SEVENTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL CoMMENCEMENT GRADUATION EXERCISES SuNDAY EVENING, JuNE EIGHTH MCMXLVII MEN's GYMNASIUM ErGHT o'CLOcK OREGON STATE COLLEGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROGRAM Prelude-- Heroic Overture --- ----- ---- ----------------------------- --------------- -- Otis Taylor Processional-- University Grand March ------------------------------ Edwin F. Goldman The College R.O.T.C. Band Delbert Warren Moore, Conductor The audience will remain seated throughout the processional but will rise when the Colors enter the auditorium and will remain standing until after the playing of the National Anthem. The National Anthem Invocation--THE REVEREND G. HAYDEN STEWART, B.A. Minister of First Christian Church Aria--Vision Fugitive, from the Opera "Herodiade"------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jules M assenet Vernon Satter, Bass Paul Petri, Accompanist Greetings from the State Board of Higher Education-­ AuBREY R. WATZEK, B.A., LL.B. Member of the Oregon State Board of Higher Education Aria--Una voce poco fa, from the Opera "Il Barbiere di Siviglia'' ------------------------------------------------------------ Gioacchino Rossini Patricia Vincent, '47, Soprano Paul Petri, Accompanist Conferring of Degrees-- AuGUST LEROY STRAND, Ph.D. President of Oregon State College Alma Mater------------------------------------------------------ Homer Maris, M.S., '18 Recessional--La Reine de Saba -------------------------------- Charles Gounod Oregon State College Band After the Colors have been carried from the auditorium, the audience will be seated during the recessional. 3 Senior Honor Students June 1947 Senior honors are conferred by the Faculty Council upon those members of the graduat­ ing class, candidates for a bachelor's degree, who throughout their entire college course have maintained the highest scholastic standing in their respective schools. A student to be eli­ gible to such honor must have made a grade-point average of 3.25 or higher. Election is limited to ten per cent of the graduating members of a school. SCIENCE DONALD NEWTON (ARMAN DoNNA Lois UPJOHN LEANOR MARGARET LOCHER DoROTHY ELizABETH DuRsT BARBARA ANNE DuNHAM EARL FRANKLIN MEEKER }UNE BERNICE }ARMIN EDwARD WILLIAM BouGHTON ELSIE RuTH SIMMONS AGRICULTURE ELMER CARL JoHNSON FRANCIS LEMMER CooK EDWARD ALFRED STEINHAUER CARL ELDON BOND RoBERT 0TTIS FLETCHER WILLARD FOREST WILLIAMS RICHARD KENNETH BAUM RoBERT MILTON HARPER FREDRICK GoRDoN MEYER HAROLD MAYFIELD BLACK BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY MARIAN ELizABETH OTT JuNE DoLoREs RussELL FAy MADGE ANDREWS ORIN FRANK (ARTER PHYLLIS MARJORIE THORNE DORIS }EANNE LARSON ALPHA WHILLOCK CREWS }ANET HICKOX GONSIOR }UNE BRISCOE CYRUS EDUCATION HARRIETT }EAN QuiCKENDEN LELAND PAUL }OHNSON AILEEN LINDSAY SHERWOOD RuTH AMELIA HoFFMAN PATRICIA ANNE }OHNSON CARL WALTER SALSER, }R. MARIANNE GERKE } AMES MARTIN JACKSON L EE RoBERT MoRSE ENGINEERING EARL CHILDERS REYNOLDS, }R. }AMES FREDERICK LEWIS } ACK WILLIAM LILJEBERG GEORGE EDWARD WENIGER R oBERT ERVIN REIMAN DONALD LAWRENCE BENZ }OHN PAUL FINNEY BRYAN DOON LEE JosEPH EMERY JoHNSON, ]R. JOSEPH KENT OLSEN RoBERT EuGENE SELBERG }AMES DoNALD BILLO NoRMAN DENNIS KocH FORESTRY CRAIG ARTHUR GIFFEN }OHN WILLIAM BAKER JusTIN }AMES DuCRAY HOME ECONOMICS }EANNETTE PARK 0THUS MARJORIE MARIAN WHITAKER PHYLLIS CHRISTENSEN EDY }ACQUELYN STEIDL FRETWELL CoRINNE BERNICE HANSON }EAN ALICE HUFFSMITH ELIZABETH LoursE PoLLARD JOY DoLOREs BRACKEN LAURA }EAN HAMPTON EMILLA LEE TscHANZ MARY MARGARET GLENN NURSING EDUCATION RosEMARIAN RAucH FRANCES MATILDA NoRDQUIST PHARMACY }AMES DoNALD KEYS, }R. HELEN MARIE J ANDRALL 4 I Phi Kappa Phi , Phi Kappa Phi, national scholastic honor society founded at the University of Maine in 1897, recognizes and promotes scholarship in all fields, the liberal arts and sciences as well as professional education. The following list includes those students elected in May 1947 as j1.!_nl0rs, eligible for initiation during their senior year, and seniors and graduate students. Members of the Class of 1947 elected as juniors in May 1946 were listed in the program for the sixty-seventh commencement. Faculty members elected May 1947: ETHEL InA SANBORN, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Botany and Paleobotany. EuGENE CARL STARR, E.E., Professor of Electrical Engineering. Graduate students elected May 1947: FLORENCE DOROTHY ALLER, A.B. RoBERT DouGLAS GRAHAM, B.S. WALTER GEORGE CADMUS, B.S. KERMIT MILTON JOHNSON, B.S. RAY ALLEN CLARKE, M.S. WILLIAM CYRIL OsGooo, M.S. STUART GORDON FORBES, B.S. CHESTER ALBERT SCHINK, M.A. Seniors elected May 1947: EDWARD ALFRED ALLWORTH CAROLYN EMMA LOCKWOOD RICHARD KENNETH BAUM ELEANOR JEANNE PARSONS DoNALD LAWRENCE BENZ Loms G. PIHA CARL ELDON BoND ELIZABETH LoursE PoLLARD KENNETH GORDON BORCHGREVINK RoBERT RICHARD READ JOY DOLORES BRACKEN JuNE DoLORES RussELL ORIN FRANK CARTER CARL WALTER SALSER, JR. GEORGIA MARY FLINT RoBERT EuGENE SELBERG JACQUELYN STEIDL FRETWELL AILEEN LINDSAY SHERWOOD MARIANNE GERKE ELSIE RUTH SIMMONS CRAIG ARTHUR GIFFEN ROBERT LYLE STEARMAN MARY MARGARET GLENN EDWARD ALFRED STEINHAUER JANET Htcxox GoNsroa CHARLES L. SUMMY RoBERT MILTON HARPER MARY HARRIET TRACY JEAN ALICE HuFFSMITH EMILLA LEE TscnANZ FRANCES BARROWS ILLIG GEORGE vAN LEEUWEN LELAND PAUL JoHNSON RoBERT CARSTEN VoN BoRSTEL PATRICIA ANNE JOHNSON LAURA BERNIECE WALLACE JAMES DoNALD KEYS TANETTE ESTELLE WESTERMAN NoRMAN DENNIS KocH MARJORIE MARIAN WHITAKER FLORALEE EGGIMAN KUNZMAN HARRIET AVERY ZIEGLER SHIRLEY ANN LANOUETTE l<miors elected May 1947: ROBERT RUSSEL ADAMS MARY ELISABETH HoiT BARBARA HELEN ANDERSON Lors ANN HuBBARD BEATRICE ELAINE BRIDENSTINE CHARLES EMMETT McGEE NATALIE ANNE BuNN DONALD J. NELSON WILLIAM SAMSON BURDIC BRUCE KENT NICHOLS ALLAN LINWOOD CALDWELL RAYMOND LLOYD OLSON BETTE Lou CHRISTENSEN JAcK DuANE OvER RALPH ARTHUR CURTIS VIRGINIA RIDDLE PALMER VIRGINIA GAIL DowNING JoHN RoBERT PESHECK BETTY JEAN EDwARDS WILLIS E uGENE RAGLAND BETTE Lou ELLE JoHN ELTON Ross DouGLAS CARL ENGLEBART boNALD DoREN RowLAND PATRICIA CLARE GIBBS RoBERT LEONARD ScHROEDER ROBERT FREDERICK GLEICHMAN MARJORIE HELEN SIMS JoHN JAMES GREEN RoDNEY GALE SwANSON LAWRENCE RAY HECKARD GILBERT MERLE vVITcRAFT DoNNA JEANE HEwiTT DoROTHY RosE WrTHERS 5 Sigma Xi The national Society of the Sigma Xi seeks to encourage original investigation in science, pure and applied, including mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy, sciences of the earth, biology in its various branches including psychology, anthropology, medicine in its various branches, engineering in its various branches, and other closely allied fields. Elections 1947: Active Members : VIRGIL P. BARTA, B.S. JonN BERNARD GRANTHAM, M.S. RAY ALLEN CLARKE, B.A. wALLACE DEAN LOWRY JOHN ARTHUR DAY, B.A. RusSELL 0. SINNHUBER, M .S. FRED WILLIAM DECKER, B.S. JuNE HARRIET SuLLIVAN, M.S. WILLIAM FARLEY ENGLISH CHIH HsiNG WANG, B.S. ARTHUR WAYNE EvANS QuENTIN Buss ZIELINSKI, M.S. Associate Members: RoBERT WALLACE ADAMSON, B.S. ALAN CAMPBELL KNIGHT EDWARD CHARLES BUBL, M.S. CHESTER LAMANT NEILSON, B.S. BENJAMIN B . BuLLWINKLE, JR. , B.S. SAM RAY PEOPLES CLEO CLIFFORD BYERS, B.A. RAYMOND TRUSSELL PIERCE, JR., A .B. ELIZABETH \'liLLARD Cox, M.S. WILLIAM BENJAMIN RASMUSSEN, B.S. SAMUEL EBB CRUMB, JR., B.S. EARL CHILDERS REYNOLDS, JR., B.S. LowELL PERRY EDDY, B.S. JoHN DARYL Ross, B.S. WILLIAM HARRINGTON EVANS, A.B. RICHARD CHARLES Ross, B.S. IRviNG GORDON FELs, A.B. JAMES MARLIN ScHREYER, B.A. WILLIAM WILLETT FILL:MORE, B.S. ROBERT HASKELL SIMON, M.S. STUART GoRDON FORBES, B.S. ALLEN NATHAN SMITH, M.S. HAROLD MoRTON GRAHAM, M.A.Sc. WALTERs. VINCENT, JR., B.S. 6 The Order of the Academic Processions EDWARD BENJAMIN BEATY, Chief Marshal Processional- The President of the College and Official Guests The Administrative Council The Faculties The Candidates for Advanced Degrees The Class of 194 7. Recessional- The order of the Recessional is the reverse of the Processional, the Class of 1947 marching first and the President of the College last. The Colors Distinctive of the Schools Used for tassels of caps of candidates for degrees-­ Academic Costume Code. The Graduate School: Black The School of Science: Golden Yell ow The School of Agriculture: Maize The Division of Business and Industry: Drab The School of Education: Light Blue The School of Engineering: Orange The School of Forestry: Russet The School of Home Economics: White The Department of Nursing Education (Medical School) : Golden Yell ow The School of Pharmacy: Olive Green Baccalaureate Degrees Oregon State College, on the basis of studies pursued in its undergraduate schools, con- fers the following baccalaureate degrees: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Bachelor of Agriculture ( B.Agr.) Bachelor of Education (Ed.B.) Bachelor of Forestry (B.F.) Bachelor of Industrial Arts (B.I.A.) Bachelor of Secretarial Science (B.S.S.) Liberal Arts and Sciences In the Oregon State Srstem of Higher Education the field of the liberal arts and sciences is divided between the Umversity of Oregon and Oregon State College, with parallel lower­ division (freshman and sophomore) work in liberal arts and sciences offered on both cam­ puses. Upper-division and graduate work in biological and physical sciences is allocated in the School of Science at Oregon State College. Lower Division l\fablon Ellwood Smith, Dean The Lower Division offers freshman and sophomore work in liberal arts and sciences leading to the Junior Certificate, the Junior Certificate with Honors Privileges, and
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