2 SHELFORD ON NON-TIDALRIVERS. [Minutes of Associate Members. HAROLDWILLIAM ABERNETHY. 1 EDWARDGLOVER, M.A., B.E. JCSTINVICTOR WILFRID AMOR. HVGHERAT HARRISON, B.Sc. JOSEPHDEVONPORT PINNEY AND~EWS.CHRISTOPHER LITTLE, Stud. Inst.C.E. ANDREWGEORGE ASHCROFT,Stud. GEORGEVINCENT MAXTED, Stud. Inst. C.E. Inst. C.E. ROBERT AYTOWN. MICHAEL NETHERSOLE,Stud. Inst. C.E. WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER BARLEY. WILLIAMBAKER OLLIS. WILLIAMBEAN. HENRYOUGH. HARRYJOHN TOLEB BENNETT. ERKESTSAMUEL PRENTICE, Stud. Inat. CHARLESHENRY BLACKBURN, Stud. C.E. Inst. C.E. ERNESTVAN PUTTEN, Stud. Inst. C.E. FRANKBREWER, Stud. Inst.C.E. THOMASNOBLE RITSON. The Hon. REGINALDTHOBIAS DUDLEY JOHNPEMBERTON STUBBS. BROUGHAM, ARCHIBALD ALEXANDER SWAN. MATTHEWJOSEPH BUTLER. PERCYTARBUTT. WILLIAM BUTTERTON,Jun. SAMTOMLINSON, Stud. Inst. C.E. JAMESCAMERON. GEORGE-WATEEYS. ALBERTJOHNSTONE CAMPBELL. Associates. HENRYSPEWER PALMER, Lieut.-CoL, KOWROJEEPESTONJEE. R.E. I THEOPHILUSGEORGE WRIGHT. (Paper No. 2069.) “ On Rivem flowing into Tideless Seas, illustrated by the River Tiber.” By WILLIAMSRELFORD, M. Inst. C.E. TREtreatment of tidal rivers, as distinguished from that of rivers running into tideless seas, isparticularly a British subject. Not only is the seaboard of GreatBritain and Ireland far greater than that of any other country in Europe, but the shores of the British possessions abroad are for the most part washed by tidal seas.Moreover, the earlier Presidents of The Institution of Civil Engineers, and those who developed the profession of Civil Engi- neering in England, advanced from the construction of canals to the execution of the greater works required in the adaptation of tidalrivers to an increasingnavigation, and made the subject their own by establishing at least one principle of improvement which has ever since been recognized as sound, viz,, the principle of “ carrying low-water at sea as far inland as possible.” In British practice the improvement in tidal rivers has been so far effected mainly for the accommodation of vessels of deep draught ; Downloaded by [ University of Liverpool] on [14/09/16]. Copyright © ICE Publishing, all rights reserved. Proceedings.] NON-TIDALRIVERS. SHELFORDON 3 and the primary function of a river-the discharge of water from the area within its watershed-has been either treated as secondary to navigation, or has been more or less performed by the works which were required in the interestsof navigation. In continental practice, on the other hand, rivers which run into tideless seas have been studied with especial reference to the dis- charge of fresh-water floods, and, with some notable exceptions, their navigation for sea-going craft has been subordinated to their capacity for drainage. POINTS OF DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TIDALAND NbN-TIDAL RIVERS. Delta. -Tidalrivers have no true deltas, butthe detritus which theycarry is keptby $he ebband flow of the tides in constantagitation, and is dispersed, unless $he configuration of the coast orthe set of the tides causes its accretion in a form approaching a delta. The Humber, the most muddy river in Eng- land,has nodelta. The Tiber, with less drainage area, has an important delta, and larger tideless rivers, a.s the Danube and the Nile, have deltas of 60 and 100 miles in width respectively. Flood-Reservoir. -In tidalrivers the maximum flood-channel necessary for the discharge of fresh-water floods is maintained by the regular action of the tides. The tidal reservoir is always in excess of the capacityrequired €or the passage of fresh-water floods through it, and is regularly filled wikh fresh water and salt water in varying proportions, just as the one or the other may be available for maintaining the tidal action. In non-tidal riversthe flow is irregular, and continues small for thegreater part of every year. The maxim.umflood occurs often at intervals of several years, and at such times the stream is unusually rapid, far exceeds its accustomed bounds, creates alarm, and is discharged through a channel more or less unprepared for the emergency. Nuviption.-TidaI riversare more convenient for navigation, even when their outfalls are encumbered by sands, because under all circumstances the lift of the tide is available for ships entering them. Thus where bars are formed by the transverse action of the sea, or by any other external cause-which may occur at either a tidal or a tideless outfall-navigation is possible in the one case and impossible in the other. At Liverpool, for instance, with an insufficient depth of 9 feet at low water on the bar, the largest vessels can pass as the tide rises without theaid of any engineering works at the entrance improveto B2 Downloaded by [ University of Liverpool] on [14/09/16]. Copyright © ICE Publishing, all rights reserved. 4 NON-TIDALSHELFORDRIVERS. ON [Minutes of the depth; while in the Danube a similar depth of 9 feet had to be increased to 20 feet by great works executed at the Sulina mouth, from the designs of Sir Charles A. Hartley, E.C.M.G., M. Inst. C.E. Again thestill larger Mississippi had but a maximum depth of somewhat less than 9 feet on the bar till the training works of Mr. J. B. Eads, M. Inst. C.E., increased it to 30 feet through the SouthPass. These are examples of the first magnitude. If smaller ones were considered the superiority of tidal rivers would befound to be much greater. Recuperative Power.-The difierence between tidal and non-tidal rivers is not less striking in natural conservation, or recuperative power. When a tidal river is in theworst possible condition, and is choked by shifting sands, it still serves as an outlet for the natural drainage of the country, by means of a tortuous channel on the ebb tide. But when the stream isreversed by the approach of the flood- tide, thegreater the sinuosities thegreater the friction inthe channel, and consequently the greater also the head of the wave and the scouring power of the current; so that the flood-tide is not long confined to the torhous ebb-channel, but breaks through the sands, and thus forms a newand straightened channel through which the ebb returns and continues to flow till it has reproduced the original conditions, or this action may commence with the ebb. An excellent illustration of it, and of the recuperative power of an estuary when choked with sand notwithstanding the absence of engineering works, is the Upper Mersey, some varying channels of which are shown in Plate 1, Fig. 1. Non-tidal rivershave no such recnperative power, buttheir sinuosities tend to increase in perpetuity. Rise of €Liver-Bed-A riverwhich is free from tides is also subject to the disadvantages arising from the constant extension of its delta, the effect of which is to remove the point of discharge into the sea further seaward 2nd to diminish the inclination of the surface of the stream. Now assuming that the capability of a stream for moving sub- stances varies as the sixth power of its velocity, which the Author believes to have beenfirst calculated by Mr. WilfridAiry, M. Inst. C.E., and afterwards by Mr. A. H. Shield, Stud. Inst. C.E., and which agrees with the experimentsof the late Mr. l'. E. Black- wel1,l M. Inst. C.E. ; and considcring that the velocity varies as thc Report of the Referees upon the Main Drainage of the Metropolis, July 31, 1857. Appendix IV. Downloaded by [ University of Liverpool] on [14/09/16]. Copyright © ICE Publishing, all rights reserved. Proceedings.] SHELFORD ON NON-TIDAL RIVERS. 5 square root of. the fall or declivity of the surface, other conditions remaining the same, it follows that the scouring power of a stream varies as the cube of the fall. Any reduction in the fall will there- fore tend to disproportionately reduce the scouring power, and to cause a deposit in thebed of the stream, commencing at theoutfall. In tidal rivers there is often the same tendency to form deposit; but theconstant flux and reflux of the great volume of water afford abundantopportunity for its removal by scour-an opportunity which only occurs in a non-tidal river when an occasional flood fills its channel, and which is not so well under control. The scour of a tidal river also operates to reduce the bar formed by the sea at the'outfall; but at the delta of a non-tidal riverthere is the same FXQ.1. tendency to the formation of a bar minus the means of reducing it. Fig. 1 shows comparative sections of thebars at the mouths of the Mersey and of the Tiber and the depthof water over them. Currents at Sea.-Lastly, the ebb-tide from a tidalriver is as a ruleonly a branch of the great tidal stream outside ; but a riverdischarging into a tideless sea has to force its way into slack water. METHODSOF IMPROVEMENT. In river engineering the fundamental conditions to be studied are at theoutfall. Non-tidal rivers are in all points of difference at a disadvantage compared with those in whicha good tidal action eitherexists or can beinduced, andparticularly attheir outfalls. They a10 subject to the influences of an excessive variation in the quantity of water to be discharged, and if improved would require to be provided with a channel capable both of conveying the maximum quantity and of being maintained by the average stream. Such conditions are incompatible. It resultstherefore that in small rivers there is a wide and very shallow mouth, unfit for naviga- tion; while in larger rivers, such as the Mississippi, the Danube, the Tiber and others, one branch is selected and made navigable for ships of such draught as an average channelcan be maintained for, and the others are treated asflood overflows. Butwhilst the navigation in non-tidal rivers is thus very limited, the conditions are even worw for effecting any improve- Downloaded by [ University of Liverpool] on [14/09/16].
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