Haskell Language #haskell Table of Contents About 1 Chapter 1: Getting started with Haskell Language 2 Remarks 2 Features: 2 Versions 2 Examples 3 Hello, World! 3 Explanation: 4 Factorial 5 Variation 1 5 Variation 2 5 Fibonacci, Using Lazy Evaluation 6 Getting started 7 Online REPL 7 GHC(i) 7 More advanced tools 9 Primes 9 Below 100 9 Unlimited 10 Traditional 10 Optimal trial division 10 Transitional 10 The Shortest Code 10 Declaring Values 10 Chapter 2: Applicative Functor 12 Introduction 12 Remarks 12 Definition 12 Examples 12 Alternative definition 12 Common instances of Applicative 13 Maybe 13 Lists 13 Infinite streams and zip-lists 13 Functions 14 Chapter 3: Arbitrary-rank polymorphism with RankNTypes 16 Introduction 16 Syntax 16 Examples 16 RankNTypes 16 Chapter 4: Arithmetic 17 Introduction 17 Remarks 17 The numeric typeclass hierarchy 17 Examples 19 Basic examples 19 `Could not deduce (Fractional Int) ...` 19 Function examples 20 Chapter 5: Arrows 21 Examples 21 Function compositions with multiple channels 21 Chapter 6: Attoparsec 23 Introduction 23 Parameters 23 Examples 23 Combinators 23 Bitmap - Parsing Binary Data 24 Chapter 7: Bifunctor 26 Syntax 26 Remarks 26 Examples 26 Common instances of Bifunctor 26 Two-element tuples 26 Either 26 first and second 27 Definition of Bifunctor 27 Chapter 8: Cabal 28 Syntax 28 Examples 29 Install packages 29 Working with sandboxes 29 Chapter 9: Category Theory 31 Examples 31 Category theory as a system for organizing abstraction 31 An example 31 A hint of Category Theory 31 Definition of a Category 32 Haskell types as a category 33 Definition of the category 33 Isomorphisms 33 Functors 33 Monads 34 Product of types in Hask 34 Categorical products 34 Products in Hask 35 Uniqueness up to isomorphism 35 Uniqueness of the decomposition 36 Coproduct of types in Hask 36 Intuition 36 Categorical coproducts 36 Coproducts in Hask 36 Haskell Applicative in terms of Category Theory 37 Chapter 10: Common functors as the base of cofree comonads 38 Examples 38 Cofree Empty ~~ Empty 38 Cofree (Const c) ~~ Writer c 38 Cofree Identity ~~ Stream 38 Cofree Maybe ~~ NonEmpty 39 Cofree (Writer w) ~~ WriterT w Stream 39 Cofree (Either e) ~~ NonEmptyT (Writer e) 39 Cofree (Reader x) ~~ Moore x 40 Chapter 11: Common GHC Language Extensions 41 Remarks 41 Examples 41 MultiParamTypeClasses 41 FlexibleInstances 41 OverloadedStrings 42 TupleSections 42 N-tuples 42 Mapping 43 UnicodeSyntax 43 BinaryLiterals 44 ExistentialQuantification 44 LambdaCase 45 RankNTypes 46 OverloadedLists 47 FunctionalDependencies 47 GADTs 48 ScopedTypeVariables 49 PatternSynonyms 49 RecordWildCards 50 Chapter 12: Common monads as free monads 51 Examples 51 Free Empty ~~ Identity 51 Free Identity ~~ (Nat,) ~~ Writer Nat 51 Free Maybe ~~ MaybeT (Writer Nat) 52 Free (Writer w) ~~ Writer [w] 52 Free (Const c) ~~ Either c 52 Free (Reader x) ~~ Reader (Stream x) 53 Chapter 13: Concurrency 54 Remarks 54 Examples 54 Spawning Threads with `forkIO` 54 Communicating between Threads with `MVar` 54 Atomic Blocks with Software Transactional Memory 55 atomically :: STM a -> IO a 56 readTVar :: TVar a -> STM a 56 writeTVar :: TVar a -> a -> STM () 56 Chapter 14: Containers - Data.Map 57 Examples 57 Constructing 57 Checking If Empty 57 Finding Values 57 Inserting Elements 58 Deleting Elements 58 Importing the Module 58 Monoid instance 58 Chapter 15: Creating Custom Data Types 60 Examples 60 Creating a simple data type 60 Creating variables of our custom type 60 Creating a data type with value constructor parameters 60 Creating variables of our custom type 61 Creating a data type with type parameters 61 Creating variables of our custom type 61 Custom data type with record parameters 61 Chapter 16: Data.Aeson - JSON in Haskell 63 Examples 63 Smart Encoding and Decoding using Generics 63 A quick way to generate a Data.Aeson.Value 64 Optional Fields 64 Chapter 17: Data.Text 65 Remarks 65 Examples 65 Text Literals 65 Stripping whitespace 65 Splitting Text Values 66 Encoding and Decoding Text 66 Checking if a Text is a substring of another Text 67 Indexing Text 67 Chapter 18: Databases 69 Examples 69 Postgres 69 Parameter substitution 69 Executing inserts or updates 69 Chapter 19: Date and Time 70 Syntax 70 Remarks 70 Examples 70 Finding Today's Date 70 Adding, Subtracting and Comparing Days 70 Chapter 20: Fixity declarations 72 Syntax 72 Parameters 72 Remarks 72 Examples 73 Associativity 73 Binding precedence 73 Remarks 73 Example declarations 74 Chapter 21: Foldable 75 Introduction 75 Remarks 75 Examples 75 Counting the elements of a Foldable structure 75 Folding a structure in reverse 75 An instance of Foldable for a binary tree 76 Flattening a Foldable structure into a list 77 Performing a side-effect for each element of a Foldable structure 77 Flattening a Foldable structure into a Monoid 78 Definition of Foldable 79 Checking if a Foldable structure is empty 79 Chapter 22: Foreign Function Interface 80 Syntax 80 Remarks 80 Examples 80 Calling C from Haskell 80 Passing Haskell functions as callbacks to C code. 81 Chapter 23: Free Monads 83 Examples 83 Free monads split monadic computations into data structures and interpreters 83 Free Monads are like fixed points 84 How do foldFree and iterM work? 84 The Freer monad 85 Chapter 24: Function call syntax 87 Introduction 87 Remarks 87 Examples 87 Parentheses in a basic function call 87 Parentheses in embedded function calls 87 Partial application - Part 1 88 Partial application - Part 2 88 Chapter 25: Function composition 90 Remarks 90 Examples 91 Right-to-left composition 91 Left-to-right composition 91 Composition with binary function 91 Chapter 26: Functor 93 Introduction 93 Remarks 93 Identity 93 Composition 93 Examples 93 Common instances of Functor 93 Maybe 93 Lists 94 Functions 95 Class Definition of Functor and Laws 95 Replacing all elements of a Functor with a single value 96 Polynomial functors 96 The identity functor 96 The constant functor 97 Functor products 97 Functor coproducts 97 Functor composition 98 Polynomial functors for generic programming 98 Functors in Category Theory 99 Deriving Functor 100 Chapter 27: Generalized Algebraic Data Types 101 Examples 101 Basic Usage 101 Chapter 28: GHCJS 102 Introduction 102 Examples 102 Running "Hello World!" with Node.js 102 Chapter 29: Google Protocol Buffers 103 Remarks 103 Examples 103 Creating, building and using a simple .proto file 103 Chapter 30: Graphics with Gloss 105 Examples 105 Installing Gloss 105 Getting something on the screen 105 Chapter 31: Gtk3 107 Syntax 107 Remarks 107 Examples 107 Hello World in Gtk 107 Chapter 32: Higher-order functions 109 Remarks 109 Examples 109 Basics of Higher Order Functions 109 Lambda Expressions 110 Currying 110 Chapter 33: Infix operators 112 Remarks 112 Examples 112 Prelude 112 Logical 112 Arithmetic operators 112 Lists 112 Control flow 113 Custom operators 113 Finding information about infix operators 114 Chapter 34: IO 115 Examples 115 Reading all contents of standard input into a string 115 Reading a line from standard input 115 Parsing and constructing an object from standard input 115 Reading from file handles 116 Checking for end-of-file conditions 117 Reading words from an entire file 117 IO defines your program's `main` action 118 Role and Purpose of IO 119 Manipulating IO values 119 IO semantics 120 Lazy IO 121 IO and do notation 121 Getting the 'a' "out of" 'IO a' 122 Writing to stdout 122 putChar :: Char -> IO () - writes a char to stdout 122 putStr :: String -> IO () - writes a String to stdout 122 putStrLn :: String -> IO () - writes a String to stdout and adds a new line 122 print :: Show a => a -> IO () - writes a an instance of Show to stdout 123 Reading from `stdin` 123 getChar :: IO Char - read a Char from stdin 123 getLine :: IO String - read a String from stdin, sans new line character 123 read :: Read a => String -> a - convert a String to a value 124 Chapter 35: Lens 125 Introduction 125 Remarks 125 What is a Lens? 125 Focusing 125 Other Optics 125 Composition 126 In Haskell 126 Examples 126 Manipulating tuples with Lens 126 Lenses for records 127 Simple record 127 Managing records with repeating fields names 127 Stateful Lenses 128 Getting rid of & chains 128 Imperative code with structured state 128 Writing a lens without Template Haskell 129 Lens and Prism 129 Traversals 130 Lenses compose 130 Classy Lenses 131 Fields with makeFields 131 Chapter 36: List Comprehensions 134 Examples 134 Basic List Comprehensions 134 Patterns in Generator Expressions 134 Guards 135 Nested Generators 135 Parallel Comprehensions 135 Local Bindings 136 Do Notation 136 Chapter 37: Lists 137 Syntax 137 Remarks 137 Examples 138 List Literals 138 List Concatenation 138 List basics 138 Processing lists 139 Accessing elements in lists 139 Ranges 140 Basic Functions on Lists 141 foldl 141 foldr 142 Transforming with `map` 142 Filtering with `filter` 143 Zipping and Unzipping Lists 143 Chapter 38: Logging 145 Introduction 145 Examples 145 Logging with hslogger 145 Chapter 39: Modules 146 Syntax 146 Remarks 146 Examples 146 Defining Your Own Module 146 Exporting Constructors 147 Importing Specific Members of a Module 147 Hiding Imports 147 Qualifying Imports 148 Hierarchical module names 148 Chapter 40: Monad Transformers 149 Examples 149 A monadic counter 149 Adding an environment 149 The requirements changed: we need logging! 150 Doing everything in one go 151 Chapter 41: Monads 153 Introduction 153 Examples 153 The Maybe monad 153 IO monad 155 List Monad 156 Monad as a Subclass of Applicative
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