. - r Avoragi Dafly Not PiwM RiVi The Weather : P A ^ TSmTV.TWO TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1971 Wor WMk Ended Quite Cloudy toalCM: ' with lEwfuttig IfmUii W y M, IIW potohy fog by- moniliiai IWR about 70. T hurotey parUy auany, Uriel' Ixidgo of Mnsone will hot, htqnld . fuaneo od ttiiiii*' derahoiwon Into la day- About Town .hold Its first meeting of the au­ 14 ,8 90 ' tumn season at the Masonic Manche$ter——A City of VUlage Charm Reynold* Circle of South Temple In- Merrow- on Satur­ United Methodist Church will day, at 7:30 p.m., when the fdh- WE MftlNTAIN OUR LOWEST PRICES (OhsMifisd AdverttttM! PRICE F IF T E E N CENTS meet tomorrrow'at 8 p.m . In the nintlon of the Uriel Temple ] VOL. L3CXXX, -NO. 288 (TWBNTY«BIGHT PAOBS—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1971 Boy Scout Room at this church. Corporation will be discussed. Day In ... Day Ouf . Mrs. R. Dean Patterson Is In Refreshments • will be sorv'ed | oharve of the fair worluhop. after the meeting. Ruth arole of Community ^.^e Chapman-Joy Circle of 1 N PRESCRIPTIONS Baptist Oiuroh will tomor- jjorth United Methodist Church-j Legislators row at 2 p.m. at the home of • postponed tomorrow's [ Plan Runs Miss Mildred Hayes, 78 Hem- until next Wednesday, . remlting in meaningful ress a business meeting tonight at ___ Connally Urges , KttvingB to you every day I Back Vetoes The West Side Old Timers | Smoothly in South Mancheater WATBS will haye meeting scheduled for tomor­ .> No up* and downs in your Prescription a buslnsM meeting tonight at row has been postponed un-1 costs — no “discounts" today, “Regular By Meskill the Italian-Amerlcan Club on prices" tomorrow I . By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS til next Wednesday at 7 p.m. at HARTFORD (AP) — All of Bldridge St. Weighing In Is from No “ reduced specials"—no “ temporary the home of Francis Mahoney, | Aivm* Ala., school system, busing more than Gov. Thomas J. Meskill's 7 to 8. The club's mystery ride, 19 Hamlin St. reductions" on Prescriptions, to lure 6,000 pupils to achieve racial balance opened for regis- originally scheduled for Se)>t. 21,. custom ers! rscord 17S vetoes have been up- PlaiL trrtion without incident today. tlSjA-Hy the General Assem bly. Pass will be Sept. 14. St. Mary’s flplscopal - Guild I At the same time, there is never any C o u r t-orderod .plaiw-->Jor — The leglaiature m ot TVieaday will meet Thursday at U a.m. compromise in service or quality I By EDMOND VtSBMnOtl In the Parish Hall of the church. depegregaUon ptai^ont tw the third, and prosum^y A service of Holy Communion have gxmo Into operation In oth- uSlxoffcct last Friday. Anal, session of 1971 and fsllsd Members will bring their own WASHINGTON (AP)— will be held tomorrow at 10 YOU GET OUR -LOWEST ThiA were no Immediate of- to override vetoes number 174 a.m. at St. Mery’s Elplscopal sandwiches! Dessert and bev­ PRICES EVERY DAY OF THE Secretary of the TreMury erage will be served. We Deliver *"• flolal figure* for -Tuesday’s at- and ITS. Church. YEAR . AND YOU SAVE cl^ ts of protest. tendance, but It was estimated Manchester’s Fourth District John B. Ckmnally strongly Everywiftre In Mobile, school ofAcUta ^ ^jooo to 80,000 out of «n. David Odegard voted urged Congress todaj^ to Frank Vogel, Manchester I MORE THROUGHOUT THE 8 Manchester Grange fair com­ Fast said pupils reportod In orderly ^ projected total of around against overriding both vetoes, pass President Nixon’s tax coimselor for the Connecticut ( YEAR . , . ON ALL YOUR mittee and workshop will meet FIRBSORIPnON NEEDS. fashion, apot cheeks showed all mqoO. On Friday 35,600 attend- The state 'cohstltuU on re- ackage without change, tomorrow at 7/^.m. at the Division of Vocational Re­ was quiet and buainesaUko In quires that two-third* of the ut he ran into immediate Grange Hall, 206 Olcott St. habilitation, will speak on I “What’s Ahead for Sheltered the kfoblle city-county achoola, gteveral hundred angry par- membership of each chamber gSuggestions it should be TRY US AND SEE largest system In AUbama with school board vote In favor of a bUl In order Workshops?’’ at the meeting of I m ^fied to provide more The .Mahy-Navy Club Auxlli- the Manchester Association for. some 08,000 pupils, about 40 per board President Julian Hal- t<> ^override a gubernatorial income tax relief for . in­ cent of Uiem black. i]g^ »no veto. Neither bill got beyond lll have a potluck tomor- the Help of Retarded Children [ dividuals. p.m. at the Army-Navy m all some 30,000 wiU ride choice’’ but to Implement the the Senate Tuesday. 6 Thursday at 8 p.m . In the Shel­ Opening the odmlnlotratton’s Members are reminded to the buses to school, but most of Senate 'Democratic leaders tered Workshop, 4ft School St. plan. case before the House Wayh irlng an Item . for the kitchen them will be trsnqported be­ were unable to ipuster enough cause Uiey live two miles or Republican support to override and Means Committee, Oon- social. The Frank J. Mansfield De­ nally argued that enactment of tachment and Auxiliary of the mors from their schools. either of the last two vetoes. One bill would have required Nixon’s recommendations "wlU The Senior Citizens Center Marine Corps League will have In Jackson, Miss., public Austiti Plan not be a bonansa for business.’’ Is taking registrations for the a joint installation tomorrow at school ofAolais r e p o r t s 38,377 the'state to pay some $1.7'mll- Labor Day Picnic at Holiday House llon In building aid to He said that, taking Into ac- Niagara Falls and Wlrfe Coun; 8 p.m. at the Marine Corps. AT THE PARKADE — WEST MIDDLE TPKE. ehUdrsn attended classes Tues­ Bchtx>l 'the city of Bridgeport, and the _ count reductions already M lt try T rip . Sept. IS to 17. People Home, 717 Parker St. day under a new P o r B u sin g ' Into the law for next year as Holiday House residents and their guests hear Ir- and relatives, enjoyed a picnic lunch, discing, sing- who are interested must regis­ plan, with the numberimber of stu- ” second bill concerned care of girls at a religious institution in well as Nixon’s proposals, Indi­ ven Kerpens, 74, of 24 Norman St. sihg and strum ,ing and card games. Three of the residents were ter for the trip in person at the dents riding buses more than vidual taxpayers should get a his guitw at their Labor Day picnic on the lawn of out-of-town for the holiday. Those who live at the Center by Thursday. double the 3,000 who rode lost Hartford. Is Ajppealed Both bills had been passed break on the order o f $7 bUUon. the rest home. Yesterday 87 people, 25 of the 28 home range in age from 61 to 94 but almost all of year. But Chairman Wilbur D. them are over 75. (Herald phoio by Pinto) Brotherhood in Action will Bv MIKE niTEEV vetoed once before and Mills, D-Ark., told Connally “ I residents of the home and many of their friends Asst Supt. R. B. Layton oaid The poosed again during the CUSTOM think-there * need for some ad- meet tomorrow at 8 p.m . at the attendance was down about 700 NEW ORLEANS (AP) — The speclal tax session „,dand then ve- 1 dlUonal incenUve to Individuals pital. He suffered critical injur­ Grant Southward U. The KofC Home. TAILORS from last year’s opening day Austin, Tex., s^ool x>ed ^aln-again Tr'toeby the pWeT^or'togovernor In Charge NoUed ies. Rockville Man charges state that the pair HONGKONG but he attributed this to con- Aon plan, cited by President to’buy more," fusion over bus vchfijiUee and Nixon in his criticism of bus- (See Page Twelve) Then MUls went on to develop A report Issued last week by knew Southward was a deserter The Golden Age Club meeting The Shopper's Paradtss In RatllitO In Fatal Crash Irving L. Aronson, Hartford Pleads Innocent for Thursday has been post­ Tnes. % tn. Tot Tfau — Unirs, Sept. 9th- routes. “We’ll have everything *"g, has been appealed by the a suggesUon he had made ear­ County coroner, found BausoUi from the armed forces of the poned tmtil Sept. 16 at 1 p.m. at Don’t miss this opportunity — get measurecTwr 'Beh* worked out by the end of the JoaAce Department, lier that Congress also expand t.' . A charge of negligent hom­ criminally redjx)nsible In the To Deserter Aid United States and refused to give the Senior Citizens Center. tailored degant clMhes from HOMO KONG. M oot your week ” he said ^ Ariet filed Tuesday with the minimum standard deduc­ icide, placed against a Man­ death of Mrs, Bendell. Hie re­ him up and deliver him on de­ SALE! choice of over B,000 sample*. m ’ Portsmouth, Va.. pubUc “ >e 6th U.B. Circuit Court at tion, set at $1,000 fbr 1973, of A. 22-year-old' Rockville man, mand of authorized FBI agents. which benefits for the tax­ chester driver who was In­ port stated that Bausola failed TempVe Chapter, OES, will h 55p school, opened mder a Two Judges who was arrested in connecUon Southward la reportedly a form­ payers at the low end of the In­ volved In a' fatal accident in to keep his car under, proper observe Robert Morris Night Italian silk mohair suit Viy .-................
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