CHANNEL DISTRIBUTION UHD 4K DTH VOD OTT IPTV 24/7 GOOGLE+: FACEBOOK: TELEVISION 4+ MILLION 4.2+ NETWORK likes MILLION likes TV: FASHIONTV+: 7 MILLION BIGGEST public places fashion library in the world TV: NEW MEDIA 482 MILLION BIGGEST 344 MILLION fashion lifestyle Unique users households program 12/18/2020 ©&® fashiontv 2017 2 12/18/2020 ©&® fashiontv 2017 3 MIDNITE SECRETS HAIR & MAKE UP 12 THEMATIC 24/7 OTT FTV PARIS PHOTOSHOOTS MODEL’S FITNESS CHANNELS FTV L’ORIGINAL FASHION MEN FASHION WEEKS FTV GLOBAL FASHION FILMS TOP MODELS BRIDAL FASHION 12/18/2020 ©&® fashiontv 2017 4 FASHIONTV SATELLITE FOOTPRINT UHD | HD | SD | HEVC Eutelsat HotbBird13 12539 MHz Eutelsat Apstar7 3740 MHz 12/18/2020 ©&® fashiontv 2017 5 Position Satellite Beam EIRP (dBW) Frequency System SR FEC Encryption Packages Source 76.5°E Apstar 7 C (37-38.5) 3740 V DVB-S2 / 8PSK 30000 (3/4) N Schlammer (170322) MPEG-4 / HD 45.0°E Intelsat 12 Europe (0) 11550 V DVB-S2 / 8PSK 30000 (3/4) Videoguard Vivacom TV T Viererbe (160605) MPEG-4 EUROPE 42.0°E Türksat 3A West (52) 11012 V DVB-S2 / 8PSK 30000 (5/6) Videoguard D-Smart Serdar 22 / Ü Evyapan / MPEG-4 / HD S Günes (160401) 39.0°E Hellas Sat 2 F2 (0) 11053 V DVB-S2 / 8PSK 30000 (3/4) Videoguard Telecom TV N Schlammer / (140117) MPEG-4 / HD 39.0°E Hellas Sat 2 F1 (52-55) 12606 V DVB-S2 / 30000 (7/8) Bulcrypt / Videoguard Telecom TV / Bulsatcom / N Schlammer (130717) MPEG-4 Polaris Media 35.9°E Eutelsat 36B South Africa (0) 11387 V DVB-S2 / QPSK 30000 (5/6) Nagravision Zap Tony G (140509) MPEG-4 / HD 31.5°E Astra 5B High Power (53) 11973 V DVB-S2 / 8PSK 27500 (5/6) Bulcrypt / Panaccess Magtisat N Stanislav (111221) MPEG-4 16.0°E Eutelsat 16A Europe B (50) 11595 V DVB-S2 / 8PSK 30000 (5/6) Conax Mtel / Antik Sat / Vip Sat N Schlammer (160429) MPEG-4 / HD TV 13.0°E Eutelsat HotBird 13B Wide (52) 12092 V DVB-S2 / 8PSK 29900 (3/4) T Viererbe / MPEG-4 N Schlammer (150906) 9.0°E Eutelsat 9B Wide (51) 12054 V DVB-S2 / 8PSK 27500 (2/3) Videoguard Cosmote TV D Shimoni (160308) MPEG-4 7.0°E Eutelsat 7A Europe B (51) 10845 V DVB-S2 / 30000 (3/4) Irdeto 2 Digiturk N Schlammer (121002) MPEG-4 0.8°W Thor 6 K2 (52) 12034 V DVB-S2 / 8PSK 30000 (3/4) Conax / Cryptoworks / UPC Direct / Focus Sat M Vyletal (140310) MPEG-4 Irdeto 2 / Nagravision 4.0°W Amos 7 Middle East 11342 V DVB-S2 / 27500 (5/6) Videoguard Yes D Shimoni (170304) MPEG-4 7.0°W Nilesat 201 Middle East (0) 12207 V DVB-S2 / 8PSK 30000 (2/3) Betacrypt OSN DX Bozóth (150801) MPEG-4 Irdeto 2 30.0°W Hispasat 30W-5 Europe 12207 V DVB-S2 / 8PSK 27500 (3/4) Nagravision 3 Meo Lexzie (161130) MPEG-4 30.0°W Hispasat 30W-5 Europe DVB-S2 / 8PSK 27500 (3/4) Mediaguard 2 Meo Lexzie (161130) MPEG-4 /Nagravision 3 12/18/2020 ©&® fashiontv 2017 6 Position Satellite Beam EIRP Frequency System SR FEC Encryption Packages Source (dBW) 166.0°E Intelsat 19 Australia & 12557 H DVB-S2 / 8PSK 15000 (3/4) C Sutton / A May New Zealand (0) MPEG-4 (161214) 132.0°E Vinasat 1 Ku 10968 H DVB-S2 / 8PSK 28800 (3/4) Irdeto 2 VTC Digital R Blume (150704) ASIA MPEG-4 / HD 132.0°E Vinasat 1 Ku 11135 H DVB-S2 / 8PSK 9600 (3/4) Irdeto 2 VTC Digital R Blume (150704) MPEG-4 132.0°E Vinasat 1 Ku 11629 H DVB-S / MPEG-2 28800 (3/4) Nagravision K+ R Blume (150530) 122.2°E AsiaSat 4 BSS 11881 R DVB-S2 / MPEG- 275000 (2/3) Nagravision 3 Dish HD Anonymus (151223) 4 120.0°E AsiaSat 6 / Thaicom Regional 4080V DVB-S2 / 8PSK 30000 (5/6) Nagravision 2 NXT Digital Shakeeb (160102) Turbo HEVC / 7 HD 108.2°E SES 7 Indonesia (0) 2535 H DVB-S2 / 8PSK 22500 (3/4) Videoguard Indovision Proluvies Lacus (160304) MPEG-4 108.2°E SES 7 NE Asia (0) 11627 H DVB-S2 / 8PSK 20000 (3/4) Conax / Videoguard Cignal Depolis (161102) MPEG-4 / HD 105.5°E AsiaSat 7 C (0) 3745 V DVB-S / MPEG-2 2626 (3/4) N Stanislav (110710) 105.5°E AsiaSat 5 C 3794 H DVB-S2 / 8PSK 4640 (3/5) T Kameda Albert ! (140624) MPEG-4 / HD 98.0°E ChinaSat 11 Indonesia 12500 V DVB-S2 / 8PSK 43200 (3/5) Albert I (161218) MPEG-4 95.0°E NSS 6 SE Asia (0) 11676 V DVB-S2 / 8PSK 28800 (3/4) Conax AVG E Diesto (120629) MPEG-4 95.0°E NSS 6 SE Asia (0) 11676 V DVB-S2 / 8PSK 28800 (3/4) Conax AVG E Diesto (120629) MPEG-4 / HD 91.5°E Measat 3b Indonesia (0) 12603 H DVB-S2 / 8PSK 30000 (5/6) Irdeto 2 Transvision Anonymus (150908) MPEG-4 / HD 78.5°E Thaicom 5 Thailand (0) 12479 H DVB-S2 / 8PSK 30000 (3/5) Videoguard Transvision R Blume (150605) MPEG-4 / HD 76.5°E Apstar 7 C (37-38.5) 3740 V DVB-S2 / 8PSK 30000 (3/4) C Sutton (170216) MPEG-4 / HD 64.2°E Intelsat 906 Spot 2 (0) 10990 V DVB-S2 / 8PSK 53000 (3/4) Latens Dish Home MJ786 (110417) 12/18/2020 ©&® fashiontvMPEG 2017-4 7 45.0°E Intelsat 12 India (0) 11550 V DVB-S2 / 8PSK 28800 (3/4) Irdeto 2 Dialog TV I Perera (120621) MPEG-4 Position Satellite Beam EIRP Frequenc System SR FEC Encryption Packages Source (dBW) y 140.0°E Express AM5 Fixed 1 (0) 11387 V DVB-S2 / 30000 Conax / Irdeto 2 Telekarta V Kopertehov (160304) MPEG-4 / HD 84.8°E Horizons 2 Russia (33.6-38.6) 11920 H DVB-S2 / 8PSK 28800 (2/3) Conax / Irdeto 3 / Telekarta V Kopertehov (160110) RUSSIA MPEG-4 / HD Quintic 75.0°E ABS 2 Russia (0) 11473 V DVB-S2 / 22500 (3/4) N Schlammer (160704) MPEG-4 / HD 58.5°E KazSat 3 10720 H DVB-S2 / 30000 (3/4) Irdeto 2 / Videoguard Otau TV V Kopertehov (170117) MPEG-4 / HD 36.1°E Express AMU1 Fixed 1 (0) 12437 R DVB-S2 / 27500 (3/4) Viaccess 4.0 NTV Plus Malahini (150529) MPEG-4 / HD Viaccess 5.0 Viaccess 6.0 ©&® fashiontv 2017 8 HISTORICAL HERITAGE MAGNIFICENT FUTURE OF THE HOME OF FASHION FashionTV is an international fashion and lifestyle broadcasting television channel. Founded in France in 1997 has become one of the most widely distributed satellite channels in the world: 31 satellite and 2,000 cable systems, with a total of 480 million households in 195 countries across the five continents. Today, FashionTV is a multi-media platform offering a review of global fashion and is independently owned and operated from the headquarters in Paris, London, and Vienna. Since its inception in 1997, FashionTV has been setting the highest standards for excellence in fashion and lifestyle broadcasting. The only TV equivalent to fashion print media appealing to everyone interested in fashion, style, beauty and trends, FashionTV understands and caters to its audience by providing original, unbiased and informative programming not available on other networks. A strong image and exceptional awareness of FashionTV brand projects a unique, cosmopolitan and a modern style allowing for influential partnerships with many global brands. 12/18/2020 ©&® fashiontv 2017 9 EXCLUSIVE CONTENT 4K FashionTV is the leader in the market, producing the main Fashion weeks HAIR & in 4K content. MAKE UP F MEN Our Cast and Crew are using the highest quality and technology of filming equipment. We currently produce up to ten hours of fresh TOP content each month. MODELS Operating an existing library of 4K Content. 4K content is available from London, Milan, New York, Paris Fashion weeks and many other premium events MIDNITE FASHION from all over the world. SECRETS WEEK 12/18/2020 ©&® fashiontv 2017 10 TOP LUXURY BRANDS 12/18/2020 ©&® fashiontv 2017 11 FashionTV is a Fashion and A global 24/7 television network focused CUSTOMER lifestyle program broadcasting the exclusively on fashion, beauty, trends, latest news and information. celebrities and style. PROFILE Language(s): English Broadcast hours p. day: 24/7 Income Demographics FashionTV audience Sex / Age Demographics Age Female % Male % 13-17 2.2 1.3 18-24 9.3 20 25-34 5.5 29 35-44 1.8 14 45-54 1 8.8 55-64 N/A 4,7 65+ N/A 2.2 Well-off, technophile, globetrotters, trendy and ad-aware Early adopters, opinion leaders, models, fashion stars and fashion professionals In comparison to other TV channels, FTV viewers are: More affluent, older and of higher-education than music channel viewers Education: degree or equivalent©&® fashiontv 62% , below 201 degree 38%. Younger than news channel viewers but fall into a similarly high income bracket Younger than viewer of sports channels but with a higher disposable income 12/18/2020 ©&® fashiontv 2017 12 TV SMART TV DISTRIBUTION APPLICATIONS NEW MEDIA DATING OTT CHANNELS FASHION FILMS The Business now is divided in 8 interrelated segments and one main which is the MERCHANDISE BEVERAGES Distribution of the Channel: HOSPITALITY PARTIES 12/18/2020 ©&® fashiontv 2017 13 FASHIONTV TV Ratings increase due to change of programming MORE: FashionTV NOW • Photoshoots • Fashion Films • Swimwear • Lingerie • Only top brands catwalk 50% to 100% increased ratings comparing to the last year FashionTV 1 year ago 12/18/2020 ©&® fashiontv 2017 14 FashionTV FASHIONTV Popularity 22:00-03:00 The highest among international channels E! Euronews CNN International BBC World News LuxeTV HD VH1 CNBC Europe VH1 Classic Bloomberg Pan-European 12/18/2020 ©&® fashiontv 2017 15 CONTACT For more information and other opportunities please contact: [email protected] 12/18/2020 ©&® fashiontv 2017 16.
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