![Larouche SDI Role Shows Power of Ideas](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Click here for Full Issue of Fidelio Volume 2, Number 2, Summer 1993 Schiller Institute Conference laRouche SOl Role Shows Power of Ideas t a conference co-sponsored by A the Schiller Institute and the Na­ tional Caucus of Labor Committees in Reston, Virginia on the tenth anniver­ sary of President Ronald Reagan's March 23, 1983 announcement of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI}-a policy developed by Lyndon LaRouche-8S0 participants resolved to once again change history, as LaRouche had done then, by getting the U.S. government to adopt Lyndon LaRouche's strategic policy toward the fo rmer Soviet Union and by removing the statue in Washington, D.C. com­ memorating Albert Pike, the Freema­ sonic, Luciferian fo under of the Ku Klux Klan. The conference, which was opened by Amelia Boynton Robinson, vice­ Above: Conference participants chairman of the Schiller Institute, first take the message to the Wh ite heard taped messages by Lyndon House: LaRouche must go fr ee! LaRouche and his wife, Helga Zepp­ LaRouche. Right: Schiller Institute fo under Lyndon LaRouche stated that in Helga Zepp -LaRouche. the fa ce of the current world crisis, which threatens to eradicate Western Christian civilization, the only thing Below: Amelia Boynton that can save mankind is a fu ndamen­ Robinson, vice-chairman of the tal change in the underlying assump­ Schiller Institute, opens the tions presently governing society. In conference, flanked by Rev. this context, he identified his fight fo r James Bevel (left) and Mel the SDI as one example of how such KlenetskY, coordinator of the a change is possible. LaRouche-Bevel 1992 "We changed the course of history Presidential campaign. 65 © 1993 Schiller Institute, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. through the use of an idea. " he said, "the Helga Zepp-LaRouche, fo under of meant the beginning of the develop­ idea which became known as the SOL the Schiller Institute, emphasized that ment of the Southern Hemisphere. "A great opportunity was created to change history fo r the better, we This idea was abhorrent to the finan­ by aid of our intervention as a weak must learn from three missed opportu­ cial elite, who are guided by the phys­ fo rce with the right idea at the right nities offered by Lyndon LaRouche iocratic idea that the only source of point in history-even though the pro­ over the last decade. wealth is control over natural re­ posal was defeated. "Three times in one decade we had sources and usury, and who think that "It is possible at crucial points, even a punctum saliens. " she said, "and three the black, brown, and yellow popula­ in the most desperate conditions of times a golden opportunity was tions of the South are a 'population mankind, to introduce an idea which, missed, each time because the axioms bomb.' if accepted, even in a small degree, of thinking of the political elite were "The second punctum saliens. the even if not fu lly successful, can turn based on geopolitics and neo-Malthu­ SOl, could have meant the replace­ the course of history to such effect, that SlaOlsm. ment of the superpower condominium out of a hopeless situation, a hopeful "In 1982, Operation Juarez [pro­ and the establishment of an entente of one is provided." posal fo r debt moratorim] could have sovereign nation-states collaborating Brainin-Ludwig Concerts Dedicatedto Civil Rights Movement n March 22 and 24 the Schiller O Institute sponsored two his­ toric concerts by Norbert Brainin, fo rmerly the chief violinist and fo under of the Amadeus Quartet, and Gunter Ludwig, one of the leading pianists in Germany today. The con­ certs were dedicated to Dr. Martin Luther King, J r. and to the Civil Rights movement, both past and present. I(f) The first concert at the Ebenezer � United Methodist Church in Wash­ z �a: ington, D.C. was attended by over 500 W people. The second concert, which Norbert Brainin (left) and Gunter Ludwig peif01m in Birmingham. drew over 650 people, was performed Alabama. at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama and was ing of Dr. King. The tragic bombing supporter of the imprisoned states­ preceded by a presentation by the of the Sixteenth Street Church fo l­ man Lyndon LaRouche. Rev. James Bevel-who in 1992 ran lowing the March on Washington, The music program fo r both con­ fo r Vice-President on an independent led to the Alabama Right-to-Vote certs included Ludwig van Beetho­ national ticket with Lyndon La­ movement and to passage of the Vo­ ven's Sonata in D-major fo r Violin Rouche-entitled, "Thirty Years ting Rights Act of 1965. and Piano, Op. 12, No. 1; George Later: The New International Civil Norbert Brainin, who expressed Frederick Handel's Sonata in D-ma­ Rights Movement." This latter great joy at being asked to play in jor fo r Violin and Figured Bass, Op. church is renowned worldwide as the memory of Dr. King, is no stranger 1, No. 13; and finally Cesar Franck's spiritual headquarters of the 1963 to the fight fo r freedom. In 1938, Sonata in A-major fo r Violin and Birmingham Movement for Civil he was fo rced to leave his home in Piano. Rights. Austria after the Nazi annexation. In the words of Schiller Institute There, thirty years ago, one of the More recently, in 1989, when the vice-chairman Amelia Boynton Rob­ most inspiring examples of non-vio­ Berlin Wall fe ll, he scheduled a free inson, this concert "planted the seed lent civil disobedience was launched. concert in Berlin in honor of the fo r a marriage between the Civil The "Children's Crusade," fo rmu­ triumph of Love and Reason over Rights movement and Classical cul­ lated by the Rev. Bevel, was the tyranny. ture, which we must bring back to movement's answer to the unjust jail- Brainin has also been a staunch America." 66 with each other based on a community mentary, page 60]: government in 1987-presented a of principle. Rejection of this led to the • Anton Chaitkin revealed how Al­ time line of the SDI fight. collapse of the Soviet Union and the bert Pike conspired with Italian • European Fusion Energy Forum depression of the West. Freemason Giuseppe Mazzini to head Jonathan Tennenbaum "The third punctum sa liens, the Pro­ break the rule of Christian institu­ identified the crucial conceptual ductive Triangle [Eurasian industrial! tions. contributions of Lyndon La­ infastructure expansion] would have • Mark Calney documented how Rouche to the SDI. meant using the collapse of the Ver­ D.W. Griffith's movie Birth of a • Anno Hellenbroich, from Execu­ sailles-Yalta order, which had domi­ Na tion, which created Hollywood, tive Intelligence Review (EIR) in nated the entire twentieth century, to was part of a plot to revive the Europe, reviewed LaRouche's overcome the twin brothers of evil of KKK. Productive Triangle proposal. the twentieth century, communism • Michael Minnicino traced out the • LaRouche's back-channel negoti­ and liberalism, and to put the economy evil philosophy behind today's Po­ ations for the SDI, conducted with into cohesion with Christian morality. litical Correctness [SEE page 42, the Soviet government at the re­ The rejection of this, has led to global this issue]. quest of the Reagan administra­ depression and the danger of World • Jeffrey Steinberg exposed the im­ tion, and the Gorbachev-led at­ War 111. ... pact of drug money on the sports tack against LaRouche once the "Now we have maybe one last final and entertainment industries. Soviets rejected the offer, were de­ chance to correct that, or else we are • and Kathleen Klenetsky detailed tailed by Jeffrey Steinberg and Ra­ going into a catastrophe." the pro-euthanasia onslaught of chel Douglas of EIR. Mrs. LaRouche concluded by call­ today's "post-modernist" social Other panels in the three-day con­ ing fo r the building of "an interna­ agenda. fe rence fe atured presentations tional Civil Rights movement around • on the Motivfurhrung principle in the world which realizes the inalien­ Principle of the Flank Classical musical composition; able rights of all individuals on the The panel on the SDI documented • by Webster Tarpley on the "De_ planet as imago viva Dei-of each hu­ Lyndon LaRouche's role in getting constructionist" attack on lan­ man person in the image of God." President Reagan to adopt the SDI guage [SEE page 48, this issue]; She was fo llowed by Civil Rights policy in 1982-83, and how the Soviet • and by Carol White, editor of 21st leader the Rev. James L. Bevel, rejection of the SDI led to the collapse Century Science and Technology, on LaRouche's 1992 Vice-Presidential of the Soviet empire in 1988-89: the promise of cold fusion and the running mate, who emphasized that • Paul Gallagher of the Fusion En­ fight against the Politically Cor­ only the principle of love (agape) can ergy Foundation-which was il­ rect witchhunt in the sciences triumph over evil. He underscored this legally bankrupted by the Federal today. with the theme "There are no evil peo­ ple, but there is a need fo r good people to let their little light shine." Elaborating the Message The fo ur panels fo llowing the keynote presentations elaborated in detail the threat represented by the axioms of the enemies of humanity-especially centered in the Scottish Rite of Free­ masonry-on the one hand, and the potential fo r defeating those enemies, as reflected in the 1982-84 successful fight around the SDI, and in today's fightto fo ster breakthroughs in Classi­ cal music and the sciences.
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