^w United Camp'gn Suncfcy, QcL 2! YEAR, N*. 17 SUMMIT, N, J.. tHUHS^AY, OCTOIiR 4. I*4S $3 A YEAR 4 CENTS WPOHHI dOtiMM Four Co-ClMimttn of United Housing Problems By the Thrift Shop Red Cross Host United Campaign Thrift Shop aalea have been Come to the Fore very brisk in the two week* since the opening. "Thia ia very grati- To Instructors' Organization fying, but it has thinned out our At Council Meeting atock of woolens much faater than Conference Common uwincii on Tueaday we anticipated," aaid Mrs. Allan Ready For Work night waa reminded of the acute Maybee, Thrift Shop chairman. Chosen aa boat to nstruetora' One of the most effective of th« I shortage of houaing in thia com- "Overcoats are especially needed," Summit Chapter, new plan* of the Central Commit- munity particularly aa it affect* she continued. "Anyone who can American Redd Cro.ijCro.ist, welcome.* ice of the United Campaign Or- returning service men by William contribute a coat, or any other Red Cros* 'home nur.tinx in.itruc- ganization has been that of elect* j Thompion, an AAF captain warm clothing, will be helping tor.s from six neighboring rhap- ing its officer* at the beginning: of the year, ttvu« enabling them •m.i on inactive atatua. He aaid both the ahop and our customera." ter.s, The'North Atlantic Area of io have more lime to organize five months ht had left "no The Thrift Shop ia run by the the American , Ui'd ("roe* has for unturned to get houaing." Junior Service League to raise tht'ir personnel for the work of y.ione hi ought Mi.sA Edith W, I'nnih. soliciting every Summit family Thompson, who la establishing money for local charities, and to master training .supervLso ! Mr. Tp provide a place where people of and during the October drive for funds. Mr«, I.-mndle Be die; iiistriii lor » business in Summit, advocated moderate income can buy good The new plan lias worked aa action by council to quicken the used clothing and housewarea. iruuiinK j*U|>e»visor, to present the well that'll is possible thia year" conversion of some larger houses new .streamlined ; Horn? Xuoing to concentrate ' the general soli* into smaller dwelling units, He j The shop is located at 466 Spring- lo in.structor.s in this lo- citation into oiie day. Sunday !< cited possible example* aa com- field avenue; its hour* are 9:30- October 21,. when Mhe Committee* from along Euclid and Sum- 11:45 mornings, and 1:30 to 3:45 ing l'ar.t of tlie lir.st i-oiirsc has 1>J;«>I) Hskjt thai everyone stay home mit avenue*. afternoona except Saturday..* and will i-onfimie ()it<)bc*r after church until a solicitor calls. The petitioner aaid he had picked S and 9, The .vpi'ond eotir.ie :.« i Don G. Mitchell, chairman, and Summit to return t» after five W. A. KINCA1D MR& W. a KIMBEB MRS. OEO. R. DECKER HORACE ' W.-MOODY'' bring given October 1, ft, 11, 1J, j VV. H. Jennings, vice-chairman, years in service aid hoped he Summit Man Dies North Side €o-Chairmen South Side Co-Chairmen - IK and JB. All the clavses are h««. Ihave had the help of four co« 'wouldn't have to regret his deci- ing held at tin- Stuff Assistance chairmen, besul&fl that of Max* sion. ' '• . • Home Nursing League Speaker ottlces, !>."> Summit avenue. well Ivester, Jr., chairman Of Ad* The public may now benefit vanec Cift^. The four co-chair» President Rome A. BetUi of coun- Of Auto Injuries Accelerated Course Best Sellers Given Beechwood Hotel cil in addressing himself to Mr. from the lets.son Red Cro.s.i iia.1 ! men are \V, A. Kineaid and Mr*. Thompson's comment* said, In Accelerated courses in Home learned from wartime industry, in ! W. S, Kimber, for the north aide Nursing will be pffered for the part: Suffered in India tiiat the short course s« given in of Summit: and Horace Moody first time this fall by the Summit To College Club Strikers Find f -Everyone is aware of the prob- Thee Unitedd PreaPresas on MMonday y j ; _ - _ a #• • six clai.sf.s of two hours each. Ail jHnd Mrs. Oorge R. Decker, for lem. Summit ia not unique, in thia published the following dispatch ' Chapter, American Red Cross. ; Cftg II* DAALT ValA instructors of the .shortened course the ..south .lid*-, They have organ-* MMM . WilliaWilli m I. McMancMManc, chichairr - j lilt lid DVUH JfllC ized their teams and apportioned respect, the aame problem ie be- froom Colombo, Ceylon: Themselves Fired are required ti> attend thi« con- : "Henry Walter Livingstone, Jr., i man of Red Cross Home Nursing j the recent ap- fere nee in order to learn the ac-' the families to be called upoa in ing experienced all over the na- The reapome to Labor unrest. In New Jersey fu- Committee haa announced thathatt j .••derated methods of instruction; their sections on October 21. tion." of Summit, N. J., an executive of pcal (or bcst se])ers for the Col- tilely spread itself to Summit last and possibly three classes ar*...,ege €Iub Book Sale wa# in the newer vet.ilon of care, of j President Betts alao gavt It aa Caltcx, Ltd., died at the Royal Thursday when six waiters and The full list of workers in th« Naval Hospital today of Injuries being organized. according to the committee. "AI- j kitchen help confronted the mun- the .sick in the homo. There will' general campaign la: his opinion that little could be Tno Red Cross has bccn er suflered in a traffic accident. His P " ; ready there are several copies of i ftKoment of the Hotel Bcechwood be .sis full day* of IOIIIentrnted i NORTH HIDE done or would be done about the study fr>r the instructor*. [ situation in the near future be- car wan in collision with an Army auaded, by Dr. Thomas Parran, i ..Up Fr<mr by Bill Mauldin, which j for u 30 |»*'r cent inermi.se in wiigcn. North Side Co-Chairmen—Mra, truck while he wu driving home Surgeon General, that the teach-;; ^ firstfist oon tnthee nation-widnationwidee readinreadingg ; The threat of the sextet tiv strike Mrs. William 1.- McMane ami W. M. Kimber, W, A. Kincaid. muse of tbe labor and materials ing of Home Nu iT ls of the her. home luiralng commit tec have j situation. from a hotel about midnight. His | » >» j Hals for non-fiction, Also there is I unless their demands wi'i'e met rc- Division A-1 Chairmen: Lloyd wlf« and another toupte in the ; utmost importance during thia re- j recently published "Rickshaw .•spent a- great denl of Mr. Thompson suggested Jiberal- the ! suited in their summary dismi.«.»ml, tane and 1-, Hughes, VV. G. Shepherd. car suffered only slight injuries." conversion period, Mrs. McMane, Bov- .The world, the Fle-sh, and i The dissident workers too it ati- i-tYoit In making x\\e nece.s««iv Team 1 'Captain: N, H. McGifV 1 mug the zoning Uwa to meet the .saidaid. AccordinglyAcrdigl . SummiSmmitt ChapChap- j p |,er Smith," "Pleasant Valley,"" 1 situation. On tfcSa point Mrs. Mr. Livingstone's father lives ftt i vantage of the fact that the hotels l'i«-|>aral ion.n for' holding the «>n- flu: team member*: Mra. Charles at the BcechwooBcehwood Apartments iinn ler has revamped its home, mini- 1 "immortal wife.." "Green Dolphip n i chef was on varation and i\w head j ''••••'««• in .Summit. iiartman, Ralph Wetsten, Frank Archibald Murray of New Eng- N1 Woodland avenue. The son was] '"* courses under guidance ..of in-; gtreet," and many others, the i waiter WHS having a day off. Not- 1 Met. WlUliim P. and Mrs. Connell, Arthur Thonupn, Herbert land avenue reminded council it duxtrialLste. married September 22 In the East. sale opens tomorrow (Friday) | withstanding the shortage of help Kdwaril 'Siuirpe, of [\\K Howell. bad the Ooodrieh report for--guid- The Accelerated Course consists • He was a graduate of Kent School. evening at 7 o'clock. •caused by Ihe dismissal of the strik- ('oi|w will he on the job nnil set ye Team 2 Captain: S. P. Mat» ancing eiilBft in sth whice matteh woulr ofd futurallowe twozon- of six lessons, the topics as fol- Conn. He waa 38 yeara old and Books which have aehleveS pi^« ;• ers the management curried on Iniulu'oll all .six dfty.-i to the in- thewa; team m»»bei»; Mrs. V, B, famiSy dwelling* on certain street*. lows: .sUtu-tor.s (aliiiiK the course, had been associated with Caltcx, ularity wilhin. the last few yoara, land wi\H. nble Tlnir.sday to MTVC Thomas. Jr., Frank V. Car lough, She also inquired when the long 1. When SicliWPivS Occur*. The following iiMtMNtom me Ltd., an oil concern, for five years. such as. "the Valley of Decision," J. M.w<JKEGOR ; the LioiLs' Club luncheon ;uul on .It , Lloyd S. Young. Mra. Donald contemplated new zoning ordi- 2. The Patient Goes to Bed. enrolled in the llr«t confer.nif: "For Whom the Bell Tolls," •who will talk to the League of '• Tuesday llw Kiwanla Club Itinch- H. Lawley. nance would appear for action. X The Clean and Well Groomed 1 Mrs. Catherine Sut|»h;n, Mtwi- "Windswept/ "Dragonseed,'" to will (all< to the League of | eon. Team 3 Captain: W. G. Tat- I'iiahicnt Betta in answer to Bed Patient. who win (ah | Friday morning MunaKt-i- WI1-- mouth Chapter; Mrs, I.tmi.se K.
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