E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1995 No. 59 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was THE JOURNAL pleased and proud that Father John called to order by the Speaker pro tem- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Williams could be with us today. pore [Mr. LARGENT]. Chair has examined the Journal of the Mr. Speaker, I now yield to my col- f last day's proceedings and announces league, the gentleman from North to the House his approval thereof. Carolina [Mr. JONES] for any remarks DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- he may have to add. TEMPORE nal stands approved. Mr. JONES. I thank the gentleman. Mr. Speaker, it is a privilege and a The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- f fore the House the following commu- pleasure for me to also welcome Father nication from the Speaker: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE John today, a man that I have great re- spect for, a man who loves his people, WASHINGTON, DC, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- March 30, 1995. loves his country, and loves his Lord. tleman from Illinois [Mr. DURBIN] will I hereby designate the Honorable STEVE lead the House in the Pledge of Alle- f LARGENT to act as Speaker pro tempore on this day. giance. NEWT GINGRICH, Mr. DURBIN led the Pledge of Alle- TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH Speaker of the House of Representatives. giance as follows: (Mr. DURBIN asked and was given f I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the permission to address the House for 1 United States of America, and to the Repub- minute and to revise and extend his re- PRAYER lic for which it stands, one nation under God, marks.) indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The Reverend John Williams, Immac- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. Speaker, it is bad ulate Conception Church, Clinton, NC, f enough that the Gingrich Republicans offered the following prayer: are proposing a tax cut for the wealthi- MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Gracious God, grant unto the Mem- est people in America. We expect the bers of the Congress the desires of their A message from the Senate by Mr. Gingrich Republicans to continue to hearts for the precious gift of wisdom, Hallen, one of its clerks, announced slather the fattest cats with tax cuts and as You deliver it, help them to love that the Senate had passed a bill of the and without so much as the slightest it and act upon it in all their delibera- following title, in which the concur- regrets, these same Republicans cut tions. rence of the House is requested: children's programs like school lunches May the Lord our guardian preserve S. 219. An act to ensure economy and effi- to pay for them. you from all evil today and keep you ciency of Federal Government operations by But today the Gingrich Republicans safe and in peace and in health of spirit establishing a moratorium on regulatory take this extremism to a new low. Late and body for the carrying out of your rulemaking actions, and for other purposes. Tuesday night, a handful of lobbyists duties. f met secretly with Republican congres- In I Timothy, Paul urged that prayer, sional leaders and killed a provision supplications, and intercessions be WELCOME TO THE REVEREND that would have closed a tax loophole raised up for sovereigns and for those JOHN WILLIAMS for billionaires who renounce their in positions of responsibility. May (Mr. BLILEY asked and was given American citizenship, that is right, bil- these prayers and those of pastors and permission to address the House for 1 lionaires who made their fortunes in congregations all over the country be minute and to revise and extend his re- America using our country's freedoms acceptable on behalf of the honorable marks.) and opportunities, our economy, our men and women of Congress, the serv- Mr. BLILEY. Mr. Speaker and col- infrastructure, our national defense, ants of a free people. leagues, it is a great pleasure this renounce their citizenship to escape And now unto Him who is able to morning to join in welcoming my cous- taxes, and the Republicans want to keep us from falling and to present us in, the pastor of Immaculate Concep- protect these economic traitors. And faultless into the presence of His glory tion Church in Clinton, NC, who gave our Treasury loses $3.6 billion because with exceeding joy, to the only wise us our invocation today. of this. God, our Father, be glory and majesty, I am also joined by his former parish- These super-rich traitors and their dominion and power, now and forever. ioner, the gentleman from North Caro- well-paid lobbyists are the big winners. Amen. lina [Mr. JONES], and we are both very The Republicans have once again rolled b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H 3979 H 3980 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE March 30, 1995 out the red carpet for them. If this lat- in life earnings than one with only a The truth is Japanese banks did not est Republican outrage does not steam high school diploma. Cutting today's get strong because of the Japanese yen. the dumplings of every American who financial aid will not only lower the Japanese banks got fat with the Amer- ever pledged allegiance to our flag, living standard of our citizens, but will ican dollar, and the truth is those dol- nothing will. reduce future revenues for our govern- lars come out of the incomes of unem- f ment. It is time that Congress end its ployed American workers. obsession with the first 100 days and Where is the trade program? The REPUBLICAN CONTRACT WITH focus on the next 100 years. truth is we have a paper economy, and AMERICA f the paper is ending up in some fat Jap- (Mr. TIAHRT asked and was given anese bank. permission to address the House for 1 OSHA DID NOT INHALE Read the tea leaves, Congress, and minute and to revise and extend his re- (Mr. HEFLEY asked and was given get a trade program before we do not marks.) permission to address the House for 1 have any jobs left. Mr. TIAHRT. Mr. Speaker, we are in minute.) f the process of restoring integrity to Mr. HEFLEY. Mr. Speaker, remem- our system of self-governance, because ber when Bill Clinton was asked if he CUT TAXES we keep our promises. had ever used drugs, he repeatedly told (Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas asked We are different now the way we are us that he had never violated the laws and was given permission to address conducting business here in Washing- of the United States. ton. On the first day of Congress, as the House for 1 minute.) Finally, he admitted he had smoked Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. promised, we required Congress to live marijuana, but ``only'' in Britain and under the same laws as the rest of the Speaker, I am shocked at the arro- he did not ``inhale.'' In other words, country. We cut committee staffs by a gance of some Members, who stand be- Bill Clinton's earlier responses were le- third. We cut the congressional budget. fore this body and continually belly- gally accurate, but they did not con- Then we have continued over the first acheÐthat when the Republican tax re- tain much truth. 100 days to process a balanced budget lief passes, the Federal Government This same technique is now being amendment to the floor and out. Un- will lose revenue. I cannot believe that used by the Labor Department to de- funded mandates were passed. The line we have to stand up and remind Mem- fend OSHA. You have recently been item veto was passed. A new crime bersÐthe money we spend is not ours, told that OSHA does not prohibit roof- package to stop violent criminals was the Government did not work one day ers from chewing gum, cite employers passed. National security restoration to earn that money. And yet Members for failing to have Material Data Safe- to protect our freedom was passed. continue to gripe. ty Sheets for dishwashing detergent, Government regulatory reform was Lower taxes put money back into the nor prohibit dentists from giving chil- passed. Commonsence legal reform was pockets of the people who get up every dren back their baby teeth. passed. Welfare reform was passed. morning, send their kids off to school Technically speaking, the Labor offi- Congressional term limits came up last and put in 8 hours earning a decent liv- cials are correct; OSHA does not do night on the floor. Eighty-three per- ing. By standing up and saying the any of these thingsÐanymore. It has, cent of the Republicans voted for term Government will lose money is saying it did, and absent the criticism heaped limits with the American people. to Americans, work hard, but remem- on OSHA by industry and Congress, it Eighty-two percent of the Democrats ber, at the end of the day send all your probably still would. voted against term limits against the money to Washington because we want The next time an OSHA official tells American people.
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