NEWS RELEASE STUDENT NONVIOLENT COORDINATING COMMI'rl'EE 6 R~rmond Stz,er:ts No:iWo FOR IMMEDIATE RELF.A.SE At,-·"l t"' ,i. ( ,,: • ,·1·'·,:.·•\q ..Lt:2. '. ·- "· ,r, ~- ~·"'\" ;,' .~<l •· . .,. ' ' !-..,, ".. ·'- • JULY, 1963 Tel: c: SNCC CHAIR.l\!AN MAKES SPEIJIAL APPF.AL FOR 68 IN PARCW.iAN STATE PENITENTIARY GREENWOOD, MISSISSIPPI, JULY ·· 30 - Jchn Lewis., chairmm of t.he Student Nonviolent. Coordinating Co!llITlittea, a.ppeal.ed Juo::lay to t,.i.'-1e 11·A.r.1ed.oan ci M.zen.ey''' to "'insist"' on the relt, :c:.so of 6C Negro H:i.1,l'd.s~:l.::,pl .ans i mp:t"is oned in Ps.rchma.n Penitentiary only be- town m5,;:<,~11.1. ~ ,s cf:ficc to p•'.:,t.sTt, iJ1e smoh ·,-bombing of their voter registration meet- ing. Th~7 i-.cre char g,:1d w:l. ~~ "breach of the peace,"' and sentenced the next day to six mo::-.tha i::i j d .1 and $500 fine each. Bou.d was set at $500 per woman and $750 r cr" Th c;i ct l. 1:~ r .:-::t•rnst,s ·l?Gk place in GrerJ11"'"'1ood on June 25 and 26 when 22 Negroes, most of t,h-2,-;;1 i'1~11 .... t. :1.me. a n ~. voluntf3er SNCC staff workers, were arrested inside the Leflore Count y G:::n :::-t h.01:J',c 3.f t.er Neg:,... o ~itt zens refused to move from the closed regiatra:'.' r. !;, of.f\ :'. e~ All 1!e:·:-e se;:itenced t-.:> six months in jail on "breach of the peace" ch.~.r gcs 1<i.{J1 bond set at, $500 per person'!> A.11. of i} 10 68 art; :i.:n r archman PP.nitentiary in the maximum security wing where:, have sha11<,::!. cf±' t he pr·:t:;,(m<:~}~s' body hair under the guise ot "'disease prevention." Lew:}_r;; said in A"l:,12:'l ta t,odayt. "We appeal.. ·t;o the A.me:<'.":1.can cii. tiZt~n...ry in every state in this land to insist tha.t. Feder.al au·l;hor;t~..,:Loc 01"der M:/.,:::.;,:, i nsippi officia.la to release these citizens, in..1100e~t of e·;;~}cy \ .iri.r,1.a' ex0ept w::t.1tlng to reaistcr to vote~ The tot;tl bond foi• th.air rel£~as H i::: $Li.'2i000 md our ::-cisources are 1:i.mitede There is. only one way in which t:b.ese people will be released, an:l one way only: "!hen the .American public cares enought to clemtmd it."' -.l(),,., --- - ~ ----- - ---------------- NF. W S RE t Y. A S E s T~J;~~{I r;ci:·:1•.; ~C{ 1 !. '·~_~:;-:)~·}JTI-J/\Tii,TG cot1MITTEE 6 F.a:.~t:":1.~·~::f .. ~:. ~·~ '!:~'C!T, } ! ".1 ,~,}t/ '. ·, FOR TI,JNEDIATE RELEASE At.~."'.. .CJ.~ ::::~..::.. :1. .t ~.¥ G·'.°-) lJI"gi[·\, Tel: Gt\0 °,,z:i::;J_i_ DM:'",1~'~JJR I,FADER AR.RES l"~tl IN DANVILLE; 2 .1.J. SIT:'.~ST:•:O 1~1' FLhNiT:fLLl:; B/frTI ST CiillRGH ·,; I ;,,. ing, t.. - - ,\-,-1 jn th2 ~: to.:cr:1. d.o o::.- of his home, seized 11.ii"11, and l ',:-":"Y> .·) .-, -:'· - -T Y('O> 24 ,'f ,._---,_-:• '· , '-" ·- l n~, ... .. ._. .a:r•·.y,r,.~,._ L \.. ·· - ,·i·..,, e i....l,.l ·'u"ne s r.1,0 day f or t ryi ng to wornhi p in the Farmville c:1'.1 ::cr: rr> YJ.s:c:o t.o r ut on any clot he3 a nd went to court :9"esterday dressed as h e w2_3 1.;, '.,?:J po:l i ::-2 ·::rcJ,~e irrt.o h ._i_s h omQ ., 11 :0anville police continue to show ta):c h i:,1 n::-,\3<.:':: tc :; E:.~_: / 1 :ca5.d ..~von RoLli.!1s 1 executive commi 'Gtee member of the '.l'i~e i'a.cn1r.ilL) ch;;r,-:ch ar:.~:c,s-l:,3 b:::-oc.gh·'.j to a peak the protest activity in workers Ivanhoe Donru.dson c'.!'.'.d RoJ.ar.1 S'c::,-r:-o .. '. w··.:, n'L th:or 8 ;:;c.;2r.;:i:. d :::_;7s agao This is tho fi... r st direct action ean•· V ,.::'.l n:i n:'i..;--;to.c .l.u, Y, G:i~i ffin 3ai.d t hat the July 28 arrests were "a.tto.mpte condr:::- -i:cd fer tll0 r ~::cpose of wor ship f ir.st, and then to show tho world that the Southern white chm0 ch is the mo:Jt segr egated institution in tho world,.. 11 Prince Edward County is the only area in the nation that closed public scho0J.s !'s.t her th3.n integrate them. In vlr:-::i ng renewec. Vi.·rg::.nia protest, Rollins said that 11Those who are violent are beginning to outmunber those of us who are nonviolent, ar.d unless there is some justice in Virginia, there will be blood flowing in the streets•" - 30 - N F, W S R F. L E A S E E F:.::: :y1· .~.c. :·1·~l S \ ·:·-- ···::~: '·. :,1 1:·~ ~ V1! v A. ~:; ..i}: ~ rJ. !_.J, ] .!J: ~: G-0,01~ gia FOR DvailEDIATE RELEASE 'It<1.: 6e-s~c,;~~.1 JULY, 1963 SNCC STAPJi'ER, 22 OTB1s2R S, JAILED ::::: N FAEi'!.Cil ILL I:.1 lC~TEJ-~..L~ -~IN FARMVH,LE, VIFC-nr: Aj Ju1y 30 - ~~ 23 Negroes jailed hene Sunday on the steps of al l·-wh i te F'.:.n-•mville B8.ptist Church are still ' . :, b 8DLrQ . 3 ;.x:,, In-y' 2 n 2 1.'e::it fo11owed attepts by Negroes to enter s ev ~ Ali. >.::, t;.t; one c,f ':;.1c:::10 arpcs t ed WP,re cnt>ri ed bodily from t h 2 cl'L1 ::· c:h .s t c)P,'='· , w:b tTC t hey h a d hol d an i mpromptu service. AmG~g t hos s j a ile d wa s I vanh oe Donaldoon, a field sec- rct~n-y /:•cJrri ·c:.18 Studen t ifonv:Lulc nt Goordinating Comni::;tee • Do co.1(L::: .:,~ 0.:1;.: t h o fl.3·,1err-nd J ome s s .. Williar.i s, pastor of the Lr; \'.i. E·.:. r, t L/c Ch:.1r ch, w0re he ld on $ 1;500 cash or $ 2,500 Sv n::L3. yi s j 9. :i.ling s ma rked the fourth day of anti-seg- r eg& t i o r:, pr ,.) test3 r..e re, spartrnd by Donaldson, who was active in protes ts in Danville, Virginia , and the local Youth Coun- el l of the NAA ~P o Felice Ch i e f Ov ert on said the demonstrators were taken int o cus~ody o~ chargeB of interferi ng with the worship ser- vice at the church. Robert Burger, chairman of the board of deacons, signed the arrest warrant. -30- NEWS RELEASE STllDENT NO!JVICLENT COORDINAnNG COMMITTEE 6 Raymond Street, NoWo FOR TI-MEDIATE RELEASE Atlanta 14" Georgia Tel: 68&,,C) .31 25 STUDENTS .ARRESTED IN PINE BLUFF LIBRARY PINE BLUFF, .ARY.t\.1'1.S .AB, AUGT.ET 2 ·- Twenty-five Negro student,s, members of the Pine Bluff Movement, ir;-;.re arres~·.ed h e.re yesterday in too main branch of the Pine Bluff Public L.i.bra..""'Yo Negroe s C D...'1 obta in library cards only in the "Negro" branch and are allowed on.ly to take out nofr~fiction books from the main brancho William Hansen, a field secret~ for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, said that included in the group was Robert 'Whit.field.., Chairnwn of the Fine Bluff Movement and a member of the SNCC executive committee. The s tudents went to th~ l :Lbr'm'Y and stood and asked for cards at the main coun t.(n.· .. Thr:iy were cusknd to move .. When the building r,losed at 6 Polll• they were still inside , ani wor e arres t. r:i <'l I~() nrin 11tE:,s ].at.er. They r e fused to nccept bondo Hansen reported that the library demonstration followed after students were refused service at a downtown McDonald's restaurant. He said the manager of the restaurant, Robert Knight, pushed Whitfield through a plate glass window and attacked two 14-year-old Negro girls, Terri Noel and Carolyn Hnll. The restaurant :finaJly closed altogether. · Demonstrations at McDonald's began here July 25 when whites threw ammonia and acid at , Negro demonstrators who sat on the floor in the restaurant vestib- ule. Four students were treated for injuries after they were rushed with bricks and bottles in a nearby parking loto Despite the latest incidents of violence, the Pine filuff Movement. 7 a ST\i(\ .. affjliat.e , ha R b een s uccessful in d P. s eg:i:·egat i ng d owntown lunch counter,j~ movie theatr0s, two d:d.. v e-in theatres, nnd the Toea1. f or 11Le :dy "o] _l ? whit.e" park• 30 ... NEWS RELEASE STUDENT NONVIOLENT COORDINATING COMMITTEE 6 Raymond Street, N.W. Atlanta 14, Georgia :FDR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tel: 688-0331 AU} IBT 2, 1963 32 STUDENTS ARRESTED IN FAYET'IE COUNTY SOMERVILLE, 'IE1'INESSEE, AIDU3T 2 - Thirty- two Negro students, all members of the Fayette County Council for Christian Action, were arrested this a~ernoon for 11 parading without a permit" as they protested against segregation of public facilities here~ Walter Tillow1 .:i. field secretary for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Connnittee, reported that the 32 wuld join seven others in jail imprisoned after anti-segregation demonstrations two weeks agoo The students walked into Somerville .carrying signs reading 1'Don 1t Buy From Segr egation, 11 11Freedom Now," and 1'v>Je Shall Overcome ." They were arrested for "violation" of a city or dinnnce passed here July 23 prohibiting singing, kneel- ing, or parading in the streets.
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