BULLETIN OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA VOL. 22, PP. 1-84, PLS. 1-6 M/SRCH 31, 1911 PROCEEDINGS OP THE TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL MEETING OP THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OP AMERICA, HELD AT PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA, DECEMBER 21, 28, AND 29, 1910. Edmund Otis Hovey, Secretary CONTENTS Page Session of Tuesday, December 27............................................................................. 2 Election of Auditing Committee....................................................................... 2 Election of officers................................................................................................ 2 Election of Fellows................................................................................................ 3 Election of Correspondents................................................................................. 3 Memoir of J. C. Ii. Laflamme (with bibliography) ; by John M. Clarke. 4 Memoir of William Harmon Niles; by George H. Barton....................... 8 Memoir of David Pearce Penhallow (with bibliography) ; by Alfred E. Barlow..................................................................................................................... 15 Memoir of William George Tight (with bibliography) ; by J. A. Bownocker.............................................................................................................. 19 Memoir of Robert Parr Whitfield (with bibliography by L. Hussa- kof) ; by John M. Clarke............................................................................... 22 Memoir of Thomas C. Weston (with bibliography) ; by Robert Bell. .. 32 Memoir of William Phipps Blake (with bibliography) ; by Rossiter W. Raymond ............................................................................................................. 30 Memoir of Franklin R. Carpenter (with bibliography) ; by H. O. Hofman ................................................................................................................ 48 Report of the Photograph Committee............................................................ 52 Report of Geological Nomenclature Committee......................................... 52 Amendment to the By-Laws............................................................................... 52 Resolution concerning freight rates................................................................ 53 Titles of papers and names of disputants.................................................... 54 Address of the retiring President..................................................................... 55 Session of Wednesday, December 28....................................................................... 56 Report of the Council........................................................................................... 50 Secretary’s report.................................................................................................... 56 Treasurer’s report................................................................................................... 58 Editor’s report.......................................................................................................... 00 Report of the Auditing Committee................................................................... 62 Resolution concerning Canadian Forestry School....................................... 02 Report of delegates to the International Geologic Congress.................... 02 Titles of papers and names of disputants...................................................... 02 Annual dinner.......................................................................................................... 04 I—Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 22, 1910 (1) Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/22/1/1/3412663/BUL22-0001.pdf by guest on 03 October 2021 2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE PITTSBURGH MEETING Page Session of Thursday, December 2 9 ........................................................................... 65 Program of the glacial and physiographic section...................................... 65 Program of the petrologic, mineralogie, and economic section ............. 67 Register of the Pittsburgh Meeting, 1910............................................................... 69 Officers, Correspondents, and Fellows of the Geological Society of America. 71 Session of Tuesday, December 27 The first session of the Society was called to order at 10.30 o’clock a. m., Tuesday, December 27, in the lecture-room of the Carnegie Mu­ seum, Pittsburgh, Pa., by President Hague. A cordial address of wel­ come was given by Mr. W. N. Frew, President of the Board of Trustees of the Carnegie Institute, in which were outlined some of the numerous activities of the Natural History Museum, the Library, the Art Museum, and the Department of Music and the Technical Schools, and a fitting response was made by President Hague. The Secretary then presented the printed report of the Council, which by vote was laid upon the table till Wednesday morning. ELECTION OF AUDITING COMMITTEE The Auditing Committee was then elected, consisting of James F. Kemp, I. C. White, and S. F. Emmons, and the Treasurer’s report was referred to it. ELECTION OF OFFICERS The Secretary declared the vote for officers for 1911, the regular ticket as prepared by the Council being elected, as follows: OFFICERS FOR 1911 President: W. M. D a v is, Cambridge, Mass. First Vice-President: W illiam North Eice, Middletown, Conn. Second Vice-President: W illia m B. S c o t t , Princeton, N. J. Secretary: Edmund Otis Hovey, New York, N. Y. Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/22/1/1/3412663/BUL22-0001.pdf by guest on 03 October 2021 OFFICERS AND FKLLOWS 3 Treasurer: William Bullock Clark, Baltimore, Md. Editor: Joseph Stanley-Brown, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. Librarian: H. P. C u sh in g , Cleveland, Ohio. Councilors: Heinrich Ries, Ithaca, N. Y. A. H. P u rd u e, Fayetteville, Ark. ELECTION OF FELLOWS The Secretary then announced the election in due form of the follow­ ing Fellows: B a b n u m B r o w n , A . B ., American Museum of Natural History, New York, N. Y. C h a r l e s A l b e r t D a v is , A. B., A. M., Pli. D ., 1733 Columbia Road, Washing­ ton, D . C. B a s h f o b d D e a n , A. B ., A. M., Ph. D ., Columbia University, New York, N. Y. W il l ia m J a c o b H o l l a n d , A. B ., A. M., Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, Pa. Louis H u s s a k o f , B. S., Ph. D., American Museum of Natural History, New York, N. Y. O i a f A u g u s t P e t e r s o n , Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, Pa. H e r v e y W o o d b u r n S h i m e r , A. B., A. M., Ph. D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass. G eo r g e R e b e r W ie l a n d , B. S., Ph. D., Yale University, New Haven, Conn. ELECTION OF CORRESPONDENTS The following Correspondents were likewise declared to have been duly elected: Da. G io v a n n i C a p e l l in i , Professor of Geology at the University, Bologna. Db. G e r h a r d D e G e e r , Professor of Geology at the University, Stockholm. Dr. H. R o s e n b u s c h , Professor (retired) of Geology and Mineralogy at the University, Heidelberg. D r . E m i l T ie t z e , Director of the Imperial Royal Geological Survey, Vienna. D r . T h . T schernyschew , Director of the Imperial Geological Survey, St. Petersburg. Db. A. M i c h e l -L ev y , Director of the Geological Survey of France, Paris. Announcement was then made that the Society had lost the following Fellows by death during the year 1910: William Phipps Blake, Franklin R. Carpenter, J. C. K. Laflamme, William H. Niles, David Pearce Pen- Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/22/1/1/3412663/BUL22-0001.pdf by guest on 03 October 2021 4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE PITTSBURGH MEETING hallow, William G. Tight, T. C. Weston, and Robert Parr Whitfield. Memorials of deceased Fellows were then presented as follows: MEMOIR OF J. O. K. LAFLAMME BY JOHN M. CLARKE Joseph Clovis Kemner Laflamme was born at the little village of Saint Anselme, Dorchester County, Province of Quebec, September 19, 1849. His father was David Kemner Laflamme; his mother, Marie Josephte Jamme. After a usual course in the parochial schools he entered the Petit Seminaire of Quebec, and subsequently the arts course in the Laval University, from which he graduated in 1868, taking his master’s degree in 1884. Entering the Grand Seminaire for the theological course, he took his bachelor’s degree in 1871, his licentiate in 1872, and his doctorate in 1873. In 1872 he was ordained priest, and directly thereafter ap­ pointed professor of geology and physics in Laval University. He was successively director and superior of the seminaire, dean of the arts faculty of the university, and twice and for many years rector of the university. He was one of the founders of the Royal Society of Canada, its president in 1891, in the same year being the official delegate of Can­ ada at the International Geological Congress at Washington, and in 1897 was one of the vice-presidents of the Saint Petersburg Congress. He was designated in 1892 Bishop of Chicoutimi, a preferment he declined, and in 1894 he was appointed by the Pope protonotaire apostolique, a dignity which carries with it the title of monseigneur, by which he had become generally known. He was a director in the Canadian Forestry Association, a chevalier of the Legion of Honor, a member of the Geo­ logical Societies of France and of Belgium, as well as of several other dignified organizations. In the year
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