VOLUME 44 . NUMBER 2 . CIRCULATION 2,000 A FREE PUBLICATION THE VOICE OF THE TEMAGAMI LAKES ASSOCIATION (TLA) SUMMER 2014 The 2014 Municipal Election Yes, it has been four years al- ready, and that means that another municipal election is coming up this fall. With municipal elections hap- pening so infrequently, and since things can change over a four-year period, people will naturally have questions about the upcoming elec- tion. Who can vote? Who can run for election? When, where and how can I vote? How can I find out if I am on the voters list? What if I am not on the list, but am eligible to vote? Where do I get answers to my other questions? The answers to some of these questions are found in Ontario’s Municipal Elections Act (MEA), which governs all municipal elec- tions in the province. The Clerk of each municipality must run the If you enjoy watching loons on the lake, please consider participating in TLA’s Loon Survey (see page 7). Photo by E. Gunnell election in accordance with the re- quirements of the MEA; but the Act does permit some decisions to be made at the municipal level, such as TLA Collaborates with Community Groups whether or not to use alternate vot- ing methods, such as Vote-by-Mail. to Plan New Future for Who Can Vote? According to the MEA, “a per- OLD GROWTH FORESTS son is entitled to be an elector at an election held in a local municipality if, By Vince Hovanec Old Growth and Temagami, they know from the TLA and TCF. on voting day, he or she, (a) resides in they can walk the trails and experience, The first order of business will be to the local municipality or is the owner or The story of Temagami’s old growth enjoy and learn what is so special about raise funds to build a new dock to replace tenant of land there, or the spouse of forests actually began thousands of years Temagami’s Old Growth. the old North Access dock to enable such owner or tenant; (b) is a Cana- ago when the massive glaciers that cov- The immediate impetus for the proj- trail visitors to park their boats in a safe dian citizen; (c) is at least 18 years old; ered much of North America started to ect was a 2013 effort by the FOT, Nas- location. Over the long-term, a 10-year- and (d) is not prohibited from voting withdraw, leaving behind large areas of tawgan Trails and the TLA to clean out long project as envisioned would easily under subsection (3) or otherwise by law.” Those prohibited from voting bare rock devoid of any vegetation. the Blue trail on Temagami Island. Much cost $50,000, a lot of time and money include: corporations; persons who While there were no trees at to be sure, but not as impres- that time, over time, an ecosys- sive and unique as the two old are serving a sentence of impris- The aim is to highlight the trails in tem gradually developed and sus- growth forests, and the benefits onment in a penal or correctional Temagami so that when people think of tained itself, fostering in time the – increased eco-tourism, for ex- institution; persons acting as execu- Old Growth and Temagami, they know they growth of what is now known as ample – that would accrue to the tor or trustee; and persons convicted can walk the trails and experience, enjoy of a corrupt practice with respect to an old growth forest character- and learn what is so special about community. an election held less than five years ized by many old trees reaching Temagami’s Old Growth. The Temagami Island dock will before voting day in the current skyward. be located at the trail head on the election. Today, many of these trees are east side of the island. The TLA continued on page 8 more than 200 years old with girths that remains to be done, however, on the Or- has indicated it will contribute some of can surpass a meter in diameter. ange, White and Yellow interpretative the money towards its cost; for its part, the The two nearby old growth forests on trails, the Red north access trail and ad- TCF intends to promote the project on a IN THIS ISSUE: Temagami Island and the White Bear ditional remedial work on the Blue trail. web-based crowd-funding site, in addi- TLAs fish and wildlife programs Forest east of the town have always at- Over the winter, the coalition mem- tion to reaching out to specific support- Loon Survey.......................... 7 tracted hikers, campers and naturalists bers developed a plan to ensure that the ers and donors. Lead Tackle Exhange ................ 6 despite their lack of easy access, well- trails are continuously maintained, that The south tip of Temagami Island near The scientist behind TLA’s defined, clear trails, user-friendly maps, signage is standardized, paper and digital Camp Wabikon was a summer settlement water monitoring program ........... 5 and annual maintenance. maps are accurate and available, infra- area for the Teme-Augama Anishnabai Water quality fundraising event ... 19 Earlier this year, the Temagami structure needs (docks, bridges, kiosks, while the north tip had a maple stand Grading the Mine Road ............ 12 Community Foundation (TCF) ap- for instance) are identified, marketing used for producing maple syrup. The 2014 Recreational Fishing Limits ..13 proached the TLA, the Friends of Tema- and promotion programmes are devel- 126-hectare (311 acres) Conservation Summer Safety Tips ......... 14 & 30 gami (FOT), Nastawgan Trails, Inc., the oped and, finally, that a funding plan ex- Reserve (CR) features stands of “pro- Temagami Chamber Chamber of Com- ists for a 10-year period. vincially significant” old growth red and merce, along with the Municipality of With a buy-in from the Ministry of white pine between 220-230 years old Temagami and the Temagami First Na- Natural Resources (which has respon- and covering approximately 90 percent TLA members can save tion (TFN) with a proposal to develop sibility for the Conservation Reserves), of the area. Some parts of the island trails up to 15% on cottage a 10-year partnership plan for the old the Temagami First Nation and the are in good shape with very little brush insurance with our two in growth trails in the two forests. Municipality, work started in late May growth, but the Orange, White and Yel- insurance advertisers on The aim is to highlight the trails in on Temagami Island. The FOT is lead- low trails will need significant repeated pages 5 and 27. Temagami so that when people think of ing this stage of the project with support efforts to get the brush under control. continued on page 11 Group Box 129 • Temagami • Ontario • P0H 2H0 • (705) 237- 8927 • Fax 877-281-4687 • www.tla - temagami.org page 2 Temagami Times Summer 2014 President’s letter The Temagami Times Many of the accomplishments of the Temagami Lakes Association are obvious and visible – you can see the important results of our water sampling project on our website or in issues of the Temagami Times. You can exchange your old lead Summer 2014 Issue fishing tackle for new lead-free tackle, free of charge. You can see campsites where trash has been removed. You can join us This publication is published in the on Saturday, July 26 at Camp Wabun for the TLA Corn Roast, and enjoy great food, company, and the fun opportunity to Winter, Fall and Summer by the bid on a variety of items all in support of our water monitoring program. You can visit the TLA Headquarters building and Temagami Lakes Association. borrow a book, buy a shoal map or environmentally friendly soap products, or access the wireless internet. You can enjoy PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT reading an issue of the Temagami Times. NO. 40050220 PreSortation services provided by Other efforts of the TLA are not as obvious, and may be invisible to many. In recent months, the TLA has collabo- Flagship Software Ltd. rated with the municipality’s Protection to People and Property Committee, sending their survey to all members, inquiring EDITOR: about the status of fire pumps on the lake, and gauging interest in the possibility of purchasing new pumps. Likewise, the Elaine Gunnell LAYOUT: Imaginus North Inc. TLA has collaborated with the Timiskaming Health Unit (THU) on the development and distribution of a survey to as- ADVERTISING: Peter Healy sess the status of human waste systems on the lake. In addition to providing this collaborative public service, the TLA has 705 237 8927 Fax 877 281 4687 actively reached out to the MNR, OPP, and THU seeking interesting content for the Temagami Times. Some accomplish- [email protected] ments of the TLA are obvious to see, and others are perhaps less tangible or visible, but no less important. The TLA plays DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE: an important role as facilitator and communicator, with the consistent goal of improving the Temagami Experience for all. September 15, 2014 When the Fall issue of the Temagami Times is published, there will be a new TLA President, making this my last *The opinions expressed by the authors opportunity to contribute to the Times in this way. I am grateful to the TLA Board of Directors, whose collective dedica- or advertisers in this edition are not necessarily tion to Temagami and the TLA impresses and inspires me. They have been a fun and productive group to work with. Two those of the Temagami Times or the Temagami Lakes Association.
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