E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 145 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1999 No. 5 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 19, 1999, at 2 p.m. Senate THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1999 The Senate met at 1:04 p.m. and was States is sitting for the trial of the articles date an equal number of managers from the called to order by the Chief Justice of of impeachment exhibited by the House of House of Representatives and counsel for the the United States. Representatives against William Jefferson President which shall be placed in the well of Clinton, President of the United States. the Senate. f The CHIEF JUSTICE. The Presiding (2) Such equipment as may be required to TRIAL OF WILLIAM JEFFERSON Officer recognizes the majority leader. permit the display of video, or audio evi- CLINTON, PRESIDENT OF THE Mr. LOTT. Thank you, Mr. Chief Jus- dence, including video monitors and micro- UNITED STATES phones, which may be placed in the chamber tice. for use by the managers from the House of The CHIEF JUSTICE. The Senate INSTALLING EQUIPMENT AND FURNITURE IN THE Representatives or the counsel to the Presi- will convene as a Court of Impeach- SENATE CHAMBER dent. ment. The Chaplain will offer a prayer. Mr. LOTT. I send a resolution to the SEC. 3. All equipment and furniture author- desk providing for installing equip- ized by this resolution shall be placed in the PRAYER ment and furniture in the Senate chamber in a manner that provides the least The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John Chamber and ask that it be agreed to practicable disruption to Senate proceed- Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: and the motion to reconsider be laid ings. Almighty God, whose providential upon the table. PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR The CHIEF JUSTICE. The clerk will care has never varied all through our Mr. LOTT. Mr. Chief Justice, I now report the resolution by title. Nation's history, we ask You for a spe- ask unanimous consent floor privileges The legislative clerk read as follows: cial measure of wisdom for the women be granted to the individuals listed on and men of this Senate as they act as A resolution (S. Res. 17), to authorize the installation of appropriate equipment and the document I send to the desk, dur- jurors in this impeachment trial. You ing the closed impeachment proceed- have been our Nation's refuge and furniture in the Senate Chamber for the im- peachment trial. ings of William Jefferson Clinton, strength in triumphs and troubles, President of the United States. prosperity and problems. Now, dear Fa- The CHIEF JUSTICE. Without objec- tion, the resolution is considered and The CHIEF JUSTICE. Without objec- ther, help us through this difficult tion, it is so ordered. time. As You guided the Senators to agreed to. The resolution (S. Res. 17) was agreed The document follows. unity in matters of procedure, continue to, as follows: to make them one in their search for FLOOR PRIVILEGES DURING CLOSED SESSION the truth and in their expression of jus- S. RES. 17 David Hoppe, Administrative Assistant, tice. Keep them focused in a spirit of Resolved, That in recognition of the unique Majority Leader. requirements raised by the impeachment Michael Wallace, Counsel, Majority nonpartisan patriotism today and in trial of a President of the United States, the the crucial days to come. Bless the dis- Leader. Sergeant at Arms shall install appropriate Robert Wilkie, Counsel, Majority Leader. tinguished Chief Justice as he presides equipment and furniture in the Senate cham- Bill Corr, Counsel, Democratic Leader. over this trial. We commit to You all ber for use by the managers from the House Robert Bauer, Counsel, Democratic Leader. that is said and done and ultimately of Representatives and counsel to the Presi- Andrea La Rue, Counsel, Democratic decided. In Your holy Name. Amen. dent in their presentations to the Senate during all times that the Senate is sitting Leader. The CHIEF JUSTICE. The Sergeant Peter Arapis, Floor Manager, Democratic at Arms will make the proclamation. for trial with the Chief Justice of the United States presiding. Whip. The Sergeant at Arms, James W. SEC. 2. The appropriate equipment and fur- Kirk Matthew, Chief of Staff, Assistant Ziglar, made proclamation as follows: niture referred to in the first section is as Majority Leader. Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye! All persons are follows: Stewart Verdery, Counsel, Assistant Ma- commanded to keep silent, on pain of impris- (1) A lectern, a witness table and chair if jority Leader. onment, while the Senate of the United required, and tables and chairs to accommo- Tom Griffith, Senate Legal Counsel. · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S59 . S60 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE January 14, 1999 Morgan Frankel, Deputy Senate Legal tives against him on January 7, 1999, Federal grand jury of the United States. Counsel. received by the Secretary of the Senate Contrary to that oath, William Jefferson Loretta Symms, Deputy Sergeant at Arms. on January 11, 1999; Clinton willfully provided perjurious, false Bruce Kasold, Chief Counsel, Secretary & The trial brief filed by the House of and misleading testimony to the grand jury Sergeant at Arms. concerning one or more of the following: (1) David Schiappa, Assistant Majority Sec- Representatives, received by the Sec- the nature and details of his relationship retary. retary of the Senate on January 11, with a subordinate Government employee; Lula Davis, Assistant Minority Secretary. 1999; (2) prior perjurious, false and misleading tes- Alan Frumin, Assistant Parliamentarian. The trial brief filed by the President, timony he gave in a Federal civil rights ac- Kevin Kayes, Assistant Parliamentarian. received by the Secretary of the Senate tion brought against him; (3) prior false and Patrick Keating, Assistant Journal Clerk. on January 13, 1999; misleading statements he allowed his attor- Scott Sanborn, Assistant Journal Clerk. The replication of the House of Rep- ney to make to a Federal judge in that civil David Tinsley, Assistant Legislative Clerk. rights action; and (4) his corrupt efforts to Ronald Kavulick, Chief Reporter. resentatives, received by the Secretary influence the testimony of witnesses and to Jerald Linnell, Official Reporter. of the Senate on January 13, 1999; and impede the discovery of evidence in that Raleigh Milton, Official Reporter. The rebuttal brief filed by the House civil rights action. Joel Breitner, Official Reporter. of Representatives, received by the ``In doing this, William Jefferson Clinton Mary Jane McCarthy, Official Reporter. Secretary of the Senate on January 14, has undermined the integrity of his office, Paul Nelson, Official Reporter. has brought disrepute on the Presidency, has Katie-Jane Teel, Official Reporter. 1999. Without objection, the foregoing doc- betrayed his trust as President, and has Patrick Renzi, Official Reporter. acted in a manner subversive of the rule of Lee Brown, Staff Assistant, Official Re- uments will be printed in the CONGRES- law and justice, to the manifest injury of the porter. SIONAL RECORD. people of the United States. Kathleen Alvarez, Bill Clerk. The documents follow: ``Wherefore, William Jefferson Clinton, by Simon Sargent, Staff Assistant to Sen. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ss: such conduct, warrants impeachment and Cleland. The Senate of the United States to James W. trial, and removal from office and disquali- UNANIMOUS-CONSENT AGREEMENTÐAUTHORITY Ziglar, Sergeant at Arms, United States Sen- fication to hold and enjoy any office of TO PRINT SENATE DOCUMENTS ate, greeting: honor, trust, or profit under the United Mr. LOTT. Mr. Chief Justice, I ask You are hereby commanded to deliver to States. unanimous consent that the Secretary and leave with William Jefferson Clinton, if ARTICLE II of the Senate be authorized to print as conveniently to be found, or if not, to leave ``In his conduct while President of the a Senate document all documents filed at his usual place of abode, a true and at- United States, William Jefferson Clinton, in tested copy of the within writ of summons, violation of his constitutional oath faith- by the parties together with other ma- together with a like copy of this precept; and terials for the convenience of all Sen- fully to execute the office of President of the in whichsoever way you perform the service, United States and, to the best of his ability, ators. let it be done at least 2 days before the an- preserve, protect, and defend the Constitu- The CHIEF JUSTICE. Without objec- swer day mentioned in the said writ of sum- tion of the United States, and in violation of tion, it is so ordered. mons. his constitutional duty to take care that the Mr. LOTT. Mr. Chief Justice, I am Fail not, and make return of this writ of laws be faithfully executed, has prevented, about to submit a series of unanimous- summons and precept, with your proceedings obstructed, and impeded the administration consent agreements and a resolution thereon indorsed, on or before the day for an- of justice, and has to that end engaged per- for the consideration of the Senate. In swering mentioned in the said writ of sum- sonally, and through his subordinates and mons. addition to these matters, I would like agents, in a course of conduct or scheme de- Witness Strom Thurmond, President pro signed to delay, impede, cover up, and con- to state for the information of all Sen- tempore of the Senate, at Washington, D.C., ceal the existence of evidence and testimony ators that, pursuant to S.
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