University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana Associated Students of the University of Montana Montana Kaimin, 1898-present (ASUM) 4-18-1956 The onM tana Kaimin, April 18, 1956 Associated Students of Montana State University Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper Recommended Citation Associated Students of Montana State University, "The onM tana Kaimin, April 18, 1956" (1956). Montana Kaimin, 1898-present. 3212. https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper/3212 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM) at ScholarWorks at University of Montana. It has been accepted for inclusion in Montana Kaimin, 1898-present by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana. For more information, please contact [email protected]. BF Continues McFarland Given Contract THE MONTANA To Hear For One-Year Period More Budgets Budget-finance members again discussed the possibility of hiring At Closed B of E Meeting aimin a part-time secretary for ASMSU President Carl McFarland was re-hired by the State Board MontanaK State University, Missoula, Montana after Central board voted last Sat­ urday to have the secretary. of Education at its quarterly meeting in Helena this week. Volume LVII Z400 Wednesday, April 18, 1956 No. 90 The question of a hired secre­ Five of the six University unit presidents were re-hired; the tary was defeated 6-1 by Budget- exception being Dr. Rush Jordan of WMCOE at Dillon. finance members last Friday. But Central board members thought Contracts for the unit presidents were reduced from three a secretary was needed to do cler- to one year contracts at the meeting. Synadelphic Leads Again . ical duties for ASMSU. President McFarland has served Central board asked Budget- as head of Montana State Univer­ an open meeting. finance members to draw up feas­ sity since 1951. He is the first ible plans concerning the secre­ “A good many Education board With 2.928 Grade Index graduate of the University to re­ members are not happy with the tary’s hours, payment, duties and turn as its president. He was qualifications. situation at Billings. Some, at Synadelphic women continued graduated here in 1930 with a least, are convinced nothing has to lead all other University living Johnson, Donald Mosher. Chi­ Dean Hellinger, Devon, said, Bachelor of Arts in Law, Master “Budget-finance members vetoed been cured by the three major groups with a 2.928 average grade nook — John Gesell. Florence — of Arts in Political Science, and closed-door sessions held in re­ index for its 17 members winter Marion Gebhart. Great Falls— the idea of a proposed part-time Bachelor of Laws with honors. secretary because they thought cent months.” quarter. Stanley Cowan. Havre—Adranne New Budget EMCOE has had chronic grow­ Newman. this was an unusual year for They were also first fall quarter heavy clerical duties. In future In other action, the Board ing pains in the decade under Pet­ with a 2.864 average. Sigma Helena—rThe Rev. Father An­ years, a hired secretary might not adopted a $6,963,354 budget for erson. The teacher-pupil load is Alpha Epsilon fraternity, with a thony Brown. Kalispell—James be needed.” the six institutions, approved all the highest for any unit of the 2.530 grade point average, led Abbott, Denneth Bondurant; Hellinger will submit a recom­ rd-appointments to the faculty, University system. men’s living groups in the latest James Christian, Marilyn Moore. mendation from Budget-finance and fixed the salaries of each ratings. Libby—Forrest Gilchrist, Yvonne members to Central board today member of the teaching and ad­ Forty-two students earned a Kins. Miles City—Dorothy Grant. stating Budget-finance stand on ministrative staffs. Miller Seeks grade index of 4.0 winter quarter Milltown—Jean’ne Shreeve. Mis­ the question of paying a secretary. Included on the list of appoint­ giving them an average of straight soula — George Baker, Kenneth The recommendation will also ments were Dr. Harold Chatland, A ’s. 351 students placed on the Card, David Collier, Virginia state that Budget-finance is not dean of the MSU faculty, Dr. State Office regular honor roll having either Crocker, Melissa ' Dyer, Patricia the body to draw up the secre­ Robert Turner, dean of the Col­ a minimum of 54 grade points with Good, Byron Hunt, Niles Kevem, tarial duties. lege of Arts and Sciences, and Miss Harriet Miller, associate an index of three or a minimum Cloyse Overturf, Denneth Pea­ Budget-finance members inter­ Andrew Cogswell, dean of stu­ dean of students, today filed for of 42 points with an index of three cock, Robert Peacock, Marcia viewed Mr. Ralph McGinnis, asso­ dents. • Superintendent of Public In­ Smith, Kenneth Sutherland, Bar*- and one half. ciate professor of speech, for de­ The Board, in the friction-filled struction on the Republican ticket. The all-University average last bara Tascher, Odin Vick, Jamie bate and oratory budget. meeting, also gave a vote of confi­ Miss Miller previously announced Yule. Red Lodge—James Beadle. her intention to run for the office, quarter was 2.485, compared with Mr. McGinnis said, “We are not dence to Dr. A. G. Peterson, presi­ 2.427 fall quarter. SAE was the Roundup—William Mitchell. Wolf adding any more tournaments. But dent of Eastern Montana College but her candidacy became official only men’s group to top this mark, Point—William Kirkpatrick. we will try to provide meal money today. California—Edward Gustafson, of Education. Two members of and Corbin the lone woman’s for debaters on trips. We have the Billings board, Peterson, and “I believe that we in Montana group to fall below the average. San Jose; Frances Ward, Long always paid for lodging, registra­ the State board members met be­ can and must obtain more educa­ Beach. Illinois—Ruth Pyle, E. St. tional value from our school dol­ tion and transportation.” hind closed doors for three hours Group averages, released by Louis. Kansas — Estelle Huey, lars,” . Miss Miller said. Mrs. Emma Lommasson, assistant He said the increase in the bud­ Monday. Oskaloosa. Miss Miller joined the Univer­ registrar, are as follows: get accounted for meal money and Third Star Chamber Michigan — Robert Wambach, raise in tournament registration. sity staff in 1950. Her education Synadelphic—2.928 This is the third secret session Detroit; Texas p - Stephen Oates, Budget-finance members voted background includes a bachelor Delta Gamma—2.923 Pampa. held by the State Board of Edu­ of arts degree from Whitman col­ Kappa Alpha Theta—2.794 to temporarily approve the .4 per­ cent increased budget for debate cation concerning friction in the lege, Walla Walla, Wash.; a mas­ All Sorority Women—2.743 Billings system. ter of arts degree from the Uni­ Turner Hall—2.731 and oratory. Members approved $750 to be “Trouble has existed since last versity of Pennsylvania, and fur­ Sigfna Kappa—2.728 Calling U summer,” a Helena reporter said, again budgeted for intercollegiate ther graduate work at Montana All University Women—2.718 Traditions board will meet at “but it has never been discussed at State University. Non-sorority women—2.692 skiing in the ’56-57 budget. Any 7 tonight in the Lodge . unspent portion of this $750 will Brantly hall—2.677 Westminster Foundation execu­ Alpha Phi—2.625 be returned to the Associated Stu­ tive meeting at 9:30 tonight in the dents general reserve. Delta Delta Delta—2.607 Lodge. Payne Comments on Future Sigma Alpha Epsilon—2.530 . Phi Chi Theta meets at 7:15 to­ All University—2.485 night in Conference room one of Language Teachers Corbin hall—2.436 the Lodge. Very important. Sigma Chi—2.430 Alpha Lambda Delta meets at To Meet April 28 Effects of Farm Bill Veto Elrod hall—2.411 5 p.m. in Conference room one of Dr. Robert M. Burgess, chair­ By DICK WARDEN issue, Eisenhower may not have Non-fraternity Men—2.410 the Lodge. man of the Montana Foreign risked so much after all, he be­ Sigma Nu—2.403 “President Eisenhower took into Arnold Air Society meets at 7:30 Language Teachers’ association, account the fact that two-thirds of lieves. All University men—2.393 in the Lodge. has announced that the group’s Theta Chi—2,347 the population live in urban areas “Former Secretaries of Agri- Venture meeting noon Thurs­ spring meeting will be in Ana­ with only about one-sixth of the cultufe with such disparate views All fraternity men—2.343 day in the Lodge. conda, April 28, at the high school. Alpha Tau Omega—2.284 total living on farms when he as Henry Wallace, Charles Bran­ Young Democrats meet tomor­ Anaconda language teachers vetoed the Democrat-sponsored non, and Clinton Anderson are in Craig hall—2.252 row night in Room 109 of the will be hosts at this second an­ Jumbo hall—2.242 farm bill,” Dr. Thomas Payne, as­ general agreement with Secretary Math-Physics building. L. C. nual meeting of the state-wide sistant professor of political sci­ Benson that high rigid price sup­ Phi Delta Theta—2.221 Hurtt, former Republican, will organization. All Montana teach­ Phi Sigma Kappa—2.148 ence said yesterday. ports are not the answer to the speak on “Why I Became a Demo­ ers of either a classical language farm problem,” Dr. Payne said. Sigma Phi Epsilon—2.092 crat.” or a modem foreign language are “The President clearly decided in favor of the' urban consumer High price supports afford no Students who earned all A ’s, by Today is the last day to register invited to attend.
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