PlanetAll, 1:22 American Association for Advancement of Science "pay by the article" option, 5:23 "pay by the day" access to archive, 5:23 American Computer Innovators (ACI) addresses, 11:14 OpenPages Composer editorial system Dynamic Web Publishing System, for HTML, 9:23-24 e-commerce module: to buy newspaper articles, 9:23 WebBuilder module, strong content management, 11:13-14 (ill.) A.MMOS (Picdar Technology), 11:6 (sidebar) Apache: The Definitive Guide, 2nd edition, Ben Laurie and Peter Laurie, book review, 10:35 Apache Server Administrator's Handbook, Mohammed J. Kabir, book review, 10:35 Apache Web server, Seybold Editors' Award winner, 7:2 AppSolute Server (Microtest), 10:33 ArborText EPIC, XML-based corporate publishing, 4:14-15 (ill.) tools for free-form editing, 8:40 Arriba Soft addresses, 2:18 Arriba Express asset manager, 2:18-19 (ill.) company background, 2:19 Artesia to broaden market for its software, 11:22 from Thomson spin-off of TEAMS subsidiary, 11:22 Aspen Publishers "Areeda on AntiTrust," 3:10 (ill.) Folio SiteDirector for publishing on Web, 3:10 asset management with A.MMOS from Picdar, 11:6 (sidebar) from Arriba Soft, 2:18-19 (ill.) image asset management with Canto Cumulus, 9:13-16 (article) at SSF '98, 2:16-20 Mabango from Digital Graffiti, 2:19 media asset management guide to implementation of, 12:12-17. See also media asset management at SSF '98, 2:13-15 Quark Digital Media System, 2:13 TEAMS. See ThomsonConsulting Association of American Publishers Enabling Technologies Committee, 12:22 Metadata Information Clearinghouse (Interactive), or MICI, 12:22 Astoria (Chrystal Software), 2:12 Atex Media Solutions addresses, 11:14 Omnex editorial system, 11:8-10 FutureTense's IPS Xcelerate for Web publishing, 11:9 handling multiple versions, 11:9-10 Atomik-XT. See RVC Audible addresses, 8:39 Microsoft invests in, 8:39 protects audio content, 8:39 3 of 23 2/25/2006 1:57 AM Seybold Reports.com | IP Vol 3 Index file:///C:/a%20instabook/Corporation/Prensa/seybold%20reports/Seybo... AudienceOne (formerly DigiDox). See also DigiDox addresses, 8:15 customized PDF documents, electronic or print, 8:14-15 (ill.) Authentica gets funding to market PageVault, 10:2 PageVault, content protection for Acrobat, 8:39 Authoring Server Suite (NetObjects), formerly Team Fusion, 2:10 Autonomy Chronicle Publishing deal, for SFGate Web site, 8:28-29 Portal-in-a Box software, personalization features, 8:28-29 AvantGo targets corporate intranet users, 1:23 Web content for hand-held display, 1:23 B bandwidth issues. See also Next-Generation Internet Project coming bandwidth revolution, 1:17 discussed at Seybold Web Publishing Conference, 9:19 Baseview Products addresses, 11:14 "Remote-control Net publishing for newspapers," 11:15 BCL Computers addresses, 2:28 converts PDF source to other formats, with Iceni, 2:28 Magellan, Freebird 2.0, Profiler: Hot Picks at Seybold Seminars, 7:24 PDmorF toolkit, 2:28 Berger-Levrault, sells AIS Software to Inso, 6:20 Bergmans, Patrick (Xerox, Xeikon), Seybold Vision Award, 2:31 (box) Berners-Lee, Tim, keynoter at WWW8, 10:21-22 Bertelsmann, buys Springer-Verlag, 6:23 Bitstream addresses, 2:16 adds Verity indexing to MediaBank, 2:16 PageFlex Designer, Hot Pick at Seybold Seminars, 7:24 personnel moves, 2:28 sells MediaBank, InterSep to Inso, 2:9, 16, 27-28 Bluestone Software, XML server shipped, 9:2 Boise Cascade Office Products addresses, 6:8 content management for electronic catalogs case study (article), 6:7-12 with Flow Systems catalog publisher, 6:8-11 BookBuilder One (On Demand Machine Corp.), 10:19 (box) books, electronic.
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