MIM 2019 ––– Conference Program 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modeling, Management and Control 28/29/30 August 2019 Berlin, Germany Technical Main National Industrial Co-Sponsors Scientific Sponsor Sponsors German Research Foundation Lead Sponsors Conference time-table PRE 10:00–17:00 Company Tours CONF DAY 18:00 –21:00 Welcome Reception / Conference Registration MULTIMETHOD SIMULATION SOFTWARE SUPPLY CHAIN SOFTWARE 08:00 –17:00 Registration Process modeling library Network design & optimization 09:00–09:45 Opening session Aug 09:45 – 10:30 Plenary session I 28th 10:30–11:00 Coffee break Road traffic library Supply chain simulation Wed 11:00–12:30 Technical SupplyOn Work- Doctoral Workshop DAY Sessions shop Fluid library Supply chain digital twin 1 12:30–13:30 Lunch 13:30–15:00 Plenary sessions II and IIII Material handling library Inventory optimization 15:00–15:30 Coffee break 15:30–17:20 Technical anyLogistix Workshop Sessions Rail library Transportation planning 19:00 –22:00 Boat trip Pedestrian library Risk assessment 08:30–10:20 Technical Meet the Editors Sessions (starts at 9:00 AM) Aug — anylogic.com — anylogistix.com 29th 10:30–11:00 Coffee break Thu 11:00–11:45 Plenary sessions IV and V DAY 12:30–13:30 Lunch 2 13:30–14:15 Plenary sessions VI and VII 15:00–15:30 Coffee break 15:30–17:20 Technical TC 5.2 Meeting THE ENVIRONMENT FOR SIMULATION MODELS USED OPERATIONALLY Sessions (by invitation only) 18:30–22:30 Gala Dinner Execute models online from your Leverage high-perfomance cloud smartphone, tablet or desktop computing when running experiments 08:30–10:20 Technical Track Keynotes I and II View high-quality HTML5 Make use of version control when Sessions (starts at 8:45 AM) animations collaborating on model development Aug 10:30–11:00 Coffee break 30th Fri 11:00–12:30 Technical Track Keynote III; AnyLogic Workshop Let your clients and colleagues run Share your models and create Sessions models without installing any software an online simulations portfolio DAY 12:30–13:30 Lunch Design custom web dashboards 3 13:30–15:00 Technical Track Keynotes IV IJPR EB Meeting to focus on key metrics Sessions and V (by invitation only) 15:00–15:30 Coffee break — cloud.anylogic.com 15:30–17:20 Technical Sessions IJISM EB Meeting (by invitation only) 17:30–18:30 Closing ceremony the.anylogic.company 2 3 Plenary sessions, Track keynotes, and Special Events Plenary speakers and has been developed by Fraunhofer IPK with partners from the automotive and plant engineering industries. The solution links up with the machine controllers to enable their Prof. Dr. Richard F. Hartl Solution approaches and incentive schemes in interconnection, e.g. with the superordinate order manage- (University of Vienna, Austria) collaborative logistics planning ment system. To introduce changes in a production process, all it needs is for the shop floor IT modules to be recombined, Aug 29th, Thu Collaborative planning of production and logistics operations is which leads to a much more efficient way to produce cus- 13:30-14:15 (Audimax) important for modern supply chains, where firms are forced to tomer specific products. overcome inefficiencies in order to stay in business. The spec- trum of collaborative planning goes from simple coordination of plans to centralized decision making. This might require that Digitalization at Festo – Our way in digital Andreas Oroszi actors are willing to reveal parts of their business information transformation (Festo AG, Germany) to coalition partners. Digitalization and emerging concepts like cloud manufacturing make it possible that data can be ex- As an innovative company and technology leader in industrial Aug 28th, Wed changed extremely fast and in secure environments. However, automation, Festo is embracing digitalization and Industry 4.0. 14:15-15:00 (Audimax) firms might still not be willing to reveal critical data like their This is underpinned by having an increasing product portfolio existing customers, cost structure or capacities. Auction-based of automation components that are compatible with the Inter- mechanisms have the advantage that agents are enabled to in- net of Things as well as specially developed digital products directly share preference values, without having to reveal criti- and services. The objective is clear: creating added value for cal data. Based on a computational study, we investigate prob- customers and increase efficiency and productivity. In addi- lems, where such mechanisms are powerful, but we also show tion, Festo is striving to provide customers with digital support their limitations. Dealing with collaborative decision making, we as a part of its customer-oriented „Digital Customer Journey“ have to take game theoretical aspects into account. We identify by offering digital tools for selection, configuration and digital desirable properties of the proposed mechanisms and elabo- support for the entire life cycle of a system. Festo has not only rate on incentive compatibility and side payments. started undertaking numerous activities related to digitaliza- tion and Industry 4.0 for its customers, it is also doing so for its own value creation chain and business processes. As a part Prof. Dr. Lenny Koh What really matters today and in the future – of the digital transformation, Festo pays particular attention to (Scheffield University, UK) From physical to digital to autonomous the human factors as well as Training 4.0. New digital technolo- gy requires a different way of working together, as well as new Aug 28th, Wed In my talk, I will introduce some challenges and opportunities concepts for basic and further education. 13:30-14:15 (Audimax) faced by society and industry, comment on the transformation of our world, and why resource sustainability and machine economy will take central stage in this transition. Planning and scheduling by optimal control: Prof. Dr. Boris Sokolov fundamentals and applications to cyber-physi- (SPIIRAS, Russia) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Kohl Modular Shopfloor-IT – Intelligent Process Man- cal and Industry 4.0 systems (TU Berlin, Germany) agement of Customer-Specific Products The paper is devoted to the new methodology and the tech- Aug 29th, Thu Aug 29th, Thu Customized processes have long become reality in traditional niques of optimal control applications to planning and sched- 14:15-15:00 (Audimax) 11:00-11:45 (Audimax) mass production. It is not uncommon to see production runs uling Industry 4.0 systems, developed with a focus on the of 50.000 system products with an annual repetition rate of achievements of modern control theory. The paper covers 1.4. Many clients not only call for custom product properties, fundamental principles and recent developments in the the- but also additional tests to be conducted and recorded, mak- ory and application of optimal control to job shop, flow shop, ing for production processes that need to be customized for hybrid discrete-continuous systems, customized service-ori- every individual order. In the past, the changes to products ented systems such as Industry 4.0, adaptive supply chains and processes had to be laboriously integrated into every and virtual enterprises, ship building manufactory planning single system involved. The keynote will address a modular and scheduling, and aerospace control. The methodologi- shop floor IT that makes such changes substantially easier 4 5 cal part introduces three fundamental concepts, used in the plan to present some recent research and case-based studies theoretical and applied research: the concept of integrated to illustrate how supply chain transparency can improve our modeling and simulation of complex objects (CO), the con- world: planet, people and profit. cept of proactive control and management, and the concept Dr. Tang is a University Distinguished Professor and the hold- of intellectual control. The paper provides information on the er of the Edward W. Carter Chair in Business Administration developed innovative multiple-modal logical-dynamics com- at the UCLAAnderson School of Management. Known as a plexes, combined methods, algorithms and techniques of world renowned thought leader in global supply chain man- solution for various classes of multi-criteria operational struc- agement, Chris consulted with companies such as Amazon, tural and functional synthesis of CO and their control systems’ HP, Nestlé, Accenture, etc.; taught at Stanford University, UC (CS) problems. The results presented were achieved via the Berkeley, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, implementation of the new applied theory of CO proactive London Business School, etc.; and delivered over 200 keynote structure dynamics monitoring and control. This theory is de- speeches and seminars. He has published 6 books and over signed to accumulate the results of the classical control the- 130 research articles in various leading academic journals, and ory, operations research, artificial intelligence, as well as the written articles for Wall Street Journal, Financial Times (UK), system theory and the system analysis. For instance, within Fortune, etc. Dr. Tang received over 15 teaching, research, the framework of this theory complicated problems of Indus- and service awards, and elected as lifetime fellow by the In- try 4.0 systems planning and scheduling robustness analysis stitute of Operations and Management Sciences (INFORMS), for severe capacity disruptions, as well as analysis of Industry the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), 4.0 system can be performed. Moreover, the paper shows how and the Manufacturing and Service Operations Management new results of the theory of models‘ and multiple-model com- Society (MSOM). Currently, he serves as Editor-in-Chief for a plexes‘ quality control can be implemented to the parametric premier journal Manufacturing & Service Operations Manage- and structure adaptations of the proposed multiple-modal ment (M&SOM). Chris received his B.Sc. (First class honours in logical-dynamics descriptions of Industry 4.0 systems plan- Mathematics) from King’s College, London, M.A (in Statistics), ning and scheduling.
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