167 Written Answers July 30, 1991 Written Answers 168 (a) the number of times and the names THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE of air service by which Kotah in Rajas- MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI than was linked ; MALLIKARJUN) : (a) A Statement Is attached (b) the number of umes these services were discontinued and the reasons for (b) Details of Complimentary Card their discontinuation ; Passes issued in April, May and June, 1991, month-wise are as under • -- (c) whether any complaints from the Members of Parliament have been receiv- Month 1st Glass Und Class ed for introducing the earlier time-table of the Vayudoot for Kotah ; and April, 1991 15 4 (d) if so, the details thereof and the May, 1991 4 — action taken thereon ? June, 1991 1 — THE MINISTER OF CIVIL AVIA- TION AND TOURISM (SHRI MADH- Total : 20 4 AV R O SCINDIA) : (a) The details of flights scheduled and operated by STATEMENT Vayudoot to Kotah during the last thiee years are given below : 1st Class Complimentary Card Pass (including I AC) Year Flights Fights actually S. No. Name & Address of the Person scheduled operated to whom issued 1. Smt. Sarla Kumari, Kuchipudi 1988-89 156 133 Dancer, H. No. E-768, Makhan Singh Block, Asiad Village, New 1989-90 156 146 Delhi. 1990-91 91 07 2. Miss Nirmala Deshpandey, Presi- dent, Akhil Bharat Rachnatmak (b) The services were discontinued due Samaj, Kingsway Camp, Delhi. to shortage of aircraft capacity and un- 3. Smt. Kameshwari Devi, W|o Late viabilitv of the operations. Shri L. N. Mishra, 15, Tilak Marg, New Delhi. (c) Yes, Sir. 4. Sister Mary Mascarenhas, Leprosy, (d) Because of the heavy losses sus- Rehabilitation Training Centre, tained by Vayudoot, it is not possible to Magadi Road, Bangalore. rescore this service. 5. Shri Laxman Singh, National Com- RAILWAY PASSES missioner, Bharat Scouts & Guides. 16. M.G. Marg, I.P. Estate, New 1012. SHRI SYED SHAHABUDDIN : Delhi. Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to refer to the reply given on 6. Dewan Syed Zainul Abedin Ali 16 July, 1991 to Unstarred Question No. Khan, Dargah Bazar, Ajmer. 207 regarding free travel railway passes 7. Managing E>irector! Director Techni- and state : cal! Director Finance, Indian Rail- way Welfare Organisation, New (a) the particulars of such pass holders Delhi. (With one to travel at a time). as on 31 March, 1991; am! 8. General Manager, West Zone, Iodlaa (b) the details of passes issued in Railway Welfare Organisation, April* May and June, 1991, month-wise 7 Bombay. 169 Written Answers Sravana 8, 1913 ,Saka Written Answers 170 S. No. Name & Address of the Peison S. No. Name & Address of the Person to whom issued to whom issued 9. Shri K. S. Murthy, Consultant En- 23. Swami Amritarupananda, Rama- gineer, Indian Railway Welfare Or- krishna Mission, Vivekananda So- ganisation, Madras. ciety, Jamshedpur. 10. Shri Durga Vijay Pandey, 65DJ422, 24. Shri Sidda Raj Dhadda, Chaura Silver Glass Factory, Baulia Lahar- Rasta, Jaipur. tara, Cantt Varanasi. 25. Shri Balasubramanian, G.M. [South 11. Smt. Nirmala Ram Das Gandhi, Zone|Indian Railway Welfare Or- Sevagram Ashram Pratishtan, War- ganisation, Madras. dha, Maharashtra. 26. Shri Chandra Kant Saha, Antar 12. Three Office-bearers of Kastuiba Bharati, Shamiwar Peth, Pune- Gandhi Memorial Trust, Kasturba 411030. Gram, Indore. (With One to travel at a time). 27. Three Officials of Mahatma Gandhi 13. Four Office-bearers of The Bharat Institute of Medical Sciences, Seva- Scouts & Guides, 16, M.G. Marg, gram. (With One to travel at a time). I.P. Estate, New Delhi. 14. Swami Harinarayananda, Chairman, 28. Shri V. R. Gauri Shankar, Adminis- All India Bharat Sevak Samaj, 22, trator, Sri Sringeri Math, Sringeri. S. P. Marg, New Delhi. 29. Miss Avanti Maken, Daughter of 15. Smt Vimala Farooqui, General Sec- Late Shri Lalit Maken, No. 6, retary, National Federation of India Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi. Women, 1002, Ansal Bhawan, 16, K.G. Marg, New Delhi. 30. Shn Zail Singh, Former President of India, 4, Circular Road, Chanakya 16. All India Federation of The Deaf, puri, New Delhi. _1AC 18, Northend Complex, Ramakrishna Ashram Marg, New Delhi. 31. Two Office-bearers of Vishwa Sahitya Sanskrit Sansthan, C-13, Press En- 17. Swami Swatmaoanda, Secretary, clave Saket, New Delhi. (With One Ramakrishna Mission, Rajmun- to travel at a time). dhury. 32. Shri S. M. Gavaskar, Cricketer, 18. Swami Atmavidananda, Secretary, 43, Surva Apartments, Worli, Ramakrishna Mission, Moradabadi, Bombay. —IAC Ranchi. 19. National Society for Prevention of 33. Shri Shakeel Ahmed Khan, 4|445, Blindness-India-AIIMS-New Delhi- Azra Lodge, Dodhpur, Aligarh. Three Office bearers. (With One to 34. Shri S. Hussain Waheed, R|o Zarat- travel at a time). shau Dodhpur, Aligarh. 20. Two Office bearers of Indian Coun- 35. Shri S. A. Jagannathan, Organising cil for Child Welfare, 4, Deen Dayal Secretary, Hind Kusht Nivaran Upadhyay Marg, New Delhi. (With Sangh, 1, Red Cross Road, New One to travel at a time). Delhi. 21. Shri Manager Singh, Sadar Bazar. 36. Shri Jagdish Naratn Pandey, B-l|8, 22. Brother Ravindra Jain, Missionaries Shatraka Housing Society Near of Charity, 69, Vokola Village, R.T.O., Four Bungalow ^\ndheri, Santa Cruz, Bombay. Bombay. 171 Written Answers July 30, 1991 Written Answers 172 S. No. Name & Address of the Person S. No. Name & Address of the Person to whom issued to whom issued 37. Shri & S. Raraachandran, ICS 53. Swami Vijayananda, In-charge & (Retd.), Sankar Academy of Sans- Secretary, Bharat Sevashram Sangh, krit Culture & Classical Arts, Srinivaspuri, New Delhi. Dl|213, Satya Marg, New Delhi. 54. Shri Ram Ashrey Pandey, Ghasi 38. Shri Harish Chander, Journalist, Town, Mau Distt. U.P. 4$, Shardhanand Marg, Delhi. 55. Shri Nanaji Deshraukh, Founder- President, Deendayal Research Insti- 39. Smt. Abha Gandhi, Kasturbhadam, tute, New Delhi. Rashtriyashalla, Rajkot. 56. Shri Mukesh Chander, Purani Dha- 40. Shri Raj Kumar Rai, Ex-MP., ljlA - ramshala, Muzaffarpur, Bihar. Kali-Bari Marg, New Delhi. 57. Dr. Bengali Singh —IAC 41. Two Office-bearers of Kasturba Gandhi Health Society Sevagram, 58. Professor Ashutosh Sharma, Hony. Wardha—Smt. Kamala Desikan, Shri Genl. Secretary, Asian Womens Nalinbhai Mehta. (With One to Cricket Council, 4IB, Karan Nagar travel at a time). Extn. Jammu. 42. Three Office-bearers of Indian Adult 59. Major A. K. Singh, “Trishna Ex- Education Association. (With One pedition”, F-5|5, Paper Mill Colony, to travel at a time). Lucknow. 43. Capt. Abhas Ali, 4]6, Johnson Com- 60. Shri S. L. Bahuguna. “Chipko In- pound, Jail Road, Aligarh, U.P. ternational Centre” P.O. Silyara via Chansal, Tehri-Garwal, Pin-249155. 44. Shri Vijay Narain, D4-B!57. Mirin Pokhram Varanasi, U.P. 61. Shri Triveni Prasad Singh, Village Turta, P.O. Turta, Distt. Auranga- 45. Shri Garish Chugh, A;i58, Preet bad, Bihar. Vihar, Delhi. 62. Shri Mama Baleshwar Dayal, Presi- 46. Shri Sbamin Jaipun, Kashana-e- dent of Bamania. Indore State via Mah mood. Bani-Sarai, Meerut City, Ratlam, M.P. U.P. 63. Shri Kapil Deo Singh, U.P.O. Bar- 47. Shri Ashok Bharati. Durga Prasad hiya, Distt. Monger, Bihar. Choudhury Path Kalibari Road, Muzaffarpur. 64. Smt. Sashi Sharma, B7|2, RBI Colony, Lucknow. 48. Shri Rehit Bal Vohra, 17A|62, W E.A. Karol Bagh, New Delhi. 65. Shri Sanwar Lai Sharma, 4-357, Raghunath Bagh. Kunda Swami 49. Shri Devanand Amat, 18, Mahadeo Lane, Sultaz Bazar, Hyderabad. Road. New Delhi. —IAC 50. Shri Madhukar Rao Chaudhury, 66. Smt. Indumati Keshkar, 415(1, Shan- Resident, Rashtriya Bhasha Prachar tiwar Peth, Pune. Samiti, Hindi Nagar, Wardha. 67. .Shri Amrit Niogi, Sooth Malaka. 51. Shri Dwarka Das Ved, Secretary, Allahabad. Rashtra Bhasha Prachar Samiti, Hindi Nagar, Wardha. 68. Shri Parmanand Mishra, 8)1, LIC. Govmdpitri Colony, Allahabad. 52. Shri H. S. Bancra, CIjMS., Baba Kharak Singh Mare. New Delhi. 69. Km. Ahfttekr Amtitaf, Ex. M l A. —IAC U.P., Kedar Kutir, Bafti. 173 Written Answers Sravana 8, 1913 (Saka) Written Answers 174 S. No. Name & Address of the Person S. No. Name & Address of the Person to whom issued to whom issued 70. Km. Saraswati Ammal, Former 87. Shri Jagdish, Social Worker, Hyde- State Minister, Uttar Pradesh. rabad. 71. Shri Shripad Kelkar, 415|1, Shanti- 88. Shri Narain Singh, Social Worker, warpath, Pune. Allahabad. 72. Shri B. M. Pathak, 62|84, Officers’ 89. Shri N. S. Manaklao, Hony. Secre- Flat, New Purani Chowk, Patna. tary, Opium De-addiction Treat- ment, Training & Research Trust, 73. Shri R. K. Jain, 22-A, House No. P.O. Manaklao, Jodhpur. 48, NOIDA (UP). 90. Shri Sudhakar Gupta, Selampur, 74. Shri Shivmurath Jaiswal, Kator Dewaria (U.P.), Chaurrai, Allahabad. 91. Smt. Prabhawati, 310, Vithalbhai 75. Shri Chandramani TYipathi, Khanna Patel Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Chaurah, Ghoghar, Rewa, M.P. Delhi. 76. Swami Tapananda, Ramakrisbna 92. Shri Chander Shekhar Mishra, 310, Mission , T. B. Sanatorium, P. O. Vithalbhai Patel Bhawan, Rafi Marg, R. K. Sanatorium, Ranchi, Bihar. New Delhi. 77. Shri Prakash Shukla, Tula Rani 93. Shri O. N. Durai Babu, Dr. R.M. Bagh, Janak Bhawan. J. L. Nehru Memorial Garden, Changleput, Road, Allahabad. Tamil Nadu. 78. Shri R. K. NayaL R;o J-92, NDSE- 94. Dr. Sushila Nayar, President, I, New Delhi. Kasturba Health Society, Sevagram. 79. Shri Bharat Bhushan Sheel, Haran- 95. Shri R. S. Negi, Qr. No. 875, R.K. galar, New Bareilly, U P. Puram, New Delhi. 96. Shri Shrangdhar Rai, Bu.xer, Bhauj- 80. Shri C. V. Ramaniah, G.M.j Indian pur, Bihar. Railway Welfare Organisation, Secundrabad. 97. Shri A. Prakash, 9-722, Lodi Colony, New Delhi. 81. Shri S. K. Ojha, Senior Engineer, Indian Railway Welfare Organisa- 98. Shri Malik Mohd. Kamal Yousif, tion, Gorakhpur.
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