I AITEND I THE- CRITERION SOIREE NEEDS I CIR 'T'!E ilON TONIGHT OF MESA C.-.OL,Lt:GE YOUR HELP I I - I VOL. XVIU GRANDi JiUNCT10N, COLORADO, , MARCH 2,, 1951 N0.1 , INKE·RTON .AND SELLERS -WIL-L-REl. \ ,GN AT. SOIREE Joe an'd · Jan·e College '.Doll and Palfr Elected )oe and Jane .CoUege Don Sellers apd Patt~ Pinkerton are t he lucky boy and \ girl chosen by the student body last Friday as Joe and Jane I College. · Don and Patti won the election by a f airly large margiq , from their competitors. They win reign at the annual S0iree , tonight . The- campaign has been go,ing on Br illiant posters filled the halls, for the past thr ee weeks to decide cafeteria and book store. "Don and I !'I who the king and queen wol!ll d _be. , Pat ti" was even written all over · t he n apkins a:t the cafeteria. I II Bob McMulilin Wi1RS Award Other contestants for t~e throne · · of Joe and J ane were Lmda Me- for Best Chemrsfry Record Caul, Nancy Swann. Dixie Ray,, l 'Dorothy Cleveland, Fran ces Scho- Bob McMullin is the wmner of a enthaler, Jodie Horn, Betty Jo . Handbook of Chemistry and Phy- Gates, Don Krebs, Marty Skiffich, sics, an award presented by the Bill Monroe, Ben Miller, Bob Row­ Chemical Rubber Company. For the past two years the Chern- lands and Ken Hyde. ical Rubber Company has award- The campaign managers deserve ed a Handbook of Chemistry and a lot of credit for their work in • Physics tq the studen,t making the seeuring a king 'and queen for best record in first ye.ar college Soiree. chemistry at the end of the first The formal dance will be held in term. , \ the Mesa CoHege gym tonight with L ast year , the award was won by Armond DeB.eque furnishing the • Sam Abramo. music. Dr. E.arl Swisher On Far Eastern / PAG-E 2 MESA COLLEG~ CRITERION MARCH 2, 1951 MESA COLLEGE CRITERION Shoot in' The Bull Student Newspaper of Mesa Junior College Barracks · Established 1932 By BIIL ORR Funniest thing happened to rne -when he wakes an!l discovers EDITORIAL STAFF Briefs tonite-I came to, CRITERION this he is greatly pertur,bed. ' EDITOR ---------------------- · _ __ _Joan Tol?in meeting, Since I'm'\ here I · guess THE PROFOUND THINKER­ ! might as well write this lil' . ole This type · of day dreamer places . ASSIST ANT EDITOR---'-----------------Ronny Call Anybody want a soft .touch in column. his hand under his chin with his SPORTS EDITOR __________________ Dusty Saunders a pinochle game? If so, get in Sitting here trying to think of elbow rested on the desk and then touch with' Ronny (Canvasback) something. that will amuse(?) you, proceeds to g-0 through various REPO~TERS-Phyllis Cooper, Corynne Rienks, S u e ~all. He has been averaging four I'm reminded of the various types facial manipulations in an attempt Woolley, Jerry Cunningham, Bob Brown,' sets in a game. ~f day dreamers (in · class species).' to create the impression that · he ., Bill Orr, Ronny Call, Marge Gay, Harold Louie v eccherelli left for his So herewith, for lack of anything is in deep thought over every word JohJlSOn. physical, Friday. The Denver draft better to expound about, Ole which is being said. This type is board is contemplating changing Uncle Willie, will . discuss day very easily spotted because he BUSINESS MANAGER _____________ Donna Campbell its address to Grand Junction. That dreamers (in class species) .•••• constantly keeps the whiskers · THE LISTENING TO THE IN- worn o.ff his chin. The best way «.> PHOTOGRAPHER ___________________ Walter Clock makes a.bout .five so far. · STRUCTOR v A 'RI E'T' y _ This locate · this· type is t6 watch hi:tn Member of Pat . McG:r-ail gaye up stardom type of day dreamer is the sneaky carefully when the instructor· stops for the U ; s. Navy. Pat was to one, he's afraid to be open and talking...:....invariably the thinker will be the star of· the freshman as- above board about his day ·dream- continue to go through the same INTERCOLLEGIATE PRESS sembly but has quit school to join ing, so . he fixes his eyes· on the facial manipulations as before. the Navy. (This is no laugh~ng instructO'r and places an intelligent THE I DON'T GIVE A DAMN matter, I'm chairman of the· as- look on his pu.ss and starts to TYPE-This one has already sembly. Imagine an assembly with- dream. This type is very easily flunked the course, but he con out a star.) Good luck,' Pat, we'll spotted in several· ways, .. .. 1. if tinues to attend class because it Be a Part of Your School miss you around the "shacks." the instructor happens to move is a good place to sleep. He comes "Why in the heck do you want to jofo that club for? from the position· he was in when into class, props his feet on the It won't do you any good." How many times have you heard Veraldi was stu'nned by the news the dreaming started,· the stare desk and begins to snore loudly. of his girl dating other boys. That's continues to be fixed in tbe or- A glass of water pro~erly applied that around Mesa College? Many of the students think that o. K. Jim, that just shows she iginal spot..... 2. there is always usually gets rid of this type. it is a waste of time to enter into the many grou~s and or- is very popular and I do mean a glassy look to the eyes, a sim- DEFINITION OF A WOMAN ganizations around the college. They can't seem to see any popular. ilar look is discernable in a trout's (Apologies to Winston Churchill) · b . 't eyes after he has -been in the re- An enigma wrapped up inside a advantage of being a member of a club, emg on a commi - ·Now we come to the poets cor- frigerator for three days.. ... 3. if riddle. t ee, t a kmg. par t m· a thl e t•1cs, an d o th er orgamza· t•10ns. - E very- ner of this column(?). .This h poembl the mstructor· h appens t o d'irec t "" We wouldn't say it had been by Richard Armour is um Y a quest1'.on at th- type of day h h · one has an interest of some sort or anoth er, and a 11 s h ou Id· dedicated to Jim Flanagan. dreamer, the sto~k: reply is "I muddy around t e sc oo 1 this week make the most of these interests and mix with others. This MY MATTRESS AND I · but there was so much mud tracked · · Night after night, for years on end, ~idn't quite understand~ t1;1;e ques- into the main hall that we heard will make co1lege life the most enjoyable time of your h£e, My mattress has been my closest non-would you repeat it. two students arguing the other and will give you many moments of happiness. friend THE CEILING INSPECTO~ day about · whether they should ' 1 + My mattress and I are cozy and This type of day. dreamer willl I put it all in potatoes, or make it · pally: wait until th~ cla~s is well under- · half potatoes and half ·alfalfa. ace an . ~ayer There are hills on the sides-I w~y.' then fix h~s eye~ on. !he We understand that when they Pe d P, sleep in the valley. · CE:ilmg . and examme s.aid ce~lmg took the pictures of all the stu In this hour of crisis we the people of the United States, It clearly reveals the shape I'm in: with mmuet ca~e. He wi!l contmu.e dents last week, the police depart Where I'm thin it's thick, where -t? show. great i!}terest m the eel- ment sent up a request for copies where everyone has the freedom of religion, should reaffirm it's thick I'm -thin. llng unt~l class 1s over. Instructors of several of the fellas, seems, our common faith in God and rely upon His help for world Its contours reflect the first and are a.dvise<l; to use great- care m that the cops didn't have very1 peace. the last of me. arousmg this type .of day. dreamer, clear pictures in their file. I miss my mattresss whea I am as a sharp wor~ or question nearly UNCLE WILLIES DICTIONARY It is -with this common faith that we build the foundation gone. always results m a snapped neck. for a more peaceful nation. The people of all nations want It's one thing I've made an im- . THE BEHIND A BOOK SLEE~- Colle$e Ma~-See draft. dodger peace as badly as we do, so we must make every effort pos- pression on. ER-This type of day dreamer is study Period-That tm~e that: So with this hufl!.ble poem, I also very sne.aky, he props .a book e~apses bet\\'.'een the time you. sible to negotiate the present conflict and arrive at a set- leave you till next week. There in front of h1~self, rests his h~nd sit down. with two weeks of. tlement of differences between the East and· the West to are bets going around the campus under his - chm, and goes off to back assignments that abso- pring about world peace.
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