May 2012 Published Since November 1968 Only Good News For 44 Years VOLUME 44 NO 5 Doggies delight at new dog park By Doug Kates Editor On the count of three, a cere- monial ribbon was cut and more than 40 people cheered. There were even a few barks in the background. After months of planning, the On Top of the World Community Dog Park officially opened and resi- dents were invited to celebrate. At the new On Top of the World dog park, adults can sit in the cool shade while their four-legged Over a two-hour period, more friends can wander around meeting new friends. See page 32 for more photos. Below is one of about 40 than 50 residents brought their dogs. happy guests. (OTOW News photo by Doug Kates) There were big dogs, small dogs, dogs with bandanas and dogs who just spoiled. Sharon Licata, Tracy Torres loved running. and Julie Hipp were on hand from Since the dog park actually OTOW and they cooked hot dogs for opened in late March, many residents two hours. Even though they were were already familiar with the setting, serving people-food, they had a lot of while other residents were catching a little black eyes watching them cook. look at the park for the first time. Back in September 2011, OTOW Some residents said it’s unusual Chairman Kenneth Colen announced for a dog park to have benches in the the new dog park was going to be built shade and under a roof. They thanked at the former site of the West Side ten- On Top of the World for that luxury. nis courts. Other residents said they were Seven months later, the gates meeting new people, making new were opened. friends, and while the dogs were out The dog park is divided into two playing, it was a great time for neigh- with a section for small dogs and a sec- bors to socialize. tion for large dogs. There is running Pet Supplies Plus was on hand water, doggy bags and trash cans. to distribute sample snacks and gave From first glance, there didn’t away two raffle prizes. Constance Mc- seem to be an unhappy dog anywhere Donald won a gift card and Carolyn in sight for the opening ceremony. Lowry won a gift basket. One resident said she had never Lynn Hutchins from Barks and seen so many white dogs together in Bubbles was also on hand to show off the same place before. Another resi- her mobile grooming van. dent said she didn’t realize there were The OTOW Greyhound Club so many residents who owned dogs. provided information on adopting Yet another resident said, “now former race dogs. that we have this beautiful dog park, Dogs weren’t the only ones I’m gonna have to buy a dog.” Page 2 May 2012 ON TOP OF THE WORLD NEWS ON TOP OF THE WORLD NEWS May 2012 / Page 3 More evidence clamshell awnings are damaging buildings Early census returns show On Top of the World is above percentage required to maintain over-55 status Spring is in the air! repairs may be instituted. backs of buildings are on staggered It is also time your Board begins Because these awnings are not painting schedules? to put together a budget for the com- able to withstand storm force winds, The backs and sides of buildings ing fiscal year. the Association will not allow them to require a special waterproofing treat- The Association fiscal year runs be replaced with a like kind product. ment that has a seven to 10 year life from July 1 through June 30. There There are acceptable alternates that span. Erring on the side of safety, the are many components to consider: provide shade and will not damage the Association doesn’t want to push its insurance coverage on buildings, in- building. Inasmuch as these awnings luck past seven years, since water in- cluding wind storm damage, paving are a limited common element, the trusion can be a serious problem. projects, ongoing rail replacement, the cost of any damage to the building will The front elevation of the build- code compliance challenge of adding be a charge to the unit owner, whether ings is more shielded from the wind a smoke detector in older buildings they installed the awning or acquired and rain by virtue of the walkways and (pre-code), and replacing aging water the unit with the awnings in place. overhangs. This does not require the mains. I mention this because staff has same treatment as the more exposed The point is this, it promises to reported an increase in violations in Upcoming Work backs and sides. be an interesting and challenging year. this area. It goes without saying that Reroofing on the mansards is Also, the detail and color palette Your Board is well aware of the management company personnel are beginning on Buildings 50, 51 and 60 is entirely different. difficult financial challenges our mem- on property on weekends as well. All in the first two weeks of May, weather Waterproofing materials come bers face and will work hard to limit signs, balloons and other violations are permitting. in three basic colors: somewhat white, cost increases in the budget. removed promptly. Installation of new light fixtures somewhat less white and beige, so The Association budget meet- Certainly we understand that in building laundry rooms is continu- where there are numerous color ing will be held in the On Top of this is a difficult resale market, but vio- ing. changes and detail work, that material the World East Activity Center, 2069 lating Rule No. 8 clutters and degrades Installation/upgrades of center really isn’t a good option. World Parkway Boulevard, Clearwater, the community. It is not fair for your core stairwell light fixtures (“X” Build- Regardless, the latex acrylic Fl., 33763, beginning at 10 a.m., on neighbors and is the exact opposite ings only) is also a continuing project. paint is an excellent product that has Thursday, June 14, 2012. of what serves our greater good as a Please remember, all start dates a life span of five to seven years when community. are approximate. properly applied. Before repainting is Census Update Going forward, violators will Resurfacing work will begin allowed to proceed, an evaluation is and Enforcement receive one warning notice. The cost on Columbia Drive (entirety), Fran- made to determine if repainting the The Census update is continuing of enforcement on any repeat offense ciscan Drive (partial / cul-de-sac to front elevation needs to happen in five with canvassing of units that failed to will be tracked. Building 39), Spanish Drive (Partial / years, or if there is still good usable life respond to the mailed questionnaire. When the unit is sold, the cost Cul-de-sac to Americus Blvd), World that warrants a pass to the next year. It Progress is slow, but it is still of enforcement will be collected from Parkway Blvd (various locations), un- is all about balancing of expenses and progress. So far, with 76 percent the selling party as a condition of ob- named connector between Brasília benefits to you, the owners. counted, slightly greater than 98 per- taining Association approval of the and Columbia Drives (entirety), Mo- cent of respondents are over age 55. transfer. naco Lane (entirety) and Israeli Av- Construction Projects The Federal rule states that at enue (partial). Ongoing projects are as follows: least 80 percent of the units must be Awning Replacement Also, the East Belcher entrance Building 29 SE Tower/Cupola Res- occupied by one person age 55 or old- In previous articles, I have dis- from World Parkway Blvd. to traffic toration (project delayed from April); er in order to remain an age-restricted cussed the problem with “clam shell” light at Belcher with two speed bumps Building 56 fire damaged units resto- community. awnings. to slow traffic on the entrance lane ration project (project has an approxi- I feel confident we will meet that Your Board directs the manage- only), and new double yellow striping mate duration of 150 days, county in- mark. ment company to regularly inspect and stop bars on World Parkway Blvd spections notwithstanding); Building Many units appear to be unoc- the exterior common elements of the and stop bars on all secondary roads. 17/U66 and building mansard repair cupied, but have not transferred own- buildings. It is increasingly evident that We will be able to advise more of fire damage (project delayed from ership. So the last census information the “clam-shell” awnings have resulted on the schedule once the contracts are April), and gypsum deck supports in we have remains valid for purposes of in damage to the building. finalized. the towers at Building 21. this latest census. We also have seen additional in- Parking areas in the resurfacing Vinyl tile floor replacement will stances where the lintel is beginning to program are: B18 North and South, be started at Building 30 (second and Community Rules split and fracture, whether caused by B21 North, B25 North, B31 North third floor), Building 36 (second and Another element of why this water intrusion, age, general deterio- and South, B37 North, B40 South, third floor), and Building 50 (second community is so livable comes down ration of the awning assembly, or by B41 North, B42 North, B43 South, and third floor). Installation schedule to the aesthetics of the community. direct damage from the masonry an- B82, B83 North, and B86 North. may progress slower than expected Reasonable and fair rules, con- chors for the awning.
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