Volume 8 Issue 3 [PDF]

Volume 8 Issue 3 [PDF]

. -a H ' ' 1 . - 'r . r '-f '' ' ' '. .!'1 k5 -''ïïjï'- . , -idp'- -' kipr' ,42,-42.'- (jIr . 1'ig,-- .-à,t'; , -.. j,b' -', ikïk-. l:' z,./ , . z. z/ j-g. () ?, ) y-i j, zy ( ; a -- ,. .ZJ'X .A. .j,z' .-t (il x, F,j#' --tj!r,. .gjr'-'-ilr. -'àq'k, ' ., '' ;,''- '-k'J,p'jàtL .-,'(;'.'. .-.,- b,i-- -. .. tf ;j/,-- - .(.jty jt. r-r). ->;''.: u t--i .. f t..z t. , (y, (, yr j, qt yc) ). ) w.., ' See Special Supplem ent, Pages 5-8 D avid K napp Eleeted A s U rliversity Provost ' I'.)a v itl ( J. K l k alàp, (1 f-sa 1 . ( lf t llt? Ntyqb' h'( ) rk State ( -( ,1 lege ( ) f l I I l l'la l 1 1--c( ) 1( ) gq' at (. J( ) r I It? I l 5 'O L U 5.l E 8 - N L' 5 I B 1?- 1'1 3 F E 1$ 11 U.î 11 Y -- l 974 U' l l i &'t> rsitl' A.N il1 lltst-tlnatx I)r()N.f )st ()f ( -()rl lell ef feetive .& tlg. l . ' -l-l1e elt-etitll ' tlf F:. I 1Lt'l.')I) !y as l'et?t ,1..11 I')'lt>. I lf-lel.l I )'!.' Prtas itlt-l l t . A dopted I'lale 11 . (. -( lrst ) l 1 a l ,(.1 a I)I)r()'$t'-t.l ' ' l)h' tlle t. l l i'kvfal'sith' l'.(5tlarcl ()f ït i ts l a l l ua r3' l'llt.'àf? t i l l g i l . t l1t? stlsef ) l l (.I h'ea r i l 1 l.t rl ).'$. I t -l- r t l s tetxs a t i t s a l 1 l 1 l l a l Neqy 'Ytlrk' (:it3', tlle ( !()rl Iel l alst) l lea rtI tltat t 1,t.- 1) l ltI gf--t f'l lr tr l l iversitq. BtlaI-tl ()f 'l-rtlstees tlle ctlfrellt ( I 973-74 ) y'ear. atltlpted a Ilalal 'etztl lltldget ftlr U lliell hatl Ilee l y tl rayï lt tf ) l )(? Head OjSUNY Visits David C. Knapp AT EI7 U CA-l-II.)N tk I.- T%' (.-, EN -1-F R State UT ttiversit3' (df Neu Yllrk (>-Iaa l lcelltlr l*-rtdest Iu. Btlh'er visiti l lg (a-tlrl lell i l 1 Deeel'lller l'tlr a slltacial ctlllvtlcatitlll ill I1t)tt()r ()f SL' Nh'-s 23th al lkliversarl'. %I1()u 11 i 11 NI artlla îrall Ileltsselaer l Iall are ( frlll'n left ) f-tlrl lell Presillellt l7ale ll. (-()rs()l1 ', . lnavid Ns?tltkirls, art directflr ftlr tlle c'ellter- Btlq't.r, alld ltis u.iftv. Kaq'. - M orrik B ishop : P oet,Schola r,T ea cher- ' Nlenltlrial services u t-re ctllldtlcttxl ill Prese l 1 t a t t llt: se rv ice u e re Pres i tlf? l , t 1'1'1,.. h'faars ;.tt ( -tlrl lt>ll tl) (.?.()kt l lt N I f lrris Sage f a,l'1 apel Fritlay', N ()v , 23, l 973- ftlr Dale R. (J()rs()I I alld Ilis u ife. L' I)t)l l llis 11(,1) al'l1()I tg 1.1'..!. eltlse f rits, ltls. Pttl't ()f N lf lrris (; . Bis lltlp, t I1e kallptt .ïlpl'la learllillg t.arlicr i 1, the u'eek t)f BislltlI()- s 1.1'13. i l lsigllt i lkt() t 11t.t t.r l 1 ivel-si tq'- s ltistdlr'' h. Pnlfesstlr ()f lltlnlt'tllce I-iterature, tleatll, Presitlellt (.-a()rs()lt said : -- -I-l1e ellll'tcs f rt .,111 l istt? l 1 i l l g t() 11 i 111 rt:zttl 1.1 l ltl txlneritus, (-a()rltell' s illterllatitll 'ally tleath ()f Nltlrris Bislltlp saddells tl'e t,-lll'kln'lt'.?llt t'pl l tlle Illttl l tlse-ri l'lts ftlr - - -ï rel ltlu'lletl nlall ()f Ietters : ptlet, sclltllar, elktire Ctlrlkell ctllnlntl llity. l l is tlcatll I I i s t() r'h' ( ')f ( -( ) r 1 lf.? l I - - s's 11 i Ie I 1tx NN as st i l I teacller, satirist. lyitlgrapller atktl a ll'la'l -lllarks the passi llg ()f (llle ()f* the lt'laJ'llr NN ( 'k r k i t 'tg f) : 1 t i1e ! ':l . ()f l)r()ft)tI lttl seritltlslless alll.l great J'fly. figtlres il 1 all ()f Ctll'llell llistllry. l I is - - llrt.w y&ill al l 1,1 iss N l t lrris ztl d()I ( )ll r Ixlsitive illlpact 4)lk tlle t'lliversity alltl Bislltlp tlied 'Ttlesdaq', N()v. 20. at llearts al 'ltl tlllltlgldts g() '$'ï 'àtî'l Ilis y'$ife. Ttllllpkilts (-v()tll lty l Itlspital after a Ilrief ()l 1 gel leratilltps ()f ( ltlrllellialls as a .ïIis()ll 'N Iastllk lt.i Ilgslltlrq'. N l rs. I'sislltllà illlless. lle u'as 80. teacher, as a u'ide-ral lgillg sclltllar. alld t? llterfat.l 1-' : t'ivfa rs it3' life as v igtlrllttsll' as as a perstlll l)el()&'e(.I 1)y all u.itll u llflln J ()I1là .ï. Ta!-ltlr, nlilpister ()f tlle First tl i(.l llt-wr 11 llsllktl t(.I . 'l-tlgt.t llt?r t I tt.x'!' qy't.% r(? as L' tlitarialp fa-hurch f)f lthaca, (Mllktlttcttxl lle carne ill ctllltact l'as l,elptxl l'ntllt.l tlle sà' 111 l)()Iic ()f t I'lt! s I)i rit ()i* ( :() rl 1t*1 I as it is the Ilrief l,()()ll-ll()tlr service. I 11 ketwpilpg (-()r!leIl alxltlt u llicll h? u'rtlttà s() lAtlssillle tf) l)e.- - u'ith the -u'ishes ()f Bislltlp, tllere uvas lht) eI()(ltlelltIh.. -- Nltlrris Nvas ylkle t)f tlle l11()st seritlus ïls() Ilrcsettt ttt t ite se fNriee N! ts re . eultlgy. Taylllr read frtlrn tlle Btltlk ()f l'Iislltlla- s i 111 l'nfatl iatf? s tl l-vi vt ) rs 11 is ()-,t)l'nrn()ll Prayer alltl thel l read the sclltllars at (-tlrl lell, lltlt l1e l lever tt)(lk Ililllself seritltpsly. 'Tht:re u.as the twver- u i fe- al 1 art is.t h.î I1t) ill l lst rtttcd llta l k 3. ()f -- Callticlfa t)f Creatures,- - 1)3. 5t. Frallcis I1e 1- 11 u s l la l lt1 - s I )()f ) ks of Assisi, svho is tlle subject ()f Bishop's llrcsellt tu i llkle i 1. tle cye. -I-IIe tn'i l'kle s zt , ltI t llt. i r u as ctltlpled w itll a ytlutllftll tlallgllter .ï Iistll 1. N I rs. Ilic-llartl J()II3' t)f latest bitlgraplly. Tlle ll(lllk u'ill l)e I af-aNy.fas. 12-1 lgla l lt1 . I It. is ttlst) stl rs' i vctl l ly pulllishetl u'ithil, a feu' mtlllths. etltlldlsiaslll u'llicll alltlu'ed Ilirn. tts l1e apllrtlachetl his 80tll T'ear, tt) set ftlrtl'l f()tl 1- gralltlcl) i l(I 1-(.1 , . N I rs. J ()l I T' is a I 938 4-he cfllpcltldillg lilles ()f St. Fraklcis ilptt) aIl e, ltirely lleu' field ()f schtllarly M orris G. Bishop gratltlate f)f tllt- () !()llcgt- ()f -& rts allt.l ltylu 11 are ; epltleavor. Scit. l lces. - - Praised I:e 1113. Lfhrd fllr (lur sister, ' -- llis stxllse ()f htllntlr lltl l-st ftlrtll tllk relllenlllered that l,e alst) l'nade (!()rllell llisllllp u'as tltAtlllly llrlltttl ()f llis 1()l!g the deatll of the I)()dy, f rtll'n B'htlln 11() the pages u'hit-ll he u'nlte, illtt) Ilis Ilisttlry. l'i-eu' tllay relnclnller llly asstpciatitll l Nh.' it 11 (!f lrltell . Iltlr: l i 14 lnal' escalleth. Blessetl are tlley u'Iat) are ctlllversatitllk alld ikltf) Ilis actilllps. I i Ils'estitu rt.x as t.' l l iversity prtxsitle lkt. Jltpt NNrillartl, N .1.'. , î'lf? carlliltl I'is llaclltwltlr- s foutld Nvalkillg 1)3, thy mtlst hllly u'ill, partictllarly recall his llilaritltls serics u ht' u'ill fflrget tllat Nltlrris tlsetl tlle tlegrce i lï l 9 l 3 tak i l lg ()l 113, t 11 rt?e à'txars, for the sectllltl deatll sllall have 114) called t- I-i tnericks Iu()Ilg .kfter l aear-- tr l Iiversith' Inaee tllat tlay t(, tllNvart a . ttltt.l rtletlivvtl. llis ll'taster-s tltpgrct. ltd u'hich tlsetl t() appeal. i lt t I1e pagtxs ()f stutlelkt Ilrtlttlstt.r. erht. jal) u as givt%l l ik, t i:t lxlu'er to tl<) then) harln. Praise ye. a. l 9 I 4, tllt,w T'ear f lf 11 is (:( ) rl lell t-lass llless ye tlle Iulrtl, ayltl give tllatlks tllltt) tlle Neu' Ytlrker. tyllical Bislltlp style, urith slltylktal leity. tlesiglkatif 31 t. l le Nvas asy a rtletl 11 is hiln. alhd serve llim $. ith great - - I Ie u'ill l pe rclnel', lxartxl as grace al ltl cf fecti velless. llulnility. - - . L' tliversitq' llisttlriall, Iltlt it slltlultl 1:. - 7 I t has lleel t (llle t)f tlle pri vilegtas -f lf (Continued on Page l0) 2 Cornell Reporfs February, 1974 N C A A Plaees C orllello l l0 1 le Year's Probàtioll ' ' ' ' ( -( ) r : l t- I ( ly :ts I ) I ïttl-t-'t l f) l l ( ) 1 l t. - ' la pI)1 i efl t t ) ( Jt ) rl )t.- I l .

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